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Job woes/wins


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Great work.


What is it you do again?


Nothing that interesting :P

I work for a tiny telecoms company that also deals with claims management for some extra buck. Our business totals about 85 staff in our offices and a few outsourced teams for lead gen, but we're basically doubling in size and making the transition from s2m size to... m I guess! I joined the company at the perfect time - they only had about 40 staff then, and it meant I could get involved in a lot of things early on and build a reputation quickly.


I'm not earning a fortune, but I'm pushing myself constantly and building myself a decent CV. As I said before I'm interested in the business analyst kind of role, but for now I'm just seeking out any opportunity to make this business more efficient and cost-effective. I'm in line for promotion to 'team leader' but the way the company works it means I'll effectively be running the entire project with the other team leader. The chain of command is team leader -> project manager -> MD. I've joined 2 years after the majority of the team, and they're mostly 20/21 and don't realise the opportunity in front of them.


I can honestly say I've been a massive asset to the company in my limited capacity, but I can't rely on them to think about how they can apply me to a larger scale - I've just got to take every chance I get to essentially invent the role that I want. My next plan is to build up my knowledge/understanding of the other projects and proactively produce solutions to problems they don't even know they have. Once more of my CRM plans have been actioned I'll try to talk with the project managers/team leaders of other departments and see if we can brainstorm improvements. I want to see if I can get a hand in rewriting more of the literature sent to customers in other areas of the business, as I've effectively re-written everything our team sends out.


... Ok so I take pride in my work but I can also see that it comes across as a load of nonsense! Compared to other workplaces it may seem insignificant, but at the moment my work is my world!



@Ashley we do have shit employees -- one in the admin team that works at 10% all the time. There's someone on our team that is so stuck in their ways and so deluded about themselves that they don't realise they've gone from #1 employee to pretty much the lowest earner in the last 6 months.

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Nothing that interesting :P
I work for a tiny telecoms company that also deals with claims management for some extra buck. Our business totals about 85 staff in our offices and a few outsourced teams for lead gen, but we're basically doubling in size and making the transition from s2m size to... m I guess! I joined the company at the perfect time - they only had about 40 staff then, and it meant I could get involved in a lot of things early on and build a reputation quickly.


I'm not earning a fortune, but I'm pushing myself constantly and building myself a decent CV. As I said before I'm interested in the business analyst kind of role, but for now I'm just seeking out any opportunity to make this business more efficient and cost-effective. I'm in line for promotion to 'team leader' but the way the company works it means I'll effectively be running the entire project with the other team leader. The chain of command is team leader -> project manager -> MD. I've joined 2 years after the majority of the team, and they're mostly 20/21 and don't realise the opportunity in front of them.


I can honestly say I've been a massive asset to the company in my limited capacity, but I can't rely on them to think about how they can apply me to a larger scale - I've just got to take every chance I get to essentially invent the role that I want. My next plan is to build up my knowledge/understanding of the other projects and proactively produce solutions to problems they don't even know they have. Once more of my CRM plans have been actioned I'll try to talk with the project managers/team leaders of other departments and see if we can brainstorm improvements. I want to see if I can get a hand in rewriting more of the literature sent to customers in other areas of the business, as I've effectively re-written everything our team sends out.


... Ok so I take pride in my work but I can also see that it comes across as a load of nonsense! Compared to other workplaces it may seem insignificant, but at the moment my work is my world!



@Ashley we do have shit employees -- one in the admin team that works at 10% all the time. There's someone on our team that is so stuck in their ways and so deluded about themselves that they don't realise they've gone from #1 employee to pretty much the lowest earner in the last 6 months.


That sounds great. You really have the get up and go attitude to work. So many people go in with the can't be arsed attitude and do as little as possible.


You'll go far if you keep it up!

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I've never worked in a place where 100% of employees are shit, but I have worked in places where 100% of management are... :P Employees aren't shit they're just not utilised most effectively! Right?


They're bad at the fundamental part of their role. They keep doing things that ultimately cause problems elsewhere and they should know better.

Edited by Ashley
edited for professionalism!
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They're bad at the fundamental part of their role. They keep doing things that ultimately cause problems elsewhere and they should know better.!


I guess they did not understand/paid any attention to the training they were given.

Edited by Ashley
edited to reflect my own edit
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My day today:




If you exchange 'Compliling' for 'Processing' in Excel and running queries in Teradata and SQL Server.


Exactly the same with Graphic Design, but with "Rendering/Processing/Running Action". Or the old favourite "I could work faster with a better PC" "How much is a new PC" "About a grand" "Oh... Carry on."



My day:



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Exactly the same with Graphic Design, but with "Rendering/Processing/Running Action". Or the old favourite "I could work faster with a better PC" "How much is a new PC" "About a grand" "Oh... Carry on."



My day:




You cried 5 times?



Were they really that funny?

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I guess they did not understand/paid any attention to the training they were given.


Edited my post and then subsequently yours to match. Hope that you don't mind.


Anyway, we all received as much training as each other, and one of them was doing a more technical role for years beforehand. The position they're in requires them to be aware of how these things fit together and yeah we all make mistakes, but to keep making them, when they're trusted to be the ones to fix mistakes, is problematic.

