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Wii U General Discussion


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I got a Wii U today and i've been having loads of fun with it. It's a nice change to the PS4. BOTH are good consoles with great games.


I got MK8, SSB, SM3DW, Wii U Party and Nintendoland. I've been looking at getting Wind Waker soon, what other must have games do people recommend?

Captain Toad is great fun. :)

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Tried to move the conversation to a separate thread (http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57010). Was difficult to find a cut-off point so it's a bit messy.


I kind of cut it off at the point where there was a discussion of a "silver bullet" game. It does mean that flow stops suddenly.


Some Wii U General points have also moved, but feel free to make them again here but please make a point about the Wii U itself, not as a comparison to a different console.

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I'd also include Darksiders II as a great launch game in Wii U's first year. Sure it came out a few months after the other platforms but it's a terrific game. I'm playing through it currently. If people haven't played it, you need to. You should be able to buy it relatively cheap now.

Edited by Ashley
removed that line which wasn't helping things
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I like the Wii U as it has brought many different experiences to the table for me, firstly it's responsible for getting me into Monster Hunter which justifies its purchase alone, then you have all of the fantastic Nintendo titles, the real stand-out examples for me have been Pikmin 3 which had been a long time coming but delivered on all of the expectations I had of it. :)


Super Mario Bros. U provided a decent experience until Super Mario 3D World arrived blowing everything else out of the water, of course you can't mention aquatics without at least dipping your toes into the waters of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD which is easily one of the best looking games I have ever had the pleasure of playing due to its glorious art style which finally matched up to what it was always meant to feel like; a living, breathing cartoon world with the best of the Zelda traits while taking you on an adventure in an entirely new way. :D


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze most certainly evokes the overall vibe of the original DKC games thanks to the talents of David Wise and Retro Studios who well and truly made their mark on the series without sullying the memory of the first games which are still my favourite ultimately but then it was never really a competition.


So much goodness but then we got the fantastic flagship title that everyone who has a Wii U simply has to experience which is of course Mario Kart 8 with its anti-gravity antics becoming a natural extension of everything that had been built upon in previous incarnations up to this point, plus it's the first in the series to be presented in HD, the online is always fun as is the local multiplayer which seems even more accessible. This is without taking into account the DLC which expands the fun even further adding in a substantial amount of brilliant and quite honestly unexpected content which we as fans knew we wanted before we even had a chance to ask for it, there it is, all for a decent price but spread out sufficiently so as to keep a buzz about the game for a good while to come.


Even the mention of DLC has to lead me onto Hyrule Warriors which intrigued many of us since its reveal, then delighted us with its diverse range of characters, weapons, enemies, locations and even improvised dialogue revolving around the Zelda universe, all wrapped up neatly into a Dynasty Warriors orientated package. Mere months down the line we have been supplied with a myriad of content which would have normally been fit to make up an entire new game and yet we get it all for an incredibly generous one-off payment which turns this serial 'level-up' obsessed title into the game that keeps on giving until you think it has no more to give, then it ends up giving us more or less exactly what we want - or didn't - in the case of Tingle being a playable character! Not to mention all of the other stuff but being able to play as the green-clad, gnome-like thirty-five year old who alas has not yet acquired a fairy of his own... is just simply astounding, worthy of a GOTY nomination right there! :bowdown:


How could I forget Platinum Games? I can't, that's how! :heh: Not content with bringing us the brilliant The Wonderful 101 which was an amazingly spectacular example of failed diplomacy at its finest but they have also bestowed upon us the beautifully brutal Bayonetta 2 not to mention the original available on a Nintendo console for the first time, I mean this game wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for Nintendo stepping in to fund it and thank the gods that they did because it has always been one of my most wanted games, even after all that time... you'd think it might have suffered somehow during development but absolutely not; it turned out to be the hair-raising, spell-binding, gloriously torturous-themed game that we expected with a healthy dose of over the top humour but still noticeably tight gameplay making it all the more masochistically marvellous.


