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Job woes/wins


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Weirdest thing happened over the weekend:


So as you all know, I've been juggling two jobs and it's not been easy but I've managed it. However, this week, I simply couldn't take any more because I was working too many hours and sleeping and waking up at abnormal times (I do anyway but I've survived on barely any sleep for a while. It's only been this week that I've recouperated properly).


So I decided I was going to jack Tesco in because the job wasn't me, my assistant manager at the other place is gone (which was one, if not THE, main reason I wanted to go) and I needed some free time to myself. That and the amount of cuts, bruises and shit I've had is unreal. It comes with the job, really. Everybody on my department is covered in them and, just like me, aren't sure how they did it. I've hurt my hand somehow and I truthfully am not sure whether I did it in Tesco or my other job (I'm siding towards the latter).


Anyway, drifting away...I had my notice in my pocket and I was going to hand it when I had an attendance review (I basically had two days off on their advice and my percentage was way above what they expect...whatever, I hurt my hand, couldn't lift anything and they witnessed it and told me to go home). Anyway, I was called on the tannoy (how embarrassing!) to go to the office.


I went in and they told me to take a seat. What I thought would have been a review on attendance turned into my position being made redundant. Apparently, they overspent on their budget and had to sack ten people altogether but two on the department I'm on and I was one of them. I was all "Oh no, that's a shame" but inside I was like "YAY! LIE-INS!" lmao. They said they'd recommend me to work for Tesco again but if they asked about my attendance, they would have to tell them it's poor. I pointed out that they advised me and they said "We asked if you could do it" and I said "Yeah but when I said I don't think so but I'll try, you told me you didn't want to take a chance on that and sent me home". They went on to say it wouldn't matter why I was off work but the fact I was off work would be enough.


Apparently, someone had an attendance review after having a epileptic fit on the floor. I don't know if that's true but if so, that's just disgraceful. Still, they said it wasn't me getting the sack and the decision wasn't based on my performance at work or owt like that but simply because they restricted the role. They said on my record, it would just say my temporary contract has come to an end.


So now I'm going to have a couple of well-deserved weekends to myself before telling my other place what has happened.


On top of that, I found out that my now-assistant manager is...well, racist and yet even though I've lost respect for him, I still find him more bearable than my last one...weird, I know...

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We've just been emailed 4 job openings. I am qualified for all 4, yet there is one that only I am qualified for. It's a job that I basically made up. I'm pretty glad that it's finally happened... except I've heard how much they're hoping to pay for this role. They've already got in mind who they want for each position, but the fact is if I'm the best qualified for two of the jobs (I'm the best qualified for ALL the jobs) but they want me to have this particular job (that nobody else can do) then... I deserve more pay, right?


I work currently with a basic pay plus commission. The current commission structure is FAR too good. If I take the job that was made for me, then I will ensure that a lot of people earn a very high amount. It stands to reason, for me, to ask for an amount which ensures I earn MORE than their projected amount.


Essentially our company failed to see how much we could expand, and I've expanded it. I don't want to accept a payrise that is LESS than what I aim to increase in terms of commission for each person on the team.


There are a lot of benefits to the new role - for one it's not tied to one department so I can officially spread my wings... but at the same time if I can take a lesser role but earn more due to a commission-related salary... then they're idiots to think I'll do so, right?


(My new job is basically going to end up increasing the commission of a team of 12 people. I don't want to take this job on and end up allowing them to earn more money than me, especially considering the new job means I have actual accountability for THE LAW.)


But hey - this time next month - new title, new shit. Hoo-rah.

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That and the amount of cuts, bruises and shit I've had is unreal. It comes with the job, really. Everybody on my department is covered in them and, just like me, aren't sure how they did it.

Being pussies? :P



I think it finally may be happening, some legal secretary action may be coming my way. Got a woman from a recruitment firm regarding a job I applied for (which when mentioned I couldn't distinguish from the 30+ legal secretary positions I've gone for) and wanted to meet me to see if she could recommend me to the companies she hires for.


The meeting went alright, although we did discover that my passport had expired the day before. Even though I don't have the experience, she thinks my main selling point is that I've gone out of my way to get the qualifications for this. It's the best lead I've got at the moment so I'm hoping it pays off.

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Not quite related but a little bit, I'm starting to feel a bit...I dunno, stale? Not in the sense of my work, but people here talking about promotions etc, and some of my friends too(either getting them on post, or moving into them with a different job elsewhere) and here's me just working for the NHS, where pay-progression can be difficult due to the way pay's set etc.


