Blue Rogue Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Health inspection today. Head and Sous Chef off so it was left to me to deal with it. We got our 5 Stars. I like to think because of my all out charm offensive. Certainly wasn't exception to have to deal with that today.
Jimbob Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Dr. bob said: I have no idea what floorwalking is but it sounds dangerous. It's not as dangerous as it sounds, you share your knowledge of the job to the in-experienced advisors whom are needing advice. It's non phone-based work, and it's a damn sight more relaxing to do.
Jimbob Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 Slight bump (i think) Had 2 very different days of work on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday, we had a meeting to discuss the future of the department and how things may be in 6 years time. It was put on by senior management of the department, whom i might add gave a very good presentation on how things may be. After the 40 minute presentation (bearing in mind, we had 2 1/2 hours off the phones for this) we were split into groups of 7 and had a manager sit down with each group and discuss what they think can be improved with the jobs. Well, you can see where this went. More importantly, the manager i had wasn't any ordinary manager. But the head of the entire department i work in, so i know it was a perfect chance to let rip a few greivences (and yes, they even said this was allowed). They were shocked to hear how bad things really are at the front line. Shocked to hear how bad staff are treated (this is across all departments, not just mine) and shocked to hear of the long waiting times customers experience and how angry they get. More so to the point, the senior manager will personally be looking into improving things. I've already seen that, more staff are being pulled over to help out (had 200+ in the queue with a 40+ minute wait for a 5 minute call today). But yeah, it was nice to air a few things outside of the department. But then, back to today. Had 2 official complaints put against me by customers, they said i was not helpful and was fobbing them off. My manager has not listened to the call yet (probably won't, she's not very good at her job). I did point out that both customers were abusive towards me, i was even called a "complete an utter useless bastard" by one, very charming. Mood back to usual standards.
Beast Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 I have an interview for a job tomorrow. It's for a supervisor and it's 16 hours. I'm so nervous, I even made a whole thread about it (it's called "Dudes, I'm freaking out" LOL). Anyway, I hope it goes well but my God, I am nervous! lol.
Jimbob Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 Animal said: I have an interview for a job tomorrow. It's for a supervisor and it's 16 hours. I'm so nervous, I even made a whole thread about it (it's called "Dudes, I'm freaking out" LOL). Anyway, I hope it goes well but my God, I am nervous! lol. Hope so, best of luck. Hope you get the job.
Ashley Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 Man work has been chaos lately. It's our busiest time of year and I've been doing a lot of over time. And then earlier, when I was thinking it was quieter than expected BOOM the systems go down. So I end up staying an hour late until they were kind of restored. Then had to go do some freelance work I've been doing, come home and do some work work that came in just before the downtime. I normally wouldn't, but unfortunately we have to kowtow to everyone right now otherwise we'll get slagged off in surveys and it results in lowered budgets. Urgh. So it's 11pm on a Friday and I'm finishing work(s) for the day!
Goron_3 Posted June 15, 2014 Posted June 15, 2014 Ahh I've got a job interview on Tuesday! It's for Nottingham Trent University (well, their Students' Union) and it's a role I'd be pretty good at. Pay wise it's much less than what my girlfriend is on but between us we'd be on £45k+ which would be more than enough given that we live in Nottingham. The only thing that I'm worried about is the fact that the interview involves me performing a presentation (which I'm working on now) and a task, which I'll have 30 minutes to complete once I arrive. Slightly worried but it shouldn't be too bad. I'm trying not to panic too much but I'm so skint at the moment..If I don't get this I literally won't be able to pay off my phone bill next month.. Fingers crossed
Beast Posted June 15, 2014 Posted June 15, 2014 Jimbob said: Hope so, best of luck. Hope you get the job. I got the job! I have to go in tomorrow and sign the contracts and stuff but the job is mine! I'm genuinely shocked though! I didn't expect to get it even! I'm very, very happy! Goron_3 said: Ahh I've got a job interview on Tuesday! It's for Nottingham Trent University (well, their Students' Union) and it's a role I'd be pretty good at. Pay wise it's much less than what my girlfriend is on but between us we'd be on £45k+ which would be more than enough given that we live in Nottingham. The only thing that I'm worried about is the fact that the interview involves me performing a presentation (which I'm working on now) and a task, which I'll have 30 minutes to complete once I arrive. Slightly worried but it shouldn't be too bad. I'm trying not to panic too much but I'm so skint at the moment..If I don't get this I literally won't be able to pay off my phone bill next month.. Fingers crossed I wish you all the best of luck!
