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Wii U General Discussion


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The problem with the jumps between generations is that we still tend to look at it mostly graphically when this gen more than most its not. AI taking a huge leap is one of the things developers are talking about at the moment with games like Shadow of Mordor and their Nemesis sytem.


This generation more than most it is about graphical fidelity. The games are virtually the same as last gen - more than ever before and the biggest debates on sites are over which console runs the games in higher resolution.


The biggest jump was from SNES to N64 as it literally changed from a 2D world to a 3D world. Since then jumps in technology have improved those 3D worlds, but with diminishing returns.


Most of the big franchises now are released on both PS4/XBO and PS3/360. The great difference is just a graphical improvement.

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This generation more than most it is about graphical fidelity. The games are virtually the same as last gen - more than ever before and the biggest debates on sites are over which console runs the games in higher resolution.


The biggest jump was from SNES to N64 as it literally changed from a 2D world to a 3D world. Since then jumps in technology have improved those 3D worlds, but with diminishing returns.


Most of the big franchises now are released on both PS4/XBO and PS3/360. The great difference is just a graphical improvement.


This happened when the PS2 first came out though, as well as when the PS3/360 launched. Hell, the original PSO was getting PS2 downports into the early 2000's. We're getting it now because old engines run well on the newer systems.


We'll get to a point (usually about 2 years after a new generation starts) when new games simply aren't possible to run on older systems, whether that's because the world and environments are too big or simply because the engine requires more power.

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New games are currently still being made to run on last gen machines, since many are multiformat. You're not going to see too many AC Unity style 'bucket loads of NPCs on screen' and whatnot until they stop making games that can be easily ported across the generations. Aside from graphical touch ups, these games aren't going to look as good as they could.

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I would argue that with Pikmin 3, NSM3DW, NSMBU, Mario Kart, Smash, etc... that a lot of this is due to Nintendo's reliance on bread and butter franchises rather than innovating as much as they used to; on the scale that they used to (ie. not just indie/small scale games).


Pikmin 3 I wouldn't agree with, it's only the third one (and one of the best games I've veer played). As for the rest, again, they're all incredible versions of those games, if they didn't give us them we'd be pissed off. I guess the problem is what are they doing OUTSIDE of these games to compliment them. Not much...


The jump from 360-> XBO might be smaller than the jump of the generations before it, but Nintendo's previous console was the Wii, and the generation jump from GC->HD consoles was absolutely huge imo. At the moment I can't help but feel the PS2 gen -> HD gen was a bigger jump than the Wii -> Wii U jump, despite the consoles being quite similar. I was blown away by the online of Halo 3 and the world of Bioshock and appreciated that they couldn't be done on previous hardware. NSMBU, SM3DW, Donkey Kong etc could have been SD Wii games imo.


I'm not saying those games aren't great..I bloody love SM3DW but it doesn't exactly inspire you to buy the console when you look at it, does it? Yes it looks great graphically but Nintendo fans are the ones who, for the past decade, have constantly claimed graphics aren't everything.


Do you not think the ps3/360 bridged the gap in our minds though? So the Wii U didn't feel as much of a jump because we'd seen tat leap years before? Plus the wii was a also a mini jump from the Wii. So it's not like the GC - HD jump, it was done in stages, and we'd seen the results before.


As for the leaps and stuff. I genuinely think gaming has stagnated a little in general, we're playing the same types of games really, nothing new. Improvement of services, social, online etc. I have no problem with this, I'm enjoying the retro revival, the small indies and the super polished versions of nintendo classics and stuff, but I just don't see anything that's happening that's a big leap like previous gens.


Except Virtual reality and social.

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Me too, probably more so since owning another system. I'm happy for Nintendo to do what they want as I know I can do eveything else with the PS4. I appreciate the Wii U games and enjoy them a lot more now.


I would also if I had to choose pick the Wii U over the PS4 for the sole reason that I am first and foremost a nintendo fanboy :)


Although, having saying that if Nintendo could just add party chat then I would love the Wii U even more.


Literally exactly how I feel. I've always loved Nintendo, I loved the Wii u and think it's produced some incredible games. Getting the ps4 made me love it even more, the games, even the UI and such after seeing what "next gen" was offering. But party chat (and better messaging) would really fix the issues most people have with the console. Also I guess a bigger focus online in general from Nintendo.


I could not disagree with these two posts any further. For me, the WiiU has a huge disappointment and I've hardly touched my WiiU in months. Even the name is horrible, it's almost sickly to say it.


I don't personally get the "I bought a PS4 and now I love the WiiU more" thing at all. I look at my PS4 friend list every day and there's usually 15 or so people on there, mostly Blade and Kav doing Destiny raids or us lot on FIFA. Sorry but...you're not playing those on a Nintendo system, are you? Aside from Mario Kart, there's no real Nintendo community knocking about where people on here meet up to play games and chat about them. (can't do that, no voice chat).