We've also had the best iteration in the Super Smash Bros. series since the spectacular second entry which a lot of us thought would never even be matched, of course it doesn't quite have everything that was expected but you certainly can't accuse the game of being light on content, plus it's still amazingly fun to play; pick a Nintendo or third-party character, pick a stage and fight it out in glorious HD with up to eight players, what's not to love? :)


Most recently Captain Toad has arrived early in the year - earlier still for some - to delight us with his treasure tracking adventures providing a surprisingly deep game derived from a seemingly simple concept, just pick up one of those blue hammers, watch Toad go and try not to at least crack a smile; worth the price of entry just for that moment alone! :indeed:


Of course we've had many more moments of joy thanks to some digital delights in the form of several eShop titles including Shovel Knight which ranks highly as one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played, not to mention its pixel-perfect pacing, as for the dialogue I don't know where they dug it up from but it's certainly gold standard. Even the Virtual Console has seen a fine selection of titles including some previously unreleased that we'd almost given up hope of seeing, most notable of course is Earthbound which would be worth buying the machine alone for anyone who wanted to experience it on a Nintendo console for less than what the cartridge alone and a SNES would set you back, of course there are many others too but in just one recent week we received both Axelay which is a superb shooter, the likes of which I feel privileged to be able to finally experience AND the legendary Demon's Crest which is one of the most atmospheric 16-bit platform games that you're ever likely to play, again available for a reasonable price for a game which really deserves to be enjoyed even more now that it's available to a wider audience further bolstered by Miiverse which is brilliant in its own subtle way. :awesome:


Of course I have missed out a fair bit no doubt - Metroid Prime Trilogy needs to be at least crudely dropped in there though like a morph-ball Samus into a kinetic mechanism - but as a console the Wii U has actually offered me a lot more than I expected up to this point and although it has had a turbulent few years to say the least, its been a roller-coaster which I've been enjoying the ride on for some time now and it's still only about just over half-way across the track I reckon so for anyone who may have fallen asleep on the tamer parts of it or who have become perhaps completely derailed due to lack of track in some places, I'd urge you all to get on board at least for the next part as there will surely be a few more loops yet before the end of the line; don't forget to board the hype train at least once more, right now though I'm going to get back on track with the Wii U as I feel it still has a lot to offer before it runs out of steam. : peace:


I'll still be bringing my New 3DS XL along for the ride too though, it's going to be a reasonably long journey. ;)

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Tried to move the conversation to a separate thread (http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57010). Was difficult to find a cut-off point so it's a bit messy.


I kind of cut it off at the point where there was a discussion of a "silver bullet" game. It does mean that flow stops suddenly.


Some Wii U General points have also moved, but feel free to make them again here but please make a point about the Wii U itself, not as a comparison to a different console.


I don't think an edit was necessary. I kept it Wii U only and I avoided that $hi1tstorm earlier completely, so much of that maelstrom I had to just glance through. What I said was true and a valid point point was lost amongst the chaos.. This is the Wii U thread.

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I got a Wii U today and i've been having loads of fun with it. It's a nice change to the PS4. BOTH are good consoles with great games.


I got MK8, SSB, SM3DW, Wii U Party and Nintendoland. I've been looking at getting Wind Waker soon, what other must have games do people recommend?


You've almost got half of my total Wii U collection already :eek:


Physically, I own..


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Game & Wario

Mario Kart 8

New Super Mario Bros U

Nintendo Land

Pikmin 3

Super Mario 3D World

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD

Super Smash Bros for Wii U

Zombi U


..and I'd honestly say they're all worth playing. Even Game & Wario, the weakest of the list, has provided plenty of fun, particularly the drawing game :smile:


I also have Wii Fit U and Wii Party U on the console courtesy of different promotions, the latter of which can actually be quite cumbersome to play in multiplayer due to the inconvenience of swapping around Wii remotes and the Wii U Gamepad.


I had, and completed, New Super Luigi U too but gave it to my brother as a gift with the intention of downloading it digitally from the eShop again at some point down the line. It's well worth checking out, too :hehe:


There's not that much else that I really want, other than Captain Toad's Treasure Trackers, but my backlog and gaming habits mean that I'm simply going to wait as long as it takes to pick it up for a bargain price in the future :heh:


Overall, Wii U is a great console that should give you plenty of enjoyment. Your interest in Wind Waker HD is definitely not misplaced as it is absolutely glorious : peace: If you can overlook the irritating flaws associated with the console, which will bother some more than others, then you're in for a treat!

