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I cannot frickin' believe that there's no ND going down this week. :shakehead

What in the hell, Nintendo? :blank:


I can. Major ones come once every two months and the last one was in late December...


Mid Febuary is my bet. Probably the week before DKCTF launches...


BTW, forget Arkham Origins (nobody should be supporting season passes anyway), I'm much more gutted about Pacman Museum being cancelled for both Wii U AND 3DS. Was really looking forward to those... :( (Battle Royale on my Wii U and Pacman CE in digital form on my 3DS!? Sign me the hell up!)


I have a gaming quality PC, a 360 and a PS3; but it just wouldn't be the same on any of those. So too bad Namco! You get NOTHING from me you fat fucks! :mad:

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Well there will be one next month. They never skip more than a month. Thankfully, the month starts tomorrow so my money is on Wednesday
Let's hope so.


I can. Major ones come once every two months and the last one was in late December...


Mid Febuary is my bet. Probably the week before DKCTF launches...

True, doesn't make it any less disappointing though. :(

I think the next ND is going to be really important to Nintendo, not to mention incredibly interesting for us. That's why I just can't wait to see what they've got/not got in store. :D

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Leave it to NINTENDO to show one or two more levels of DKCTF, talk about Cranky's Fur, mention it's HD again and reveal something new about the game: The U Pad in the final version will actually show the names of the enemies you stomp on.


Oh, and it is available for purchase on the 21st of February, the 21st of February, the 21st of February.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze will be available for purchase on the 21st of February. Check your local gamestore and ask for that game with the monkeys in HD graphics.

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Ya it's great to hear that they're going to push the gamepad. So what's the next major game out and how does it use it? Blank screen. Ya keep on truckin Iwata. 18 months into the consoles life and we'll see the 1st example since NintendoLand.

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This was just on GAF, from Nikkei


Nintendo has undergone continuous changes over years, moving from Hanafuda playing cards to video games, and offering newer systems like the Wii. But we've been preoccupied with a fixed idea of what a game should be like. The game industry is at a turning point amid new developments like the rise of smartphones.


...Mr. Yamauchi (former President Hiroshi Yamauchi) often said "Shitsui-taizen, Tokui-reizen," meaning that we should act regally when things are bad, and be calm when things are going well." Were he alive now, he would tell me to carry an air of confidence.

We built up cash reserves when earnings were strong. Because the entertainment industry ebbs and flows in wild swings, Mr. Yamauchi insisted it is vital to have deep pockets. Without savings, we could not have recovered from a single failure in game systems. Even now, we can afford many options because of our robust financial standing.


We'll change the way we sell products, by managing customer information via the Internet. We'll offer discounts to steady, regular customers. We'll cultivate emerging markets and launch new businesses in health and other areas. In an emerging country, you can expand the user base only after you offer a product line different from advanced economies in pricing.


We should abandon old assumptions about our businesses. We are considering M&As [mergers and acquisitions] as an option. For this reason, we'll step up share buybacks.


Nintendo may actually start buying other developers. Aww yeah.

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This was just on GAF, from Nikkei


Nintendo may actually start buying other developers. Aww yeah.


They should get Konami. They already have experience in the health market that Nintendo wants to branch out into and the internet explosion of Metal Gear being exclusive would be hilarious.


Saying that, the would also get Castlevania back and a bunch of Hudson stuff. Konami bought them out, right?


Capcom would be my main dream though. Imagine a Megaman game made by EAD!

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They should get Konami. They already have experience in the health market that Nintendo wants to branch out into and the internet explosion of Metal Gear being exclusive would be hilarious.


Saying that, the would also get Castlevania back and a bunch of Hudson stuff. Konami bought them out, right?


Capcom would be my main dream though. Imagine a Megaman game made by EAD!

I'd agree that Konami is one of the more likely "big" companies that could be acquired. Platinum too, maybe Next Level Games. Sega is a possibility, as well.


People keep saying Sony could buy Nintendo, or they'd merge, but I don't see that. Nintendo is a bigger company than Sony in worth at the moment, and I doubt Nintendo would want that much debt with their name.

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Sometimes I'm not sure if you properly understand the word logical Serebii, or if you just like throwing it around. By all means, they may be sensible acquisitions, but I really don't think this is a field of logic.


