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@tapedeck not so! FFXV is actually really quite fresh (I'm guessing you haven't checked it out). It's easy to see the numeral after the FF and assume it's stale, but it actually looks really cool and totally different to the previous games. Dat combat.


Give one thing to Final Fantasy: they do try to mix it up each game (a direct contrast to this would be the Tales series which is pretty conserved).



NOT stale. :p

Edited by Sheikah
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HAHAHAHA Final Fantasy is the definition of stale! Oooh, look it's some overly effeminate guys with stupidly large swords and spiky hair - where have I seen them before? Do you think there will be an airship and magic too?


The Sony Defence Force has been particularly active today on the forums!


As for the list of most wanted games, I would say the Wii U list looks far more interesting. What's more as COD:Ghosts, ACIV and Watchdogs are all also on the Wii U it's a no brainer - with all that Nintendo goodness and some of the highly anticipated third party titles I'm happy with my decision to be a Nintendo gamer.

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HAHAHAHA Final Fantasy is the definition of stale! Oooh, look it's some overly effeminate guys with stupidly large swords and spiky hair - where have I seen them before? Do you think there will be an airship and magic too?


The Sony Defence Force has been particularly active today on the forums!


As for the list of most wanted games, I would say the Wii U list looks far more interesting. What's more as COD:Ghosts, ACIV and Watchdogs are all also on the Wii U it's a no brainer - with all that Nintendo goodness and some of the highly anticipated third party titles I'm happy with my decision to be a Nintendo gamer.


Ugh, every time you post, every time...


Such an unpleasant person.

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Every post on here that praises Nintendo gets counter by a smug, self-satisfied and condescending post. Nintendo games are stale, Nintendo is behind the times, Nintendo doesn't produce consoles - they're toys etc.


Yet as soon as someone pushes back there's people crying?


I know some really good people on here who love Nintendo, they don't spend time in the Other Consoles thread pouring scorn on every little bit of positive news that comes out for Microsoft or Sony.

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side topic: Final Fantasy is trying so hard to be fresh they've destroyed the brand, and 15 looks to be worse than Lightening Returns. The over reliance on Lightening and trying to be hyper realistic with the characters at the expense of a world to explore is the wrong direction, thats why other RPG's such as bravery and the tales series have sold better.

And genreally speaking SquareEnix are in freefall now, they are destroying IP's and are now focusing on Mobile and Multiplayer (they claim to still be doing their core single player ip's but they will have multiplayer elements)


On topic thats a good set of releases

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HAHAHAHA Final Fantasy is the definition of stale! Oooh, look it's some overly effeminate guys with stupidly large swords and spiky hair - where have I seen them before? Do you think there will be an airship and magic too?


The Sony Defence Force has been particularly active today on the forums!


Wait, so a signature design of the characters instantly relegates it to stale? I'm not going to completely disagree with you, Final Fantasy has become incredibly stale as of late, that's why it's so refreshing to see a spin off being recognised as a main series title and becoming 0Final Fantasy VX, it's a sign that Square Enix are coming to grips with what they need to do with the franchise.


So let's reverse this logic. We have this stupid chubby plumber who doesn't seem too keen to change his clothes, always got the same old power ups etc. I wonder if there will be a mushroom in the next Mario game too?!


And it's hilarious to see you calling out people who feel this way as Sony Defence Force when you're essentially coming across as a Nintendo fanboy with a bad case of post-purchase rationalisation?


So let's look at this list and find something that is something people will regard as genuinely being refresh shall we? And that's Watchdogs, and it only ranked in the top 10 for one platform, the PS4. It's all looking pretty stale.

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Every post on here that praises Nintendo gets counter by a smug, self-satisfied and condescending post. Nintendo games are stale, Nintendo is behind the times, Nintendo doesn't produce consoles - they're toys etc.


Yet as soon as someone pushes back there's people crying?


