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Job woes/wins


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I would say if you can afford to bugger off on holiday then do it. A change of pace and time to refresh is sometimes exactly what you need to focus on what you want and how to best make it happen. I was absolutely shitting myself when I quit work to randomly move here but six months in I've made progress I never thought I would be able to in Japanese (though I still suck at it) and know exactly the kind of role I want when I start working properly again.


If the options you have are career directions I'd say you couldn't go wrong with directly contacting people in those areas and just asking if there is anything available or coming up. Many people are happy to help out people who show a bit of initiative in that regard.


I'm with King_V' date=' I hate recruitment agencies with a passion from the job hunt side, they're only good if your trying to find people and there is money in it for them.[/quote']


Strangely it was Japan I was considering...


I think I need some time to think about it away from the heat of the moment. Right now I'm wanting to quit again simply because I'm having to tidy a load of fuck ups that I know will happen again next year because the tech team will say they're under-resourced to put a proper fix in place (but my team, half the size, is fine to fix it).


I feel like I did the animation thing and that's not what I want to do, but now I don't know where I'm going. I'm floating between design and coding as I'm unsure. I have an open evening tomorrow for a Game Design course but I'm floating away from that idea because again it just seems like a way out of work with something "nice to do" rather than something I actually want/need to do. I'll see obviously.


I think I'd rather quit and spend some time doing portfolio work.


There's that little part of me that wants to quit the Friday before my 29th so I don't spend the last year of my 20s in this job!


Interviewed someone for the first time today. Feeling like a #lad.


I've been on four interview panels so far this year. What does that make me? :heh:

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The difficult thing is trying to concoct a scenario where I can say "hey, so I want to get paid more money to do this job" without having to play they "I'm looking for another job" card. I don't see how I can get a payrise (in the future) without threatening to leave. Anyone got any advice? @Charlie?


The only way I've ever done it is by threatening to leave! An ex-colleague gave advice to another ex-colleague (they didn't both get the sack, it was my old job) about it though which seemed pretty good and it worked for him.


Put down a list of everything that you have brought to the job, things that you have done well, extra responsibilities that you're doing that aren't in your job specification and bring this list to your manager as an example of why you deserve to be paid more than you do.


I think that even if you don't actually want to leave then you should perhaps hint that you would get paid more elsewhere for the same job (do you have evidence of this?). Otherwise why would they increase your pay as you have shown no signs of wanting to leave to get more elsewhere.


I've never had to do that myself but I'm planning on it in September when my contract gets renewed and this is how I will do it.


Where does one search for jobs? Tried sites like Reed, Indeed, Guardian and Monster and the categories they use are really broad. I think it comes down to me feeling like I'm not qualified for anything specific, other than what I'm currently in and dislike. Le sigh.


S1Jobs (Scotland specific), CWJobs, Reed, Indeed and Monster are the biggest ones for me. CW has a lot of contract based positions from my experience.



I've been doing a lot of work for someone recently. I've just come back from a 2 week holiday to find she's left. She works as a contractor and takes the summer off every single year. She's turned into my new inspirational figure. An absolute hero. I would love to do this and if I stay in the contracting game I think maybe next year I could do the same.

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I've gotten both of my jobs through recruiters. First found my CV on monster, second found me on LinkedIn. I get loads of recruiters contacting me through LinkedIn. I rarely get an interview or response from applications. But with recruiters I often get through.


Most of them can be a pain to deal with but a few of then are actually good at their job.

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This weeks customer highlight: Grubby looking drunk man who came in at 9:30pm with three out of a four pack of Stella asking to swap them for ones straight out of the chiller, having bought them the previous day, drunk one and fallen asleep with them in a hotel room (his version of the story). I politely declined the service because "I couldn't guarantee the quality of the beer for the next customer" (actual reason - I didn't think the next customer would want to drink beer that had spent the night in a hotel room with a grubby stranger because that's KINDA FUCKIN' WEIRD). He got angry and demanded I write why I had turned him down on the back of a receipt. I expect nothing to come of it.

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So I have a Job Win and a Job Woe to share.


