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Wii U and 3DS Gaming Bargains

Zechs Merquise

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2000 Wii Points are £4.99 in store at Sainsburys at the moment, which is perfect if you want to add a few more titles to you Virtual Console collection on Wii :smile:


I managed to get 6000 points from my local Sainsburys recently but they have none left.. and there isn't another store nearby. If anyone sees any in their local store, would you get some for me..? I'd probably take another 8000 if possible as I wouldn't mind updating some of my N64 collection to Wii VC :hehe:

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2000 Wii Points are £4.99 in store at Sainsburys at the moment, which is perfect if you want to add a few more titles to you Virtual Console collection on Wii :smile:


I managed to get 6000 points from my local Sainsburys recently but they have none left.. and there isn't another store nearby. If anyone sees any in their local store, would you get some for me..? I'd probably take another 8000 if possible as I wouldn't mind updating some of my N64 collection to Wii VC :hehe:


I'd like some too please if anybody can buy some I'll pay for them.

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I downloaded Super Mario 64 last night on the Wii and flicked between the VC version and my N64 version to see the benefits of the upgrade..


..and now I want all my N64 games on the Wii :red:


I had already downloaded Paper Mario, Sin & Punishment and Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards as I never owned them previously on N64 but I have enough points currently to download another 3 on top of Super Mario 64, which are likely to be Wave Race 64, 1080 Snowboading and Mario Kart 64, though I do fear the 2D character models of the latter will look horrendous :eek:


I would defintiely get Majora's Mask if it wasn't for those, admittedly fading, hopes that we'll eventually see it on 3DS :hmm: I have it on The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition for GC, so it's not like I don't have the opportunity to play it already, but that version has a few flaws and I'm pretty sure I stopped playing it after losing considerable progress due to the game freezing :nono: Apparently that's unlikely to be a problem on the VC version, but after experiencing Ocarina of Time on 3DS, that's the way I'd ideally like to play Majora's Mask..


If someone was able to get me some more points, I'd probably update Mario Golf, Mario Tennis and F-Zero X too :heh:

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Jesus, did the Wii have that many N64 titles?! :o


I knew it had them on the VC but I didn't expect it to have all those you mentioned Nando! Shows how much time I spent on the Wii's VC!


So how come you want to get your collection on the Wii then Nando?! Do they run better than they do from cartridge on the N64? Granted, you won't have to blow on the cartridge much when playing from the Wii :laughing: but I quite like that! Dat nostalgic blow. :heh:


Be interesting to see what's on there, I'd be interested in maybe picking some up too! : peace:

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Jesus, did the Wii have that many N64 titles?! :o


I knew it had them on the VC but I didn't expect it to have all those you mentioned Nando! Shows how much time I spent on the Wii's VC!


So how come you want to get your collection on the Wii then Nando?! Do they run better than they do from cartridge on the N64? Granted, you won't have to blow on the cartridge much when playing from the Wii :laughing: but I quite like that! Dat nostalgic blow. :heh:


Be interesting to see what's on there, I'd be interested in maybe picking some up too! : peace:


There's only 21 N64 titles on the Wii VC, most of which I own in some form, but the games look much sharper on my Wii than that slightly blurry look the N64 did so well :heh: A lot of my favourite N64 games, such as Banjo Kazooie, Diddy Kong Racing and Excitebike 64 obviously aren't available, and I do prefer playing with the N64 Controller than the Classic Controller, but I'm interested in updating a few of my games due to convenience and the fact that the cartidges are likely to lose their save data at some point in the future, much like a couple of my SNES games have :hmm:


It also gives me an excuse to play through several of the games again where I don't want to erase all the data on my cartridge :heh: I haven't seen the ORIGINAL Mario Kart 64 Title Screen for a long time :eek:

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Ahhh I forgot about the classic Controller on the Wii. Man I was not a fan of that all, but I did have the original one which wasn't the nicest to hold!


I've just given my mum a ring, she has gone shopping... To Sainsbury's!! I thought I'd see if she could strike lucky with the Wii points... The conversation was a difficult one (mum's eh!) and went something like this:


Me: are you in Sainsbury's?

Mum: no not yet

Me: ok when you get in there can you have a look for something called Wii points for me

Mum: for what?!

Me: they're called Wii points

Mum: they're called what?!

Me: (trying to stay calm) you know the Nintendo Wii, they do like point cards that you can buy. Sainsbury's are selling them.

Mum: oh right ok. Where will I get them then?

Me: it's probably best to ask them in store

Mum: can you not nip to Asda for them?

Me: NO! It's only Sainsbury's that are selling them cheaper.

Mum: right ok I'll get you one. See you la...

Me: whoa whoa whoa hang on! I need more than one. Also, I only want the ones that are for 2000 poin...

Mum: I can't hear you.

Me: (biting fist) I ONLY WANT THE 2000 POINT ONES!

Mum: oh ok. How much are they?

Me: (calming slightly) Should be £4.99 but I want a few if they've got them.

Mum: we'll how many are we talking?!

Me: get me 5 if you can. Likely that they don't have that ma...

