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When I was a teenager, I was the only person with a Gamecube in my school. Everybody else was utterly clueless about what it was, what kind of games it had, and opted to go for the PS2 instead because of Pro Evo (aside from the few who had an Xbox). Sure, used to have an N64, but nope, no 'Cube other than mine.


Gameboy was king, though. Everybody played Pokémon until Ruby&Sapphire, and even then some continued.


From School Years 8 to 12 (that's from when I was 13 until 17 years of age), I've heard all sorts of ignorance and misinformation ("This magazine did a comparison between Xbox and PS2, but Gamecube wasn't in it, so it's not on the same league" , "Gamecube is, like, only platforming games, man", etc.), so it was pretty clear PES and marketing were the sole reasons behind their console decision.


The class you're teaching, sure, Minecraft is what they like, but that situation is not that different from what I just described: it's really just one game. It's available on PC, too.


That people want to criticise Nintendo for whatever reason is fine. But claiming that this is recent, that today's kids are the ones not growing up with Nintendo, that's misleading. That kind of argument is 10 years late at the very least.


Not the class I'm teaching. The School. In fact, not just my school, but the schools of my other teacher friends. Minecraft is huge and it's easy for kids to get their hands on whether they've got a 360, PS4, PC or whatever. Not just primary school age, but teenagers. Either way, the WiiU is an unknown entity to them.


I also didn't claim it was just recent, more emphasising the point that Nintendo are out of touch in many respects. If that's also relevant for ten years ago then...yeah. Not much I can say about that.


You were saying people are playing ps4 and the only community is mario kart and people aren't rewlly chatting games and such. I just don't understand how this makes one better than the other.


Mario Kart is really the only game on here where people actually arrange to meet up and race and that's only because it's a top, top Nintendo title and there was a league involved. It's harder for the other games because they are less enjoyable online and lack the basic features which are needed to knit a community together. What's the point in gaming with somebody from here if you can't communicate with them?! Monster Hunter Tri was only fun because I could chill with Mokong and people, even if we did end up using the keyboard to type. FIFA, Destiny, Battlefield, Killzone, whatever, there's that element of getting to know somebody that you can only get from being able to typing or speaking to, which is how you build that community.




Whether you meant it or not, and whether it's just me who interpreted it as this or not, to me it read as kids don't like Nintendo, no ones playing Nintendo as much as ps4, it isn't as relevent and all this as an attack on Nintendo. This reads to me like you base quality, to some degree, on popularity. I just don't see that as a valid argument. Hence my comment on other mediums. I don't care how relevant or popular Nintendo or anything is with regards to my enjoyment of it. I don't care more people will be chatting about interstellar or marvels latest more than babadook or about Taylor swifts new album than the sea of bees... It doesn't have a say in quality.


You're linking two different arguments together and are making a bit of a hash of this, tbh. I didn't link the relevancy of Nintendo to the quality of their games. You should probably read it again.


Also, to an extent, it is important that the newer generation grow up on the Nintendo games or at least "catch" on. As a company, you need to be attracting new fans in order for it to survive. You have to stay relevant to the prospective audience that you want to sell to.


I've clearly missed your point :) But why keep saying about how manny people play the ps4 and what kids at school are playing and how irrelevant Nintendo are etc?




I've probably answered that bit above. I've lost confidence in Nintendo.

The PS4 part was mentioned earlier about there being a community when online gaming, something which is missing here.


I'm going to start the new thread for FIFA League tomorrow, had a mental week at work.

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The issue with that argument is its just a "he says she says" sort of thing. I mean, there is a thriving community on here for Destiny, it's great to read that so many people are sorting out online games etc, and you yourself said its a game you don't know why the Wii U hasn't got. And yet, over 10 of my friends who bought it say it's utter tripe. Most have traded it in. You go on other forums and people are absolutely trashing it, the most over hyped game ever, biggest let down and that sort of thing.


So just because your school isn't a Nintendo based community, or that of your friend, it doesn't mean there isn't a market for them.


Just because Wii U has failed it doesn't mean Nintendo are losing it, 3DS dumps on Vita week in week out, Wii not only sold hugely but transcended the industry and became pop culture, only 2 years ago for 6 years!


And at the moment surely to any question of "where's this game?" "Why doesn't Wii U have X game" questions, it can simply be asked "where's PS4/XB1's Bayonetta 2?" Arguably, review wise, the best game on any console this Christmas?