I'm quite enjoying my job though - I'm still 'zero hours' though thats been my choice and I'm coming up for four years now - was only sposed to have been there for a week :p!. I'm running/co-ordinating my own audit atm, possibly helping with a new research project, and shortly going to be covering a whole audit programme that we take part in in place of a colleague who's essentially going on maternity (but I've done lots of helping her out over the time I've been there, hence it kind cycled to me to be good cover as my other research projects were winding down).


Part of me thinks I should be cheeky and try and see if I can get a bump up paywise, but I'm quite aware that my boss's budget's being more tightly squeezed in recent years, and I also generally don't even know how to think about approaching it. I almost feel like it'd be cheeky, knowing she probably knows that I know how the budget is(if that makes sense). I'm only doing about 25-30 hours a week(my choice) and I tend to do a ward shift on Sundays to bump up/keep my clinical, so I'm not even sure how much a bump to the next band would really affect my wage on a monthly basis, but I do sort of think I'm fairly experienced(though due to them) and do a fair bit for my role.


So I work on the wards on weekends(sundays essentially) for a lower hourly but it's bumped up due to being 'unsocial hours'. Anyhow I just finished at half 9, was checking my emails just before 9 and I had an email from the lady who does my hours in the week, which included a forward from my boss that essentially said...


...I'm getting a little pay rise!! :yay::yay::yay::yay:


Been meaning to try and vie for one with my boss for a while, never got round to mentioning it(didn't like the idea due to a number of cuts happening and that the money could go to someone else) but it seems I didn't need to! This has really come out of nowhere and I'm just super chuffed by it all. Feel like it's proved my point a bit to all the people telling me for years to go do other training too.


So...yeah. Happy!! :yay::yay:

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Well done Rummy! :)


Speaking about pay, for like, the 4th time I think since I started working at my job (almost a year ago), there are issues with payment. Boss keeps having problems paying us. Pay day was on the 17th (didn't get any money), just checked now and I have been paid half of my pay. Same thing happened last month, we didn't get paid the other half until two weeks after...


If you can't even pay your employees, that pretty much means your business isn't doing well enough...


And here I was hoping maybe I could get a payrise after working there for a year (especially since I do most of the videos). Guess not. :(

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Well done Rummy! :)


Speaking about pay, for like, the 4th time I think since I started working at my job (almost a year ago), there are issues with payment. Boss keeps having problems paying us. Pay day was on the 17th (didn't get any money), just checked now and I have been paid half of my pay. Same thing happened last month, we didn't get paid the other half until two weeks after...


If you can't even pay your employees, that pretty much means your business isn't doing well enough...


And here I was hoping maybe I could get a payrise after working there for a year (especially since I do most of the videos). Guess not. :(


I'd be looking for another job sharpish, unless you're there for the experience. Let's face it, the only reason any of us go to work is for the pay* and if they can't do that right then it's time to leave.


Plus it's a worrying sign about how the business is doing. Best to find somewhere else before the company goes under.





*Sure, some of us enjoy our jobs, but be honest, would you be there if they didn't pay at all?

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I'd be looking for another job sharpish, unless you're there for the experience. Let's face it, the only reason any of us go to work is for the pay* and if they can't do that right then it's time to leave.


Plus it's a worrying sign about how the business is doing. Best to find somewhere else before the company goes under.





*Sure, some of us enjoy our jobs, but be honest, would you be there if they didn't pay at all?


I actually enjoy what I do in my job, I even took a pay cut from my last job to do this one.


I have looked around for other jobs but I honestly don't know what I could do that I would enjoy. Now I get to draw stuff! Graphic design jobs here all seem to be focused on webdesign (can't do that), designing boring marketing stuff with strict deadlines, need lots of experience etc. Just nothing that sounds like what I want to do. :(

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I actually enjoy what I do in my job, I even took a pay cut from my last job to do this one.


I have looked around for other jobs but I honestly don't know what I could do that I would enjoy. Now I get to draw stuff! Graphic design jobs here all seem to be focused on webdesign (can't do that), designing boring marketing stuff with strict deadlines, need lots of experience etc. Just nothing that sounds like what I want to do. :(


From the sounds of what you tell me, business is actually alright, but your boss isn't very organised at all. He's VERY relaxed or seems that way, which I guess has its benefits. It also sounds like certain companies just take the piss a bit with paying up, which isn't really fair.