Even in real life, I don't come across many people who even mention Nintendo unless it's either about retro games (from people who used to play the N64 or SNES, who have since moved on to the XBOX or PS systems) or people talking about Pokemon. I feel that Nintendo are becoming a bit irrelevant to modern gamers and I'm finding that a lot of children (and people new to gaming) are growing up with the likes of Minecraft rather than Mario.


As things stand, I have lost a lot of trust for Nintendo and have been particularly disappointed with their inability to get key third-party franchises on the WiiU. As much as I bang on about it, Alien Isolation was a child-hood dream finally realised and there is absolutely no excuse why that didn't come to the WiiU. No excuse over Destiny either and losing FIFA is unacceptable in my opinion. Three key games that would have changed my opinion on the WiiU.

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I could not disagree with these two posts any further. For me, the WiiU has a huge disappointment and I've hardly touched my WiiU in months. Even the name is horrible, it's almost sickly to say it.


I don't personally get the "I bought a PS4 and now I love the WiiU more" thing at all. I look at my PS4 friend list every day and there's usually 15 or so people on there, mostly Blade and Kav doing Destiny raids or us lot on FIFA. Sorry but...you're not playing those on a Nintendo system, are you? Aside from Mario Kart, there's no real Nintendo community knocking about where people on here meet up to play games and chat about them. (can't do that, no voice chat).


Even in real life, I don't come across many people who even mention Nintendo unless it's either about retro games (from people who used to play the N64 or SNES, who have since moved on to the XBOX or PS systems) or people talking about Pokemon. I feel that Nintendo are becoming a bit irrelevant to modern gamers and I'm finding that a lot of children (and people new to gaming) are growing up with the likes of Minecraft rather than Mario.


As things stand, I have lost a lot of trust for Nintendo and have been particularly disappointed with their inability to get key third-party franchises on the WiiU. As much as I bang on about it, Alien Isolation was a child-hood dream finally realised and there is absolutely no excuse why that didn't come to the WiiU. No excuse over Destiny either and losing FIFA is unacceptable in my opinion. Three key games that would have changed my opinion on the WiiU.


I agree completely with everything you said.


Since I bought a PS4 its made me realise how far behind Nintendo are with the Wii U. Its not made me appreciate the Wii U more, that is crazy talk!


I hardly use it, 2 years after release, that is incredibly poor for a console I paid over £300 for.


My faith in Nintendo and the direction they are going in is at an all time low.

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I disagree somewhat.


Many issues I had with the Wii U - lack of 3rd party games, no party chat, not many online multiplayer games are all now catered for with my PS4 resulting in me just enjoying what Nintendo has to offer. I'm no longer fussed that the Wii U doesn't get 3rd party games as I can get them on the PS4.



Basically both the Wii U and PS4 cater for my gaming needs.

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I'd love an Alien game. Haven't played them since on the SNES and the Gameboy version. I'd like a lot of things. Sports games for starters. This amiibo lark releasing soon is not for me. I'm not a kid. In a way I hope it fails because it's not the direction I want them to go in and you know Nintendo will milk it for all its worth at the expense of us hardcore gamers if it catches on. The same way they went last generation with the casuals on the Wii.


I disagree somewhat.


Many issues I had with the Wii U - lack of 3rd party games, no party chat, not many online multiplayer games are all now catered for with my PS4 resulting in me just enjoying what Nintendo has to offer. I'm no longer fussed that the Wii U doesn't get 3rd party games as I can get them on the PS4.



Basically both the Wii U and PS4 cater for my gaming needs.


That's grand for you. What about us Wii U only gamers?

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Literally have no clue why you don't just buy a PS4 when you're so dissatisfied with Nintendo's offering.


I've explained this all before numerous times but the main reason is I'm not shelling out €400 on another console just because Nintendo messed up. One console would be enough if things were done right.

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Literally have no clue why you don't just buy a PS4 when you're so dissatisfied with Nintendo's offering.


Easy to say if you have the financial means to not only buy two consoles but to support them aswell.


Although I do think @Wii may be missing the point i'm trying to make. I am saying that I appreciate and enjoy the Wii U a lot more than I did before as the frustrations and grievances I had with the system have been artificially taken away due to owning a PS4. I feel that I shouldn't have had to buy a second console to do this but the fact of the matter is that I have had to do so.


I am now just enjoying the Nintendo games as they are.

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I've explained this all before numerous times but the main reason is I'm not shelling out €400 on another console just because Nintendo messed up. One console would be enough if things were done right.


Well it ain't gonna be. It has never been. Good stuff will always be spread across multiple consoles and asking for one console to have everything is madness.

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Have to say I fall into the category with @Blade and @dazzybee, having both a One and the Wii U is perfect, caters for all my gaming needs. I probably divide my time between both of them equally, and appreciate being able to dip into something like Titanfall for an hour, then drop in a bit of Mario Kart when I fancy it too.