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I don't think an edit was necessary. I kept it Wii U only and I avoided that $hi1tstorm earlier completely, so much of that maelstrom I had to just glance through. What I said was true and a valid point point was lost amongst the chaos.. This is the Wii U thread.


Your latest post?


If so it was about an argument that no longer exists so it's not needed. I was trying to draw a line in the sand and you were trying to kick it in peoples eyes.

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I only said it's nice to have the Wii U thread be about the Wii U again. I wasn't kicking anything in anybodys eyes. I had no interest in the pages of arguments that happened yesterday and ignored it all. My posts in the other thread backed it up.

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Well nobody has an interest in the argument, which is why I sorted it out. You then brought it back up again. You may have been doing it for what you felt was a good reason, but it was bringing it back up again. That's why I removed it. It's also why I'll shortly remove this stand - it's off topic.

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Nintendo apparently pulled the plug one day before production


Unseen64's Liam Robertson - an expert at digging up cancelled gaming projects - has uncovered another interesting piece of into regarding an open-world adventure title that was in development for the Wii U.

Chris Stockman - who served as Design Director on the original Saints Row - was working on the title, but Nintendo apparently pulled the plug the day before it was about to enter full production.


The creative lead of Saints Row 1 was working on an open world game in partnership with Nintendo too. Cancelled 1 day before production.

— Tamaki (@Doctor_Cupcakes) February 25, 2015


It remains to be seen if Robertson is able to uncover any more information about the game - if it got as far as (almost) entering production then concept art will certainly exist somewhere - but for the time being all we can do is ponder what this mystery Wii U release could have looked like.


An open-world adventure title is the kind of genre a Nintendo console needs.

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I was reading that yesterday.


It remains to be seen if Robertson is able to uncover any more information about the game


I think he will though with Nintendo developed games they're guarded that much more secretively and can be harder to gather information.

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It absolutely is selling because of the name. People bought a PS4 because of the brand, and the expectation that top quality are on the way. Still waiting....


I'm going to disagree with this myself. A large number of people jumped ship from XBone to PS4 - that isn't name/brand loyalty. If anything, I'd say the guiliest party over the years for 'buying for the name' is actually Nintendo themselves. I might buy a PS4 before the year's out, and it won't be 'for the name'(I used to quite passionately dislike Sony in fact) but for the fact that it absolutely seems to be the best system out there atm. WiiU has some great points, but as a whole and an average, the PS4 seems to be the best to me.


I’m not sure about the whole drop the Wii U price tag and sell more software argument?


A firesale will see an initial surge but long term would it be beneficial? I’m not convinced people would go and buy plenty of software. If people wanted the console they would of got it already rather than all sitting and waiting for a further £100 price drop.


The GC went down to £99 and what difference did it make?


The best thing Nintendo can do is just ride the generation out and make a small profit or a small loss. There is no turnaround on the horizon and I think Iwata and Co and fully aware of this and are just trying to ride the generation out the most cost effective way possible.


I think MadDog's post right after yours kinda tells a different story :p


Even so - drop the price a bit, sell more units, make more profit. Then add the sales of games on top too(I know people who'd definitely buy Smash if the adapter was about, and Wind Waker, and probably a few other titles knocking about, not to mention ZeldaU and XCX).


Oustanding post @S\.C\.G


Nice to get some Rare Nintendo love in this thread


One can dream!


Just wondering - nobody seems to have mentioned Lego City in their recommendations so far - I thought that was supposed to be a pretty darn fun outing for the WiiU?

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I'm going to disagree with this myself. A large number of people jumped ship from XBone to PS4 - that isn't name/brand loyalty. If anything, I'd say the guiliest party over the years for 'buying for the name' is actually Nintendo themselves. I might buy a PS4 before the year's out, and it won't be 'for the name'(I used to quite passionately dislike Sony in fact) but for the fact that it absolutely seems to be the best system out there atm. WiiU has some great points, but as a whole and an average, the PS4 seems to be the best to me.




