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Everybody's Golf (PS3)

Amazing game. icon14.gifSo much content too for a downloadable title (or was this also a retail game?... Not sure ::shrug:). But yeah, a really enjoyable golf game, one of the best I've ever played. I'm not very good at it though (as @Cookyman will attest to :heh:), in fact I actually had to use "Easy Mode" to beat the last few challenges on silver and gold level. :blush:


Tokyo Jungle (PS3)

Would've beaten this game a long time ago, but I hit a brick wall in the form of a stealth mission late on in the story mode. I hate stealth gameplay with a passion! :shakehead Anyway, I finally managed to pass that annoying stage last night, and the remaining action stages were no trouble at all, so that's the story mode complete. :cool:

I tell you what, if a sequel to this game appears on PS4 I'll be seriously tempted to pick one up.


And that's my current PS3 backlog complete. Time to pick up some more cheap as chips games to play during the drought until DKTF is released on Wii U. :D


Yeah it was originally a retail game. There's also another EG game on PS3 that is a port of the PS Vita game.


BTW, you should consider God of War 1-3 on PS3. Even if you're not a fan of the whole ultra violent, somewhat pandering atmos, they're really solid and well made games. Almost like a linear Zelda game, there's a nice balance of combat, limited exploration and puzzle solving.


There's also the two PSP games that got ported to PS3 (Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta), but I didn't think much of them myself. They're not bad games, they just don't really offer anything interesting or new - just more of the same really :hmm: But regardless, I reckon you'd like the original trilogy :)


As for other games on PS3... Valkyria Chronicles is really good (it's a Fire Emblem style strategy RPG mixed with a turn based 3rd person shooter - if you can fathom that!), Miku Project Diva F is a solid rhythm game (nothing that will blow your socks off, but it's good fun), Afterburner Climax is a BRILLIANT sequel to the arcade original (and feels like a pure 80s game with a modern aesthetic), House of the Dead 4 is a fantastic port of the best HOTD game in the series (which is just as well since it's the only home console version available!), Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are absolutely seminal games that everybody should experience (and these HD ports are very well done) and the whole Devil May Cry 1-4 series (apart from 2, which is hot steaming garbage) are fantastic character action games that I'm sure you'll love - as is Metal Gear Rising (another incredible Platinum Games game BTW ;) )


And then there is the massive selection of PS1 classics...


Oh and there's still Sonic Lost World on Wii U you still need to pick up too ;)

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Cheers for the suggestions, Dcubed. :)


And then there is the massive selection of PS1 classics...
Wow, I had absolutely no idea that PS1 games were playable on PS3! :o

*starts hunting down PaRappa the Rapper* ;)


Oh and there's still Sonic Lost World on Wii U you still need to pick up too ;)
Hehehe, you're not gonna let me forget about that one, are you? :heh:

To be honest I've also been waiting for it to drop in price. It was getting close to bargain bucket levels, but then Nintendo went and messed up the plan by announcing/releasing that special DLC. :indeed: It's since been full price everywhere, and likely to stay that way now too. :hmm:

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Cheers for the suggestions, Dcubed. :)


Wow, I had absolutely no idea that PS1 games were playable on PS3! :o

*starts hunting down PaRappa the Rapper* ;)


Hehehe, you're not gonna let me forget about that one, are you? :heh:

To be honest I've also been waiting for it to drop in price. It was getting close to bargain bucket levels, but then Nintendo went and messed up the plan by announcing/releasing that special DLC. :indeed: It's since been full price everywhere, and likely to stay that way now too. :hmm:


If you're gonna get PS1 games off the PSN, make a US account and get the US versions games off the US PSN store (they don't accept foreign cards directly, but you can use US region pre-paid cards and I think, not 100% certain mind you, that you can pay via Paypal and it's region free that way...)


You can use original PS1 discs as well, but they're still region locked, so EU 50hz region discs only.

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If you just google it, making a US/JAP account is surprisingly easy.


Congrats on Tokyo Jungle. Did you unlock many of the creatures on free play? Myself I gave up on the tigers.


As for PS1 games the best one are the Spyro the Dragon games. It's one million times better then Mario.

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If you're gonna get PS1 games off the PSN, make a US account and get the US versions games off the US PSN store (they don't accept foreign cards directly, but you can use US region pre-paid cards and I think, not 100% certain mind you, that you can pay via Paypal and it's region free that way...)