Some of that is Devils advocate stuff, but I wrote a huge opinion piece, or so I thought, that was basically a rant about how Nintendo's lack of games had forced me to buy an Xbox One to play more games that I wanted. And that's what it was, a rant, I threw the toys out of the pram and wanted to know where my FiFA was, why wasn't I getting the next COD? But at this moment I honestly believe it's hard to argue that Nintendo doesn't have the best software line up of all three :)

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Well that's random...




Looks like NOE are translating the Nintendo News articles that they've had on their Japanese site for a while now! There's nothing really revelatory in terms of news or anything like that, but it's worth a look just for the ridiculously adorable artwork within...


... especially of Nikki! Who now has a new job! YES! There IS life post-Nintendo Letterbox! :yay:

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And at the moment surely to any question of "where's this game?" "Why doesn't Wii U have X game" questions, it can simply be asked "where's PS4/XB1's Bayonetta 2?" Arguably, review wise, the best game on any console this Christmas?


Great point.


It's actually quite funny, all these people coming here to whine and moan that there's no games on the Wii U, yet Nintendo have just released a masterpiece like Bayonetta 2 - and bundled it with a full retail version of the original.


If you're crying there's nothing to play and you haven't purchased Bayonetta 2 then I'm sorry, but you're crying over something that is your fault.


People are always complaining when Nintendo do something wrong and talking about how they can't be bothered to play a game because of a missing feature or a lack of online etc. Yet when Nintendo do something as right as Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 they don't support that either.


You can't have it both ways.

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And at the moment surely to any question of "where's this game?" "Why doesn't Wii U have X game" questions, it can simply be asked "where's PS4/XB1's Bayonetta 2?" Arguably, review wise, the best game on any console this Christmas?


But at this moment I honestly believe it's hard to argue that Nintendo doesn't have the best software line up of all three :)


These two points are highly subjective though. Yes, Bayonetta seems to be the best reviewed game of the winter line up ( Smash may topple it ) but if you don't like that genre then a fantastic score isn't going to change your mind.


I personally think the quality of the Wii U lineup of games is great. I love quirky, colourful, charming games, especially platformers, but if these type of games don't resonate with you then the console will be a bit of a dud for you.


If you are looking for realistic looking games, ones with a narrative, online features and such then your argument that the Wii U has the best lineup doesn't hold true. Like I mentioned, its all subjective.


In regards to the other debate about the kids growing up not loving Nintendo, this has been discussed before on the forums and I do think Nintendo have lost some of the market there.


Parents play a big part in what their children are exposed to and these days most parents tend to just hand kids their mobile phones once they are done with them. This becomes their entry point into gaming. Kids tablets are also very cheap. I've mentioned before that one of my sisters bought her 3 kids ( ages 4-8 ) kiddie tablets last year and that'e what they use for playing games. The games are either free or stupidly cheap and it's perfect to keep the children entertained.


You also have to acknowledge that the competition have got a good hold on the console market at the moment. Whatever console their parents are playing on then they will likely grow up using the same console.


Society has also changed over the past 10 or so years. More and more kids are playing things like Call of Duty or GTA over things like Mario. Personally if I was a parent I wouldn't allow this but the sense of responsibility seems to have been thrown out the window these days.


It's not all bad though. Pokemon still seems to be a big hitter for Nintendo, especially for the younger market. I think Amiibo sales will be very telling as to how Nintendo are doing with the kids.


If you're crying there's nothing to play and you haven't purchased Bayonetta 2 then I'm sorry, but you're crying over something that is your fault.


Again, what if the genre doesn't appeal to you? People shouldn't buy the game just because it reviews well.

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I agree with a lot of this, I mean imagine if Wii U was architecturally similar to xbox/ps4. Forget the business side of things etc etc But if it did and had all the 3rd party support it'd be perfect!


BUT, the bit I do disagree with is the jumps between generations. It just doesn't work like that anymore, in the past they were HUGE jumps, now it's barely any different, but this isn't nintendo, this is the way it is. The next gen machines, could ANY of the games not work on the last gen really? Games aren't changing, prettier, maybe slightly bigger worlds or whatever, but they're slightly souped up versions of what we had last gen. I think we've hit the ultimate peak with the current way of playing games.


