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  Animal said:
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This is the exact text conversation. I screenshot it but this is word-for-word.


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@Animal - terrible situation to be in.


If I could give you some advice and not get caught up in arguments like that. There's absolutely nothing to gain from them and will only make both sides even more angry/annoyed. In this case, however, I suppose you could use it as evidence of bullying.

  Animal said:
I still need to phone him up today to say I can't come in. Dreading it but I have a note saying I'm not fit to work for three days.


And this is why you're not going to take it any further. Because, no offence, I think you're a bit of a coward. Yes, you can blow up "in the heat of the moment", but you don't do anything in the long term, instead continuing on taking it until your next small outburst. This is just how you come across to me, I could be way off base, if so, apologies.


Get your anus to some accident at work action and unleash the fever. They can't sack you for it. And even if they "find" another reason conveniently after, make them really prove it, otherwise you'll open a can of unfair dismissal.



I had a similar dispute over pay at one of my old jobs at a pub. I wasn't getting paid minimum wage (this was about 8ish years ago). I told the landlord and he brushed me off, saying I was wrong. I went to the Citizens Advice Bureau and made sure I wasn't being ripped off and learning the next steps. I gave my boss a written warning that I was going to pursue this in accordance with *Act name*. Not long after I was pulled aside by landlord and given a bit of a rant - "Why did you involve the Government? We could've settled this in house", despite my previous telling them of the issue. Landlady had a separate whine at me later - I didn't care. A week or so later I had a tasty influx of backpay and things went back to normal. And this was technically their money, their profit. Assuming you can get some compensation, the money won't be your managers.


While I think eevil was a bit harsh, I do think he has a point. You constantly seem to have these issues at work but you never seem to do anything about it after the time. Now you have a written record of bullying and negligence on their part. So you can either do something about it, or allow people to keep treating you like shit. Nobody is going to respect you more or start treating you differently for "taking the high road", they'll just see you as a pushover and continue to treat you as such.


I agree. Definite grounds for legal action, both in terms of the actual accident and the way you were treated afterwards.


Those accident claim lawyers would bite your fucking arm off if you went to them.


Yeah, I'd actually do something about this @Animal Drag him in front of the Area Manager, if no joy there, take it to court. SAY NOTHING PROVOCATIVE between now and then.

  Iun said:
Yeah, I'd actually do something about this @Animal Drag him in front of the Area Manager, if no joy there, take it to court. SAY NOTHING PROVOCATIVE between now and then.


Agreed. Until you seek legal counsel you need to bite your tongue and act professionally. Don't give them anything to suggest the aggressive comments are a two way thing. Also may sure you document and record everything that happens.


I wasn't dreading ringing him because I was scared but because I have a headache and last thing I wanted was him going on. Anyway, rang him up and said I wasn't coming in and had a doctors note. He was apologizing so much about being unprofessional and was all "I rely on you heavily even though you're slow" and stuff and said how he couldn't cope being manager and stuff. I've 'accepted the apology' but I found out the regional is in next week so I'll tell him everything face to face.


So that's a no on the taking legal action front then? Shame :weep:

  Animal said:
I found out the regional is in next week so I'll tell him everything face to face.

Don't just tell him. SHOW him. Show him the accident report you filed and the following text conversation.


In fact, you shouldn't be waiting a week, that would only weaken your argument. Get that shit in now so the Regional is fired up to deliver some punishment upon his arrival.



But I'm scared you'll do barely any of this :(

  jayseven said:
Today was stupid. basically we had a meeting this morning for a new deadline of weds end-of-day. I was the only one able to do most of the work, but SHE said she'd do x and y, even though a and b would've been do-able without me.


Turns out management had an adjustment on the deadline at midday, and told HER to let me know,


She told me at 5pm. She also requested that I email her a and b.


She went home.


So I spoke with mangement all "wtf" and, thankfully, they believed me. I gave them a and b an a shitty version of x and y by 6:20, but the other stuff they wanted was just not possible (due to previously mentioned shit data).


