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Batman: Arkham Knight


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No thankfully I didnt get any stuttering.
Disc version or digital? Don't think it makes a difference on PS4 though as the games get fully installed regardless.


Thankfully I only got stuttering like that during the main game on one occasion when gliding above the city.

I might replay the Harley mission tonight, see if it happens again.

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Disc version or digital? Don't think it makes a difference on PS4 though as the games get fully installed regardless.


Thankfully I only got stuttering like that during the main game on one occasion when gliding above the city.

I might replay the Harley mission tonight, see if it happens again.


Disc. I dont remember seeing any problems throughout my entire playthrough. I'm not always the best person to notice these things though.

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100%'ed the story last night. Now I just have the challenge maps and a few open world things to do for the platinum :)


That said I did notice alot of stuttering and at one point it froze up and booted me to the XMB. Another time I was half way through a race for a riddler trophy and the batmobile fell through the street and started falling through the geomitry forever. I had to zipline out of it and even after that I couldn't call the batmobile and had to restart the game.


Pretty good game, could of have done without all that though.

Edited by martinist
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So, I've done all the mines and watch towers across the island, it says I've done 5/5, 4/4 etc for each Island, but they aren't at 100% complete on the stats wheel for some reason and the track bar with the arrows seems to indicate there are more for me to do?


I've found out who the Arkham Knight is now, does that mean more become available to do now that...

DeathStroke has taken over the Milita?




Anyways other than that so far I've locked up:

2 Face



Professor Pyg



Simon Stagg




I doubt that I'll get the Riddler as I can't see me going for all the remaining Riddler trophies.


Really like the evidence lockup room and looking at the past assailants gadgets that you've locked up.

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I finished it the other day along with all side quests. I do have to mop up some Riddler trophies though to get the other ending. I'll do that over the weekend. I loved it. Never got tired of the Batmobile, maybe because I thought the tank combat was really easy once you got the drone hack upgrade. Anyway my GOTY so far and the best of the Arkham games.


Also Amazon finally got my Limited Edition to me today after the delay. I did however get a free download code for it off them last week so I didn't miss out.




Also the Batmobile is much better to use with the toggle battle mode option ticked in game options and also driving around in first person makes it so much easier to navigate. Riddler racers become a joke in first person.

Edited by bryanee
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I ended up cancelling my Limited Edition order with Amazon. I didn't want to have to wait the extra days for the digital copy to download. They still ended up sending me a free code for the game though. I guess it must have been an automated system set before I cancelled.

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I think I've completed the game. Scarecrow is gone and forced to do more of the sidequests to activate Knightfall... Feels a little anticlimatic.


disappeared without incident, becoming Red Hood. Deathstrike appeared and did some taunting, appearing only when I died.



There are a couple more to do, I just can't be arsed to look around/stall until I get intel. And Riddler can fuck off.

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I ended up cancelling my Limited Edition order with Amazon. I didn't want to have to wait the extra days for the digital copy to download. They still ended up sending me a free code for the game though. I guess it must have been an automated system set before I cancelled.


You could still cancel the order without issue after they sent the codes. Gotta give Amazon props for that. It only took me three hours to download it so it wasn't that much of an issue for me.

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In the words of @EEVILMURRAY - Riddler can indeed Fuck off.


I watched the other ending on youtube as I know I'll never have the motivation to find the billion riddler trophies scattered around.



The game itself was such a mixture of awesome stuff but also annoying stuff.


The "Joker" scene where your in the movie studio and Batman is stood on that spinning platform while Joker is singing to him. What a great part of the game.


The Joker being a "side kick" throughout the whole game I thought was pretty great


The evidence room in GCPD filled with bad guys you'd already beaten from previous games and filling up with the latest batch you brought in.


The closing scenes where you surrender to Scarecrow and play as the Joker. that whole finale was pretty amazing and trippy. I especially liked the image of seeing Riddler, 2 Face & Penguin all questioning each other what to do with the Joker as he's strapped to the carriage thing, then his own skin on the batmobile was great.



The game in general was more positive than negative to me, but there were a few lows...







Fuck Cobras. Fuck them...