So, I wouldn't quite hit the panic button yet.

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I actually enjoy what I do in my job, I even took a pay cut from my last job to do this one.


I have looked around for other jobs but I honestly don't know what I could do that I would enjoy. Now I get to draw stuff! Graphic design jobs here all seem to be focused on webdesign (can't do that), designing boring marketing stuff with strict deadlines, need lots of experience etc. Just nothing that sounds like what I want to do. :(


I know what you mean. I've tried to apply for other graphic design jobs and it can be really tricky to find one that isn't just packaging or marketing stuff, and even then they all seem to want academic experience (ie, qualifications), which I don't have.


If Flink seems to think that the business is actually doing alright and the boss is just disorganised, then it's not too bad. Just keep on top of him to pay on time. The bills won't wait, so you shouldn't have to either.

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If your employment contract states that you will be paid on a particular date, then the employer is in breach of contract by paying you late. If you ever suffer financially from it (such as late fees for not being able to pay bills) then you can take them to court and sue them for damages. Something worth bearing in mind should that ever happen.

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Thanks for the thanks and well wishes guys. Few hiccups appear to be occurring with said payrise which is a bit annoying, hoping it'll all go through ok. If it does I'm reckoning it's about 10%ish up on what I'm doing atm which is not too bad if I do say so myself (i have no concept for payrises). I spoke briefly to my boss on Wednesday, she said she would have done it sooner but wasn't sure if it'd be easy(which apparently it's appearing not to be) and told me a slightly bitter-sweet thing - she'd have tried to give me more if she could! Not sure if she was just being nice/polite but in some ways it's good to feel appreciated, but kinda jank to know I'm being paid less than they value me :p (don't mind though cos I love the job so still woop...if it all goes through ok)


(edit: not really related but awww yisss forgot i got paid, just logged into my internet banking wondering why i have money again lol)

Edited by Rummy
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I love my job and understand that I'm quite lucky in a lot of ways. But...fuark, sometimes the kids piss me off. Particularly with how they manage to wrap their parents around their finger or how they play the "innocent victim" card. It really winds me up and it's got to me a few times this week.


Hmm, maybe it's the actual parents I'm more annoyed at than them?

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I love my job and understand that I'm quite lucky in a lot of ways. But...fuark, sometimes the kids piss me off. Particularly with how they manage to wrap their parents around their finger or how they play the "innocent victim" card. It really winds me up and it's got to me a few times this week.


Hmm, maybe it's the actual parents I'm more annoyed at than them?


What age group are you teaching? I bumped into my friend in Sainsbury's yesterday and was pretty much having the exact conversation with her. She's only been teaching for a year or two iirc(tho previous assistant experience+in japan+pgce etc) but she's really starting to get fed up with the job - only it isn't the actual job itself per se but all the bullshit and politics that go around it and, namely, some of the things parents come to her with!! She's thinking about jacking it and going supply only, but is really torn between the love of the actual teaching of the kids and that part of things, and the crap side of things. For myself I can't say it's the same but I had similar dilemmas in terms of working full-time on the wards in that I didn't actually mind the patients of the problems they posed sometimes so much, but rather the way it's dealt with and all the politics that arises within the whole team and environment as a result of the stresses of it. It seems to be an inevitability of the job almost everywhere though.

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I love my job and understand that I'm quite lucky in a lot of ways. But...fuark, sometimes the kids piss me off. Particularly with how they manage to wrap their parents around their finger or how they play the "innocent victim" card. It really winds me up and it's got to me a few times this week.


Hmm, maybe it's the actual parents I'm more annoyed at than them?


Almost everything in a child comes down to the parents. I taught kids swimming for 5 years (obviously a huge difference only seeing them for 30 minutes a week than 6 hours a day) but for almost every single 'problem' child I taught the moment I spoke to their parents I could see where it came from.


You're definitely annoyed at the parents!

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Being pussies? :P



I think it finally may be happening, some legal secretary action may be coming my way. Got a woman from a recruitment firm regarding a job I applied for (which when mentioned I couldn't distinguish from the 30+ legal secretary positions I've gone for) and wanted to meet me to see if she could recommend me to the companies she hires for.


The meeting went alright, although we did discover that my passport had expired the day before. Even though I don't have the experience, she thinks my main selling point is that I've gone out of my way to get the qualifications for this. It's the best lead I've got at the moment so I'm hoping it pays off.