For me I still think that more help/funding/something for indies would be more sensible. Hogge has stated one reason that Velocity Stream doesn't have a Wii U devkit is because the cost is somewhat prohibitive for them at the moment - this is one barrier that Nintendo can surely help to mitigate through various means? I think it's the little indies and 3rd parties where you'll find some of the more quirky talent, something a bit more Nintendo-esque of old maybe; really engaging with them could be very beneficial, rather than going for the established and (for lack of a better word)complacent? studios - I don't feel they'll neccessarily be thinking outside of the box as much.

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Sometimes I'm not sure if you properly understand the word logical Serebii, or if you just like throwing it around. By all means, they may be sensible acquisitions, but I really don't think this is a field of logic.


For me I still think that more help/funding/something for indies would be more sensible. Hogge has stated one reason that Velocity Stream doesn't have a Wii U devkit is because the cost is somewhat prohibitive for them at the moment - this is one barrier that Nintendo can surely help to mitigate through various means? I think it's the little indies and 3rd parties where you'll find some of the more quirky talent, something a bit more Nintendo-esque of old maybe; really engaging with them could be very beneficial, rather than going for the established and (for lack of a better word)complacent? studios - I don't feel they'll neccessarily be thinking outside of the box as much.

I meant in the scheme of things regarding acquisitions, that they're the more logical options. It follows the definition of the word. Please don't attempt to attack me.

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They're not gonna buy game companies... If they end up doing any M&A, it'll be in the health sector.


If they buy game companies, the staff would just leave (that's why they've never really done M&A in the videogame sector - except in cases where the developers actually want to merge with Nintendo because they have a shared development philosophy - like with Monolith, Hudson/NDCUBE and Flagship). Nintendo are interested in the people, not just the IP. The health sector however is different; the staff involved would be happy as long as they're given the opportunity to do the same kind of research as they currently are - so the circumstances for M&A are different there.


There IS opportunity for cross sector devlopment though. Staff that they aqquire in the health sector may also end up doing research that will aid their videogame development too!

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They're not gonna buy game companies... If they end up doing any M&A, it'll be in the health sector.


If they buy game companies, the staff would just leave. Nintendo are interested in the people, not just the IP. The health sector however is different; the staff involved would be happy as long as they're given the opportunity to do the same kind of research as they currently are - so the circumstances for M&A are different there.


There IS opportunity for cross sector devlopment though. Staff that they aqquire in the health sector may also end up doing research that will aid their videogame development too!

I don't think it's as absolute as that. Yeah, there will probably be some in the QOL platform sector, but Nintendo is also focused on fixing the Wii U and making sure the 3DS continues to kick arse, and to do that they need more software.

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I don't think it's as absolute as that. Yeah, there will probably be some in the QOL platform sector, but Nintendo is also focused on fixing the Wii U and making sure the 3DS continues to kick arse, and to do that they need more software.


And that kind of M&A is totally pointless if the staff just leave. It would leave Nintendo with an empty husk of a studio.


Nintendo are only interested in developers that share the same kind of development philosophy as them; so that they can be sure that they won't just suffer a massive staff exodus, making such a purchase a total waste of money.


What doesn't work in the videogame industry MAY actually work in different sector though... The circumstances are very different there...

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I'd agree that Konami is one of the more likely "big" companies that could be acquired. Platinum too, maybe Next Level Games. Sega is a possibility, as well.


Not a chance with SEGA. They play with Nintendo but they don't want to be acquired. Plus I don't think Nintendo would have the money/get enough value to buy both Football Manager and the Empire franchises let alone Sonic. The developers of the former two would massively kick off as well as I very much doubt that they would have any confidence in Nintendo managing their IPs properly.


There are plenty of people in the industry that love Nintendo but have no interest in working with them.

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They should get Konami. They already have experience in the health market that Nintendo wants to branch out into and the internet explosion of Metal Gear being exclusive would be hilarious.


Konami would actually be an interesting acquisition as it would be cool to have stuff like Metal Gear, Castlevania, Pro Evolution Soccer and Silent Hill exclusive to Nintendo, even if each of those franchises has gone severely downhill over the years (in my eyes, at least :heh:)


Bring back ISS :bouncy:

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Just bring back the decent Konami in general:




TBH, Konami would be an interesting option. They don't really have any notable internal R&D to speak of outside of Koji Pro, but they do have a ton of valuable IP and their fitness division might come in handy...


But there's just too much useless baggage that Nintendo wouldn't need sadly (Casinos, Pachinko etc), making it not good value for them...


No, as much as I'd love to see their IPs in the hands of someone who would treat them right, Nintendo wouldn't want to buy them :(


Anyway, any M&A that Nintendo does do will be from outside the VG industry... Where this kind of strategy makes more sense...

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