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A new IP for the sake of a new IP is pointless. Nintendo has shown countless times that new IPs just don't sell. Sure, some do once in a blue moon, but most don't.


People need to stop using them as a crutch of what the company should do. Especially when they do make new IPs and people just dismiss them, saying things like "Where's Mario/Zelda?"


You're completely missing the point of what new IPs are there for. They aren't just for the sake of diversity, they are for the sake of creating interesting and, above all, new experiences with new characters, new settings and new stories. As nice as 3D World is, the characters, settings and stories are still very similar to what we've played already.


The new IPs would be there to draw in the next generation of Nintendo gamers and give them the same sort of experiences as we had when we discovered "new" games in the past, such as the first time we played Starwing or Pikmin, or the very first occasion where we discovered Eternal Darkness. Not just that, but they're also there to show the old faithful that Nintendo still have what it takes to come up with diverse, interesting and original experiences.


I love the Wii U as much as the next man and I'm certainly one of the more positive posters on here, BUT, if there is no mention of any football and golf games at E3 then I won't be a happy bunny. It's going to cost me north of £500 to get a PS4 just to play FIFA and Tiger.


U WOT M7+1?


PS4 just cost me £299. Unless you're buying diamond encrusted versions of FIFA and the REAL Tiger Woods, how would it be anywhere near 500 quid?

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Mario Golf should have been on the Wii U in the first place really.


Can't believe we still haven't had a Mario Tennis or Golf (or even just a fully fledged Nintendo sports game) that is built around Motion Plus.


disagree completely.


mario golf is a great fit for the 3DS. Glad Nintendo released it on handheld over console.

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Hmm I see both sides here.

I totally get where Retro_Link is coming from, as I would love to see both Mario Golf and Tennis appear on the Wii U, however having got Mario Golf a few weeks back I can safely say it's one of the 3DS' strongest games - particularly the online which is very good!


I wish we could just have both! :heh:


But in all seriousness the reason I think they decided to put both the Mario sports games on the 3DS is probably due to Wii Sports Club.

They probably wanted to make that the main sports game for the Wii U even though I know the Mario games are generally a little less realistic and have more gimmicks to them etc.


In a perfect world though, E3 will see the reveal of a new Mario Golf / Tennis / Football game for the Wii U! I hope!

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disagree completely.


mario golf is a great fit for the 3DS. Glad Nintendo released it on handheld over console.


Unfortunately a console version would easily have dethroned Everybody's Golf. I've been looking at getting the 3DS version but a golf game isn't suited to such a small screen, especially as I hear that the game lacks the RPG mode of other games which made it suited to a handheld.


Man, I would love it if they ported it onto Wii U. I guess that's the great thing about the joint architecture of their next consoles; ports can be done very easily.

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So it would seem that the Princess Peach / Yoshi Wii remotes didn't last long...


They're out of stock everywhere. ShopTo, GAME, Amazon don't have them. Even the Nintendo store isn't selling them. Only place left i've seen them is Argos for home delivery. Sucks man. :(


Can't afford one yet anyway but hope they re-appear. Really wanted to pick one of the Peach ones up.

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So it would seem that the Princess Peach / Yoshi Wii remotes didn't last long...


They're out of stock everywhere. ShopTo, GAME, Amazon don't have them. Only place left i've seen them is Argos for home delivery. Sucks man. :(


Can't afford one yet anyway but hope they re-appear. Really wanted to pick one of the Peach ones up.


You tried Nintendo UK site? Probably charge more than the other retailers though.

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I think they must have been in limited quantities. Because shopto and game both had them up for pre-order and I've checked today and both are out of stock.


So my guess is either everyone wanted them and they've flown off the shelves, or the numbers were limited everywhere and all preorders got allocated to available stock.


If I don't get my hands on a Peach one though I will be less than pleased!!

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Was in a HMV today (Dundrum in Dublin for those few in Ireland wonderin which) and of course went to the games section, was expecting to see at least one MK8 poster or even a shelf with a line of display boxes. .. I found nothing :( not a single thing it was as if the game didnt exsist to them. There was barely even a WiiU section. Just a little corner of pre-owned games.