I saw that you got your legal secretary qualifications from CILEx. Well done'


I wouldn't get your hopes too high with legal recruiters. From a candidate point of view I have found them in the past to be a complete waste of time. As you will know recruitment consultants are essentially sales people. They will forward CVs that they consider are more likely to obtain an interview. Unfortunately in the legal secretary world experience is far more important than qualifications.


For my current lawyer role I applied to a legal recruiter but my CV didnt get put forward. I applied directly to the law firm and not only got offered an interview but the job.I would focus your energy applying directly to law firms.


Without experience it may be difficult albeit not impossible. You need to get your foot in the door at a law firm. If this is a crappy admin position then so be it.

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Almost everything in a child comes down to the parents. I taught kids swimming for 5 years (obviously a huge difference only seeing them for 30 minutes a week than 6 hours a day) but for almost every single 'problem' child I taught the moment I spoke to their parents I could see where it came from.


You're definitely annoyed at the parents!


Off-topic I seen a few people say this recently, and maybe I don't see a lot of kids and it changes as you grow but I dunno if it's always the case. There's a lot of my parents in me, but at the same time there's loads of stuff about me that isn't too(especially when I was younger) so...I dunno.


On-topic...I've been underestimating the new workload! Not sure I'll get used to actually working full days but I ended up trying to work a bit extra today after a rather later start(which is especially hard when the place you work closes) - ended up popping to a different place and what I assumed wouldn't take me too long ended up taking 4 hours! Really really glad I decided to try and get it done today(shoulda been done sooner) because time's creeping up in a very much unexpected way. Can only sing my boss's virtues once more in the fact she was totally cool with me working off my own back elsewhere after we closed(just gonna have to juggle hours a bit to fit the programme, as it were).

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I saw that you got your legal secretary qualifications from CILEx. Well done'


I wouldn't get your hopes too high with legal recruiters. From a candidate point of view I have found them in the past to be a complete waste of time. As you will know recruitment consultants are essentially sales people. They will forward CVs that they consider are more likely to obtain an interview. Unfortunately in the legal secretary world experience is far more important than qualifications.


For my current lawyer role I applied to a legal recruiter but my CV didnt get put forward. I applied directly to the law firm and not only got offered an interview but the job.I would focus your energy applying directly to law firms.


Without experience it may be difficult albeit not impossible. You need to get your foot in the door at a law firm. If this is a crappy admin position then so be it.

A crappy admin position would be great as a start at least, but yeah, foot in the door action.


I'm starting to see that this lady does seem to be wasting my time. She said she wanted me to ring her so she could talk to me about a firm called Browne Jacobson, which seemed to be an alright firm in Nottingham and from what I can recall bugger all resulted from that conversation. Asked for an update 2 days later, got told she would ring me Sunday to discuss a role (which I don't think was legal related, but anything would've be nice). Got email on Sunday saying she had "domestic things" to do and would ring me on Monday instead. Around 8-9pm Monday I hadn't recieved any call so tried ringing her myself, first time was engaged, second time was answered by a man who told me she was on the other line. She didn't try to call me yesterday so I fired off an email saying this morning saying I guessed she was too busy to call back and I finish work at 5 tonight. Here's hoping I get a call tonight.


I've clearly bigged myself up too much for this, I think it's because told me she was surprised that no one had tried picking me up before that filled me with such enthusiasm.


How directly is direct? I've been applying using totaljobs and Reed.

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A crappy admin position would be great as a start at least, but yeah, foot in the door action.


I'm starting to see that this lady does seem to be wasting my time. She said she wanted me to ring her so she could talk to me about a firm called Browne Jacobson, which seemed to be an alright firm in Nottingham and from what I can recall bugger all resulted from that conversation. Asked for an update 2 days later, got told she would ring me Sunday to discuss a role (which I don't think was legal related, but anything would've be nice). Got email on Sunday saying she had "domestic things" to do and would ring me on Monday instead. Around 8-9pm Monday I hadn't recieved any call so tried ringing her myself, first time was engaged, second time was answered by a man who told me she was on the other line. She didn't try to call me yesterday so I fired off an email saying this morning saying I guessed she was too busy to call back and I finish work at 5 tonight. Here's hoping I get a call tonight.


I've clearly bigged myself up too much for this, I think it's because told me she was surprised that no one had tried picking me up before that filled me with such enthusiasm.


