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Your Last Game


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Not your last game, but the last game you finished and what you thought of it.


I've been working through my unplayed Steam games, so the past few weeks have been:




The campaign was surprisingly good fun, taking over all the relevant parts of the school. An interesting take on the GTA formula. Good fun, even if there are a few creepy aspects to it.




The gunplay is immensely fun in this (it also looks like GTAV is using the shooting system from this, minus the slowmo). The story starts of bland but becomes surprisingly deep and there's a lot of stuff related to his alcoholism and pill abuse.




While the gameplay was rather bland, the narrative and music were exceptional. I'd recommend playing though this in the more casual mode (infinite lives) just to experience the game.

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Depressingly I cannot remember the last game I actually completed, my gaming of late has been games that you can't really complete (fifa, WWE, Animal Crossing, Football manager) and the games that can be completed, I haven't yet done (Skyward Sword, Mario & Luigi)



Oh Shit no wait...





Yeah I 'completed' Game&Wario. Screw the haters, I actually quite enjoyed the single player mode of it. Multiplayer is still a damn blast and firm favourite with my friends.

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Last new game i recall finishing. It was ok i guess, nothing special to it. To be perfectly honest, they could have avoided making it and i wouldn't have cared less about it. This was a simple cash-in by Epic/People can Fly. Story was ok, i did like the extra things to do per section instead of the standard setting. The worst element of the game is the multiplayer, they took what was good about Gears 3 and ripped it out and threw it away. And i have no idea why, even to this day.


The other game i've completed is




It's not as good as i remember it to be, still a good game though. Too many flaws and glitches spring to mind, especially the 3rd Fable which i've just about completed now. That has so, so many gaps and glitches i can't list them all here. I remember them printing the game without any checks, and games were crashing and freezing. People were being locked in Reavers Manor etc. Music is good, the area designs are good. Characters are interesting. The thing i disliked with FII is how your character become some overgrown butch person with giant hands, head, feet etc. Which didn't occur with Fable III for some reason, which was good.

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This 10 minutes ago




Must be 20 years since I last sat down and played it from start to finish.


Played & finished Streets of Rage 2 last week, so this was next on my list.


Loved every minute, forgot how awesome the stage music is.


Broadcast Yourself

Broadcast Yourself


Played it on my Megadrive as well on the old CRT TV, just like the good old days!

Edited by lostmario
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I finished playing Assassins Creed: Liberation last night. I actually finished the story over the weekend but continued playing to grab the rest of the trophies.




It's probably the most fun I have had with an AC game since playing Brotherhood. The characters were great and the story interesting. Better yet you don't have to keep popping back to the real world as Desmond! Joy!


There was a great piece of music that plays when walking around New Orleans and it's firmly stuck in my head now.


Broadcast Yourself


Great game and a bargain now that's it's around the £15 mark.

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The last two games I finished, were a couple of Indie games:


To The Moon




Whilst the story is no doubt one of the best I've ever heard in a video game so far, the gameplay can be cumbersome and clunky. But for £2 in the Steam sale, it was well worth it.







Amazing game. I bought this as an impulse buy, and it's one of my favourite games this year. You should absolutely play this.

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Metro: Last Light - It was as atmospheric and enthralling as I had hoped and I recommend it to everyone. It's one problem is a very rushed-feeling final 10 minutes, which is a real damn shame because almost everything right up until that point is exquisite.

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Lego Lord of the Rings ( Vita )




I finished this last night. Really enjoyable game and far more streamlined than the console versions. The cutscenes still crack me up and having the music from the films in there makes it even more epic.


I didn't think the handheld Lego games would be any good but this has certainly opened my eyes. I may even pick up the others on the Vita and most definitely be getting the Marvel Super Heroes one for it now.


Thank you PS+ for this free game. :D

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Me and a friend played through Aliens: Colonial Marines and completed it about two days ago and I don't get the hate for it! Sure, the story was average but it was such a fun game to play! It might be because it's better on co-op than single player...

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Me and a friend played through Aliens: Colonial Marines and completed it about two days ago and I don't get the hate for it! Sure, the story was average but it was such a fun game to play! It might be because it's better on co-op than single player...


It's apparently been patched a lot since release (the AI got stuck everywhere at release), and one big issue was how they released no images or footage of the game until release, except for a CGI "gameplay demo" which was miles more advanced than the final product.

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Have you not changed your internet package in the last 8 years?


Nope. :D


I started with Pipex who eventually became Talk Talk. I have never had any issues with them and always had great connection/download speeds, which is why i'm so reluctant to change.


I've read the wireless router you get off them is tripe for gaming so I tried to buy a netgear one a couple of years back. It wouldn't connect and I phoned them up only to have them say it wasn't compatible with their service, which was their way of fobbing me off. I just returned it to Currys and haven't bothered since.


I really am thinking of changing to SKY though, as most my mates have it and say it's fantastic. They also sort out the cancellation process from your other provider which is a plus as well.

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Project X Zone



A strange kind of game, this was. I barely recognized most of the characters, but could only guess their origins from what they talked about. Still, most of the characters were likeable, and game itself very enjoyable.


What I didn't like was the Japanese voice acting. It distracted me from the game, for I couldn't understand worth a shit theywere saying. Not that the story was anything one could take seriously, it's a crossover after all. The game was also a bit too long, should have been about 5-10 episodes shorter. The game became a bit repetitive in the end.


Overall, a nice game. Will not play it again for a while, but will probably try at a later time. Now, I'll start Again for the DS and continue with EarthBound.

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Playstation Smash Bros. (Vita)


Finished this on Friday night. I've played it before but I downloaded the Vita version free of charge due to owning the PS3 version. It's a fun title but not a patch on the game that inspired it.


Tales of Xillia (PS3)


I really enjoyed this. I'm not a huge Tales of (insert title) fan and the series has always been very meh to me. This installment changed that, with some great characters and cracking storyline. Loved it.

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