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The site has changed over the years though, so many people have left. Those who have stuck around have probably done so for the community rather than solely being fans of Nintendo. The Mario Kart league has had loads of members so there are still a few coming through the doors but we need moar.


Tell me about it. Just reading the bumped LostWinds thread the other day bummed me out. It's sad that we've lost so many members over the years. Owen, Jordan, darksnowman, Stocka, Tellyn, Shadow, Hellfire...the list goes on. :(

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Tell me about it. Just reading the bumped LostWinds thread the other day bummed me out. It's sad that we've lost so many members over the years. Owen, Jordan, darksnowman, Stocka, Tellyn, Shadow, Hellfire...the list goes on. :(


There's lots of reasons for that, though. People get older, take on more responsibilities (jobs, working away, family/children/married life, college, uni), or they either stop gaming or take on something different.


It's partly why it's important we get a steady stream coming through. It's tough. Plus, the rise of social media with people posting comments on facebook pages, twitter, youtube videos instead of forums. We need Nintendo to sort their shit out in future otherwise we'll struggle to get new people in. It is a fan site after all.

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Over the last ten pages (or about that of this thread) there has been the most awesome bitch-fest which was essentially sparked by someone posting a little info graphic showing how well received exclusive games had been on the Wii U and 3DS this year.


This lead to the usual suspects (led by the bitterest fanboy on the boards) attacking everything to do with the list:


- Too many sequels

- Games too similar

- Some games arguably being the same game

- Remakes


This is pathetic.


It has then rumbled on for pages with the following added in for good measure:


- The Wii U is underpowered

- The gamepad isn't 'good technology'

- No third parties

- No one buys the Wii U


The funny thing is, all this is posted by people who clearly don't like Nintendo or have a chip on their shoulder about the current way Nintendo is going!


It's like every time something good can be said for the Wii U or Nintendo's situation, people have to come and fill the thread with bile about how nothing good should be said about Nintendo.


Then the mods (who are so quick to jump on any negativity anywhere else) allow the most personal attacks on @Serebii - including:


- The mocking of his degree

- The mocking of his job

- The mocking of his hobby


Fuck me, if anyone else was to get ripped to shreds like that there would be a banning! I saw one 'mod' handing out a telling off the other day to someone for repeatedly quoting another user. But ripping someone personally is OK, oh yeah, because it's @Serebii.


Maybe @Serebii should be laughing in the thread about The Crew, because it turned out pretty sub par. Or maybe he should be laughing at Assassin's Creed Unity, for being a total bug filled mess and possibly the worst entry in the series to date. Or maybe he should be in the Master Chief Collection thread laughing because it was released utterly broken.


But he's not, he is just enjoying Nintendo and posting positive things about it.


The word fanboy gets thrown around a lot, but the biggest fanboys are the ones who spend their time repeatedly mocking others and pulling others down for enjoying something they clearly don't.

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Over the last ten pages (or about that of this thread) there has been the most awesome bitch-fest which was essentially sparked by someone posting a little info graphic showing how well received exclusive games had been on the Wii U and 3DS this year.






That would be me. :D It's not about how well they were received but that they have more exclusives than the competition that are rated 8.5 or above by both journalists and gamers on Metacritic.


@Serebii started it off by arguing with himself and over people criticising this graph on other forums.


People are criticising their use of user score, but I argue that's a more valid thing to use...but equally stupid. "Professional" reviews seem like crap these days when you see broken games like Halo Master Chief Collection, Battlefield 4, Assassin's Creed Unity etc. get 8, 9 & even 10s. I very rarely trust professional reviews these days.


But still, it's telling :)


*Looks around the room* Who are you even arguing with? Nobody here has criticised the use of user scores. Of course, reader reviews are just as valid. I would say, however, that deliberate trolling a 0 when say the average is 9, reviews like that should be weeded out. If you've got arguments with users on other forums, keep them there. I posted it here as a good news story, lets keep it like that please.


It was a good news story until @Serebii started off on one.


As for all the ensuing debate I've taken a back seat.


Would like @Serebii to take my bet. He won't though because he knows really it's going to happen. So I hope that's put an end to any future rhetoric about Wii U going the full distance.


Then the mods (who are so quick to jump on any negativity anywhere else) allow the most personal attacks on @Serebii - including:


- The mocking of his degree

- The mocking of his job

- The mocking of his hobby


Fuck me, if anyone else was to get ripped to shreds like that there would be a banning! I saw one 'mod' handing out a telling off the other day to someone for repeatedly quoting another user. But ripping someone personally is OK, oh yeah, because it's @Serebii.


I know you didn't imply it or anything but I just want to be clear I didn't mock @Serebii


He is the most biased member I know on this board. You cannot debate anything with him. He'll always just see it from one side only, Nintendo's. Also telling people they're "wrong" for their opinions doesn't help either.


