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Should Nintendo go 3rd party?!


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Here you go @Sheikah and @Happenstance. Let's do this :)


What are the benefits of tho sharpening? From a business perspective, from a gamer perspective? What would it do to Nintendo? Anything to learn from Sega doing it?


Personally, I think it would be absolutely horrific if it happened and pretty confident we are a long long long way away from this. I'd prefer them to team up with apple for a home console then this.


Without criticism and judgement, let's discuss this.

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A quick question: 'Going 3rd' party = abandoning hardware and put the focus entirely on software for other consoles?


I may give my thoughts on the topic soon, but I guess a lot of people will be ahead of me and I will probably end up just agreeing/disagreeing with the stuff you guys post :p

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I think they'll merge the consoles too. Like if the gamepad was the 3ds, genuine cross play. We'll see. Home console and handheld games are very different but can see it.


Happenstance I thought you were an advocate for Nintendo going 3rd party? Sorry if it wasn't you? But this thread is for everyone anyway, so what do you think?


A quick question: 'Going 3rd' party = abandoning hardware and put the focus entirely on software for other consoles?


I may give my thoughts on the topic soon, but I guess a lot of people will be ahead of me and I will probably end up just agreeing/disagreeing with the stuff you guys post :p


Yeah of course it does. Though i think some people suggest only going 3rd party with home consoles and keeping their handhelds going.

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@dazzybee its not really something I talk about all that often which is why I was wondering.


Yes I would probably prefer them to go third party with their home console stuff but stick to their own handhelds. I dont think the arguments that similar products dont sell as well on other consoles holds all that much because simply, those similar products arent Nintendo games.


I think a lot of gamers would jump at the chance to be able to buy some of these games without having to get yet another console. Especially a console at the moment which has an uncertain life span and lack of support from third parties. There have been a couple of Wii U games I would have bought released last year but I certainly wasnt going to pay money for a whole console just to play them (ignoring for a minute that I already had one and sold it).


I think though if Nintendo had the support of third parties then the argument would be entirely different. The Wii U would feel like a well rounded console and not just a Nintendo machine. Its enough for some people of course but as the sales have shown us, not enough people anymore.

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We'd just be repeating ourselves really. It was never full Nintendo 3rd party - just home console that I was suggesting.


Me and Sheikah have discussed this subject so many times, I only wish I knew which threads we did it in :heh:
Well before the only place for it was the Wii U thread because no one had created a thread for it.


Now there is one, and this will be the place to put it should anyone have something to say on the subject :)

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Though i think some people suggest only going 3rd party with home consoles and keeping their handhelds going.


Let me use this as an introduction to my thoughts. :)



To make this clear from the getgo: I have no idea about business/development/costs/profits/etc. So this will be just musings of a passionate gamer.


Nintendo going 3rd party. To some it appears to be a thing of absolute horror, to others it may well be the Second Coming.

It could be the best thing that ever happened to video gaming – at least to my video gaming preferences.


What I would love to see: Nintendo should continue developing new gaming kits – both home consoles and handhelds.

That's my 50cts considering hardware.


Moving on to software: What if Nintendo made a new Super Mario? 3D, HD, no 'gimmicks' (i.e. second screen, motion controls, etc) – just pure platforming genius.

Let's face it: Nintendo are capable of creating Jump 'n' Run masterpieces (generally masterpieces of many genres). Some better than others, but they recently proved that they are still king of the hill (haven't played Super Mario 3D World, yet – but reviews are generally favourable).


Now, what if Nintendo released this game on their home console (Wii U, or a new one) and on – let's only take Sony – PS4.

Hardcore Nintendo fans would be butthurt, hardcore Sony fans would go "What the fuck is this shit? Kiddy game blahblah.". But these are (just an assumption, can't provide any evidence) the exception.


What I assume would be the response of a gamer who only owns a Nintendo console: "A new Mario? Awesome!"

The response of a gamer who only owns a PS4: "Fuck me, a Mario on my console? Amazing!"

The response of a gamer who owns both: "A new Mario? Awesome!"


(all of this may apply to other genres – e.g. brawlers, cart games, party games)


As I've said above, there will be people who continue to be butthurt and decide to be stubborn.

For the rest, this may well be gaming heaven.

And I'm pretty sure this 'rest' is 70%-80% of gamers.


What effects would this have on their business/software sold/hardware sold; no idea and that's not what I wanted to share.

What I wanted to let the gamers here know: There is a potential of Nintendo going (partly) 3rd party that no one can/should dismiss.

Of course, there are also risks that currently outweigh the potential.



In the end, tough, it's clear that Nintendo will never go 3rd party, so it's just wishful thinking (at least for me :p ).

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Now there is one, and this will be the place to put it should anyone have something to say on the subject :)


It needs to be remembered though that in order for conversations to actually flow, discussions might drift from time to time and maybe people could cool down with all the complaints. I doubt anyone went into the various threads this has happened in, looking to talk about Nintendo going third party. They will have read something and replied and it just went in that direction.

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I'd rather see Nintendo abandon home consoles and focus entirely on a mainly handheld market. The way developers and Nintendo are using it, nothing about the Wii U wouldn't be possible on new and suped up DS.


They should release a higher resolution handheld that would enable you to play a handheld title on the television at home. It would be pretty awesome and it definitely seems like that's what their end goal is, or what it might become.


That said, if they did go third party I'd probably still be pretty happy. Just so long as I can keep playing their games. Let's face it, we don't buy Nintendo hardware for the amazing power, we buy it for the games.

