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Tell us about your body


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Okay, we have one talking about genitals but what about your actual body itself. Are you happy with it? Are you big or small? Are you hairy? Do you have wrinkles or do you look like a child? etc.


Personally, I don't really like my body so much. I hate the fact that I'm losing weight on my belly and the bottom part of it hasn't moved and it's hanging down. I think it looks really ugly. Another thing I don't like is being so hairy. Like everywhere on me is hairs and it's so damn annoying. I also don't really like the fact I have stretch-marks on the parts where I have lost weight. Luckily, they're not noticeable but I can feel them, they're like little ripples. I think the only thing I am happy with at the moment is how my chest is going down and I'm happy with the bottom half of my body as my legs looks pretty fuckin' amazing for a fat kid! haha.

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My body is pretty alright.


Legs are in decent shape, bit of flab around the chest and belly area, minimal hair, dried skin on my big toes that can remove paint from a wall. I also apparently have stretch marks on my lower back and overly short arms. No tattoos, yet.

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Haha, I think its cute Emma!


I go through phases, most of the time, my 5ft11, 12 and a half stone frame..I hate! My boobs are too big, my legs are way too long for most jeans, my nose has the 'Scanlon' bump. My hair never seems to be able to sit right unless I'm not at a social event, my hips are much bigger than my waist (size 8 waist, size 16 hips).


But on other days, like today, I love my body. I'm taller than everyone I know, so I can look over people at events and things. My legs are waaay long and people dig that. I have lovely blue eyes, cool red hair and a eyebrow piercing that I adore.


It changes, but whilst exercise and diet may change how I look, it doesn't mean I'm going to like that any better, so I need to suck it up and start accepting myself 100% of the time, rather than the current 60% or so.

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I like my hair. I think I have nice hair. It is going grey, but I'm fine with that.


Hate my teeth. Lets say no more on that.


I do occasionally catch myself in the mirror and on a very good day I think to myself "You can certainly look quite handsome sometimes", quite manly, with nice bone structure. But ruined by a double chin/ugly toad appearance often.


Legs are okay, nicely clean and well kept feet, arms are getting there - I have been working out recently in an attempt to lose weight for my sister's wedding and proposal, with a bit of a focus on arms because they are cool, so I am liking the evolving look of my arms and shoulders, you can see the muscle definition in the latter now, and my arms are becoming flat out meaty which is satisfying to see.


All falls apart at the torso. Ugh. Awful. I don't like my large/fat/belly. Its a very big "beer belly" I guess.


The worst thing is my damn man-boobs though. God they're colossal. Proportionally, I have rarely seen bigger quite honestly - its very depressing. I've seen 20 stone + people with far smaller M-bombs. Oh well, hopefully this lengthy process of weight loss/muscularity will help. I am not 100% certain, but I think they are being pulled up a TINY bit and stretched to the side top from my exercising I've been doing. Its hard to tell though, maybe I'm just a wishful thinker.

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Okay, we have one talking about genitals but what about your actual body itself. Are you happy with it? Are you big or small? Are you hairy? Do you have wrinkles or do you look like a child? etc.


Personally, I don't really like my body so much. I hate the fact that I'm losing weight on my belly and the bottom part of it hasn't moved and it's hanging down. I think it looks really ugly. Another thing I don't like is being so hairy. Like everywhere on me is hairs and it's so damn annoying. I also don't really like the fact I have stretch-marks on the parts where I have lost weight. Luckily, they're not noticeable but I can feel them, they're like little ripples. I think the only thing I am happy with at the moment is how my chest is going down and I'm happy with the bottom half of my body as my legs looks pretty fuckin' amazing for a fat kid! haha.


If you are so obese that your 'belly' hangs down you must have got yourself in a right state! I have read your posts about you being a fat child, and to be honest I blame your parents for the your predicament. I simply wouldn't allow a child in my care to be fat.


As for what you should do now about your weight is work hard and learn some self control! Motivate yourself and spend a lot of time doing cardio exercise. There's always time in the day to exercise, and you can do small things to improve the amount of exercise you do. Substitute using the lift for using the stairs, get off the bus a stop early and walk a little further to get home, instead of watching TV in the evening go for a 30 minute jog etc.


Do the same with your food. Steer away from junk food and substitute fruit for your snacks. Eat lean meat with vegetables and fill up on things that aren't full of sugar and carbs. Again, it's pretty easy if you stick to it.


Just don't cheat - because the only person you're cheating is yourself.