I agree somewhat - though I don't think N64-GC was as big a jump as others, and GC-Wii jump was more the controls(hold that thought) and Wii-WiiU is the HD jump but not enough to really stand up with the previous and next gens combined due to a number of factors BUT they have opted to make a big distinction themselves with the gamepad - my problem there is what are they really doing with it though? Nintendoland is good fun(if you can get the local friends), I hear ZombiU is great(though not Ninty), its use for multitasking in Pikmin3 was handy, I've not had much notable mentions or hands-ons with others. Essentially, I think they've made the distinction themselves, then mostly ignored it.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to play on the Wii U...


Wasn't that a bit of an argument to an extreme? Not to mention a rather irrelevant one, as I didn't see anyone complaining that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to play on the system?

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Wasn't that a bit of an argument to an extreme? Not to mention a rather irrelevant one, as I didn't see anyone complaining that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to play on the system?


Just a counterbalance to all the anti-Nintendo moaning. I'm enjoying my Wii U, I have 27 retail titles, quite a few VC games and I enjoy the console.


I think there is plenty to play.


I'm really looking forward to Smash Bros, Captain Toad and Shovel Knight - not to mention the Mario Kart DLC.


It's funny really, a positive post gets jumped upon so harshly yet if @Serebii or @Ronnie were attacking negative posts there would literal tears.

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Some interesting points raised.


I agree with both Kaepora and Hero's posts.


Particularly the Bayonetta thing. Looks great, reviewed great, glowing praise from those playing it. Zero interest from me.

Do not care for that genre at all.

So I don't post in there.


I may be out of turn saying this, and apologies if I am as I'm not saying that people shouldn't have a voice... but I don't understand why people do post in here if they are not interested in the Wii U or if they feel like Nintendo no longer cater to their gaming needs. Not because I don't want to read 'negative' opinions or posts, but because I kinda feel like - what's the point?! Why spend time talking about what the company are no longer doing for you when you can (and most people are) getting what you do want elsewhere?


It'd be like me going into the One or the PS4 thread and saying how much I hate that the games are too centred around online, like Destiny and Titanfall. I don't do it. Because those things don't appeal to me so it'd be pointless me going in there and ruining everyone elses enjoyment who do love that kind of thing. Yet for some reason, we always end up with the same circular argument on here.


I dunno if the point I'm trying to make is coming across, but I guess I just dont understand some of the discussion on this thread. If Nintendo patched in cracking online servies and voice chat to all of their current and future games this morning, there would still be people who wouldn't be interested because they no longer want to play the games that are on offer and prefer what is up for grabs elsewhere. And that's cool. But why then waste your time posting about something you no longer care for? Surely it can't bring any joy?! Or I may be missing the point! If so, sorry peeps! :heh:

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He shouldn't have lied. It was the E3 2011 interview with Geoff Keighly I think, he said it would have online features on par with the other consoles, he was even asked about voice chat and he blatantly said it'd be there. That's a lie.


On a positive note though. Zelda and Xenoblade look incredible and interest me more than any other games on any console (is that better?).


I'm scared to bring it up in the event of someone going to great lengths to explain to me how/why it worked and why it will never ever work anywhere ever again but did you ever play Heroes of Ruin on 3DS? It was a really great step in the right direction of online, with voice chat too, and if a 3rd party could do enough work to have that - then I still find it hard to see why it isn't done on the WiiU. Admittedly Heroes of Ruin's online registration/chracter tracking stuff was shit and absolutely put me off the game when I couldn't sign up and they didn't/couldn't/wouldn't fix it, but I enjoyed the bits I played and the random voice chat. Wish I'd had more hands on at the time to actually see how good it was overall.


Just a counterbalance to all the anti-Nintendo moaning. I'm enjoying my Wii U, I have 27 retail titles, quite a few VC games and I enjoy the console.


I think there is plenty to play.


I'm really looking forward to Smash Bros, Captain Toad and Shovel Knight - not to mention the Mario Kart DLC.


It's funny really, a positive post gets jumped upon so harshly yet if @Serebii or @Ronnie were attacking negative posts there would literal tears.


Is that me who's supposed to have jumped upon your post so harshly? I was only asking why you made the extreme argument, especially given nobody seemed to be making the counter-argument you claim. I saw complaints of lack of features(notably online) and of SOME franchises - I didn't see anyone claiming they had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to play, is all.


Some interesting points raised.


I agree with both Kaepora and Hero's posts.


