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No Man's Sky


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Apparently they are adding new features whilst polishing the game at the same time hence the June 2016 rather than late 2015. And those features are their mostly requested from the gamers.


Like what? I'd much rather that somebody was honest and said, "sorry guys, you won't be playing it til 2016." We could have been told this MONTHS ago. Why do the IGN month thing, why go on TV with Colbert, why do all of these interviews now instead of much further down the line?


All it would have taken is one interview to just come clean and say that it's looking like a mid-2016 release. It smacks of poor communication, tbh. They weren't even at the event today when the world and his wife seemed to be there; we had to get the date through a trailer!


I'm very pissed off because all of the media attention this has been getting was indicating a much sooner release. NOT a release 8 months down the line. All of this being coy on camera saying, "soon" about a release date just isn't good enough, in my opinion.

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Well the whole trademark fiasco may have set them back a bit as well. I mean, really we don't know enough to start pointing fingers and blame.


We have a more concrete date now and there's enough to play in the mean time. Sean seems like a pretty honest, down-to-earth and nice guy. If there was anyway to get it out quicker, they would.

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They've said they've always had an interest in having a VR version too, which would be pretty amazing. If they both came out the same time I'd be pretty stoked. Originally Sean did say they'd finish the game and work on VR stuff afterwards. Things change, but as I said, we just don't know enough really.


Except that once is game is finally released, it'll be amazing :D

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I can see this easily as having been something small originally (in the sense of features/things you do, even though it was procedural). Then when the massive hype built up following its reveal, Sony mentioned they were then treating it like they would a first party exclusive.


Basically, I think they've massively stepped it up as a result, and that's why it's taking them a lot longer to make it.

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As soon as the "June 2016" popped up during the conference I lost massive amounts of interest in this.


It was my most anticipated game ever but now I'm annoyed and quite frankly sceptical about No Man's Sky. It seemed finished and with the PR going on it seemed almost ready to release.


Well, now Fallout 4 is my most anticipated game ever and that will release in a couple of months.

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I cannot believe anyone is surprised by this realise date. The first showing of this game was complete smoke and mirrors. You've only got yourselves to blame, especially after I warned you.


No Man's Sky won't be out this year. Everything they've shown has been pre-rendered on a high-end PC. It's all smoke and mirrors designed to build hype. The game is still in early stages.


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On the latest Podquisition episode, Laura K Buzz (Destructoid) highlights some things she has been hearing via her sources regarding No Man's Sky over recent months - https://soundcloud.com/jimquisition/...iction#t=23:37


No Man's Sky was meant to be at a UK event called Game City as a "hands off demo", but they cancelled their appearance, apparently due to technical issues.


Sony's E3 Press Conference demo was not on a PS4. It was running on PC


Considerable issues getting the game to run on PS4


Optimisation on PC has been hell


Lots of technical problems getting the game to run at the scale they want


I guess this explains why it's taking so long to get the game out.

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  • 3 months later...

So there hasn't been any update on the official news on the No Man's Sky website since December.


I think it's safe to say that Sony/Hello Games aren't really handling the PR of this project properly well at all but is anyone actually getting worried about it's development now? Is this about to go Last Guardian on us?

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A listing on the PlayStation Blog, which has already been removed, listed No Man's Sky with a $59.99 price date a very close release date.


The last we heard, No Man's Sky was slated for a June 2016 release date, but that was a specific as developer Hello Games and Sony was willing to get. The listing on the PlayStation Blog, which has been already been pulled, gives No Man's Sky a March 3 release and a $59.99 price. We've reached out to both Sony and Hello Games for confirmation on this date and price and will update this story if and when we receive a response.


That seems supports the rumour about the embargo end this Thursday.

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