As for the hair, go and get yourself waxed!


My body is awful, but I don't care and I love myself for what I am. :heh:


Your personality is wonderful @Animal, and most of the women who are awesome and worth being with will see you for you, and not some stretchmarks or a bit of a belly. Just sayin.


This is nonsense and borderline delusional.


Keeping yourself in shape is a sign of self respect, self control and shows people that you care about the way you present yourself. This outward show of pride and control over your life is attractive.


Most 'awesome' women do not want a guy who is lazy, has no self control and doesn't even respect his own body. It is unattractive.


Even if you confine yourself to the world of online dating, most girls won't even read your messages if they don't like the look of you! Being healthy, looking good and showing that you are in control of your body is something that will attract other people.


Being fat isn't just physically unattractive - it sends a message to people about you as a person.


If @Animal or anyone else wants to increase their chances in the life they would do best by first focusing on themselves. If you become the best you can - physically (mentally and emotionally also, physical fitness also increases your emotional stability and gives you confidence) you will have a batter chance of being successful than if you are at your worst.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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I didn't like my body at all whilst I was growing up. My legs were out of proportion to my upper body and I was hairy was fuck compared to everyone else. Dem asian genes, dat feel. I was shaving way before every single one of my friends. That was my biggest issue.


My nose is pretty big, but it's also got a kink in it which is quite noticeable when I smile. I can't remember if it's always been that way or if it got damaged. I do remember somebody going feet-first-studs-up on me when I was playing in goal and that caused a massive nosebleed, biggest I've ever had or seen in my life, and I'm almost certain my kink is from that. It doesn't bother me too much, though, it's the size which is a bit annoying.


I would say that I'm growing to like my body a lot more now. I'm proud of my back and think that it's probably one of my better features. It's got a nice shape, quite wide and it's one of the obvious features that I work out. It's slowly getting there and I'm finally starting to see some dividends from all this exercise and being good and all that.


@Animal, if you don't like your body hair, you can get groomers and shavers and all sorts really. I'm proud to admit that I do it and I don't regret a single fucking thing. I felt weird the first time I did it, but you gradually get used to it and you appreciate yourself a lot more. My body looks a billion times better without hair.

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My body is awful, but I don't care and I love myself for what I am. :heh:


Your personality is wonderful @Animal, and most of the women who are awesome and worth being with will see you for you, and not some stretchmarks or a bit of a belly. Just sayin.


Aww, thanks! You're making me blush! :)


If you are so obese that your 'belly' hangs down you must have got yourself in a right state! I have read your posts about you being a fat child, and to be honest I blame your parents for the your predicament. I simply wouldn't allow a child in my care to be fat.


As for what you should do now about your weight is work hard and learn some self control! Motivate yourself and spend a lot of time doing cardio exercise. There's always time in the day to exercise, and you can do small things to improve the amount of exercise you do. Substitute using the lift for using the stairs, get off the bus a stop early and walk a little further to get home, instead of watching TV in the evening go for a 30 minute jog etc.


Do the same with your food. Steer away from junk food and substitute fruit for your snacks. Eat lean meat with vegetables and fill up on things that aren't full of sugar and carbs. Again, it's pretty easy if you stick to it.


Just don't cheat - because the only person you're cheating is yourself.


As for the hair, go and get yourself waxed!




This is nonsense and borderline delusional.


Keeping yourself in shape is a sign of self respect, self control and shows people that you care about the way you present yourself. This outward show of pride and control over your life is attractive.


Most 'awesome' women do not want a guy who is lazy, has no self control and doesn't even respect his own body. It is unattractive.


Even if you confine yourself to the world of online dating, most girls won't even read your messages if they don't like the look of you! Being healthy, looking good and showing that you are in control of your body is something that will attract other people.


Being fat isn't just physically unattractive - it sends a message to people about you as a person.


If @Animal or anyone else wants to increase their chances in the life they would do best by first focusing on themselves. If you become the best you can - physically (mentally and emotionally also, physical fitness also increases your emotional stability and gives you confidence) you will have a batter chance of being successful than if you are at your worst.