Eshop is really thriving now, Stealth Inc 2 is bloody brilliant! Smash on the way, Mario Kart DLC coming, Bayonetta 2 absolutely tearing up the reviews. Wii U will probably never recover from its poor start but at the mo it has a fantastic library of games and more to come.

@Fierce_LiNk you're hanging out with the wrong people! ;) me and my friends have set aside Thursday night for a Nintendo evening centered around the new MK DLC. We all own other consoles, some all three, but we always keep coming back to Nintendo :)

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If you keep up with releases and play them as they arrive then yes, you are right. There is absolutely nothing to play on the Wii U. :heh: Luckily the VC has been going all out at the moment, which has kept me coming back to the console.


Look, you play games at an unnatural rate. I sometimes wonder if you actually even enjoy the games you play or if you just play them for the sake of it and to clock up an even greater list of games you have beaten.


I've sat playing Monster Hunter with you whilst you play 3DS Zelda when the loading screens are there.


To me that is madness. It would be like going to a restaurant and ordering all three courses at the same time and bolting them down together and walking out ten minutes later.


I like to at least savour and play the games I buy. I spent 45 hours on Bayonetta and haven't even put the second one in yet.


Sure, if play games at a ridiculous rate and try to clock them as fast as possible then you can go through far more. But if you just play them at a reasonable rate and enjoy them that is a healthy collection.


26 games over 24 months. I'm blown away :heh:


(I know obviously that's not every game)


Again, if you spend every living moment you have gaming that probably isn't a lot. But I think 26 retail releases in 24 months is a decent collection. There's plenty out there and there's actually a few titles like Lego Marvel and The Wonderful 101 that I still haven't got. Also, it obviously excludes my digital purchases.

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I could not disagree with these two posts any further. For me, the WiiU has a huge disappointment and I've hardly touched my WiiU in months. Even the name is horrible, it's almost sickly to say it.


I don't personally get the "I bought a PS4 and now I love the WiiU more" thing at all. I look at my PS4 friend list every day and there's usually 15 or so people on there, mostly Blade and Kav doing Destiny raids or us lot on FIFA. Sorry but...you're not playing those on a Nintendo system, are you? Aside from Mario Kart, there's no real Nintendo community knocking about where people on here meet up to play games and chat about them. (can't do that, no voice chat).


Even in real life, I don't come across many people who even mention Nintendo unless it's either about retro games (from people who used to play the N64 or SNES, who have since moved on to the XBOX or PS systems) or people talking about Pokemon. I feel that Nintendo are becoming a bit irrelevant to modern gamers and I'm finding that a lot of children (and people new to gaming) are growing up with the likes of Minecraft rather than Mario.


As things stand, I have lost a lot of trust for Nintendo and have been particularly disappointed with their inability to get key third-party franchises on the WiiU. As much as I bang on about it, Alien Isolation was a child-hood dream finally realised and there is absolutely no excuse why that didn't come to the WiiU. No excuse over Destiny either and losing FIFA is unacceptable in my opinion. Three key games that would have changed my opinion on the WiiU.


Ultimately because that's not what's inportant to me when I play games, I don't give a fuck if there are a hundred people playing the ps4. I mainly play games on my own, the social stuff is good in fifa, but in general I don't really care for it in all honesty. I just want great fun games and nintendo make the games I enjoy playing , leagues ahead of anyone else.


You keep banging on about ps4 is great because it's popular, it's what people are talking about, people are playing... I hope you don't base all your decisions on what is popular, otherwise you'll be watching the very worst of films and TV and listening to God awful music.


But I presume 3rd party is your biggest gripe. Rightly so, it's annoying, but I guess I just find the ps4 incredibly dull - the look, feel, style and mood of it all and most of its games,. Some great put stuff in there and I'll pick it up, but I play my Wii u infinitely more still and will continue to do so.

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Look, you play games at an unnatural rate. I sometimes wonder if you actually even enjoy the games you play or if you just play them for the sake of it and to clock up an even greater list of games you have beaten.


I've sat playing Monster Hunter with you whilst you play 3DS Zelda when the loading screens are there.


To me that is madness. It would be like going to a restaurant and ordering all three courses at the same time and bolting them down together and walking out ten minutes later.


I like to at least savour and play the games I buy. I spent 45 hours on Bayonetta and haven't even put the second one in yet.


Sure, if play games at a ridiculous rate and try to clock them as fast as possible then you can go through far more. But if you just play them at a reasonable rate and enjoy them that is a healthy collection.


Of course i'm enjoying them. Why in the hell would I play them if I wasn't enjoying them? I also don't rush through my games, finish the story and then put them to one side. Most of the time I actually 100% my games.


I get up at 6am, go to work and return home at around 5pm. I then have some food, possibly go for a run or to the gym and then play games until around 9-10pm. I watch TV shows, go to the movies with my mates, lay football, watch football and watch movies at home, yet I always have enough time to get through games.


I honestly wonder how people are so slow at times. :heh:

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