Edited by Guy
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In theory, it'd be great. We'd be able to play Zelda on the most powerful consoles, with a traditional controller.


In practice, without their own hardware to sell, I think Nintendo would no longer be able to justify 3-year+ development cycles. They'd probably just rely on brand names to create cheap, high-profit software that they could put out iterations of every year. It'd still be decent, but I don't think we'd ever get another "Majora's Mask" or "Wind Waker" that way.

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In practice, without their own hardware to sell, I think Nintendo would no longer be able to justify 3-year+ development cycles. They'd probably just rely on brand names to create cheap, high-profit software that they could put out iterations of every year. It'd still be decent, but I don't think we'd ever get another "Majora's Mask" or "Wind Waker" that way.


I still kind of feel that if Nintendo did become a third party, they'd end up a developer on the level of Valve or maybe Naughty Dog. The type of dev thats respected enough that they can just put games out when they are ready.

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I still kind of feel that if Nintendo did become a third party, they'd end up a developer on the level of Valve or maybe Naughty Dog. The type of dev thats respected enough that they can just put games out when they are ready.


I know what you mean, it's just the shareholders aspect of it that bothers me. Speculation on my part, of course, but I can't seen them keep signing the cheques (so to speak) if they're not seeing a return.

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I know what you mean, it's just the shareholders aspect of it that bothers me. Speculation on my part, of course, but I can't seen them keep signing the cheques (so to speak) if they're not seeing a return.


I think this is where the famous warchest comes in and people wanting Nintendo to go third party now. At the moment they'd have enough to be sustained for a while to allow them to produce those AAA games for other systems and prove it could work (assuming it would work of course).


The comparison with SEGA comes up a lot but that was when SEGA had already failed. If Nintendo went third party now they would be in a much better position.


But yes, the shareholders are a whole other aspect of this that I hadnt thought about. You've got to feel though that whatever direction they take, the shareholders will be wanting a return and the Wii U at the moment is just as problematic.

Edited by Happenstance
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Anyone a big sega fan to talk about them and what happened to their games? Do they still do incredible games? They were pretty much the "other half" of the games industry and now they've fallen away massively. Just wondered if anyone knew more about them and why etc

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So do people think that we would see a reduction in quality from Nintendo if they became 3rd party.


I don't think so, really. Most of my favourite games are produced by third party developers. And can Nintendo get that much worse than what they're doing with the Wii U now? Heh.


In theory, it'd be great. We'd be able to play Zelda on the most powerful consoles, with a traditional controller.


In practice, without their own hardware to sell, I think Nintendo would no longer be able to justify 3-year+ development cycles. They'd probably just rely on brand names to create cheap, high-profit software that they could put out iterations of every year. It'd still be decent, but I don't think we'd ever get another "Majora's Mask" or "Wind Waker" that way.


To be fair, plenty of companies like Bethesda spend years between releases (e.g. Morrowind - Oblivion - Skyrim). What they produce then are such comprehensive, quality games that they make tons of cash.


Anyone a big sega fan to talk about them and what happened to their games? Do they still do incredible games? They were pretty much the "other half" of the games industry and now they've fallen away massively. Just wondered if anyone knew more about them and why etc


This crops up time and time again. Never in any other setting would anyone use an n=1 observation to base the outcome of all future similar events.


The reason I don't agree with the comparison is because Sega were forced into their position whereas Nintendo have money and wouldn't be forced into anything.


Put simply, it wouldn't be the same situation at all and people who bring this example up never seem to consider that.

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I would rather they die than go third party.




Seriously though, them going third party is a horrible idea. Part of the reason their games are so polished, with a locked 60fps, so tight and responsive is because they were developed in tandem with the console, with the developers knowing everything about the ins and outs of it. Them going third party would kill that. At best, their games would have to be exclusive to one console so that the sort of polish we expect could be achieved, and for a third party, that would be suicide.


In addition to that, they'd have to significantly downsize. We'd stop getting niche titles like Kid Icarus, Pushmo, Rolling Western, and even Metroid and have to deal with annualised versions of Mario and Pokémon, with the occassional Zelda.


It would be horrific.

Edited by Serebii
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^ And you tell others not to hyperbole :p


What a ridiculous statement!


You have the option of Nintendo able to carry on making fantastic games (and actually have the weight and expense of console R&D off their shoulders freeing up more money and time to dedicate on game design) or disappear completely and you choose the latter.

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^ And you tell others not to hyperbole :p


What a ridiculous statement!


You have the option of Nintendo able to carry on making fantastic games (and actually have the weight and expense of console R&D off their shoulders freeing up more money and time to dedicate on game design) or disappear completely and you choose the latter.

They would be a shell of their former selves. That's worse than death.

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Yes no Maybe, all of the above?


its a complex issue that really is reliant on other factors


If the WiiU bombas hard, nintendo can survive, if the successor to the WiiU doesn't improve things and the bombs hard itself,then rather than them go bankrupt i'd like to see them go third party for console releases


Handheld wise it would be lunacy for them to go third party as they dominate the market and right now its their main revenue earner


Patchers suggestion is madness


and rather than third party as i mentioned above i'd rather them merge with Sony and become a first party developer for them, in my eyes the worst thing they ever did was stiff sony, if they'd stayed together they could have been amazing together.


I suppose my main point is its highly preferable to me that they stay on their own, and become more successful, but if the home console market becomes so untenable for them, i'd like to see them produce home console software for Sony and/or PC

Handheld wise they can stay as they are

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