It's not that I'm in a right state but it's the most stubborn bit to lose. Even when I was at my slimmest, I still had it. It's going up a little bit but it's just looking weird to see everything else slimming down but my belly gradually going up. Also, to be fair, my dad isn't so much to blame for it but more my real mom. My dad got me to try and lose weight in the first place but my real mom hardly cooked and used to take me to McDonalds and the chippy. Dad had words with her about it and then she was mildly supportive but not a lot, really. I don't blame my dad, I blame her and myself. I used to comfort eat when I got bullied and then I realised I shouldn't do it and tried to stop from then on and I'm successful now. Already doing all of the things you've advised me on as well. I stopped temporarily because of my last job and my stomach problems last year but now I'm fighting fit again and I've officially lost a stone! Hoping to get to at least 15st before December. Been doing it for years so now I have the proper mentality of now or never.


I agree and disagree with you on that one. Whilst it does show a little bit of how the person is, the size or shape of their bodies doesn't define their personalities. For instance, looking at me, even before I was trying to lose weight, I loved to go swimming and weightlifting and play tennis and I was always playing football with my mates but by looking at me, you probably would never have guessed that. I also have self-control and self-respect, it's why you see other people ordering hamburgers and fries and I'm the only one on the table having a chicken salad and a diet coke. I treat myself occasionally but I never binge. Like I'd buy a 20p Freddo every two months or something and if I don't have anything after that, that's self-control for you! :)


I know I have to focus on myself and lose weight first but I may as well try inbetween, you never know, a girl might actually respect the fact that I'm trying but it is such true advice about cutting the cheats out and swapping snacks! :)


I didn't like my body at all whilst I was growing up. My legs were out of proportion to my upper body and I was hairy was fuck compared to everyone else. Dem asian genes, dat feel. I was shaving way before every single one of my friends. That was my biggest issue.


My nose is pretty big, but it's also got a kink in it which is quite noticeable when I smile. I can't remember if it's always been that way or if it got damaged. I do remember somebody going feet-first-studs-up on me when I was playing in goal and that caused a massive nosebleed, biggest I've ever had or seen in my life, and I'm almost certain my kink is from that. It doesn't bother me too much, though, it's the size which is a bit annoying.


I would say that I'm growing to like my body a lot more now. I'm proud of my back and think that it's probably one of my better features. It's got a nice shape, quite wide and it's one of the obvious features that I work out. It's slowly getting there and I'm finally starting to see some dividends from all this exercise and being good and all that.


@Animal, if you don't like your body hair, you can get groomers and shavers and all sorts really. I'm proud to admit that I do it and I don't regret a single fucking thing. I felt weird the first time I did it, but you gradually get used to it and you appreciate yourself a lot more. My body looks a billion times better without hair.


I did shave my body once but I ended up itching and going red all over. I trim but it's still horrible, I just hate the feeling of it growing back! :p

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I'm extremely thin, but I actually find I have a really nice body structure. I especially like how my legs look. My arms are a bit too thin for my liking, but they still look nice, and I particularly like my lean hands, so it's fine. I also find I have a really nice stomach. My chest is probably the part of me I'm the least happy with because my thinness really shows; my ribs are very visible, which I think makes me look almost unhealthily thin, and the look is enforced by the fact that I have a concave chest. My leanness also results in my back having no natural support, which means I genuinely look like a question mark if I slouch. For that reason I learned to straighten my back when standing, and if I push my shoulders back at the same time, my chest can actually look pretty nice as well; it helps that I have fairly broad shoulders. It can be hard maintaining that posture, though, so I tend to slip back into more relaxed stances after a while, though I try to avoid curving my back. Finally I'm quite hairy* everywhere except my chest, something which really compounds the too-skinny look.


*Combined with my dark complexion, I have been mistaken for being Hispanic; interestingly enough I'm of Scandinavian descent as far back as I know.

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I stopped temporarily because of my last job and my stomach problems last year but now I'm fighting fit again and I've officially lost a stone! Hoping to get to at least 15st before December. Been doing it for years so now I have the proper mentality of now or never.


I know I have to focus on myself and lose weight first but I may as well try inbetween, you never know, a girl might actually respect the fact that I'm trying but it is such true advice about cutting the cheats out and swapping snacks! :)


I did shave my body once but I ended up itching and going red all over. I trim but it's still horrible, I just hate the feeling of it growing back! :p


Well done on the loss! Just keep at it, remember to keep your eye on the prize and treat yourself to something (non-food based) when you achieve big milestones. Maybe something good would be nice suit jackets or expensive shirts for going out if you like cocktail or wine bars - birds love a guy who knows how to dress!


Obviously a girl will want a physically attractive male, but if you are up front and explain you are trying they will respect that too as they obviously like people who can make positives changes - after all they are hoping a future partner will be a positive change.