The win is that my reward for the year was communicated to me yesterday - I'm getting a small pay rise and a sweet bonus which was way more than I expected. It's a nice vindication for all the hard work I've put in over the last two years.





The woe is that I also found out yesterday that my brother lost his job. I'm really worried for his mental well-being as he's had a pretty tough time since leaving university. I'm going to help him out in any way I can, I can try to get him a job at my company but that's far from guaranteed. He need's a job soon since he's living in London and is in debt, but the fundamental problem is that I feel he needs to change career (he's in recruitment, a pretty dog-eat-dog and toxic industry if you ask me).


I want him to move back home with my parents for a bit, sort himself out financially and really look long and hard for the right job for the long term. I can help him financially if necessary, even in the knowledge that I wouldn't ever get the money back, as long as I knew for certain that he wasn't going to waste it on weed or unnecessarily expensive nights out on the lash (another part of the problem is that his main circle of friends all have nice jobs and are comfortable with regularly going on expensive nights out in London).


I'll try to spend some time with him to make him feel better and will postpone any awkward conversations for a while so he has time to clear his head.

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Such a crappy day at work. Im getting really sick of how things work there where people will just give you work that needs doing for tomorrow when you are due to leave in an hour or ones that keep promising to give you the information you need to finish something and you are still waiting a week later. I've got so much stuff I have to finish by the end of the week (none of which is actually my work, just stuff that got shifted onto me because other people didnt want to do it). I cant see myself staying there much longer. I get paid very little to do everyone elses work and im sick of it.

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Harsh, man.


I wait on other people completing simple, 5-minute jobs a lot. One person in particular is an expert at wasting time with spreadsheets.


So basically I've been planning and mapping out this shift in how we log things at work. The idea was that we would make it so that we could 100% accurately see what stage of the 'lifecycle' is, and see how long it took from one stage to the next, and see which member of staff needed work in which area -- and be able to quantify the value of work yet to be done.


From the start, I said that there would be no way that any status prior to the moment we 'switch' would ever be 100% accurate, simply because for the last 4 years there are no logs of particular things. No timestamps, etc. But I put forward a pretty nifty way to ensure that the transitional stuff would be accurate, blah blah blah.


Anyway, the developer I work closely with had done a lot of this stuff except for one thing. New priorities were given, with a short deadline and a huge list of things to do. In order for more than half the things on that list to work we really needed to go live with what had been developed so far. So we informed management of the current status and what wouldn't be accurate. They ok-d it and said it was just how it was.


So now this colleague of mine, who still hasn't replied to several emails, has prevented me from training her staff on various new developments relating to our deadline, and has pretty much undermined previous training at any opportunity simply because she doesn't take it upon herself to understand the developments.


And her workload to do for this deadline? She hasn't done it. She has instead waited a week for the manager to get back and now said (cc'd me into the email): "x y and z are not accurate enough so i can't get you the numbers."


The numbers she wants are 99.7% accurate. And now?


The one thing that wasn't ready, that everyone knew wasn't ready. Now they want numbers for this. Which is fine - we can jump it above the other priorities (half of which have been done anyway), but now they've forgotten the limitations I previously explained -- that due to there being no logging of timestamps etc until the Big Change came in the older stuff would never be 100% (which is why 99.7% for that other thing is so good!).


So I've sat and watched her waste her entire day on one stupid spreadsheet trying to figure something out. I've done it myself anyway and seen that the figure is currently 5.22% for the time period of Big Change until Now, but this definitely includes three other things that probably don't count. We want to be less than 10%, so we are definitely Doing Good. And you can compare this figure versus the old method and see a) even though the old method wasn't accurate, it gives a sense of where we are LIKELY to be at right now, so you then know that we are probably between 2.7% and 5.22%. Even if you combine the OVERALL average of ALL OF THE THINGS EVER INCLUDING THIS INACCURATE TWO WEEK PERIOD you are still going to be under 3%... which is FINE. COMPLETELY FINE.


Instead I see her spend all day moaning that she can't do any work because of this one thing she can't figure out. Literally not giving the manager any context of basis for why she can't do it other than "jayseven needs to fix this." No understanding. And she's taken up loads of the manager's time clearly moaning about this. I'm waiting on the manager to simply say "ok" to this one thing that takes up like a quarter of my list of Shit Left To Do Before Deadline... and as I was sat at my desk logging out the manager arranges a 9:30am meeting between me and the girl tomorrow. No context.