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So I've just had a week where my training regime has been enforced, and my plans will continue next week. I've also been green-lighted to lead the next training as well. I've also found out that we're likely to have a third individual too... and I should be tasked with that.


But the reason I'm posting in this thread is because I had a chance to talk to the MD at the pub just now, and was able to talk about the CRM changes I've made and compare them to other ideas that the project manager has for the system. The MD started from the bottom and worked his way up, and along the way he redesigned the CRM for another part of the company-- so I think he has some empathy and respect for my current position. He said that he wants to arrange a meeting next week with me to discuss and plan further changes -- basically it's great news and means that I have a chance to establish myself within the company at a level that I previously thought would take a lot longer...


If I can get the MD to recognise my abilities then maybe I can aim higher than I've aimed so far. Currently it's a hope and a dream, but if the meeting goes well and I get on-side with teh MD then I can quickly establish myself and become someone he trusts. Essentially, I have an opportunity to present myself as a part-of-the-company individual. This one meeting can be an opportunity to set myself up for the next level of career... I figure by the end of this year I'll have my promotion under my belt (I fucking hope.. if it doesn't happen then I'm gone!) and I'll have my foot in the door for the larger conversations. The meeting I'm having is to discuss project manager direction/decisions... i don't think I'll exactly replace our current PM but I think it's a chance to show I'd be a good candidate for future projects... Which means that basically I have a new 2-year plan. I've overtaken everyone on my team for the next promotion, so I need to then chase up the next step. If I can get to PM then I can realistically transition from company to company really easily...


So yeah! Really good week, where once again a lot of hard work has paid off. I am proud of myself and my actions around significant company figures at times when I was pissed and could have easily have just shouted CUNNNT... so glad I did not!

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Had a review last friday and my boss says i'm doing really well. He likes how I am with clients, got commercial awareness, dealings with the other side and 3rd parties. He is very pleased with my work in general and how I am with everyone in the office. Everyone loves me apparently... It's a good confidence booster any how.

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mixed news today for me

the current team leader told me that basically I will become a shift supervisor - her 'deputy' rather than what I'd hoped. A second colleague (who is very good at the job, and is the one I've mentioned before) is going to be the other shift supervisor - so still a promotion, but because it's not a currently existing job I have no idea really what that means in relation to my pay. In reality I'm sure it means the team leader responsibilities/roles will be split between me and the other shift supe... but my guestimations of new salary have had to be adjusted. And to top it off, she will be training the next new person. She will use my training regime that I've worked out (but take the credit :P). I will continue to 'mentor' the current new person, and I will be tasked with retraining two of our existing staff who are, frankly, not up to par.


On the other hand - MD confirmed meeting is happening weds. MD, PM, Team Leader, IT and me. And the fact is it's still a promotion. So this '2 year plan' will need some further thinking... do I stick with it or look for a new job if the promotion doesn't come with increased pay? What pay level should I be satisfied with?


I don't know. It's all good really.


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I think mostly you should wait to find out two things:


1. Exactly what responsibilities you get given

2. How much money they give you


Then you can consider if you stay or go. From the sounds of it, you're not on track and they've been messing a little more than they should. However, I can't speak for the situation. But you never know, you might get the money you're after without the increase of responsibilities to do. Fingers crossed.


If you don't get given what you've been after, then yes, looking for another job for your progression might be the best action. Do not under any circumstance fall into the trap of 'it will happen, just give us time'. Because a lot of companies will use that to keep you around without any intention of promotion you further.

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Definitely. Once I know those two pieces of the puzzle I can effectively consider my position. I am overthinking a lot - but that's gotten me where I am so far :P Ultimately, the company has rewarded me so far since I've been here, and it's taught me a lot. Whatever happens I'm confident I can keep doing well.

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I'm very very annoyed with the management at work today. Today ever Chef except for me got a pay rise and a bonus. My omission from this has ticked me off. Especially since I've been putting in a lions share of overtime, bought equipment for the kitchen out my own pocket. As well as running a number of services by myself to cover for the other chefs many holidays.


I feel that my efforts making Specials and designing one-off menus. As well as taking extra time to train new staff in food safety warrant at the very least equal treatment and wage parity. It's strange cause only a few days ago I was being praised for the food I was sending out being at an amazing quality and it was being sent quickly. Quicker than the Head Chef. So I'm at a loss here.


I don't always see eye to eye with the managers and to be honest barely speak to them at times. I'm naturally a introvert so I tend to just focus on my work and leave the schmoozing to the others. Perhaps I should be more outgoing on that front. Still pay should be on merit not on how well liked you are.


I have offers of work for slightly better pay from one of our nearest rivals. I might just have to make the switch. I'll have to have a chat about this with them next week. For now I have to focus on the Wedding were catering for this weekend. I will continue to pump out my best work and make sure they have an excellent wedding meal.


I feel a little better now I've rambled. I'll have to think carefully about how I'm gonna deal with this. Very carefully.

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HUZZAH! I have a job :) As of 21st July I will be the Societies Coordinator for Nottingham Trent University :D So delighted that I've got it sorted, especially as I'm graduating on Tuesday and I was getting worried about what I would do next. Phew.

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I posted this just over a week ago:


The new warehouse guy at work seems to be settling in well, and still came in on the friday.


The guy we picked before him didn't come back after the first day.



This person has now left for another job.

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