I know some really good people on here who love Nintendo, they don't spend time in the Other Consoles thread pouring scorn on every little bit of positive news that comes out for Microsoft or Sony.


This is the unfortunate truth with this forum, you always get the same people coming in and hating on Nintendo yet you don't see the Nintendo fans going into the other boards slating the other consoles... and if they did they'd be immediately warned.


The stupidity of some people on this forum truly amazing me. It's ok for one person to say about another "Oh, you're still alive are you?" and yet when the other person says that someone lied about something and then even posted proof of that lie, they got an infraction for it.


Great moderating on show there!



Don't get me wrong, I love this place, I've been here since the n64-Europe days and made some truly great friends thanks to it, but there are some truly bad habits on the forum in recent years.




Back to talk about the WiiU, that line-up needs Monolith Soft's "X" in it!

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So let's reverse this logic. We have this stupid chubby plumber who doesn't seem too keen to change his clothes, always got the same old power ups etc. I wonder if there will be a mushroom in the next Mario game too?!


And it's hilarious to see you calling out people who feel this way as Sony Defence Force when you're essentially coming across as a Nintendo fanboy with a bad case of post-purchase rationalisation?


But you've actually managed to highlight the exact absurdity I was actually highlighting!


The fact is people on here (and elsewhere) have called out Nintendo for including Mario in Golf, Tennis, Kart and in both 2D and 3D games and lumped them altogether. I have even seen people cite 'fatigue' over seeing Mario in games. Mario might feature in a lot of games, but lets face it, NSMB, 3D Mario outings, Kart and Party are all totally different genres!


People call out Nintendo for this all the time. Yet I make a rather (overly) scathing assessment of Final Fantasy and people are crying into their beer!


Why is it so hard for some people to accept that some up us enjoy the Wii U? That we like offscreen play, we have bought over a dozen retail games this year (I have 17) and we game regularly alone and in groups?


I'll admit, the Wii U got off to a shaky start, but now I love it! Yet again, if someone loves the Wii U it's 'a bad case of post-purchase rationalisation'.


You can call me out as a Nintendo fanboy all you want. I love Nintendo. But as I love Nintendo I don't spend the vast majority of my time on the Other Consoles board sneering at those who like other things and writing condescending and derisory posts about games I don't want to own or don't enjoy which are on consoles I'm not interested in.

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Great moderating on show there!


What do you want?... us Mods to delete every single post that deviates slightly from the topic? that mentions Sony or Microsoft on a Nintendo board?


You guys are doing this all yourselves. You're incapable of discussion. If you like I can just ban the lot of you, or you can start to behave like adults! Up to you.


Some of you guys never cease to amaze me.

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But you've actually managed to highlight the exact absurdity I was actually highlighting!


The fact is people on here (and elsewhere) have called out Nintendo for including Mario in Golf, Tennis, Kart and in both 2D and 3D games and lumped them altogether. I have even seen people cite 'fatigue' over seeing Mario in games. Mario might feature in a lot of games, but lets face it, NSMB, 3D Mario outings, Kart and Party are all totally different genres!


People call out Nintendo for this all the time. Yet I make a rather (overly) scathing assessment of Final Fantasy and people are crying into their beer!


Why is it so hard for some people to accept that some up us enjoy the Wii U? That we like offscreen play, we have bought over a dozen retail games this year (I have 17) and we game regularly alone and in groups?


I'll admit, the Wii U got off to a shaky start, but now I love it! Yet again, if someone loves the Wii U it's 'a bad case of post-purchase rationalisation'.


You can call me out as a Nintendo fanboy all you want. I love Nintendo. But as I love Nintendo I don't spend the vast majority of my time on the Other Consoles board sneering at those who like other things and writing condescending and derisory posts about games I don't want to own or don't enjoy which are on consoles I'm not interested in.


