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Pokémafia EX Alpha 1 : Double Trouble!


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Since you're asking me specifically, I'm going to assume it's because I targeted you and you did that.


While it's possible that I'm the two glowing Pokémon, the name thing is not part of my power, as far as I know.


I don't want to reveal the power, but have you got anything to do with a farm?

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The person I reached last night had some sort of protection/evasive power. I'm not sure why Peeps would have done anything but investigate but I've no idea what planting a seed does.


I'm guessing if a player was illuminated then instead of it saying a pink Pokemon it would either say the Pokemon or the player.

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I don't reckon Magnus Peterson is mafia, he did good things involving me last night. Does anyone see themselves in the write-up? (besides Diageo obviously). I think I am in it. I THINK.


One player was cursed:


On ghost it lowers hp by half, and causes a quarter ( i think ) hp damage to the foe, on anything else is lowers speed and raises attack and defense.


Since I didn't remember what that move did. Not sure how that translates into this game.


Cube -> Did a thing or something. Involved a possible glow.


Diageo -> Targeted Cube

drahkon -> TARGETED NO ONE DUN DUN DUN (dibble vote????)

Esequiel -> Roleblocked

heroicjanitor -> Targeted myself / was glowing in the write-up I think

Jonnas -> Tried to target mr-paul

MoogleViper -> Targeted mr-paul

Rummy -> gangbanged

Sheikah -> Targeted someone with an evasive power?

Yvonne - > Targeted Moogle






@Carl Friedrich Gauss


Y'all got some splainin' to do.

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