Turns out they were sitting on this deadline for 3 weeks before telling me


I could've done half this shit --- or all this shit if they had given me proper disclosure or warning. Instead it got to the point where I could do nothing but tell them about how they should've told me sooner!


We've got an extension though.. for 9:30am...!! Which will make zero difference.


But get this. I've basically been forced to give inaccurate data even though I've previously said it's inaccurate data. I've been stitched up. Can't explain it well, but what I said i'd do requires someone in IT giving stats that we don't have publically available (because it's not ready) but because the guy in IT is too busy with x and y I can't get him to deliver a and b, so no matter what I do I can't deliver everything even though SHE said she'd deliver half of it. She's just royally stitched me up.




Eurgh bloody management. Honestly.


I get the same crap at my place. Then they'll have the audacity to release said crappy work to the client and then try to blame ME for it.


Absolutely fucking not.


@Animal normally I'm not so blunt with you. But get another bloody job already. That place sounds like shite. :blank:

Posted (edited)
  Goafer said:
This image has been making my colleague laugh for about a month now, to the point where it's basically become an office meme.


We've recently started printing mugs and she asked me to design her a mug featuring her now favourite phrase. Here is a mockup of the result, which should hopefully be printed very soon:


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Edited by Goafer
  nightwolf said:
Eurgh bloody management. Honestly.


I get the same crap at my place. Then they'll have the audacity to release said crappy work to the client and then try to blame ME for it.


Absolutely fucking not.


@Animal normally I'm not so blunt with you. But get another bloody job already. That place sounds like shite. :blank:

I've been trying and applying everywhere but I need to find the right job for me. Also, I'm thinking of a totally different career path and just a different direction in general.


Managed to contact the regional manager and told him of the situation. He asked for us to talk next week so its raised his attention.

  Goafer said:
Well it seems today is Nightwolf and everybody else's lucky day, as my boss at work decided that it was a viable brand and has decided to start selling mugs and t-shirts with it on (probably NSFW, foul language etc).


We'll be adding new designs soon. A preview of the next design:


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  Nolan said:
That is beautiful.


How's the shipping to the US? It seems to claim flat rate 1.99 regardless


I will check today at work and get the site updated if it's not a flat rate.

  Goafer said:
Well it seems today is Nightwolf and everybody else's lucky day, as my boss at work decided that it was a viable brand and has decided to start selling mugs and t-shirts with it on (probably NSFW, foul language etc).


We'll be adding new designs soon. A preview of the next design:


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So he did it again. Had a go at me and tried to stand tall. I just laughed at him, told him to stand down and said I'd walk away and leave him to it (he asked for my help) if he carried on talking to me like shit because I sure as hell ain't getting paid enough to take it. He apologized instantly, was saying how he's fed up of everyone not taking him, as well as me, seriously. I just told him to start with his attitude towards people and he was all "I'm changed. I'm gonna start having a go and you should too" and stuff and I was like "Yeah, okay. Cool story, bro" and just carried on.

  Charlie said:
What was his request to you?


To help him do wages. He needed to calculate everybody's wages and couldn't work it out properly because he forgot to take away breaks and little things like that.


Anyway, we all had words. I told the regional that I understand he's stressed but that doesn't mean he should be allowed to ditch any professional behaviour. I showed him the texts. The assistant manager admitted to it and said he's been stressed and unsure if he wants the job because he's sick of the way staff have been. I agreed with him with the staff but again reminded him that there's ways to talk to people. Anyway, long story short, he got himself a warning. We're cool now though...well, as cool as you can be. We aren't best mates but we can work together and it's not awkward so that's something. The moral of the story? NEVER call my bluff!