I love Nintendo but I see the good and the ugly. It's because I care that I criticise some of their decisions.

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Tell me about it. Just reading the bumped LostWinds thread the other day bummed me out. It's sad that we've lost so many members over the years. Owen, Jordan, darksnowman, Stocka, Tellyn, Shadow, Hellfire...the list goes on. :(


Read the last 10 pages. Is it any wonder? Imagine you've just bought a Wii U and find this "Nintendo" forum and all it does is slag off the Wii U non-stop.

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Don't really wanna get involved in this but got to agree Clownferret.

New members are probably put off because of petty arguments and patronising comments rather than the fact that Nintendo need to 'sort their shit out'. Though I do agree their shit needs a sorting. :heh:

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He is the most biased member I know on this board. You cannot debate anything with him. He'll always just see it from one side only, Nintendo's. Also telling people they're "wrong" for their opinions doesn't help either.


I love Nintendo but I see the good and the ugly. It's because I care that I criticise some of their decisions.


In fairness to @Serebii he's a Nintendo Fanboy on a Nintendo forum (I can't see the problem with that), who spends most of his time defending himself/his hobby against the actual biggest fanboy on this forum @Sheikah who does nothing but trash everything Nintendo does and is a cancer to every conversation that takes place, however he seems to constantly get away with it because his circle of friends seem to be the moderators.

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Indeed. Even I say there are areas Nintendo need to work on. Just because I'm positive about the stuff they do correctly does not mean I am massively bias and can't see when there are issues. When people erroneously make statements, it has to be countered or that sort of crap will fester. I never counter people for having opinions. I counter people who perpetuate lies and mistruths

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Maybe @Serebii should be laughing in the thread about The Crew, because it turned out pretty sub par. Or maybe he should be laughing at Assassin's Creed Unity, for being a total bug filled mess and possibly the worst entry in the series to date. Or maybe he should be in the Master Chief Collection thread laughing because it was released utterly broken.


Maybe he should. And - because everyone can see how The Crew is subpar, how AC: U is one of the worst gaming releases in history and how Halo MCC had a broken multiplayer mode in the beginning - everyone would agree.

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In fairness to @Serebii he's a Nintendo Fanboy on a Nintendo forum (I can't see the problem with that), who spends most of his time defending himself/his hobby against the actual biggest fanboy on this forum @Sheikah who does nothing but trash everything Nintendo does and is a cancer to every conversation that takes place, however he seems to constantly get away with it because his circle of friends seem to be the moderators.


I agree @Sheikah is the other end of the scale. The 2 of them are a bit like:




Maybe he should. And - because everyone can see how The Crew is subpar, how AC: U is one of the worst gaming releases in history and how Halo MCC had a broken multiplayer mode in the beginning - everyone would agree.


I wanted the new Assassins Creed when it was announced but we've dodged a bullet there.

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Read the last 10 pages. Is it any wonder? Imagine you've just bought a Wii U and find this "Nintendo" forum and all it does is slag off the Wii U non-stop.


Yep, must be really off putting. You can't even talk about how many Wii U games are out next year before someone pointlessly shoots you down for daring to be positive. No wonder so many people have left the board.

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This year I've left the forums twice for a few weeks due to not being able to discuss the things I would like to discuss. I know for a fact there are other members on here who have done the same thing for the very same reason. Not left but taken a break from the place.


You can still enjoy something ( Nintendo games ) and be highly critical of a companies other output or decisions ( Wii U console ). There's nothing wrong with viewing certain things in a negative light and I certainly feel I should be allowed to voice such things without people kicking off and being defensive.


In terms of those who have left most of them have either gone due to other commitments, Nintendo no longer appealing to them ( lost a few during the Wii era ) or just cant be bothered with the place anymore. Most of these left well before this thread became a mess.


Yes, this place is a Nintendo forum/website but people need to see that it's changed over the years, with most members on here either being multi console owners or simply not gaming at all.


There are also sides being taken in this place. When certain posters make a post I can pretty much guarantee who is going to thank the thing. You have a group on one side and one on the other. Pretty sad.


The place is becoming more and more of a cesspool and for someone who enjoys all sides of gaming, whatever the console, the sun may be setting on my time here.

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Read the last 10 pages. Is it any wonder? Imagine you've just bought a Wii U and find this "Nintendo" forum and all it does is slag off the Wii U non-stop.


I'm just thankful I never read anything in this thread until about a month after I joined. It would have put me off to no end.


I heard horror stories from @Dcubed, but thought that was some kind of joke.

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Gaf is even worse but at least there are plenty of gaming topics to keep you occupied.

Yeah, but you at least have topics for games without people coming in and crapping them up, calling them things like "Captain Turd"


But I digress.