I was the same, but was so thoroughly bored with Nintendo's efforts on WiiU I have to get some games somewhere - and now I don't regret a thing.


Don't get me wrong Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros are good for when friends come over to play those - but that's not nearly as much as previous generations. We've barely touched Smash, it's just a bit dull.

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Tantalus still working on “big” AAA port for Wii U coming out this year




Way back last January we learned that Tantalus Media were hiring for a “new AAA next-gen title“ destined for Wii U.


This was soon clarified by director of development Joss Ellis, who teased: “It is a ‘port’ but more of a complete rework for the Wii U: a bit like the work we did on Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut. I can’t say what the title is but it is very exciting and is for an absolute top notch publisher. This game will be credited Tantalus… it’s not an MA / 18 or ‘hard core’ game which Mass Effect 3 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut are.”


It’s fallen silent since then, but step in Tantalus Media CEO Tom Crago to reignite our intrigue. Making an appearance on the Fragments of Silicon podcast where he discussed THQ’s fall, the demise of licensed games, and what the future holds.


“We’re [still] doing that”, Crago assured. “It hasn’t been announced, but it will be soon. And can I just further add to the mystique and say that it’s big. It’s the biggest thing we’ve ever done. And it’ll come out this year, and I hope it won’t disappoint.”




It could be anything but my guess it's a title that's a perfect match for the Wii U's gamepad.

Edited by Wii
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It could be anything but my guess it's a title that's a perfect match for the Wii U's gamepad.


So they worked on Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut Wii U and Mass Effect 3 Special Edition Wii U. We know that EA aren't releasing any more games on the Wii U, so it definitely won't be another one of their games. Can rule out Activision because they have their own porting studios. It's definitely not an 18 game and it's different genre to DE:HR and ME3. Could be another Square Enix game? Final Fantasy XIII? That's being rereleased a lot at the moment.

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I have a silly first-world gaming dilemma I would like to present to you guys:


It's very simple.

My backlog (defined here as games that I want to buy but do not yet own) stretches from my place to Kyoto and given that I do not have a steady income I have had trouble keeping up with all the new releases over the last few years basically.


Lately I rearranged my backlog list and have highlighted some games that I want to prioritize in buying.

Now I still have some really good games on my shelf for my Wiiu, 3DS and DS that need playing and finishing, but when it comes to buying a juicy new release from time to time I'm painfully behind.


I am now thinking of buying one of two of my prioritized games:


The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


Super Smash Bros. for WiiU


There are times when I hear about A link Between Worlds and remember that I have played practically all Zelda games and I am a big Zelda fan.....yet I don't have this game....:o

Then there are times when I hear about Smash Bros. and I think to myself if there is one piece of software every WiiU owner should have it is probably this title, and yet I don't have it....

So there are surges in my emotions in which I am dying to play one of the two, but I cannot make up my mind which one to buy first and dig in to.


As a BIG fan of both series, I cannot justify being behind on them :laughing:


Any suggestions, Ladies?

Edited by Fused King
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


Super Smash Bros. for WiiU


There are times when I hear about A link Between Worlds and remember that I have played practically all Zelda games and I am a big Zelda fan.....yet I don't have this game....:o

Then there are times when I hear about Smash Bros. and I think to myself if there is one piece of software every WiiU owner should have it is probably this title, and yet I don't have it....

So there are surges in my emotions in which I am dying to play one of the two, but I cannot make up my mind which one to buy first and dig in to.


As a BIG fan of both series, I cannot justify being behind on them :laughing:


Well, A Link Between Worlds is brilliant - probably the fastest and most fluid Zelda ever, with one of the best soundtracks (all the best Zelda tunes re-mastered!) It's also a nice length and doesn't outstay its welcome.


I must admit I'm not into the Smash Bros series, but wouldn't that be something you'd play over a greater duration, maybe online too? If I played both series, I would spend the eight days or so it takes to complete Zelda enjoying that, then move onto Smash Bros.

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