On top of that, I was also in the mood to sort out stuff with the other supervisor who has a problem with me. I asked if she had something against me and she was all "Nah" at first and I just said I don't bite. Anyway, it came out that she feels she gets no support from me. I said "That's a bit unfair to say considering I covered you when you were an hour and a half late because you had family problems, stayed behind three hours after my shift to help you out and dealt with the safe when it was down on your close". She recognised it but said I wouldn't cover her a few times. I just said "To be fair, a couple of times I was with my Grandad who I help out a lot and the other two times, I was on holiday in Wales. When would I ever turn down hours?" and she said "I guess it just pissed me off" and I just ended it with "Well, instead of bitching about me, which I know you did, just approach me and tell me these things and we can sort it. We okay now?" and she said she was fine and we got on. Whether she really is is another story and I just don't care anyway. As long as my pay is correct, which I know it is this week because I've done it, I don't give a fook anymore.


Thank you guys for all of your support!

  Animal said:
Blah blah blah "compromising" shit... Anyway, long story short, he got himself a warning. We're cool now though...well, as cool as you can be. We aren't best mates but we can work together and it's not awkward so that's something.

So after hurting yourself rather extremely (or so you made it appear), and providing evidence of hardcore bullying he got "a warning"? Shows what lax policy your workplace has and you ability to bend over and take abuse before actually doing something about it.


You ignored everyone here with their recommendation of legally taking things further to actually get shit done to make some sort of actual impression and improve your case and because of this, spoiler alert, things will go back to normal in this regard (complete with bullshit sob story/"justification" ["oh, I know I stabbed you in the foot with a stapler, but I'm so stressed so you gotta let me off"] which you will swallow) and the circle will be complete with you posting again in this topic regarding a similar issue which you will let slide once again.


Simply put: I'm done.



  Animal said:
The moral of the story? NEVER call my bluff!

For a slap on the wrist, calling your bluff doesn't mean shit in your company.

So after hurting yourself rather extremely (or so you made it appear), and providing evidence of hardcore bullying he got "a warning"? Shows what lax policy your workplace has and you ability to bend over and take abuse before actually doing something about it.


You ignored everyone here with their recommendation of legally taking things further to actually get shit done to make some sort of actual impression and improve your case and because of this, spoiler alert, things will go back to normal in this regard (complete with bullshit sob story/"justification" ["oh, I know I stabbed you in the foot with a stapler, but I'm so stressed so you gotta let me off"] which you will swallow) and the circle will be complete with you posting again in this topic regarding a similar issue which you will let slide once again.


Simply put: I'm done.




For a slap on the wrist, calling your bluff doesn't mean shit in your company.

Things with us aren't the same. Regional and I both know what he's like and we haven't fell for it. He said he got a straight warning and if he hears of anything wrong no matter how small, he's gone.


Also, I don't think I have a case. I mean, I have photos of the cupboard but the hinge looks bent on one and not the other. There's no CCTV or any sort of evidence unless I can get people to back me up and, in that place, its one thing but do another and the photo of my injury didn't turn out well. The only thing I have is the doctors note but will that stand?


On top of all of this though, I have everything else just completely fucking me up and I'm just barely holding on. I have enquired about a few jobs so I know I'll be out of there soon.


For a slap on the wrist, calling your bluff doesn't mean shit in your company.


Well, it's better than doing nothing. He's shook up. He was offering me breaks, telling me I could go home early, trying to buy me shit, etc. Obviously I didn't accept any of them.


After 8 years, 4 offices, and about the same amount of roles I finally left SEGA last week. I'm kind of sad to leave it all behind but I also feel like a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders. No more need to worry about whether we're on track for BP, how delayed our games are going to be or if we have some disastrous resource problem. It's really very liberating.


My plan is currently to take a few months to focus purely on my Japanese and then start looking for some good roles in Tokyo. Have already had a few companies call me up so may not get quite the break I was hoping for, but for a good role that will be a minor inconvenience.


Now I just need the rain to stop and I can fully enjoy a first summer off in god knows how long.