She even emailed me earlier in the day saying "it has come to my attention that you need to do x, as it's been overlooked and hasn't been done. What we need you to do is thisthatandthesethings." Which is a list of the things that form what I said weren't ready yet. Which they know is what is meant to be ready. It's trying to steal credit. It's trying to make out like I can't do the job without her telling me what to do. When the truth is she can't do her job.


Yes. I am very agitated by this person.



... other that that shit, some advice I've heard and started to act on is pretty good; say no to extra work. Especially if you can justify it because you're swamped, or you're doing x for Jim already.

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I'm starting to reconsider graphic design. I love the work, but it seems like everywhere I go there's an absolute wanker. I'm starting to think all designers have their head planted firmly in their arse, inhaling the fine aromas of their own inner anus. Not all of them are like that obviously, but it seems there's at least one wherever I go (at least from my experience of interviews at other places). I've met a few awesome "grizzled veterans" who have been pretty cool and laid back, but the younger ones just seem arrogant, especially for people who basically doodle all day.

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I'm on holiday for two months, biznitches! WOOOOOOO!


But the bad news is, I have to go back and have "The Conversation" with the department coordinator in September. i.e. "This department is a bit of a dead-end for anyone who wants a career, so what are you going to do about it?".


Which is a bummer, because it's a relatively simple teaching job (Year 1) and the pay is good, but there's quite literally nowhere to climb up the ladder. There's not even a first rung. Heck, I think they threw away the ladder too.

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But the bad news is, I have to go back and have "The Conversation" with the department coordinator in September. i.e. "This department is a bit of a dead-end for anyone who wants a career, so what are you going to do about it?".


Which is a bummer, because it's a relatively simple teaching job (Year 1) and the pay is good, but there's quite literally nowhere to climb up the ladder. There's not even a first rung. Heck, I think they threw away the ladder too.

Sounds like the Tesco way. In fact, since they "streamlined" the ladder I'm not sure how you go about career progression. You went from General Assistant, to Team Leader, then Department Manager. With Team Leaders gone, going straight to Department Manager seems a little extreme.



But I've applied for a nights position doing grocery shizzle. Me and my coworker have been asking for more hours and it's been borderline flat refusal (although not specifically saying it) here's an exerpt from a text conversation between him and our manager:

Manager: Are you in today?

Coworker: No, when will I`find oout if I'm getting more hours or not mate? And when is Ash coming over? (someone who has meant to be transferring for over a month now)

M: Stop harassing me.

C: Speak to Tammy then! (store manager)

M: We have

C: And...

M: She wants flexibility and us to follow the heat map.

C: So I'm not getting more hours then?

M: I don't need to answer that you can figure that out surely.


And then he asked me *twice* why I wanted to move over. I already told him it was for the money.


Even though the contracted shift is less hours than what I'm currently on (22.5 hours over 3 days instead of 25 hours over 5 days a week). because of the night premium I'd get about £150 extra before tax. And apparently I'd more than likely be working Saturday/Sunday shifts too, which would be the equivalent of full time and would get me £1500 a month, and that's not including Sunday premium on top.


Sure, it'd fuck up my social life more than it is now and my sleep pattern will be wank, but with a house and (in the futures) wedding to fund, I can't sit around hoping a day shift with 30+ hours will come along.

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Very much so @EEVILMURRAY


And the hilarious thing is here... the shitty, squeaky, does-fuck-all-wheel gets the grease.



Then: Head of EAL - farmed out all his classes to his subordinates, basically spent his days watching videos and having meetings where he wasn't prepared.


NOW: Vice principal of our newest campus.


Then: Head of Bilingual department, never turned up to her classes, never bothered telling anyone.


NOW: Head of Admin in our leading Shanghai campus.


Then: Other head of Bilingual stream, did fuck all herself, but took credit for everyone else's hard work, even going so far as to put her name only on a jointly-authored article that was later printed throughout Asia.


NOW: Principal.