ChloboShoka Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 Even though I still sometimes dread going in as if it's my first day, I'm happy to be back in work tomorrow. Last week I injured my foot and couldn't walk on it. I have no idea how it happened. I only remember the pain getting worse over the weekend.
jayseven Posted June 16, 2014 Posted June 16, 2014 I guess I last posted this in the good news thread -- I've basically been told we're expanding and I will be promoted. This will take 2-3 months, but I'll have a but more autonomy, a few housework tasks to add to my duties, but a reduced pressure to meet targets and less need to answer phone calls. This comes from the proactive work I've put in. I can legitimately say I've saved the company thousands of pounds, devised and instigated changes to a lot of processes that ultimately save (conservatively estimating) 25% of time for each member of my team, with more changes to come. I've re-written our T&Cs and am in the process of redesigning our literature, and I've liaised with banks direct to reduce confusion and try to work towards making their jobs and ours better. I've independantly researched a whole bunch of shit... and yeah! Job is going well. This week I'm in charge. Our supervisor/team manager is on holiday and I've been given the big job. It's a clear signal to the others and it'll be interesting to see how things go. I think upper management is doing this to motivate others more -- but I'm terrified. Temporary power is a shitty thing.
bob Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 My friend just got a job working for Apple, and and so he's moving to California in Oct. Can't wait to visit! Makes my career progression feel a bit flat though...
nightwolf Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 jayseven said: This week I'm in charge. Our supervisor/team manager is on holiday and I've been given the big job. It's a clear signal to the others and it'll be interesting to see how things go. I think upper management is doing this to motivate others more -- but I'm terrified. Temporary power is a shitty thing. It certainly is! But doing it this way throws you at the deep end and from what you've said, is exactly how you work best. Good luck
Beast Posted June 17, 2014 Posted June 17, 2014 jayseven said: I guess I last posted this in the good news thread -- I've basically been told we're expanding and I will be promoted. This will take 2-3 months, but I'll have a but more autonomy, a few housework tasks to add to my duties, but a reduced pressure to meet targets and less need to answer phone calls. This comes from the proactive work I've put in. I can legitimately say I've saved the company thousands of pounds, devised and instigated changes to a lot of processes that ultimately save (conservatively estimating) 25% of time for each member of my team, with more changes to come. I've re-written our T&Cs and am in the process of redesigning our literature, and I've liaised with banks direct to reduce confusion and try to work towards making their jobs and ours better. I've independantly researched a whole bunch of shit... and yeah! Job is going well. This week I'm in charge. Our supervisor/team manager is on holiday and I've been given the big job. It's a clear signal to the others and it'll be interesting to see how things go. I think upper management is doing this to motivate others more -- but I'm terrified. Temporary power is a shitty thing. This is awesome news. Well done, mate! Ashley said: My employees are making me want to quit... How come?
Josh64 Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 I've been trying to stay optimistic (hard to believe I know :P) these last few months but fuck, man. I really don't know how much longer I can bloody stand it for. I'm so sick of taking one day at a time, one hour at a time, being exhausted for every shift, being mentally drained, having to pep myself up, not wanting to wake up every morning. Jesus, man. Anyway, I must dash, another day of taking things an hour at a time is upon me.
