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No Man's Sky


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A demo of a solar system could work maybe? But it would take out the "what's out there?" factor, which a lot of us enjoy.


Are you on the fence then? If so what are you reservations? Although I like it a lot it's certainly not a game for everyone, though everyone and his mother seems to feel personally slighted a niche sci-fi survival game hasn't been geared towards them specifically, but hey, that's the Internet.


I do find it so bizarre how people take things so personally.


I'm sort of on the fence, yeah. I don't have a PS4 at the moment but I'm planning to buy one for 'The Last Guardian' (also waiting for the NEO announcement before buying). I'm probably leaning more towards buying 'No Man's Sky' than not, but I do have concerns with whether I'd play it for a while, or whether it would just be exciting for a week and then I wouldn't touch it for a couple of months.


With 'Minecraft' for instance, I really enjoyed it for the first few weeks but never really played it on PC since, although I have put a lot of hours into pretty menial things on the Android version. 'No Man's Sky' is obviously a different beast than 'Minecraft' though, despite sharing some mechanics it seems to offer much more variation - at least aesthetically.


The exploration is what appeals to me most, but I just worry that I'd tire of the mechanics of the game quite quickly. I'm not really one for judging the value of a game by it's price but if 'No Man's Sky' was £20 then it would be a definite purchase for me, but at £40+ I'm hesitant, so to be able to play a limited demo where I could test out the depth of the mechanics would be quite good.

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6 hours on my first planet (new save). Still haven't found the last species for 100% discovery...I want that sweet 175,000 units bonus.


Well, I've found a couple of drop pods so all is fine. :D


As soon as I find that species I will fly into space and explore another planet.


This game, guys...this game.

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I've got a question to those of you who have played it a lot. I've read a lot of comments from people who are on the fence about getting it and the general reaction seems to be mixed, do you think a demo is a possibility? I'm just curious if you think it's something that could be done, rather than something that would be done.


I'm thinking it would be possible if the demo consisting of an entirely separate universe, limited only to a single planet or moon that generates differently for every player rather than giving people an opportunity to try it out in the real universe and cordon things off. A demo that just shows off the games mechanics on a smaller scale rather than throwing you into the games 'real' universe.


I can't remember where I read this, but I read a really interesting piece a while back (moooonths ago) where they discussed game demos. The conclusion was that a demo doesn't necessarily lead to a sale, for a multitude of reasons. Some may feel satisfied with just playing the demo and getting their fix that way, for instance. I can't see a demo for No Man's Sky being a thing and a large part of me does think that demos are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Nowadays, there's previews, reviews, impressions, beta testing, youtubers, celebrity endorsements, twitch streamers, forums, twitter, facebook...there's all of these places to get the relevant information.


My outlook on gaming these days is different. I take many more chances and am a bit more willing to try virtually anything. However, there's a definite sweet spot with pricing that, imo, only you can really gauge. To me, I had no issue with buying No Man's Sky at full price, especially as the cost between digital and retail was only a couple of quid. It made sense to go digital, so I went with that. If you feel it's a 20 or 30 quid game, then wait for that magic number and jump in. But also...if the temptation is there to play it, what's the real difference between spending £30 and £35 or £40. Back when I was at uni or when I was in high school, it was more of a struggle to get newer games due to a lack of money, so I'd wait it out. Everyone has their magic number for a specific game based on its perceived value. Watch people play the game on Twitch or youtube, gauge people's reactions on here, etc. Normally, I get a little buzz before I buy a game that pushes me over the edge to buy it instantly or it gets me excited for it. I had the buzz days before putting my preorder down, so I knew it was the right call.


Imo, it's worth full price. There's clearly a lot of effort that's been put into the game. I love the visuals, the sound, the lore. I've already put over 10 hours into it and I've barely got going. I know that I'll get over a hundred hours out of this, so I've got no qualms about paying full price. Weigh up your money and the outcomes. Does that money desperately need to go somewhere else? Are you saving up for something important? If the answer is yes, then waiting a bit wouldn't hurt. But, there's something a bit special about discovering stuff around the same time as everyone else, when they're learning about it all. There's that benefit of getting it closer to release.

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I think reviews help a lot. I usually from trailers and previews get an idea if a game is for me.


Games I have doubts about I wait for reviews and others players opinions.


I don't think I need to play a game to get a conclusion as if a concensus tells me it's shit that'll do.

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Why yes, i will sell my gold thanks.


I've found a planet where there's a fair bit of gold, too. I've been on it since about 9 o'clock just mining and chilling out/seeing what else there is.


I saw a bloody wonderful ship with 29 slots but it cost about 5 million units!

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Why yes, i will sell my gold thanks.


330K units for 1.4K gold. Nice one!


So I discovered a crashed ship via transmission tower and I noticed there are a huge amount of Emeril near it. So I went on the top of the Emeril and drilled all the way down to protect myself from a heat storm inside it. It's freaking bigger than I thought!