Then: Slimy, rat-fuck ex-army guy in charge of our most popular campus, runs it into the ground...


NOW: Headof two campuses, including the new most-subscribed.


The decent people get absolutely dicked-over sideways and the pricks get promoted.

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I'm starting to reconsider graphic design. I love the work, but it seems like everywhere I go there's an absolute wanker. I'm starting to think all designers have their head planted firmly in their arse, inhaling the fine aromas of their own inner anus. Not all of them are like that obviously, but it seems there's at least one wherever I go (at least from my experience of interviews at other places). I've met a few awesome "grizzled veterans" who have been pretty cool and laid back, but the younger ones just seem arrogant, especially for people who basically doodle all day.


Trust me, there's wankers everywhere.


Just looked at my monies and at that "Hmmmmm maybe" level. Given it's a three month notice period that will add to it and realistically we'd probably look at February by the time I get round to it. Unless I do a dick move and leave in May just before the shit hits the fan.


I don't know. I need to figure out what I want to do and work backwards from there.

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Trust me, there's wankers everywhere.


Oh definitely, but there seems to be a certain type of wanker that gravitates towards graphic design (and I imagine other careers which offer bragging rights for not much actual work). You wouldn't see a binman swaggering round their workplace, saying how they're the only "real" binman on the team.

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Harsh, man.


I wait on other people completing simple, 5-minute jobs a lot. One person in particular is an expert at wasting time with spreadsheets.


So basically I've been planning and mapping out this shift in how we log things at work. The idea was that we would make it so that we could 100% accurately see what stage of the 'lifecycle' is, and see how long it took from one stage to the next, and see which member of staff needed work in which area -- and be able to quantify the value of work yet to be done.


From the start, I said that there would be no way that any status prior to the moment we 'switch' would ever be 100% accurate, simply because for the last 4 years there are no logs of particular things. No timestamps, etc. But I put forward a pretty nifty way to ensure that the transitional stuff would be accurate, blah blah blah.


Anyway, the developer I work closely with had done a lot of this stuff except for one thing. New priorities were given, with a short deadline and a huge list of things to do. In order for more than half the things on that list to work we really needed to go live with what had been developed so far. So we informed management of the current status and what wouldn't be accurate. They ok-d it and said it was just how it was.


So now this colleague of mine, who still hasn't replied to several emails, has prevented me from training her staff on various new developments relating to our deadline, and has pretty much undermined previous training at any opportunity simply because she doesn't take it upon herself to understand the developments.


And her workload to do for this deadline? She hasn't done it. She has instead waited a week for the manager to get back and now said (cc'd me into the email): "x y and z are not accurate enough so i can't get you the numbers."


The numbers she wants are 99.7% accurate. And now?


The one thing that wasn't ready, that everyone knew wasn't ready. Now they want numbers for this. Which is fine - we can jump it above the other priorities (half of which have been done anyway), but now they've forgotten the limitations I previously explained -- that due to there being no logging of timestamps etc until the Big Change came in the older stuff would never be 100% (which is why 99.7% for that other thing is so good!).


So I've sat and watched her waste her entire day on one stupid spreadsheet trying to figure something out. I've done it myself anyway and seen that the figure is currently 5.22% for the time period of Big Change until Now, but this definitely includes three other things that probably don't count. We want to be less than 10%, so we are definitely Doing Good. And you can compare this figure versus the old method and see a) even though the old method wasn't accurate, it gives a sense of where we are LIKELY to be at right now, so you then know that we are probably between 2.7% and 5.22%. Even if you combine the OVERALL average of ALL OF THE THINGS EVER INCLUDING THIS INACCURATE TWO WEEK PERIOD you are still going to be under 3%... which is FINE. COMPLETELY FINE.


Instead I see her spend all day moaning that she can't do any work because of this one thing she can't figure out. Literally not giving the manager any context of basis for why she can't do it other than "jayseven needs to fix this." No understanding. And she's taken up loads of the manager's time clearly moaning about this. I'm waiting on the manager to simply say "ok" to this one thing that takes up like a quarter of my list of Shit Left To Do Before Deadline... and as I was sat at my desk logging out the manager arranges a 9:30am meeting between me and the girl tomorrow. No context.