Mum: (talking to someone else) yeah, oh just on the phone to our Mark. Yeah, oh I'll come and find you in a minute, yeah..


Mum: alright Betty. (Comes back) Sorry, just bumped into your aunty Betty! What were you saying?!

Me: (Pulling my hair out) JUST GET ME AS MANY AS YOU CAN. 2000 points THEYRE A FIVER.

Mum: right ok, I'll have a look. I've got your salmon.

Me: brilliant, thanks, see you later.




I'm not hopeful...

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Your mum's responses seemed pretty reasonable to me. Maybe just go out and get them yourself.


Lol. I wasn't saying it was unreasonable. Going myself was the preferred thing, but she is in the shop, so it made sense to ask her. I'm sure most people can relate to trying to explain gaming things to their mum.

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Mum: right ok, I'll have a look. I've got your salmon.

Me: brilliant, thanks, see you later.




I'm not hopeful...


Well, if all else fails at least she's got your salmon. : peace:




I can relate to your situation, must have had many a conversation like that over the years, these days if I want something I tend to just get it myself. :heh:


But yeah, completely makes sense to ask if your Mum's shopping there anyway. :)


Best of luck though. ;)

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Ahhh I forgot about the classic Controller on the Wii. Man I was not a fan of that all, but I did have the original one which wasn't the nicest to hold!


I've just given my mum a ring, she has gone shopping... To Sainsbury's!! I thought I'd see if she could strike lucky with the Wii points... The conversation was a difficult one (mum's eh!) and went something like this:


Me: are you in Sainsbury's?

Mum: no not yet

Me: ok when you get in there can you have a look for something called Wii points for me

Mum: for what?!

Me: they're called Wii points

Mum: they're called what?!

Me: (trying to stay calm) you know the Nintendo Wii, they do like point cards that you can buy. Sainsbury's are selling them.

Mum: oh right ok. Where will I get them then?

Me: it's probably best to ask them in store

Mum: can you not nip to Asda for them?

Me: NO! It's only Sainsbury's that are selling them cheaper.

Mum: right ok I'll get you one. See you la...

Me: whoa whoa whoa hang on! I need more than one. Also, I only want the ones that are for 2000 poin...

Mum: I can't hear you.

Me: (biting fist) I ONLY WANT THE 2000 POINT ONES!

Mum: oh ok. How much are they?

Me: (calming slightly) Should be £4.99 but I want a few if they've got them.

Mum: we'll how many are we talking?!

Me: get me 5 if you can. Likely that they don't have that ma...

Mum: (talking to someone else) yeah, oh just on the phone to our Mark. Yeah, oh I'll come and find you in a minute, yeah..


Mum: alright Betty. (Comes back) Sorry, just bumped into your aunty Betty! What were you saying?!

Me: (Pulling my hair out) JUST GET ME AS MANY AS YOU CAN. 2000 points THEYRE A FIVER.

Mum: right ok, I'll have a look. I've got your salmon.

Me: brilliant, thanks, see you later.




I'm not hopeful...


Enjoy your £15 Nintendo eShop cards.. : peace:

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Ha yeah. Bless her. Shes just tried to call me but I missed her call and now can't get through.


I do have a feeling I may have an eShop card...! But I need some eShop goodness anyway so all won't be lost!


Will report back if she managed to bag any! : peace:

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I must be a rare exception.


My Mum ADORES Mario platformers. And Mario Party, she can't say no to Mario Party. She's never gonna finish the original NES game. But she'll try for eternity! She's played that more than I have at this point.


She has finished both of the New Super Mario Bros portable games. (And the console ones, albeit with me playing at the same time)


Annoyingly enough, she holds all the top scores on Tetris...

I suck at Tetris and she's semi-decent so I'm never topping it myself...

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Dat conversation. Yeah, most Mums are like that. You dun goof'd brah by asking her to pick that up for you. You may get lucky, but I think Nando is on the money with this one.


Also, on the subject of Mums who play games: My Mum has a DS and used to really enjoy Brain Training. The 2D Mario games were quite accessible to her. Anything beyond that was suicide. I think I tried getting her to play Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and she got annoyed with it really quickly. A step too far, I feel.

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My mum returned from Sainsbury's... With no points. :laughing:


But then I felt really bad coz she said "I nipped into Morrisons on the way home and they didn't have any either". :blush:


I did tell her it was only Sainsbury's..! God loves a trier.


I might nip to the really big Sainsbury's store this week, see if I can get lucky there. If I manage to get any I will let you know for those interested In them. : peace:

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Just Wii points. But the Wii VC has a stellar library. Shame my Sainsbury's has ran out...


It's a shame in Ireland we don't have Sainsbury's...or ASDA... or Morrisons...or you get the picture.

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That's an understatement...


Anyway, anyone here who's played the Mega Man: Battle Network games? How are they as RPG's?


Never played any of the Battle Network games because the GBA had more than its fair share of RPG's (still need to get back to Golden Sun 2...!) and because reviews at the time made Battle Network sound decidedly mediocre. Having said that, nowadays when people talk about BN in retrospect, they look back on it fondly so maybe it was decent enough. ::shrug:Or... rose tinted glasses...

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