Finally, NEVER shave your body. Your skin in many places will hate being shaved and just end up causing you no end of discomfort. Get yourself an appointment to be waxed, it will be painful but it won't irritate the skin in the same way as shaving does.

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I do like my body but I've always been a skinny bugger! Been weight-training since I was 16 or so and never managed to become bulky. However, there's no point worrying about your actual frame. You can make your body completely slim and muscular, so that's what I try to do.


The only thing that bothers me now is my grey hair (I'm 35). Not because of vanity, I just really want to restore the cells to peak condition!

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If you are so obese that your 'belly' hangs down you must have got yourself in a right state! I have read your posts about you being a fat child, and to be honest I blame your parents for the your predicament. I simply wouldn't allow a child in my care to be fat.


As for what you should do now about your weight is work hard and learn some self control!


As for the hair, go and get yourself waxed!


This is nonsense and borderline delusional.


Most 'awesome' women do not want a guy who is lazy, has no self control and doesn't even respect his own body. It is unattractive.


Being fat isn't just physically unattractive - it sends a message to people about you as a person.



Well done on the loss! Just keep at it, remember to keep your eye on the prize and treat yourself to something (non-food based)


Do you work in counselling? Bloody hell!

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I used to be sorta fat. Not extremely, always just on the cusp. Fatter. Bit flabby.


Then I had this allergy thing out of the blue (I'm allergic to something used in cheap wheat-based products or something I dunno) and it's related to metabolism/burning fat/something to do with when your body begins to use energy. If the wheaty stuff is in my system and I exercise too much (even just go for a walk) I'll react. So it's to do with that.


In the year+ that followed that initial allergy attack, I lost weight. Sure I'd just gone to uni and wasn't eating as much as I did at home but I certainly didn't eat that healthily at all nor did I do much exercise other than what I had to, like walking and stuff. So my metabolism just sped up hugely. I actually only STOPPED losing weight maybe a year ago. I thought I might have some wasting disease. *whew*


The minute that happened and I had better hair (somewhat of an oxymoron for me but everything is relative) and kept my facial hair people started saying I was hot/looked like robert pattinson/gorgeous etc. Basically I have a list of people who have said to my face they want to fuck me. Lol. It was quite the change, I used to HATE how I looked. *flips hair*


HOWEVER. As I mentioned elsewhere on the board I'm not toned at all so I'm starting to do something about that, slowly.


I have an odd shaped torso. It's not straight up and down, kinda dips in at the middle like I wore a corset once. ?? Eh, no one's ever complained. I like my legs. Which arms had more definition. They will.


My face is actually what I have most problem with...my skin specifically. Never had FULL-ON acne, but just really odd spots and though not as bad/disgusting as when I was a teen obviously, some of them are scarring..which is...off putting. Hmm. I wish I could just IRL photoshop my face (JUST A LITTLE) and I'd be fine with myself.

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Well, I've always been skinny. Strong legs, but scrawny upper body. Been starting to add a little mass to that now, thank god.


My biggest obstacle has been my face. Had acne since teenage, and still do. There's redness in my face too, and certain random food stuff can make nasty red bumps to emerge, and they take forever to go away. After several diet experiments and tests it seems that lactose might be the culprit, so a lactose-free diet has helped a bit I think. Although certain cheeses etc still cause reactions in my face, lactose or not, so I just try to avoid them.


When at its worst, this really did my head in. Makes you think you're totally worthless since you look so ugly. Also, looking at all the clear-skinned people, you feel like a total recluse, an outcast, like you just do not belong. No desire to be social, since you hate your mirror image yourself. You try and try, yet nothing works, and all the hassling with the diets leaves you without any energy. Horrible shit, and my heart goes out to anyone else dealing with such crap.

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Counselling puts it lightly, I was thinking Cunt of the Year award.


Absolutely. Fancy quoting someone who was saying they weren't happy with their body, then remarking that they must have got in a right state and that he should blame his parents!

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Whilst some of what Zechs is saying is a bit hard to hear due to the tone, he does have some merit in his argument. It's not an all-out attack on Animal or Raining, and I think that's just his way of motivating...whether we agree with it or not.


Nevertheless, I feel that he is preaching to the choir a little bit here. Raining and Animal are regular posters in the fitness thread/s and are trying hard to get themselves in shape. Which is something that Zechs has already acknowledged with his thanks and reply.


Let's leave the harsh words for Cubed3 and shit like that. We're better than that. :heh:

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