I think we should all make a new years resolution to be more courteous to eachother here. Not to publically demean eachother, @Sheikah, not repeatedly crap up threads, @Wii, and not be majorly defensive (me)

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Yeah I felt the same way for a few years about this place. I enjoy chatting gaming, chatting Nintendo etc, but this place is toxic now, Unpleasant far too often. I know people who have left purely because of the negativity and constant shit happening.


And although being critical is important, and we all are at times, I don't think this "everyone is allowed an opinion" should be a defence of some people's behaviour, people hide behind it way too often, when actually all that's happening is lots of people are getting pissed off and threads are getting destroyed. I've spoken to many mods about it and to be honest it seems people don't really care, even though many of us have left, many of us DK stinky talk about how bad the place has become...


Oh well. There's still enough good people on here for me, and where else is there to geek out? But if more and more people leave what will be left....


Nice happy topic for Christmas :D I'm off to play toad which gives me far more joy that it's entitled to do.

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I do find it funny that the catalyst for these bitchfests seems to be some positive Nintendo news.


I've not noticed gaf being 'worse' at all but maybe that's because I've not been around there much. What strikes me is the Nintendo topics are filled with people who love Nintendo. You only really get that sense here whenever a new Direct is announced.

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You know what? For all the negativity in here about things changing, I still have to say that this place is still, by far, my favourite online forum. I've been a regular for over a decade for a reason after all! You guys and gals are still cool and though it can get a bit personal and heated at times (particularly here in the Wii U General Discussion thread!), I still love you all (well, ok, not in THAT way, but you all know what I mean :p )


It's easy to look at the past and lament the loss of some of the great members we've had here, but it's even easier to lose sight of the great members who have continued to stick around, many of which have been here since the days of Cube Europe! This place may change with the times, but it's still awesome. It's cozy and close to home! :D


And you also have to consider the possibility of people coming back. Some will come and go and then perhaps come back again. Like with me, back around 2006-2010 I joined GAF (back when it wasn't the complete shithole that it is now; it's still the best gaming news aggregator out there mind you! - Which is why I still lurk, plus it's still fun to lurk and laugh at the kids who bitch amongst themselves over losing two pixels of resolution :laughing: ), I ended up posting less here during that time; but I eventually came back to kick arse here :)


Yeah, but you at least have topics for games without people coming in and crapping them up, calling them things like "Captain Turd"


But I digress.


I think we should all make a new years resolution to be more courteous to eachother here. Not to publically demean eachother, @Sheikah, not repeatedly crap up threads, @Wii, and not be majorly defensive (me)


Sounds like a good idea all round (and really, I keep telling you this, but you really need to stop letting yourself get wound up so easily!)


So yeah! Merry Xmas Eve and happy posting! I'm sure that 2015 will kick even more arse than this year! (And I KNOW it'll be my year for the N-E Mario Kart league this time! :awesome: )

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In response to @Clownferret's post - the good thing is that only the reprobates on here are the ones that complain about me. The kind of people that, if they were to thank my post, I'd be wondering what the fuck I did wrong to result in that. Just based on how these people behave about these parts, I am pretty happy that my posts are not the 'toxic' ones. Or at least, when they do 'spark' arguments, it's usually the response of people throwing toys out of prams that might result in me being seen as the instigator.


In terms of those who tend to agree with Clownferret's sentiments - @Zechs Merquise is possibly the nastiest individual on these forums. He regularly makes highly offensive, personal and judgemental remarks. It's actually funny that he claims I'm toxic and questions why I'm here. This is the guy who told Ashley he shouldn't be doing reviews after giving NSM3DW an 8/10. @Ronnie, while I've never really had beef with before, has spent pages here arguing about games that he has literally no clue about. The result was a resounding defeat, as all that happened was that the people who had played the games essentially told him to stop being so ignorant. @Clownferret is another person who comes across in his posts to be pretty immature, and has an unhealthy attachment to Nintendo. Anything I say that's negative seems to be a personal insult to him.


Anyone who even dares to defend @Serebii here is having a laugh. On stage is his pure arrogance (look back for where he says 'millions depend on me', 'I have a qualification', 'you display envy'). Zechs has played the victim card for poor old Serebii here, claiming that I mocked his job and degree (the latter is pretty ridiculous considering I have a BSc myself). Of course, that didn't happen; what happened was that Serebii used that qualification as a means to assert superiority in an argument. As soon as he did that, the argument was lost. Because I know full well that a) A BSc isn't going to impart you with any degree of in-depth technical knowledge and b) that shit is largely out of date within years. Also, most importantly, he presented no actual technical details or argument, he was purely using the fact he has a degree as a means for us to just trust him. This is the guy who has convinced himself that he is something that he is not, and that arrogance spills quite freely into his arguments.