In the plus side I picked up Mass Effect 3 Wii U pre-owned for just 10euro! And the Club Nintendo code in it was unused.... Methinks they were just marking excess stock as pre-owned tryin to offload some .... Prolly wont get rpund to playin it for awhile though what with MK8 and all but will get to play it at some point :)

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Was in a HMV today (Dundrum in Dublin for those few in Ireland wonderin which) and of course went to the games section, was expecting to see at least one MK8 poster or even a shelf with a line of display boxes. .. I found nothing :( not a single thing it was as if the game didnt exsist to them. There was barely even a WiiU section. Just a little corner of pre-owned games.


In the plus side I picked up Mass Effect 3 Wii U pre-owned for just 10euro! And the Club Nintendo code in it was unused.... Methinks they were just marking excess stock as pre-owned tryin to offload some .... Prolly wont get rpund to playin it for awhile though what with MK8 and all but will get to play it at some point :)


Yeah HMV recently cleared out most of their Wii U stuff :(

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Yeah I just watched that Bonus Round, it was terrible.

The advert break arrived and they didn't seem to have talked about anything, and the same when the show ended.


The day Nintendo only support their handheld is the day I'm done with Nintendo.

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Bonus Round isn't really Gametrailers, Geoff Keighley just does it in association with them, same with Pachter. In fact the Bonus Round declined in quality long ago I think and I can't watch Pachter anymore.


Gametrailers is still great IMO. I look forward to their podcast and The Final Bosman every week.

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HMV have reduced their games presence anyway, even the Metro Centre store had a tiny section for everything compared to what they used to have.


The one near where I live only has Infamous second son. That's it. That's their entire gaming section. 3 shelves full of Second Son.

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PS4 just cost me £299. Unless you're buying diamond encrusted versions of FIFA and the REAL Tiger Woods, how would it be anywhere near 500 quid?


PS4 = £300

PSN = £40 per year

FIFA = £40

TW = £40

Extra Controllers = £40 each


Even just buying 1 year of PSN and 1 extra controller adds up to £460. It's a massive outlay just to play 2 games.

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HMV have reduced their games presence anyway, even the Metro Centre store had a tiny section for everything compared to what they used to have.


Yeah I find that strange as they now have the two pinball machines and walls of plushy dolls/figures. Because that's what consumers crave, right? ::shrug:

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Yeah, I found that really strange when I seen it. It just seems completely random.


Is the Eldon Square store still godly though?

Used to love going in there for gaming sessions on the couches. A really nice setup if ever I saw one. :bowdown:

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Is the Eldon Square store still godly though?

Used to love going in there for gaming sessions on the couches. A really nice setup if ever I saw one. :bowdown:


I haven't been there in well over a year. I hate driving to the Toon as it's always a nightmare to park. Metro Centre FTW!

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PS4 = £300

PSN = £40 per year

FIFA = £40

TW = £40

Extra Controllers = £40 each


Even just buying 1 year of PSN and 1 extra controller adds up to £460. It's a massive outlay just to play 2 games.


You can't really factor in the cost of the games, as you'd have to pay that anyway if it was released on Wii U. In terms of 'added cost' on top of what you would pay if it was released on Wii U, it's £80 less than that.


I also know you've often said how you got cheap bargains on the Wii U and games for under a tenner. Well, in the interest of balance, you should do the same here. If you've done the same for the Wii U, you shouldn't list full RRP games if you can wait a couple of months and get half price (especially since FIFA games plummet rapidly). Similarly, PS Plus is often cheaper than that in various deals. It honestly seems like you're deliberately trying to make the cost seem as high as possible. You're also getting the ability to play every FIFA/whatever for at least the next 6 years, so it won't be 'just 2 games'.


I can't get over the fact that you would literally only value those 2 games on the system. You would have the most powerful games console on the market and support from just about every third party developer there is. And you only want those two games? Why not try explore other games out there? With the PS Plus subscription you will get many games to try without paying any extra on top. Try it out!


A new IP for the sake of a new IP is pointless. Nintendo has shown countless times that new IPs just don't sell. Sure, some do once in a blue moon, but most don't.


People need to stop using them as a crutch of what the company should do. Especially when they do make new IPs and people just dismiss them, saying things like "Where's Mario/Zelda?"


Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Mass Effect, LittleBigPlanet, Red Dead Redemption (I'm counting it), BioShock, Borderlands, Portal (technically), Demon's Souls, The Walking Dead, Journey, Ni No Kuni, Gears of War, Braid.


You may think of these as a very large chunk of what was both critically and commercially successful last generation.


They were all new IPs.

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