You have a point with the whole 'people are not fatigued with seeing Mario', but that's kind of different. In an RPG, you're naturally going to see the distinguishing of characters through the development. Mario is still Mario, whether he's playing tennis or racing a go cart. This is why there's so much perceived staleness in regards to how much they plaster Mario on every thing, you have the same character doing everything, it's just a means to sell something rather than design a new character that's different in any sense.


You've kind of misinterpreted me here. I made sure to include that it's how you come across as, and that's partially due to the fact you don't stick explicitly to the argument and end up belittling peoples opinions by saying they're, for example, the Sony Defence Force.


Plus, the main reason I've migrated to the Other Consoles board is because the environment is a lot calmer (except for the heated moments in the Xbox One thread). Just look at what happens when some one raises a disagreement in the Wii board. Look at the absolutely pathetic display in the Super Mario 3D Land thread. You guys go fucking ape shit at the criticism from some one who has every right to critique things, and you take it on a personal level.


No one came to this board specifically to shit on Nintendo. We all came here because we fucking loved Nintendo at the point of entry.


This thread is sexy.

Edited by Debug Mode
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Do you know what makes this situation even more pathetic, is that there is actually a special thread on the Other Consoles board for the Wii U, so those who really are into the PS4/XBO and want to rubbish the Wii U can do in peace away from the Wii U fans.


However, not content with using that thread (which I don't go in for obvious reasons) these people still come to the Nintendo board to pour scorn on those who are enjoying their Wii U.

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I like this place too, but when people suggest warnings should be handed out for expressing negative opinions on game franchises, I do worry.


Oh god I'm not suggesting that. But case in point, someone posted in the Last of Us thread after some people were suggesting it was game of the generation. That person stated they felt Mario Galaxy was game of the generation. That post was then deleted. So I figured I'd post that too, mine went undeleted... why? It was practically word for word what the other person wrote?

That was not moderating with equality.


What do you want?... us Mods to delete every single post that deviates slightly from the topic? that mentions Sony or Microsoft on a Nintendo board?


You guys are doing this all yourselves. You're incapable of discussion. If you like I can just ban the lot of you, or you can start to behave like adults! Up to you.


Some of you guys never cease to amaze me.


I just feel an equality across the board would be fair when it comes to moderating. I'd love for discussions to take place on the forum, but it's difficult at times with the tone some people tend to use. This is from both sides of the arguements I can agree.

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Oh god I'm not suggesting that. But case in point, someone posted in the Last of Us thread after some people were suggesting it was game of the generation. That person stated they felt Mario Galaxy was game of the generation. That post was then deleted. So I figured I'd post that too, mine went undeleted... why? It was practically word for word what the other person wrote?

That was not moderating with equality.


Because we knew, as the poster later admitted to, that it was posted just to cause a fuss. There was a post in there at the same time in which someone suggested that the reviews were suspicious and that everyone was giving it a 10/10 to just appear on marketing material, which is pretty negative. That post was fine.

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I just feel an equality across the board would be fair when it comes to moderating. I'd love for discussions to take place on the forum, but it's difficult at times with the tone some people tend to use. This is from both sides of the arguements I can agree.
I'm not about to sit here and babysit you guys.


@Zechs Merquise You were at fault here.


@Sheikah posting about his love for the Final Fantasy series, is not reason to insult someone. Whilst it may predominantly be seen as a Sony franchise, it does not mean someone has insulted Nintendo by bringing it up; I'm sure there are many Nintendo fans that would like to see the series on the Wii U.

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Do you know what makes this situation even more pathetic, is that there is actually a special thread on the Other Consoles board for the Wii U, so those who really are into the PS4/XBO and want to rubbish the Wii U can do in peace away from the Wii U fans.


However, not content with using that thread (which I don't go in for obvious reasons) these people still come to the Nintendo board to pour scorn on those who are enjoying their Wii U.


If this talk of top 10 most wanted games by platform and the following discussion in regards to Final Fantasy had taken place there, we would all be talking there.


We have to purposely segregate ourselves based on who is critical of Nintendo in this situation? That's bullshit.

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