Particularly the Bayonetta thing. Looks great, reviewed great, glowing praise from those playing it. Zero interest from me.

Do not care for that genre at all.

So I don't post in there.


I may be out of turn saying this, and apologies if I am as I'm not saying that people shouldn't have a voice... but I don't understand why people do post in here if they are not interested in the Wii U or if they feel like Nintendo no longer cater to their gaming needs. Not because I don't want to read 'negative' opinions or posts, but because I kinda feel like - what's the point?! Why spend time talking about what the company are no longer doing for you when you can (and most people are) getting what you do want elsewhere?


It'd be like me going into the One or the PS4 thread and saying how much I hate that the games are too centred around online, like Destiny and Titanfall. I don't do it. Because those things don't appeal to me so it'd be pointless me going in there and ruining everyone elses enjoyment who do love that kind of thing. Yet for some reason, we always end up with the same circular argument on here.


I dunno if the point I'm trying to make is coming across, but I guess I just dont understand some of the discussion on this thread. If Nintendo patched in cracking online servies and voice chat to all of their current and future games this morning, there would still be people who wouldn't be interested because they no longer want to play the games that are on offer and prefer what is up for grabs elsewhere. And that's cool. But why then waste your time posting about something you no longer care for? Surely it can't bring any joy?! Or I may be missing the point! If so, sorry peeps! :heh:


But...you've just done it. You've just come here and said that Bayonetta has zero interest for you, how dare you!!


People are negative in the other threads(I just saw as such in an Ass Creed one yesterday). I've seen people express boredom and disappointment with Destiny in the Destiny thread, too. You've just bought a One - why tell us your positivity of it in here, and not in the threads in other consoles eh? The boards are a little fluid, and for some of us here, it's still discussion to be had(even with repetitive themes). There's little point or interest of me to go to Other Consoles these days, as I don't have next gen, and don't particularly touch my PS3/360 atm(pretty sure I haven't even got my 360 atm).


As for not being interested in Wii U or feeling like Nintendo no longer cater - people clearly post here because they ARE interested in WiU, but that isn't the same as being happy/unhappy with it. Would you go in the Destiny or Titanfall thread if you'd bought them, then found yourself disappointed? I haven't even seen too much(as I've said above to Zechs) of people saying they don't want to play the games on offer on WiiU(though a great selection don't appeal to me atm, including, just like yourself, Bayonetta). I'm seeing people saying they WANT to play games that are available elsewhere but on WiiU(FIFA, COD, Destiny, Titanfall etc) not saying they DON'T want to play the games on offer here(Nintendoland, Pikmin, Smash,, ZombiU, VC etc) - it isn't the same thing though, there's a definite distinction.

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But...you've just done it. You've just come here and said that Bayonetta has zero interest for you, how dare you!!



Lol, yeah I said it once. Shoot me. :indeed:


And I kinda wasn't saying wht you think I'm saying, but that's probably more to do with how I said it than your interpretation. :heh: It's still early to me :zzz:


I was more talking about a point Hero made which I think hits the nail on the head. This one:


I love quirky, colourful, charming games, especially platformers, but if these type of games don't resonate with you then the console will be a bit of a dud for you.


If you are looking for realistic looking games, ones with a narrative, online features and such then your argument that the Wii U has the best lineup doesn't hold true. Like I mentioned, its all subjective.


I prob shoulda quoted him, but again, s'early for sleepy Aneres. :zzz:


But yeah, I wasn't calling anyone out, it was more of a generalisation purely coz I wouldn't bother posting about something if it didn't appeal to me though I appreciate there are folk on here who do want moar from Ninty as well as what they currently offer. Myself included, to a degree. :)

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Well that's random...




Looks like NOE are translating the Nintendo News articles that they've had on their Japanese site for a while now! There's nothing really revelatory in terms of news or anything like that, but it's worth a look just for the ridiculously adorable artwork within...


... especially of Nikki! Who now has a new job! YES! There IS life post-Nintendo Letterbox! :yay:


Is this what we get now that Nintendo have closed down the official magazine? Regurgitated news from the Japanese website. :indeed:


I guess that it is one more way in which the Japanese company is controlling everything from within Japan and the EU and US have less control. (Or it could be part of cost cutting, as suggested in their recent earnings report.)

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Not the class I'm teaching. The School. In fact, not just my school, but the schools of my other teacher friends. Minecraft is huge and it's easy for kids to get their hands on whether they've got a 360, PS4, PC or whatever. Not just primary school age, but teenagers. Either way, the WiiU is an unknown entity to them.


