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"Shameless Self-Promotion" or "Don't Judge Me. Please. x"


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Hey everyone. I know I lurk more than I post nowadays but I know you all still love me as much as I love you. Let's not deny it.


BASICALLY I used to be fat. Then I lost loads of weight through no fault of my own and people started telling me I was good looking. I haven't been able to deal with this knowledge very well, having kinda lived 18 or so years prior feeling rather unnattractive/neither here nor there about my looks. So I became a bit of a schizo attention hog.

My boyfriend got me into the hilarity/amazingness/ridiculousness of modelling shows like Top Model almost 2 years ago.




I srsly just did it for a lol. HENCE WHY I HAVE SUCH A SHIT PICTURE OH GOD.


I look awful. Urgh. My hair. I didn't think..urgh. They should have asked for another one. JESUS.




I need public votes or something to make top 15, which I probably shouldn't ever be in, but IMAGINE if I was? (It's 10 girls and 5 boys so I have more of a chance than the girls do) SO LOLLLLL. I would stomp that runway (it's a charity runway finale thing, this is all in aid of CASH FOR KIDS). So yeah. Cringe but could you vote for me? Thanks bitches. Love you. xoxoxox


I know NONE of the girls so you can vote for whichever of them.


P.s I'm aware of the attractiveness of all the men except me (I'd put my pic like bottom of my hot list) so you can vote for them if you want but I will know and I will kill you






I'm HENRY GRAY if y'all didn't know


EDIT: just looked at my pic again. eurgh

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Hilariously, every picture except yours loads for me.


But it's okay, I voted for you anyway.



I want to vote for Chris Barr. Don't hate me.


...I'll just not vote out of respect.


Edit: It's only because his photo has the only good lighting.

You want to make hot steamy man-love to him.


It's okay, you can say it.

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Either that or punch him. I've not decided.



...Maybe I'll cover both bases just to be sure.


Edit: I'd say he was pretty to look at. Not the same league as me, though. (If Paj is going to be shameless, so am I.)

Edited by Daft
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You have many types and low standards. thisbadjokeisnowdead.gif


Oh..sorry I'm tired. I need to have a nap. True though. I like tall (which they all are) men with dark hair and stuff. *shrug*


I might send this round the office.




/ I'm not even that bothered, it's a free country. *falls asleep*

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I haven't been to Edinburgh in a while but what's happened to the women?


It's the capital of Fugly now.


Starting at the top left....


Aye, naw, naw, probably, naw, aye, aye, aye, naw, naw ,naw, aye, naw, naw, aye, probably, winner, naw, aye, aye, naw, aye, aye, runner up, aye, aye, drug addict?, aye, aye, srsly?







And Paj, voted for you.

Edited by Charlie
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I can't really comment on the dudes, but I gotta say none of the women look like they could satisfy a bone in my body. You know which bone I mean.


Anyway voted for you, which I would have done anyway, having chanced upon that poll without knowing you, since you look plain baffled and surprised as fuck to be there.

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