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I don't know why you keep posting this shite? There's no rule where you have to pick one console and just stick to it and not buy another. What's more, you cry and bitch about every game released (and the prices of those games) on the Wii u.


If you're that unhappy and if you crave Final Fantasy and GTA, buy a PS4. It's easy.


Crying that you're never going to get to play a certain game, when you easily can is pathetic.


Go get lost. Why do I post this? Well if you look at Nintendo sites you might just have noticed everyone of them have reported this story. It's a hugely popular series. But no I can't post it though? Don't tell me what I can or should do. I won't buy another console, been through this before but I'm not explaining it again, especially not for the likes of you. Learn to read as well, I said on a "Nintendo" console.

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Go get lost. Why do I post this? Well if you look at Nintendo sites you might just have noticed everyone of them have reported this story. It's a hugely popular series. But no I can't post it though? Don't tell me what I can or should do. I won't buy another console, been through this before but I'm not explaining it again, especially not for the likes of you.


There's nothing wrong with the story, however, you once again complain that you will never get to play certain 3rd party games on the Wii U. As a Nintendo fan this should be common knowledge by now.

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There's nothing wrong with the story, however, you once again complain that you will never get to play certain 3rd party games on the Wii U. As a Nintendo fan this should be common knowledge by now.


I think we could have had the game had Nintendo been willing to pay for it or make some kind of deal.

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Go get lost. Why do I post this? Well if you look at Nintendo sites you might just have noticed everyone of them have reported this story. It's a hugely popular series. But no I can't post it though? Don't tell me what I can or should do. I won't buy another console, been through this before but I'm not explaining it again, especially not for the likes of you. Learn to read as well, I said on a "Nintendo" console.


No, you post this to have a little rant. Then you cry like some silly man child that you will never get to play 'Game X' or 'Game Y' because Nintendo are 'bastards' and fucked up third party relations.


The thing is, you act like Nintendo have personally come to your home and shot your childhood pet or something! They haven't, they simply made business decisions that you don't like and produced a product that doesn't fulfil your needs.


Hence, you then either put with those decisions, or buy another console from a company that makes business decisions you agree with and produces a product that fulfils your needs.


But I think the other real reason you post crap like this, is because it then starts another round of the same circular arguments and shit-posting which you seem to thrive off.

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Wii complains about spending 12 quid on Shovel Knight, you guys really think he'll reach into his purse strings enough to spend £300+ on a new console?


It's the stubborness and close-minded attitude that bugs me. Passing on 3D World because it's isometric. Passing on Captain Toad because "he didn't ask for it". There are probably more great Wii U games he's missing out on for some stupid reason or another. I just don't get it.

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What's with the ""? You quoting me now? Show me where I called Nintendo 'bastards'? You're the one talking crap. Just read your last 2 posts. Who's the one "crying like some silly man child"?


Pathetic from the other thing as well. I complained about Shovel Knight only because the following week after I bought it, it went on sale.

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Honestly, I can't recommend it enough!


I love the mix of Nintendo goodness and 'other' goodnes.

It's perfect.

I've been on a Resident Evil, serious game marathon since October with my One and now once I'm done with my current One game I'm jumping straight back into the colourful world of Nintendo. Fun in a different way!

Punctuating my Nintendo play like that means I get the best of both worlds AND I appreciate Nintendo's unique touch a lot more from it. As well as the offerings of the other consoles like achievements / trophies, the exclusive games and system infastructures. Which as we know are stronger than Nintendo's.


I always recommend that set up!

I honestly think Wii would be a changed man from it. It'd go some way to calming you the fuck down anyway. There's more things to shoot on the other consoles after all... :heh:

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"I'm never going to get to play a GTA or a Final Fantasy or a take your pick as a Nintendo console owner."


What's with all the quotes? I've accepted it a long time ago, read the statement of fact. Doesn't mean I like it.

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So I'm just looking forward to 1 WiiU game in 2015... Nintendo, what happened to you man! :(


yeah I guess of the games we know about, it's only Mario Maker and maybe Splatoon that I'm interested in. Not dismissing Xenoblade but i'm just not interested in it.

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What games are actually co firmed for this year?





Project guard/robot (probably swallowed up into another gsme or minigame compilation)

Mario Maker


Nintendo really need a couple more gsmes with that, one big one. Very worrying. Retro and next levels games (then they can work on nx) would be ideal... What do people think will happen? I'm worried not very much.

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What games are actually co firmed for this year?





Project guard/robot (probably swallowed up into another gsme or minigame compilation)

Mario Maker


Nintendo really need a couple more gsmes with that, one big one. Very worrying. Retro and next levels games (then they can work on nx) would be ideal... What do people think will happen? I'm worried not very much.


Pretty much.


I think Next Levels game will be at E3 and ready for the end of the year. As for Retro, I'm not sure whether I want their game now or for them to just have it ready for launch with the new console.


I'm not that worried. The release list seems alright for me. I'm having a blast with the smaller games that many have written off as tripe ( Mario Party and Tipping Stars ) so I'm sure I'll enjoy the games that are on the way as well.

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We'll have to see what comes up at E3, which realistically is the next time we'll see anything new from Nintendo. Really disappointing that Zelda won't even be shown at E3 this year.

Their situation would be a lot more disappointing without the 3DS, but even there I can't think of loads that's been announced - next Fire Emblem is what I really want for 3DS.

Let's just wait and see rather than judging the whole year as a write off.

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Whilst I'm trying to remain up beat I literally am so glad I don't just own a Nintendo console.