That sounds like my school, alright (mine also included primary school children). Replace "Wii U" and "Minecraft" with "Gamecube" and "FIFA", and it's a pretty good description.


Also, so many people are saying that the Wii U is a disaster for Nintendo, that they've lost it since the Gamecube/N64/Whatever days, I just felt I needed to address that. I know that you're just stating how you feel right now about it, so maybe it was misdirected.


Society has also changed over the past 10 or so years. More and more kids are playing things like Call of Duty or GTA over things like Mario. Personally if I was a parent I wouldn't allow this but the sense of responsibility seems to have been thrown out the window these days.


I should also add that "Kids playing GTA" was already a reality 10 years ago, as sad as that sounds. Sometimes a sign of parents not knowing what kind of content a game has, but many just don't care.

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Excellent point


Thing is, it's an exclusive. It's like saying why isn't Mario on the PS4 or Gears of War on the Wii U. A lot of the titles people are asking this question about are multi format games. It goes without saying that each machine gets exclusives and that's just the way it goes but stuff like Battlefield, Fifa, Creed, and other franchises like that will never see the light of day on the Wii U, for various reasons.


I should also add that "Kids playing GTA" was already a reality 10 years ago, as sad as that sounds. Sometimes a sign of parents not knowing what kind of content a game has, but many just don't care.


Indeed it was, but I said more and more because it has become far more accepted now. I remember the uproar that occurred when GTA3 was first released. These days the graphics are better and more graphic, the language in the game worse and we get things like this.



11 year old. Crazy.

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Lol, yeah I said it once. Shoot me. :indeed:


And I kinda wasn't saying wht you think I'm saying, but that's probably more to do with how I said it than your interpretation. :heh: It's still early to me :zzz:


I was more talking about a point Hero made which I think hits the nail on the head. This one:


I love quirky, colourful, charming games, especially platformers, but if these type of games don't resonate with you then the console will be a bit of a dud for you.


If you are looking for realistic looking games, ones with a narrative, online features and such then your argument that the Wii U has the best lineup doesn't hold true. Like I mentioned, its all subjective.


I prob shoulda quoted him, but again, s'early for sleepy Aneres. :zzz:


But yeah, I wasn't calling anyone out, it was more of a generalisation purely coz I wouldn't bother posting about something if it didn't appeal to me though I appreciate there are folk on here who do want moar from Ninty as well as what they currently offer. Myself included, to a degree. :)


Fair dos fair dos, I mighta took it a bit wrong - just for me I don't really have another place to go as I can't feasibly get one of the other consoles really, and resultantly I'll end up focusing most of my discussion/foruming down here instead. Ironically enough though - I don't really care about CoD or FIFA much, though I could see myself getting the former if the online had a banging infrastructure. I think for me that's the biggest issue I have, and see little improvement on, and it's disheartening for the same reasons Kav's mentioned. The 360's been doing it for ages, yet the Wii U apparently won't. I DO enjoy Nintendo's offerings, but I'd enjoy them even more if I could say...Smash online with voice chat in game, or even Nintendoland online - even if it won't be as good as local I'd have liked it, all of that really. Online's the thing I really wish I had, and I was promised, and still haven't really got.


The disappointment/negativity is bigger than Wii U for me though - as I feel Flink's points highlight. If this is Nintendo now, then what will they be in future?? Even people I know who are/were solid Nintendo folks don't even have WiiUs - I'm one of the only ones! That's quite saddening to me sometimes.

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Thing is, it's an exclusive.



I know, great isn't it. How many exclusive 9-10/10 games do the other two consoles have? I take your point but the fact that the Wii U has 10x the number of exclusives make up for a lack of a few big multiplatform games IMO.

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I know, great isn't it. How many exclusive 9-10/10 games do the other two consoles have? I take your point but the fact that the Wii U has 10x the number of exclusives make up for a lack of a few big multiplatform games IMO.


The quality is indeed there but Nintendo needs those games to help their platform to sell. We've already seen members on here jump ship and grab another console for their gaming needs. This is how a shift can start because gamers become accustomed to that console and start enjoying the games that aren't on offer on Nintendo platforms.


It doesn't bother you, that's absolutely fine, but for a majority of gamers it has reached a breaking point for them and the Wii U was the straw that broke the camels back.