As you can see the length of the pathway I made from the top to bottom. It took me 1.5 hours gathering every Emerils. 25,000 of it! The default value for 500 Emerils is 137,000 units. JACKPOT!




So I made a good run back to the Space Station without any problems where I bumped into a friendly Vy'keen warrior who arrived few seconds after me and the value of 500 Emerils are 210K rather than 137K with him so I sold 25,000 of it for 1K million. Aw Yeah!

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I've just arrived on a moon and seeing the nearby planet from the moon's surface is breath-taking.


It's incredible, isn't it? Had the same experience last night. It was beautiful...


I'm supposed to go to my girlfriend's today and spend time with her...but I want to play No Man's Sky.



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OK, I'm about to fire up No Man's Sky for the first time. :)


I will play for one hour... ;)





...I'll report back in two hours. :heh:


See you tomorrow :p


Well so much for that, I played for... not even three quarters of an hour and I had a crash within the first twenty minutes and I was too tired to carry on playing/redo the small amount of lost "progress" I had made. ::shrug:


Now, I don't want to be down on the game because in that short amount of time I managed to mine at least ten different things, activate that beacon thing, destroyed a drone before promptly running away from the rest and I found at least one glitched creature.


It was interesting enough, though I need to put some real time into it but this won't really be possible until Sunday at the earliest hopefully by then there might be another patch to fix crashes and other things as quite honestly my PS4 hadn't crashed like that since launch. :heh:


Of course I am willing to put some more time into it, I didn't really have any huge preconceptions going in plus it's a new game, so I'm not disappointed just slightly deflated at the moment; no doubt these feelings will be no more on my next play session of it. : peace:


Naturally what has impressed me is the overall tone that the game has, oh and the soundtrack, I bought the album after listening to it a week ago and I had it on in the background while I was playing a bit of Monster Hunter last night before trying this out, really solid OST. :awesome:

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Wow this game is getting ripped to pieces by IGN's review in progress. It's a real shame, but I can understand their complaints.


Intersting. Who is the reviewer for the game?


I was listening to the IGN PS podcast this morning and they were mostly positive about it. Brian Altano was saying its not perfect but it's hardly a mess and the others were saying how excited they are to finish work and get back on it.


I was listening to Colin and Greg from PS I Love You discuss the game and they were saying its one of the most divisive games they've seen in a long time. From the sounds of it there doesn't seem to be a middle ground. You either love it or hate it.


I see Jim Sterlings website got attacked after he gave the game a 5/10. These people who get all up in arms over scores are just stupid. Instead of playing a game that they love and defend, they spend their time attacking others who don't share the same opinion as them. Idiots. It's stuff like this that makes me really hate what the industry has become.


EDIT: No matter, @Ronnie. I've just checked myself who is reviewing the game.

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I stumbled across a planet last night that was completely devoid of any life yet there were palm trees everywhere and crystal clear blue water as far as you could see (with plenty of land/islands) but no creatures at all anywhere. It was just weird to find this paradise, where the temperature was perfect and stable, where there was no radiation or toxicity effects and that there was nothing there bar a few outposts with Gek in them.


On the other hand, one of the places I went to after that was radioactive and seems to have plenty of animal life, all of which want to kill me, and the sentinels have a four legged version helping them here. And then I found a place where you could look out into a valley and see about 5 or 6 different species just wandering about peacefully.


The diversity I'm seeing from the planets I've been to so far has been great and I'm still keeping in mind the tidbit from Sean Murray that things only get weirder the closer to the centre you get.


Do think that one of my milestone things is bugged. I redeemed the pre-order ship when I booted into the game and although I managed to find the blueprints that you can miss out on for doing that in the next system I went to, the hyperdrive jump doesn't seem to be ticking up for the next milestone for the Stargazer thing. Hoping that I'm just reading into it wrong as I'd rather not jump back to the beginning and start fresh. We'll see later on this afternoon as I have one planet and it's moon to clear in the current system before I'll jump to the next one.

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@drahkon this is going to sound weird but I absolutely loved just fucking collecting shit and my worlds in Terraria(so much I never brought myself to hardmode them) and something about this exploration and gathering/investigating aspect along with the sci-fi feels and silly animals makes me feel that I might end up quite liking this - but then I wonder and I'm not sure. I know it isn't Minecraft/Terraria but knowing that's the bit I did most - do you reckon I'd get on with this? Something about the sound of its vastness and you as a lone dude/dudette makes me think I might.
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@drahkon this is going to sound weird but I absolutely loved just fucking collecting shit and my worlds in Terraria(so much I never brought myself to hardmode them) and something about this exploration and gathering/investigating aspect along with the sci-fi feels and silly animals makes me feel that I might end up quite liking this - but then I wonder and I'm not sure. I know it isn't Minecraft/Terraria but knowing that's the bit I did most - do you reckon I'd get on with this? Something about the sound of its vastness and you as a lone dude/dudette makes me think I might.


I can try to convince you at the meet. ;)


If you're quite into that feeling of isolation, I think you'll enjoy it.

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