You can use original PS1 discs as well, but they're still region locked, so EU 50hz region discs only.

Right, thanks for the info. :)


Congrats on Tokyo Jungle. Did you unlock many of the creatures on free play? Myself I gave up on the tigers.

I didn't unlock that many while still playing story mode, but I'm really into survival mode now (got the gold trophy for surviving over 100 years yesterday) so I'm going to unlock as many as I can from now on. :awesome:


I've actually been looking to pick that up recently too but it seems to be pretty rare.. and I never see it at the right price :hmm:
Yeah, it seems to be. :hmm: There are a few kicking about on eBay, prices seem all over the shop though.
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Wow, I had absolutely no idea that PS1 games were playable on PS3! :o

*starts hunting down PaRappa the Rapper* ;)


Yeah, I got it off eBay when the PS3 launched. Paid £15. Had original poster etc. worth every penny but just CANNOT get past the chicken cookery show stage. Seriously, have spent hours doing it over the past few years. Still love the game though :love:


I agree with god of War. Surprisingly found myself enjoying them. The PSP games in 3D look lovely too.

@RedShell have you played Flower and journey?

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Restarted New Super Mario Bros U earlier today, got up to Level 3. Not a bad game, but coming off NSMB2 on the 3DS last week it does feel a little samey.


Also been playing Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D and Lost Levels. Both fine games, Lost Levels is certainly trickier than I thought.

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RedShell have you played Flower and journey?
I've played the demos, didn't really get either of them though... :blank: They both look very nice (Journey especially) but gameplay wise they seemed a bit dull. ::shrug:

Obviously the kind of games that you need to be in the right mood for though, perhaps I'll try 'em again sometime.

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I think the older ones with the PS2 hardware in them do, IIRC.


I'm sure all models do. Mine isn't a PS2 capable machine and works with ps1 disks.


I've played the demos, didn't really get either of them though... :blank: They both look very nice (Journey especially) but gameplay wise they seemed a bit dull. ::shrug:

Obviously the kind of games that you need to be in the right mood for though, perhaps I'll try 'em again sometime.


Definitely great games. Thought they may appeal to your gaming sensibilities.

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I've played the demos, didn't really get either of them though... :blank: They both look very nice (Journey especially) but gameplay wise they seemed a bit dull. ::shrug:

Obviously the kind of games that you need to be in the right mood for though, perhaps I'll try 'em again sometime.

For the love of god man... download and play Journey!!


2hrs... one sitting... one of the best gaming experiences of your life ;)

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I've played the demos, didn't really get either of them though... :blank: They both look very nice (Journey especially) but gameplay wise they seemed a bit dull. ::shrug:

Obviously the kind of games that you need to be in the right mood for though, perhaps I'll try 'em again sometime.


Journey is so beautiful you would think that it was a Nintendo game.

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For the love of god man... download and play Journey!!


2hrs... one sitting... one of the best gaming experiences of your life ;)

Wow, that good ey? Guess I should check out the whole game sometime then.

Of course I'll now hold you personally responsible if it isn't one of the best gaming experiences of my life. :heh:


Journey is so beautiful you would think that it was a Nintendo game.
It certainly looks more like a Nintendo game than most PS exclusives, yeah. :hehe:


When's the last time they had something that made you feel like Nintendo should?
Not that long ago at all actually:




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Wow, that good ey? Guess I should check out the whole game sometime then..


I actually bought Journey when it was reduced in price last year and have been waiting for the right time to play it. Wouldn't it be cool if we played through it together with our characters linking up..? :eek:

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Personally I can't imagine player it with other people, despite people saying it's a great.


I thought it was the most beautiful/solitary solo player experience.


The fact that I played it with a randomer made it much better imo. He had already completed the game and basically replayed the whole thing with me so I could get to the end. There were a few moments where we got separated but I'd always find him again, chirping away to get my attention.


Beautiful, beautiful game. I'm getting emotional just thinking about dem feels :weep:

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Well you've convinced me @flameboy I want to play To The Moon now :) Humble don't have it any more :( and it's a little expensive on Steam, but I'm going to keep my eye out on it!


lol my comments were more vague here that in PC thread but yes honestly fantastic game that I think anyone who enjoys consumes narrative in it's many different forms should play.

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