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No Man's Sky


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A game where you're going to be moving around and looking about a fair bit is 'better suited' to a controller?!


You mad man.


It just feels more like a "PS4" game to me. ::shrug:


I've never really cared much for keyboard and mouse controls either. :hmm:


Plus the game is £39.99 on Steam with the game locked until 12/08/2016 whereas I got the PS4 version in a deal which only cost me £36 and it's in the post already. :)


All of it just comes down to preference surely? Plus my PC wouldn't run it as well as my PS4 will... I'd need to upgrade the graphics again, something I don't need to do for the relatively low-requirement games I play on it. : peace:


I'm getting it at launch though, so long as everyone is playing and enjoying the game, that's all that matters surely?

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Anything without the need for very precise aim or oodles of buttons/shortcuts is invariably worth getting on console IMO, if you don't mind the graphical hit. The controller is more comfortable and the games are actually properly optimised to display on HDTV. Don't get me started on the way most PC games display on HDTV. There's much more of a community on console too.


Obviously you can buy an Xbox controller for PC but that isn't always an option, and I far prefer the PS4 pad anyway. PS4 pad isn't properly supported in games as I recall, what with button prompts still being those for Xbox when using a PS4 pad.

Edited by Sheikah
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lol, like you'd ever bump into another one anyway.


It would be nice if you could see each other though, it would be so rare that you'd see someone that it would be such a strange experience.


I was hoping some of you guys would have posted your impressions of it, but you're probably just too engrossed to pull yourselves away. Keen to see what you all think of it though, I'm hoping to get a PS4 in about a month so will hopefully be joining you soon.

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Good mornin' everybody.


The practical course starts in an hour and I swear I will work as fast as I can. :laughing: I'm so fucking excited, I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve. :santa:


My plan for today:

1. Finish the assignment for the course today in record time.

2. Pick up No Man's Sky.

3. At home, put in the disc, let the game install and download the patch.

4. In the meantime eat launch.

5. Play the game.

6. All day long.

7. All night long.

8. YES!


I might write a loogbook with a couple of screenshots describing my first hour with the game. :)

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Hmmm still not understanding what this game is about or what you do it.


Is it just endless exploration? If so, what for? Is there not an objective? Whats the point?


Exactly my thoughts. Since first reveal and till now I just don't see what all the fuss was/is about Reading the early impressions all my fears seem to have appeared. Seems mad repetitive and can see it turning people off with the first 5 hours.


A very polarizing game.

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4. In the meantime eat launch.


That's rather selfish of you considering how many people seem to be looking forward to it.


I'm a bit with Blade/Liger atm - need impressions from folks here! Obvs maybe consider spoiler tags for the others, though. Don't know how much is and isn't obvious to each person in their playthroughs.

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When it first got announce I was so hyped and really looking forward to it, but that waned slightly as we learned a bit more... and even moreso when I heard it's unlikely you'll meet friends on the game... then the excitement completely disappeared after I saw that if you do meet up you can't even see each other!


This game isn't for me.

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Its still not known if you really cant see each other, even with that livestream. Sean has been tweeting again and its made it sound like that could be server issues and not just that you cant ever see other players.


Either way though, this was always more of a single player game so it sounds like if the fact that you might not be able to see other players put you off then the game probably never was for you to begin with.

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First impressions: there's very little hand holding and it certainly takes a while to get used to but oh my, the scope of it all. Was a bit bleary eyed and tired when I played last night but I couldn't put it down. Eventually had to after four hours as I was shattered but am going straight back on now!

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As soon as the game unlocked at midnight, I jumped in and I didn't stop until around 3:45 this morning. I had to stop because of tiredness, but I would have kept playing had this not been a problem.


My first impressions are that this game isn't for everyone. First of all, you have to buy into the theming of it all. This is clearly inspired by the old traditional science fiction literature, film and television. I had vibes of the old Star Trek television series, of 2001: A Space Odyssey, media of that ilk. Secondly, the most divisive aspect of all is what you actually do in the game. I finally "get" the game now that it's in my hands in front of me. It's a survival game. Similar to elements of games like Tokyo Jungle, actually. You're marooned in space and you start from the bottom and upgrade your gear (suit, tool, ship) in order to improve your chances of survival. Doing that enables you to then be more successful at trading, exploring, fighting, etc.


I had a fantastic time with the game. Here is my first planet and starting ship:






My opening planet was toxic, so scavenging for resources was my priority. I think I spent over an hour, maybe close to 2 hours just on the opening planet. The only reason I left was so that @Eenuh could see space and the nearby planets/moon before she went to bed. So, I wandered around the landscape and mined for resources. This pissed off the sentinels a few times and I actually died within the first 10 minutes of the game. Once this happens, you start off at your last checkpoint/save point and you have the option to go back to your previous death place and retrieve your loot, which is very Dark Souls/Bloodbourne-esque.


I managed to make the necessary repairs to my ship and even found a few old outposts along the way. The planet turned to night-time and it was actually pretty eerie not knowing where I was going and how dangerous some of the creatures could be. I made it back to my ship with seconds to spare and then blasted off into space. For me, this is when I realised the scale of the game. It took a fair few minutes to get to the nearest planet.


When getting to the nearest planet, I came across these hilarious/lovely looking creatures which I have dubbed "Space Cows":








There were complex cave networks under this radioactive planet, filled with immense amounts of plutonium. I used my ship to fly to the other side of the planet before deciding to head for the first space stations. By interacting with a few devices, a beacon was activated on a nearby planet, which I headed to on the way to the station.




On the whole, I had a great time with the game yesterday. I'm looking forward to playing more later on today. :D

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This is clearly inspired by the old traditional science fiction literature, film and television. I had vibes of the old Star Trek television series, of 2001: A Space Odyssey, media of that ilk.
Secondly, the most divisive aspect of all is what you actually do in the game. I finally "get" the game now that it's in my hands in front of me. It's a survival game. Similar to elements of games like Tokyo Jungle, actually.
Annnnnnnd I'm hyped. :hehe:


Not got any plans to get this soon mind you, (still hooked on Monster Hunter Generations, got Gravity Rush Remastered to finish and The Tomorrow Children is imminent... apparently) but yeah, this is very much on the to buy list. :)

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