She even emailed me earlier in the day saying "it has come to my attention that you need to do x, as it's been overlooked and hasn't been done. What we need you to do is thisthatandthesethings." Which is a list of the things that form what I said weren't ready yet. Which they know is what is meant to be ready. It's trying to steal credit. It's trying to make out like I can't do the job without her telling me what to do. When the truth is she can't do her job.


Yes. I am very agitated by this person.



... other that that shit, some advice I've heard and started to act on is pretty good; say no to extra work. Especially if you can justify it because you're swamped, or you're doing x for Jim already.


I read your whole post. 'Other people' at work are the worst. Either they don't do something you've asked them for or downright just ignore your emails and don't pick up the phone/return your calls.


I always try and say no to extra work. My whole team have been told to turn down as much work as possible as we're trying to cut down any ad-hoc work that isn't aligned to a larger project. So many people come and ask for similar things but in a slightly different way.

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Yes, guys, world record for me. I've only been back one day and I'm off work already. Why? Well, the whole day was going great. Heck, I could even say that it was the best day of work I've had in a very long time. We got everything done, sales were booming and we even did some extra tasks to take some pressure off of the next day. So I'm about to lock up when I notice the alarm not activating. I told the other person who stayed with me to go on home because he lives about an hour and a half away from work and I call the alarm company. They send me through loads of people and I FINALLY got to an engineer who told me I'd have to wait FOUR hours. It was about 9pm at the time so I'd have had to stay til 1am.


I call the assistant manager and told him there's no way I'm staying that late because it's ridiculous. He said I had to wait and stuff so in the end, I just accepted it and put the phone down. I open the cupboard door to make myself some green tea and BAM! The cupboard door fell off the hinge at the top and hit me very hard on the side of my head. I stumbled a bit and the door totally came off of the cupboard. It felt like a brick had landed on my head. Obviously not very happy, I ring up Assistant Manager and told him the cupboard door completely fell off and smacked me on the head and he laughed. I was mad and told him it wasn't funny, it was hurting and was basically saying how it was crap I had to wait. I told him the cupboard should have been fixed and said I'm putting it down in the accident report book as soon as I feel a bit better and he said "Do what you want to". So after I sat down, took paracetamol and put cold water on my head, I did that and also took pictures of the door, the hinges and my head (although you can't see the bump because of my hair). Anyway, skip to 10.45 and it was all fixed and I went home with a very sore head, a splitting headache and vision going out of focus at times.


Today, I wake up to a splitting headache, the right side of my jaw hurting and my neck feeling bad too. I phoned up to say I wasn't coming in because I wanted to go to the doctors to get it seen to to be told by my supervisor that "you don't have a choice, I have to pick my kids up after my shift". She knew of the situation that happened and I told her my health comes first and she told me I had to get cover or I had to come in. I said I'm not coming in and she just said "Right, okay" and put the phone down. I try my assistant manager who didn't pick up the phone so I texted him and told him. He then texted me back saying I'm "fucking useless", "I probably broke it because I'm the only one who uses the cunting cupboard" and told me that the door was absolutely fine when he checked it. I said that the top corner was hanging off and that there was no signs or no reports made saying it was broke. He said if I knew anything, why didn't I say anything and I said everyone knew the cupboard was breaking including himself and he then admitted he knew the door was broke. So I said "why ask me why I didn't report it when you knew already? I was away all of last week so how was I to know?". Anyway, he then said "You're in pain but managed to fill in an accident report? Talk about milking it". I just said I did it later because it's procedure. Anyway, he told me not to talk to him and I told him not to because my head was in bits.


I went to the doctors and he said the bump has faded and that the pain was internal and said the pain in my jaw could have been from the shock to the head and jolted it or something. He gave me painkillers and gave me a sick note to give to work and told me I wasn't in a fit state to work. He also said to come back in three days so he could check it again.


So yeah, I'm DEFINITELY needing a new job. Everyone has told me I should report him because he's behaved unprofessionally and report the fact that the cupboard hasn't been fixed. You guys think I should?


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Harsh, man.


