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Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric


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I gave the demo a try. You get 3 levels, each with a different kind of gameplay.


The first was an exploration level: The aim is still to get to the end of the level, but there are a lot of alternate routes and hidden stuff, with a Metroid-style map to help you.


One bad thing is that the game doesn't feel fast, but these levels seem more platforming orientated and requires a bit of thinking on how to use each character's abilities: Sonic can dash in the sky (you can smash through certain blocks and reach higher areas), Tails can throw bombs and glide up fans, Knuckles can smash stuff and dig (like the dig ability in Colours) and Sticks has a boomerang which you can use to hit switches. You switch between characters on-the-fly with the D-pad.


I was quite impressed with this level. It feels very different to Sonic, but if this is just the start and it gets harder as the game progresses, then I can see these being a lot of fun (then again, I can see how poor level design could make it very frustrating).


The second was a race, more like a traditional Sonic level except your racing another character. It looked like there were quite a few routes, so lots to try to get a fast time.


The last was an on-rails running/rail level. Fairly basic, really.


Still, it was more than I was expecting from the game.

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So, a bunch of stuff got shown/leaked about the game yesterday. Man, it looks worse than I ever thought it would be. I was hoping it would least be a decent, playable game but from the footage released it looks really, really bad.




Of course stuff like this isn't really new in a 3D Sonic game, but still...




The world looks so bland, especially when you compare it to Sonic Lost World.


Apparently the reviews are being held back until the games release. Says it all really.


A part of me finds it crazy that Sega would allow their mascot to be treated in such a way but then I think back to some of the other games they have made with him in and it's really not surprising at all. :D



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I watched all of the videos before they got taken down by the Nintendo ninjas, and still think it looks way more enjoyable than any other Sonic game I can think of (though again that's probably mostly because I've never been a fan of the usual Sonic games).


I mean, it's obviously not a very good game, but I think it's definitely in the "so bad it's good" territory. :heh:


Still very tempted to pick it up, to be honest. If only I didn't have a billion other games to play these days...

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A gaffer has been playing it.


I was mailed my copy early for some reason and have played through 35% of it since Sunday. (According to the save file.)


The game itself is a big mix of fun ps2-mascot-era inspired platforming segments, tediously basic combat arenas, and so-so Sonic-Dash-esque autorun sequences. It's a radically different direction for the franchise; one that shares way more in common with Jak, Sly, Ratchet, LEGO and Skylanders than it does with previous Sonic games.


That might sound great to you, or it might sound like the antithesis of what you want from a game that says "Sonic" on it. But it's moot, because even if you ARE a Sonic fan who is also coincidentally into this kind of game (as I am), you'll find that this particular one is hampered with a pile of technical problems and performance issues that are severe enough to wreck chunks of the game.


In some areas -- particularly the autorun speed segments -- the frame rate dips so low that the game becomes borderline unplayable. In others, potentially interesting environments and hubs are weirdly vacuous or undetailed -- as though they had to be emptied and stripped back to run smoothly -- which sucks a lot of the fun out of the exploration component. And activating the two-player co-op -- arguably the most unique addition the game makes to the genre -- makes the performance even worse. I don't know what happened. But it doesn't feel finished.


If you want your Sonic to actually play like Sonic, you'll find this entire Boom enterprise completely baffling and pointless. But if you're actually into this genre, it's maybe a little worse... because you'll find yourself liking a lot of the game, while constantly feeling that special unique "what could have been" pain that only ever comes from playing interesting but underbaked games. I'm definitely compelled to finish it, but the entire time I've been playing it, I've found myself saying "this is cool!", "augh, this COULD have been cool!", and "yiiiikes" in relatively equal proportions.


Another game breaking/stopping glitch has been found. That's a few now.


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The fact that only one 3D Sonic game has an average review score of over 80% on Gamerankings says it all really. They usually have mixed reviews at best - and sometimes far worse. The best of the bunch appear to be Sonic Generation and Sonic Colors. However I own Sonic Colors, and I can assure you, whilst fun in parts, it is still far from a AAA product.


The best scoring is actually the DC Sonic Adventure, which I found fundamentally broken.


I have Lost World, but haven't even unwrapped it yet. I thought Sonic Boom would be a disaster, as review copies not being sent out says it all.


SEGA just don't give a shit. I can't remember the last game they developed themselves that was any good. All their big franchises have gone to shit and they are a pale shadow of their former selves.


The one thing they should have done to save Sonic is done a NEW Sonic series, like NSMB. A proper disk based, full retail release classic 2D Sonic.

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I have Lost World, but haven't even unwrapped it yet. I thought Sonic Boom would be a disaster, as review copies not being sent out says it all.


Lost World is a solid game. I really enjoyed certain things about it but I know a few on here who thought it was garbage. I also enjoyed Unleashed ( both versions ) and people slammed that as well. Boom does look terrible though.


The one thing they should have done to save Sonic is done a NEW Sonic series, like NSMB. A proper disk based, full retail release classic 2D Sonic.


They tried going back to 2D with Sonic 4. It wasn't that hot, IMO.


They should give him to Nintendo ( like Capcom should do with Megaman ) and just let them have a crack at making a good Sonic game.

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They should give him to Nintendo ( like Capcom should do with Megaman ) and just let them have a crack at making a good Sonic game.


I'd rather not. Lost World wasn't amazing, but I liked it more than any post-N64 platformer from Nintendo.


Sonic Boom is a cheap tie-in to an American kid's cartoon. Sonic Team are making a proper one, I'd guess for the PS4/XBO/PC.

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Surely not even @S\.C\.G would give it a top score ;)


Nope, not even me Blade... while I still stand by my 9/10 for Sonic Lost World due to sheer fun factor alone, a game like this I'm sure would struggle to get a 5/10 at absolute best, from what I've seen in those videos it would probably end up being one of my lowest scoring reviews if I were to be reviewing it as I honestly think it would come in at 3/10 but that's just pure conjecture and I expect we will never know because if they aren't even giving out review copies at this point to anyone then I suspect they might only give out a handful of codes to specific sites just to keep the metacritic rating artificially 'high' but I don't think even that would save it. :indeed:


I would have preferred a sequel to Sonic Heroes instead of this, at least that game was playable in places. :heh:


Also, 'dat final boss. :awesome:

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