Tbh, this post is largely unecessary because the incredibly down to earth chaps on these forums already know this. They are the intelligent people who will never thank the post that Clown made, and always have genuinely thought-provoking things to add. Thanks to Goron, HoT, Flink, drahkon, and even though I know he is pretty favourable to Nintendo these days, Jonnas. It does not come across that they instantly assume Nintendo produce magic and accept criticism towards franchises without seeing it as an 'attack'. Many have likely been 'pure' Nintendo enthusiasts in the past, but it genuinely seems that their willingness to try everything has resulted in more well-rounded characters. Whether coincidence or not, the smarter guys about these parts always do seem to be the ones who have broadened their horizons, casting their net into the console sea rather than sticking to mostly just Nintendo consoles.

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Anyone who even dares to defend @Serebii here is having a laugh. On stage is his pure arrogance (look back for where he says 'millions depend on me', 'I have a qualification', 'you display envy'). This is the guy who has convinced himself that he is something that he is not, and that arrogance spills quite freely into his arguments. Tbh, this post is largely unecessary because the incredibly down to earth chaps on these forums already know this. They are the intelligent people who will never thank the post that Clown made, and always have genuinely thought-provoking things to add. They do not instantly assume Nintendo produce magic and accept criticism towards franchises without seeing it as an 'attack'. Whether coincidence or not, the smarter guys about these parts always do seem to be the ones who have broadened their horizons, casting their net into the console sea rather than sticking to mostly just Nintendo consoles.


Ok, I will leave this as my last post to you


1. Arrogance is only when you can't back it up. I can

2. Millions do depend on me. My site has exceeded over 1 million unique visitors in a day on multiple occassions, ergo millions. I know, you don't like Pokémon, but I am depended upon. Accept that people have gaming likes other than you

3. I do have other consoles. Thanks :)

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The only problem I've ever had on this board (well, thread) is when people start a silly argument to defend Nintendo (i.e. New I.Ps don't sell) and then don't respond to the responses given to the statement. We then repeat the same bloody argument every other week. If you're going to start a discussion, bloody finish it instead of wasting peoples time.


Also, I just want to point out that someone was an absolute asshole to Goafer a few pages back. If any lurkers read that I can guarantee that they would never join. That said if they read this page they wouldn't either...




Bayonetta 2...currently on Chapter IX. This game is absolutely stunning!!! I don't own a PS4 yet but it's safe to say that this is the best looking game I've ever played. Nintendo need to get Bayonetta 3 as a launch title on their next console :)

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has spent pages here arguing about games that he has literally no clue about. The result was a resounding defeat


Keep telling yourself that you guys won the argument if it makes you feel better. Listing a bunch of developers and saying "they make lots of games" added nothing to the discussion. I still find AAA gaming to be very samey, that's just my opinion.

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Ok, I will leave this as my last post to you


1. Arrogance is only when you can't back it up. I can

2. Millions do depend on me. My site has exceeded over 1 million unique visitors in a day on multiple occassions, ergo millions. I know, you don't like Pokémon, but I am depended upon. Accept that people have gaming likes other than you

3. I do have other consoles. Thanks :)


You brought up the fact you are 'depended on' in a completely irrelevant manner when forming a rebuttal. That suggests arrogance to me. It would be like if I was having an argument with someone about Nintendo, then interspersed 'by the way I'm a doctor'. Totally irrelevant to the discussion, but definitely seems to have ulterior motive. When trying to prove you knew what you were talking about you also said I was envious of you, which is such a level of delusion that I was actually stupefied. With regards to you saying you backed something up -you didn't back up your claims about the voice chat thing, instead providing a reason why you didn't answer in the past - while still not answering in the present.


Serebii, this is just my opinion and all, but I actually think that site is ruining your life. You can choose to see it that people want to depend on you if you like, but the harsh truth would be that those people would likely just use another website if you weren't there. Honestly, it's a good achievement that you have such a popular website but the effects on your life and personality are pretty plain to see. You clearly have a very high opinion of yourself because of it.

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Yeah, but you at least have topics for games without people coming in and crapping them up, calling them things like "Captain Turd"


But I digress.


I think we should all make a new years resolution to be more courteous to eachother here. Not to publically demean eachother, @Sheikah, not repeatedly crap up threads, @Wii, and not be majorly defensive (me)


You really are something else. You have a pop at 2 members and what's your flaw? That you're overly defensive. Wow. You're really critical of yourself there. How's about you constantly spouting lies about file size relating to game quality? Captain Toad being the recent example.




Just look at your comments preceding that rebuttal.


Or again in the amiibo thread, you're constantly telling people I crap up the thread which other people then latch onto which was far from the truth. It was over 2 weeks at one point before I last said something negative about it and had numerous positive things to say in that time.




You're not some innocent victim on this forum.

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