Arkham Knight tank battle with Cobras... fuck sake


Arkham Knight battle with his driller / crusher thing.. fuck off


Arkham Knight battle when you go to save Gordan and he's got his sniper rifle and you have to do something like 5 'stages' before you get him. Fuck that I wanted a good face off man to man against him, not fucking tanks.



Deathshot tank battle with Cobras... no really fuck off Cobras, and same as above two punches landed once his tank was blown up and he's behind bars.


Destroying the mines / bombs scattered around the city then a wave of 50 tanks come. It's fun sure the first few times... but does get a little repetitive.


When driving the batmobile somewhere and a car with a convict comes into view you have to hold circle to cancel the tracking on it. Fuck sake I didn't want to follow that car in the first place.





Looking back apparently a lot more lows than highs, which is odd as I did actually enjoy the game.

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I really like the game but the constant tank battles are ridiculous.


There is no need for them.


I concur, constant attempts of validating the existence of the Batmobile, because travelling around Gotham consists of grappling as high as you can and mashing X for maximum gliding height.

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I concur, constant attempts of validating the existence of the Batmobile, because travelling around Gotham consists of grappling as high as you can and mashing X for maximum gliding height.


Haha wholeheartedly agree! Just started playing this yesterday and while it is amazing, I have to agree with the general consensus - the Batmobile sections feel forced, clunky and basically a little crap.


Flying around Gotham though is so much fun. Characters, voice work and graphics all top notch. : peace:

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In the words of @EEVILMURRAY - Riddler can indeed Fuck off.


I watched the other ending on youtube as I know I'll never have the motivation to find the billion riddler trophies scattered around.



The game itself was such a mixture of awesome stuff but also annoying stuff.


The "Joker" scene where your in the movie studio and Batman is stood on that spinning platform while Joker is singing to him. What a great part of the game.


The Joker being a "side kick" throughout the whole game I thought was pretty great


The evidence room in GCPD filled with bad guys you'd already beaten from previous games and filling up with the latest batch you brought in.


The closing scenes where you surrender to Scarecrow and play as the Joker. that whole finale was pretty amazing and trippy. I especially liked the image of seeing Riddler, 2 Face & Penguin all questioning each other what to do with the Joker as he's strapped to the carriage thing, then his own skin on the batmobile was great.



The game in general was more positive than negative to me, but there were a few lows...







Fuck Cobras. Fuck them...


Arkham Knight tank battle with Cobras... fuck sake


Arkham Knight battle with his driller / crusher thing.. fuck off


Arkham Knight battle when you go to save Gordan and he's got his sniper rifle and you have to do something like 5 'stages' before you get him. Fuck that I wanted a good face off man to man against him, not fucking tanks.



Deathshot tank battle with Cobras... no really fuck off Cobras, and same as above two punches landed once his tank was blown up and he's behind bars.


Destroying the mines / bombs scattered around the city then a wave of 50 tanks come. It's fun sure the first few times... but does get a little repetitive.


When driving the batmobile somewhere and a car with a convict comes into view you have to hold circle to cancel the tracking on it. Fuck sake I didn't want to follow that car in the first place.





Looking back apparently a lot more lows than highs, which is odd as I did actually enjoy the game.


Wait so % do I actually have to finish the game at to activate the protocol? I assumed it was 100%...I'm close to finishing everything bar Riddler just a few militia watchtowers and the mines to finish up.

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Wait so % do I actually have to finish the game at to activate the protocol? I assumed it was 100%...I'm close to finishing everything bar Riddler just a few militia watchtowers and the mines to finish up.


You have to complete a certain amount of the Gotham's Most Wanted, it should tell you how many you have left.

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Getting pretty frustrated with this game. I know the batmobile has been widely panned in reviews but I didn't think it would be this bad. Really, really repetitive and now I'm just sick of it. I'm pretty near the end of the game and really don't have the motivation to see it through.


Tis a shame because there's alot to like about this game but for me, the Batmobile as well as a really disappointing villain in the Arkham Knight (plus the aforementioned repetitiveness) has put me off the game.




Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

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Finished the story on this now, finale was just a bonkers as I was expecting it to be. icon14.gif

Still lots to do before reaching 100%, not sure I've got the patience for the Riddler stuff though. :hehe:


Anyway, great game. But my opinion on the Batmobile definitely changed, and despite initially loving it, the Batmobile did eventually get a bit tedious. I'm still glad it was included, and driving around or using it for puzzles was great, it's just the forced combat sections (especially in the later stages of the game) that kill it really. :blank:


Just got to the same point myself now, 95% done, the game was amazing, and i felt really sad when it was over, its almost perfect.

The batmobile is amazingly good fun,

but some of the forced cobra sections were irritating, generally there were some overly forced combat situations with the tank.

I was disappointed with the Deathstroke fight too, i was hoping for an actual fight not a clone of the Arkham Knight Cloudburst fight (thankfully without the need to scan and target weak points)


Loved so much of the game, The Joker song, the Jason Todd fight (seemed the most fitting way to fight someone you don't want to hurt any more), the end game Joker segments, the excavator fight, hell all the boss fights were great.......I'm really sad its over


not sure i have it in me to 100% it, i've only got 76 trophies




Man i want more Rocksteady Batman, no i want Rocksteady Batman Beyond, or a justice league game

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God this game is such a disappointment it was one of the games I was most excited about all year. How did it get delayed so many times yet no one realised how utterly dull Batmobile Tank fights were, I could've told them after a couple of hours play!


It is slowly growing on me though, bit by bit, I don't want to turn it off after half an hour anymore.Which is good news. But it aint a patch on Asylum or City, in fact, I actually far preferred Origins so far.

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God this game is such a disappointment it was one of the games I was most excited about all year. How did it get delayed so many times yet no one realised how utterly dull Batmobile Tank fights were, I could've told them after a couple of hours play!


It is slowly growing on me though, bit by bit, I don't want to turn it off after half an hour anymore.Which is good news. But it aint a patch on Asylum or City, in fact, I actually far preferred Origins so far.


Got to agree with this. It's ok but not a patch on Asylum especially. Part of the problem is all major gadgets are unlocked at the start allowing you access to most places, whereas in Asylum there were always doors and areas tantalisingly out of your reach which made it more compelling to play. Kind of Metroid esque

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've started this game and have done a reasonable amount of stuff so far.


What I like


- Fuark, everything looks beautiful. Some of the lighting going on in this game is crazy and it seems to look more and more incredible the more I play of it.


- I'm enjoying the storyline so far and

seeing the Joker come up every few moments to give some wise crack or say something that emotionally should hurt Batman is brilliant. Utterly brilliant.



- The double-teaming fighting mechanic is sublime and much better than I thought it would be. Being able to switch between the two is seamless and it does feel like you're part of a crime fighting team. One of the things that I love the most.


- Driving around Gotham in the Batmobile is pretty cool, actually. It's a nice change to flying around on rooftops and it's good that you can visually appreciate Gotham at a ground level.


- I'm enjoying the combat, as I thought that I would.


What I don't like


- There's too much emphasis on the Bat-tank thing. Way too much. I love the idea of having the Batmobile in the game and being able to drive around the City is pretty fun. But, having to use the Bat-tank so much...like...almost for every Riddler puzzle in that story arc and having to use it to defeat other random tanks and other shit is...a bit annoying after a while. It doesn't feel quite right to me and I don't think the balance is right. What I LOVED about City was the element of Batman stalking his victims in the darkness and being able to either use stealth or combat. In this game, I feel that there's almost too little combat and too little stealth and too much tank.


- Controls. Why is detective mode the up-button on the d-pad instead of L1 shoulder button? Oh yeah, because L1 is for Batmobile-Bat-tank action. I do find it a bit fiddly to switch weapons and to activate detective mode.


-...that's about it really.


On the whole, I am enjoying it. But, god, I wish there was a lot more Batman and a lot less Bat-tank.

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- I'm enjoying the storyline so far and
seeing the Joker come up every few moments to give some wise crack or say something that emotionally should hurt Batman is brilliant. Utterly brilliant.

Word, although I sometimes feel like I can't rush unless I miss some nice dialogue.

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