In regards to the back and forth between members, this place is really weird. There doesn't seem to be a happy medium. You either have to hate Nintendo and love the other consoles or love Nintendo and hate the other consoles. Am I seriously the only one that enjoys games across all platforms and can see the pros and cons for all the consoles? Its baffling, especially when you consider the average age of users on here. It's getting as bad as Neogaf/Gamefaqs in here.

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Thing is, it's an exclusive. It's like saying why isn't Mario on the PS4 or Gears of War on the Wii U. A lot of the titles people are asking this question about are multi format games. It goes without saying that each machine gets exclusives and that's just the way it goes but stuff like Battlefield, Fifa, Creed, and other franchises like that will never see the light of day on the Wii U, for various reasons.


I would say not chatting about 3rd parties is the same as chatting about exclusives. We know nintendo aren't getting 3rd parties in the same way we know it won't get Uncharted 4. The argument is so pointless as it's set in stone for this gen.

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I would say not chatting about 3rd parties is the same as chatting about exclusives. We know nintendo aren't getting 3rd parties in the same way we know it won't get Uncharted 4. The argument is so pointless as it's set in stone for this gen.


I can still see Nintendo getting 3rd party games from those they have close ties with. Namco and Tecmo seem happy to support the console. I'm still shocked at the lack of support from Capcom but this is the same across all consoles. Oh, Capcom. How the mighty have fallen. :(

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I would say not chatting about 3rd parties is the same as chatting about exclusives. We know nintendo aren't getting 3rd parties in the same way we know it won't get Uncharted 4. The argument is so pointless as it's set in stone for this gen.


They could pay for third party support and if you say they shouldn't do that, well there's rumours that Nintendo had to pay just to keep the Wii U on shelves in some of the large retailers in the U.S. They could reduce licensing fees to the bare minimum or completely. They could make third party Wii U bundles. Have Nintendo sold through their initial production run yet? I don't think they have. I bet the MK8 Wii U bundle would have been red had they done so instead of that God awful gamepad skin. They don't appear to be doing anything. Did I hear right that there's no more Lego Wii U games coming anymore, that Lego Batman 3 is the last? They've had like a handful of 3rd party exclusives, including Sonic Boom which I hear by the way is a broken mess and that's another partnership that's finished now. I've asked this before but what exactly to the Nintendo executives do all day? Very little it appears to me.


I can still see Nintendo getting 3rd party games from those they have close ties with. Namco and Tecmo seem happy to support the console. I'm still shocked at the lack of support from Capcom but this is the same across all consoles. Oh, Capcom. How the mighty have fallen. :(


Capcom are in bits but I still have a little hope that MH4 will be ported to Wii U. Namco and Tecmo are paid Nintendo labour. They're not giving us any of their own good franchises.

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They could pay for third party support and if you say they shouldn't do that, well there's rumours that Nintendo had to pay just to keep the Wii U on shelves in some of the large retailers in the U.S. They could reduce licensing fees to the bare minimum or completely. They could make third party Wii U bundles. Have Nintendo sold through their initial production run yet? I don't think they have. I bet the MK8 Wii U bundle would have been red had they done so instead of that God awful gamepad skin. They don't appear to be doing anything. Did I hear right that there's no more Lego Wii U games coming anymore, that Lego Batman 3 is the last? They've had like a handful of 3rd party exclusives, including Sonic Boom which I hear by the way is a broken mess and that's another partnership that's finished now. I've asked this before but what exactly to the Nintendo executives do all day? Very little it appears to me.


Capcom are in bits but I still have a little hope that MH4 will be ported to Wii U. Namco and Tecmo are paid Nintendo labour. They're not giving us any of their own good franchises.


It's pointless throwing money at developers willy nilly. Nintendo tend to look around and see what developers fit well for the console. Throwing money at someone like Activision for CoD would be a wasted effort. Getting exclusives like Bayonetta and creating good partnerships going forward is a far better approach.


Yes, it would be great to get the usual 3rd party efforts on the console but they shouldn't have to pay for them to get ported over.


One of the podcasts I was listening to ( can't remember which, either 8-4, NVC or RFN ) were saying how Nintendo are becoming a bit of a hero for Japanese developers. They are giving work to Namco ( Smash Bros and Pokken ), working closely with Platinum games, gave Tecmo the Zelda license to great effect and are helping out with games like Devils Third.

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