I wait on other people completing simple, 5-minute jobs a lot. One person in particular is an expert at wasting time with spreadsheets.


So basically I've been planning and mapping out this shift in how we log things at work. The idea was that we would make it so that we could 100% accurately see what stage of the 'lifecycle' is, and see how long it took from one stage to the next, and see which member of staff needed work in which area -- and be able to quantify the value of work yet to be done.


From the start, I said that there would be no way that any status prior to the moment we 'switch' would ever be 100% accurate, simply because for the last 4 years there are no logs of particular things. No timestamps, etc. But I put forward a pretty nifty way to ensure that the transitional stuff would be accurate, blah blah blah.


Anyway, the developer I work closely with had done a lot of this stuff except for one thing. New priorities were given, with a short deadline and a huge list of things to do. In order for more than half the things on that list to work we really needed to go live with what had been developed so far. So we informed management of the current status and what wouldn't be accurate. They ok-d it and said it was just how it was.


So now this colleague of mine, who still hasn't replied to several emails, has prevented me from training her staff on various new developments relating to our deadline, and has pretty much undermined previous training at any opportunity simply because she doesn't take it upon herself to understand the developments.


And her workload to do for this deadline? She hasn't done it. She has instead waited a week for the manager to get back and now said (cc'd me into the email): "x y and z are not accurate enough so i can't get you the numbers."


The numbers she wants are 99.7% accurate. And now?


The one thing that wasn't ready, that everyone knew wasn't ready. Now they want numbers for this. Which is fine - we can jump it above the other priorities (half of which have been done anyway), but now they've forgotten the limitations I previously explained -- that due to there being no logging of timestamps etc until the Big Change came in the older stuff would never be 100% (which is why 99.7% for that other thing is so good!).


So I've sat and watched her waste her entire day on one stupid spreadsheet trying to figure something out. I've done it myself anyway and seen that the figure is currently 5.22% for the time period of Big Change until Now, but this definitely includes three other things that probably don't count. We want to be less than 10%, so we are definitely Doing Good. And you can compare this figure versus the old method and see a) even though the old method wasn't accurate, it gives a sense of where we are LIKELY to be at right now, so you then know that we are probably between 2.7% and 5.22%. Even if you combine the OVERALL average of ALL OF THE THINGS EVER INCLUDING THIS INACCURATE TWO WEEK PERIOD you are still going to be under 3%... which is FINE. COMPLETELY FINE.


Instead I see her spend all day moaning that she can't do any work because of this one thing she can't figure out. Literally not giving the manager any context of basis for why she can't do it other than "jayseven needs to fix this." No understanding. And she's taken up loads of the manager's time clearly moaning about this. I'm waiting on the manager to simply say "ok" to this one thing that takes up like a quarter of my list of Shit Left To Do Before Deadline... and as I was sat at my desk logging out the manager arranges a 9:30am meeting between me and the girl tomorrow. No context.


She even emailed me earlier in the day saying "it has come to my attention that you need to do x, as it's been overlooked and hasn't been done. What we need you to do is thisthatandthesethings." Which is a list of the things that form what I said weren't ready yet. Which they know is what is meant to be ready. It's trying to steal credit. It's trying to make out like I can't do the job without her telling me what to do. When the truth is she can't do her job.


Yes. I am very agitated by this person.



... other that that shit, some advice I've heard and started to act on is pretty good; say no to extra work. Especially if you can justify it because you're swamped, or you're doing x for Jim already.


People are the worst.


I hastily (in the sense I was asked to do this gone 5pm one day) set up some stuff that people have put off doing for years last Wednesday and emailed this person saying "set up like this, these are the possible outcomes" and she responded saying thank you.


Today I get an email saying "I've noticed these outcomes are happening and they shouldn't be". Well if you didn't want them don't say it was fine!



Just signed up to a few udemy courses while there's an offer going on. Almost feels productive. Plus I apparently saved something ridiculous like £700 with this offer...but I don't really believe the pre-offer prices. Oh well!

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Today was stupid. basically we had a meeting this morning for a new deadline of weds end-of-day. I was the only one able to do most of the work, but SHE said she'd do x and y, even though a and b would've been do-able without me.