How directly is direct? I've been applying using totaljobs and Reed.


Legal recruiters make you feel at the top of the world. Unless you have experience they are generally no use to you. Same goes with websites such as totaljobs and reed as these tend to show positions that are advertised by agencies. I would still continue to do a daily search of these websites and apply but I would not limit your job search by doing this.


When I say "directly to the firm" I mean exactly that. Are you wishing to work in the Nottingham area? One firm I can think of is Shoosmiths. Very reputable firm. Go onto their website and find the careers page. Do a google search of "solicitors Nottingham" and then go to each firms website.

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Legal recruiters make you feel at the top of the world. Unless you have experience they are generally no use to you. Same goes with websites such as totaljobs and reed as these tend to show positions that are advertised by agencies. I would still continue to do a daily search of these websites and apply but I would not limit your job search by doing this.


When I say "directly to the firm" I mean exactly that. Are you wishing to work in the Nottingham area? One firm I can think of is Shoosmiths. Very reputable firm. Go onto their website and find the careers page. Do a google search of "solicitors Nottingham" and then go to each firms website.


Finally managed to get hold of her as she was leaving the office, got the lowdown, there's nothing for me because of lack of experience. Gonna try your method of reaching out to firms individually. Here's hoping my CV is up to scratch!

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Got completely and utterly FUCKED at work.


Basically, I've always wanted a job in the marketing department. I applied. Showed a few people my CV and covering letter and they all said it was fucking incredible, and when the job role went up, everyone in the department was like "Well that's ReZ's new job then". I've been there for 4 years and the stuff I've been doing for FRUK/YouTube combined with my customer service experience make me....basically incredible for the role.


My two friends (been there for 11 months and 9 months respectively) also both applied. And another chick in another department also applied. I have the experience of YouTube/design etc, and all three of them have none in that area.


They all got interviews and I didn't. Gave me some hilariously bull shit reason for not taking my application forward too.


One of a few things has happened;


- My head of department stopped the application/arranged something because I'm too valuable to lose.

- Someone in marketing doesn't like me.

- They were telling the truth and they're just ignorant/fucking stupid.


I was extremely upset yesterday. My manager took me aside and I broke down a bit. I've waited four years and this is the first job in marketing that has been entry level and that has been offered internally, and I got absolutely fucked. Eveyone is fucking stunned that I got snubbed. It's mental.


We're having a meeting tomorrow about changes to the CS team, and rumour has it they have a role lined up for me. But I don't want to work in CS - who does? Cannot believe this shit.


It has absolutely destroyed my motivation and desire to work hard in the job. I've worked SO hard over the last four years, but they've just fucked it. The rewards are minute. We were also told that we won't be getting a bonus this quarter too which is good. Pathetic. It's fine though, I can just walk around and have extra long breaks, generally just take the piss if that gets you the same place as working your arse off.

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Pathetic. It's fine though, I can just walk around and have extra long breaks, generally just take the piss if that gets you the same place as working your arse off.


Ugh, tell me about it. A few years ago someone at work made a mistake so bad, that we had to offer the customer a free project worth thousands of pounds to stop them from taking legal action. A month or two later, he received a promotion, which resulted in him being paid more than me, despite the fact that I was the one who trained him and literally taught him everything he knows about his job. Plus during my time working with him, he was basically late everyday and often didn't show up at all, at which point I had to cover for him. He even quit for a few months, leaving us all fucked and then came back once he realised he didn't like his change of career.


Suffice to say I've haven't given a shit about my job for a long time. I'm just here until I get the experience/opportunity for something better.

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Starting a new job on Tuesday. Just got the details of my first day today. Normally you expect your first day to start at 10am or something so that everyone else can get settled and check their emails before they induct you.


My start time is 8.15am.


And it's over an hour commute.

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When someone applies for a job via email, and it says something along the lines of "send us an email with CV and covering letter attached", do they put they covering letter as an attachment or as the body of the email itself? Because the former seems like it could take too much time to go through if you recieve several applications at a time.

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When someone applies for a job via email, and it says something along the lines of "send us an email with CV and covering letter attached", do they put they covering letter as an attachment or as the body of the email itself? Because the former seems like it could take too much time to go through if you recieve several applications at a time.


I'd attach it, as they will most likely want to save it and/or print it out and distribute it to others in the team. Having it as a separate document will make that easier for them.

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