Ashley Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 Josh64 said: I've been trying to stay optimistic (hard to believe I know :P) these last few months but fuck, man. I really don't know how much longer I can bloody stand it for. I'm so sick of taking one day at a time, one hour at a time, being exhausted for every shift, being mentally drained, having to pep myself up, not wanting to wake up every morning. Jesus, man. Anyway, I must dash, another day of taking things an hour at a time is upon me. Would it help if I sang to you? Had interviews over the last two days and appointed someone. They've got to be better than my current employees, both of whom have requested holiday during the busiest time of the year!
Jimbob Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 Had a bit of good news today (what good news from me, this is rare). Basically they have some permanent jobs going which are coming up soon for all people on FTA contracts where i am, which is great news. It's 3/4 off-phone work with 1/4 on-phone work. More news will come out if we have to apply for them, or be job matched to them. But, after 3 1/2 years of consistently being messed around in the department i'm unsure if i should go for it. They havn't said if we'll get compensation as before, but i can't see why they can't offer it a 2nd time after the fiasco from March (which had people whom were offered a job decline it and still get the money). I'm still applying for a new job elsewhere and weighing up my options, but i'm 50/50 on this at the moment.
Blade Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 @Jimbob Aren't you still applying for alternative jobs?
Charlie Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 Blade said: @Jimbob Aren't you still applying for alternative jobs? Jimbob said: I'm still applying for a new job elsewhere and weighing up my options, but i'm 50/50 on this at the moment. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that Jimbob edited it in right after posting it. :P
Jimbob Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 Blade said: @Jimbob Aren't you still applying for alternative jobs? Charlie said: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that Jimbob edited it in right after posting it. :P I had put it in already, didn't edit it in. There are a few people in work not happy, some are 50/50 like me and others are elated in this. I suppose they can't please everyone, but that's life. I'd say it's a 33% split overall. Just sent my application off for a job i've been looking at, had to have the competence statements proof read but it's all good.
jayseven Posted June 25, 2014 Posted June 25, 2014 I just finished my week in charge and it went much better than expected. Our team produced its highest ever output, nobody gave me shit (and if they did I clearly was too awesome to notice), and I learnt that the IT department put in a good word for me to the MD as well. We've got a new guy starting tuesday and I'm tasked with being responsible for his training. He's got some tough fore-runners to follow but it'll be a chance for me to instil my idea of the Perfect Agent. I've been given a couple of days to come up with a schedule and a delegation plan, and if all goes well I'll be doing the same for the next noob in august. We normally have promotions/pay changes in september, so I figure that should be when I'm promoted. If I'm not, and if it's not a promised date for when I am, then I'll be looking for a new job. And on the side I've instigated a mail-shot for another project wrap-up. Just need the say-go from the MD and I'll have another feather in my cap!
Ashley Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 Y U NO HAVE SHIT EMPLOYEES?!? #jealous Happy it went well though!
Charlie Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 jayseven said: I just finished my week in charge and it went much better than expected. Our team produced its highest ever output, nobody gave me shit (and if they did I clearly was too awesome to notice), and I learnt that the IT department put in a good word for me to the MD as well. We've got a new guy starting tuesday and I'm tasked with being responsible for his training. He's got some tough fore-runners to follow but it'll be a chance for me to instil my idea of the Perfect Agent. I've been given a couple of days to come up with a schedule and a delegation plan, and if all goes well I'll be doing the same for the next noob in august. We normally have promotions/pay changes in september, so I figure that should be when I'm promoted. If I'm not, and if it's not a promised date for when I am, then I'll be looking for a new job. And on the side I've instigated a mail-shot for another project wrap-up. Just need the say-go from the MD and I'll have another feather in my cap! Great work. What is it you do again?
Blade Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 And im just leaving the office for the day...been up since half 5. Going to get up at 3:30 to do some more work as ive got an important hearing in Manchester later on. Loving the work though and to be honest it isnt that often I have to stay too late. I'm normally in the office between 8-6. But have emails on demand. Law is a 24/7 business unfortunately.
Rummy Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 Charlie said: Great work. What is it you do again? Everything.
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