Turns out management had an adjustment on the deadline at midday, and told HER to let me know,


She told me at 5pm. She also requested that I email her a and b.


She went home.


So I spoke with mangement all "wtf" and, thankfully, they believed me. I gave them a and b an a shitty version of x and y by 6:20, but the other stuff they wanted was just not possible (due to previously mentioned shit data).


Turns out they were sitting on this deadline for 3 weeks before telling me


I could've done half this shit --- or all this shit if they had given me proper disclosure or warning. Instead it got to the point where I could do nothing but tell them about how they should've told me sooner!


We've got an extension though.. for 9:30am...!! Which will make zero difference.


But get this. I've basically been forced to give inaccurate data even though I've previously said it's inaccurate data. I've been stitched up. Can't explain it well, but what I said i'd do requires someone in IT giving stats that we don't have publically available (because it's not ready) but because the guy in IT is too busy with x and y I can't get him to deliver a and b, so no matter what I do I can't deliver everything even though SHE said she'd deliver half of it. She's just royally stitched me up.



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Yes, guys, world record for me. I've only been back one day and I'm off work already. Why? Well, the whole day was going great. Heck, I could even say that it was the best day of work I've had in a very long time. We got everything done, sales were booming and we even did some extra tasks to take some pressure off of the next day. So I'm about to lock up when I notice the alarm not activating. I told the other person who stayed with me to go on home because he lives about an hour and a half away from work and I call the alarm company. They send me through loads of people and I FINALLY got to an engineer who told me I'd have to wait FOUR hours. It was about 9pm at the time so I'd have had to stay til 1am.


I call the assistant manager and told him there's no way I'm staying that late because it's ridiculous. He said I had to wait and stuff so in the end, I just accepted it and put the phone down. I open the cupboard door to make myself some green tea and BAM! The cupboard door fell off the hinge at the top and hit me very hard on the side of my head. I stumbled a bit and the door totally came off of the cupboard. It felt like a brick had landed on my head. Obviously not very happy, I ring up Assistant Manager and told him the cupboard door completely fell off and smacked me on the head and he laughed. I was mad and told him it wasn't funny, it was hurting and was basically saying how it was crap I had to wait. I told him the cupboard should have been fixed and said I'm putting it down in the accident report book as soon as I feel a bit better and he said "Do what you want to". So after I sat down, took paracetamol and put cold water on my head, I did that and also took pictures of the door, the hinges and my head (although you can't see the bump because of my hair). Anyway, skip to 10.45 and it was all fixed and I went home with a very sore head, a splitting headache and vision going out of focus at times.


Today, I wake up to a splitting headache, the right side of my jaw hurting and my neck feeling bad too. I phoned up to say I wasn't coming in because I wanted to go to the doctors to get it seen to to be told by my supervisor that "you don't have a choice, I have to pick my kids up after my shift". She knew of the situation that happened and I told her my health comes first and she told me I had to get cover or I had to come in. I said I'm not coming in and she just said "Right, okay" and put the phone down. I try my assistant manager who didn't pick up the phone so I texted him and told him. He then texted me back saying I'm "fucking useless", "I probably broke it because I'm the only one who uses the cunting cupboard" and told me that the door was absolutely fine when he checked it. I said that the top corner was hanging off and that there was no signs or no reports made saying it was broke. He said if I knew anything, why didn't I say anything and I said everyone knew the cupboard was breaking including himself and he then admitted he knew the door was broke. So I said "why ask me why I didn't report it when you knew already? I was away all of last week so how was I to know?". Anyway, he then said "You're in pain but managed to fill in an accident report? Talk about milking it". I just said I did it later because it's procedure. Anyway, he told me not to talk to him and I told him not to because my head was in bits.


I went to the doctors and he said the bump has faded and that the pain was internal and said the pain in my jaw could have been from the shock to the head and jolted it or something. He gave me painkillers and gave me a sick note to give to work and told me I wasn't in a fit state to work. He also said to come back in three days so he could check it again.


So yeah, I'm DEFINITELY needing a new job. Everyone has told me I should report him because he's behaved unprofessionally and report the fact that the cupboard hasn't been fixed. You guys think I should?




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