I mean this is really disappointing. Not just Zelda, just the whole lack of software period. I've even been recently saying over in the 3DS thread how disappointed I am that there's not much on the horizon that is grabbing my fancy.


Maybe I will pick Mario Party 10 up after all!

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What games are actually co firmed for this year?





Project guard/robot (probably swallowed up into another gsme or minigame compilation)

Mario Maker


Nintendo really need a couple more gsmes with that, one big one. Very worrying. Retro and next levels games (then they can work on nx) would be ideal... What do people think will happen? I'm worried not very much.

Devil's Third


Plus surprises at E3 (always happens, same year launch)

Pokémon Rumble World?

That amiibo title they said would come Q1 (will likely be revealed during next week's Direct)

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Pretty much.


I think Next Levels game will be at E3 and ready for the end of the year. As for Retro, I'm not sure whether I want their game now or for them to just have it ready for launch with the new console.


I'm not that worried. The release list seems alright for me. I'm having a blast with the smaller games that many have written off as tripe ( Mario Party and Tipping Stars ) so I'm sure I'll enjoy the games that are on the way as well.


If that's what they were going to do, but I just can't see it. The next console want be out until xmas 2016 at the earliest, more likely the following spring. They're going to need some big games.


For me, animal crossing would be s perfect gsme to launch the nx, presuming its one Eco system where it can be played on the handheld and home console. Monster hunter 5 would also work - catering for the east and west in one swoop. Leaving nlg to release there's this year :)


So if people would prefer the big games to wait, or maybe not, what game would people love to see fill Zeldas shoes? Metroid for me, though an F Zero would be a dream game but that's highly unlikely.


Devil's Third


Plus surprises at E3 (always happens, same year launch)

Pokémon Rumble World?

That amiibo title they said would come Q1 (will likely be revealed during next week's Direct)


Sorry, I meant for the second half of the year. Kirby and Splatoon in May of course. Forgot Devils third, hopefully that'll be a nice addition.


As for amiibo title, I'm sorry, when did they say they had one? I thought Theyve always said they won't have a specific title...?


Pokken is a decent shout too. Port Fatal Frame?


Oh, actually a new pokemon would be a perfect title for the new dual console, providing a home console version, whilst leaving enough room for serebi to deny it on a technicality :)

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If that's what they were going to do, but I just can't see it. The next console want be out until xmas 2016 at the earliest, more likely the following spring. They're going to need some big games.


For me, animal crossing would be s perfect gsme to launch the nx, presuming its one Eco system where it can be played on the handheld and home console. Monster hunter 5 would also work - catering for the east and west in one swoop. Leaving nlg to release there's this year :)


So if people would prefer the big games to wait, or maybe not, what game would people love to see fill Zeldas shoes? Metroid for me, though an F Zero would be a dream game but that's highly unlikely.


Sorry, I meant for the second half of the year. Kirby and Splatoon in May of course. Forgot Devils third, hopefully that'll be a nice addition.


As for amiibo title, I'm sorry, when did they say they had one? I thought Theyve always said they won't have a specific title...?


Pokken is a decent shout too. Port Fatal Frame?



Given how long it took Monster Hunter 4 to come out, I think the suggestion of MH5 being there for the release of the next console can be dismissed straight away. Maybe a version of MH4 that can be used on the new system, but not a new one entirely.


I'm still finding it disappointing that we're talking about a new system already. We can't be near the end of the WiiU's lifespan already, as it'll be incredibly disheartening if true. Not sure I'd even consider the next system based on that alone.

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If that's what they were going to do, but I just can't see it. The next console want be out until xmas 2016 at the earliest, more likely the following spring. They're going to need some big games.


For me, animal crossing would be s perfect gsme to launch the nx, presuming its one Eco system where it can be played on the handheld and home console. Monster hunter 5 would also work - catering for the east and west in one swoop. Leaving nlg to release there's this year :)


So if people would prefer the big games to wait, or maybe not, what game would people love to see fill Zeldas shoes? Metroid for me, though an F Zero would be a dream game but that's highly unlikely.




Sorry, I meant for the second half of the year. Kirby and Splatoon in May of course. Forgot Devils third, hopefully that'll be a nice addition.


As for amiibo title, I'm sorry, when did they say they had one? I thought Theyve always said they won't have a specific title...?


Pokken is a decent shout too. Port Fatal Frame?


Oh, actually a new pokemon would be a perfect title for the new dual console, providing a home console version, whilst leaving enough room for serebi to deny it on a technicality :)

It's the game that gives samples of Virtual Console games, but I am highly doubtful that is the full extent of it. He announced it in the Investor Meeting last month.

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It's the game that gives samples of Virtual Console games, but I am highly doubtful that is the full extent of it. He announced it in the Investor Meeting last month.


Ah, yes, I never saw that as a game though. Just a bit of amiibo software to play demos. Which'll probably be the demos from smash bros.....

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I'm not that worried. The release list seems alright for me. I'm having a blast with the smaller games that many have written off as tripe ( Mario Party and Tipping Stars ) so I'm sure I'll enjoy the games that are on the way as well.


Same for me, I only just bought Captain Toad and Tipping Stars this week and really loving the slowpaced gameplay in both :yay:


I'm also in the middle of a small Monument Valley addiction on my iPad (thnx Frank Underwood).


And during weekends still playing a lot of local Kart, Smash, Wii Party U and Nintendoland with mates, the latter of wich still remains most populair thanks to Animal Crossing Sweet Day :indeed::indeed::indeed:


Sometimes love the "droughts" as it makes me appreciate more what I already have : peace:

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