Posted (edited)

I'm not sure how my enthusiasm for doing volunteering games writing is going. I recently started writing for http://www.gamersftw.co.uk/ as a "news writer", normally I would take something from Gamespress and work with something out of that, like I do for Indie Haven. For GamersFTW however, Gamespress is too behind so I'm expected to check out neogaf, reddit and several Twitter accounts (and anywhere else) several times a day so I can get da scoop, get it on the website ASAP and then put it on N4G so it can approvals and make it on the front page which leads to views which leads to... something I guess.


Indie Haven want at least one article a week which I manage fine. GamersFTW want at least five a week, complete with continuous pressure everyday that "views were slipping last week". All that ballache of an effort and I don't really get anything out of it. It's not that I thought it would be easy, but my work experience as a legal secretary was less monotonous and draining than this.


I've been doing it for two days and I'm already bored, I haven't got the time to drop everything and check reddit/etc every couple of hours. I'm more of a review guy anyway.

Posted (edited)

Little work ramble from me:


I'm getting moved to weekly pay. I'm entirely ad-hoc/zero hours. I do 25-30hrs in my Mon-Fri job, and usually 7.5 on a sunday if I can get it on a ward. Monday-Friday's pretty cool cos I just have to get my work done and generally manage myself/my time. For anyone who does ad hoc(I shouldn't be really on my mon-fri, but choose to be) payments are moving to weekly payments the following week's Friday. Whilst this can be good for some, I'm really not keen on it - I'm used to a monthly sum and all my debits and bills going out before I see too much of the money. Most annoyingly is there is absolutely no opt-in/opt-out feature for all this apparently. I don't know if this means now weekly payslips, or if they'll stay monthly, or what. Tax relief is given earlier too, and theres the biggest issue - when work isn't paid properly(I actually didn't get paid last month, so an emergency payment's been made that'll be taken back with my wages this month). Obvs being weekly not getting paid won't have as great an impact(though it didn't on me anyway) but I'm still not keen on it. Additionally I get paid different rates on different jobs/shifts.


However on another note on the work front - after much harrassment from my father and colleagues I did a few ad-hoc evening (5-9) shifts with a different team after leaving my day work at half 4 this week. It's a different experience and I've only done 3 shifts(Mon, Tues and last night) but I'm kind of liking it. I prefer to go to work late and finish late strangely, and whilst I thought I wouldn't like the bitty nature of it it doesn't feel too shit sacrificing an evening - and I'm getting some semi-clinical contact again too. I'm not earning much doing it, but it's a nice little side bit that I might keep up if they've got the work going. Just need to keep a watch I don't pull back too much from the day job due to it. Annoying conjunction with the above weekly pay issue - I should be doing this at yet another rate of pay compared to what I'm already on for. This might mean 3-4 payslips a week/month to keep track of -.-


I'm not sure how my enthusiasm for doing volunteering games writing is going. I recently started writing for http://www.gamersftw.co.uk/ as a "news writer", normally I would take something from Gamespress and work with something out of that, like I do for Indie Haven. For GamersFTW however, Gamespress is too behind so I'm expected to check out neogaf, reddit and several Twitter accounts (and anywhere else) several times a day so I can get da scoop, get it on the website ASAP and then put it on N4G so it can approvals and make it on the front page which leads to views which leads to... something I guess.


Indie Haven want at least one article a week which I manage fine. GamersFTW want at least five a week, complete with continuous pressure everyday that "views were slipping last week". All that ballache of an effort and I don't really get anything out of it. It's not that I thought it would be easy, but my work experience as a legal secretary was less monotonous and draining than this.


I've been doing it for two days and I'm already bored, I haven't got the time to drop everything and check reddit/etc every couple of hours. I'm more of a review guy anyway.


If you're volunteering in something that just isn't fun and you're doing it for that then just fuck it off. I presume it's a bit of a hobby thing right? I mean ofc there's experience too but you can't give too much to something for free without reward imo.

Edited by Rummy
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