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Who said building a powerful console wasnt affordable? For what Nintendo paid to produce the Wii U they could of produced a better console.

Let's say they did and released it at $399 like Sony. People would still say it's over-priced... Nintendo can't do anything right in the eyes of the Internet. When they were doing amazingly, people were still trashing them and waiting for the bubble to burst.


For people to bite at a Nintendo console, it has to be around $200-$250 unfortunately. As such, if they made one of specs akin to the PS4, that'd be a significant loss which would kill the console.

Edited by Serebii
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Let's say they did and released it at $399 like Sony. People would still say it's over-priced... Nintendo can't do anything right in the eyes of the Internet. When they were doing amazingly, people were still trashing them and waiting for the bubble to burst.


For people to bite at a Nintendo console, it has to be around $200-$250 unfortunately. As such, if they made one of specs akin to the PS4, that'd be a significant loss which would kill the console.


But that’s the thing I don’t think it needed to be a PS4. It just needed to be next gen (a clear distinction from PS3/360). That doesn’t mean they would need to build something similar to the PS4 and sell for $399. It probably would of meant going with a standard controller though and no gamepad but I think the last year has shown us that wouldn’t of been such a bad thing.

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So, away from the general pissing and bitching of all of us about consoles, this rating showed up




As did this




Considering that Vitei is working on Steel Diver Subwars (they're a tiny team of about 5 people) I get the feeling that it's a 3DS game and not Wii U...


NES Remix is odd though. Since it's classified as one product, it can't be a new range of retro re-releases...


Either it's a VC compilation to be sold at retail (doubtful; I wouldn't think that Nintendo would want to devalue their VC games like that) or it's some sort of 8 bit throwback game...

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Of course I know that. When the wii u launched Reggie said they were making a profit when a game was sold.


Considering the tech its surprising they were making a loss on the hardware but as has been stated before the Gamepad is the albatross around the neck.


When the PS4 was first revealed people were saying how expensive it would be due to the tech ignoring that off the shelf parts are way cheaper than custom parts.


Nintendo could of built a more powerful console minus the gamepad and sold at the same price.


But that’s the thing I don’t think it needed to be a PS4. It just needed to be next gen (a clear distinction from PS3/360). That doesn’t mean they would need to build something similar to the PS4 and sell for $399. It probably would of meant going with a standard controller though and no gamepad but I think the last year has shown us that wouldn’t of been such a bad thing.


I don't think you're getting it.


Nintendo didn't need a more powerful console. It didn't need to put out graphics on a par with the PS4 or the XBO. There isn't room for a third console doing exactly the same thing. Nintendo aren't going to pull in the COD and Battlefield crowds.


Nintendo's console shouldn't have been $399 launch like the PS4, it shouldn't have been even $299. $250 would have been a sweet spot, maybe even less. If it would have retailed at £199 over here that would have been about right.


They should have released the Wii U as it is, minus Gamepad and gone with Wii Remote Plus as the standard. They should have bundled a digital copy of Wii Sports HD but as a fully fleshed out game with extra events. Coupled that with NSMBU as a launch title and it would have had a couple of very good hooks and a bundled bit of software. Throw in all the old games and accessories working, free online and Miiverse (minus the drawings) and it would have been an easy sell.


They should have furthered what they did with the Wii. Built an affordable and accessible system targeted at the people who love Nintendo then advertised it like mad. It would have been the perfect alternative too the PS4 and XBO and priced just right to make them look expensive - just like the Wii was.

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I think in this hypothetical world without a GamePad they could have still done the Miiverse with drawings by allowing tablet connections like the other consoles are doing. Yeah not everyone has them so you can't guarantee it, but allowing for people to use what they already have would have been a bonus.


Probably could argue that better but I've got food waiting :heh:

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I don't think you're getting it.


Nintendo didn't need a more powerful console. It didn't need to put out graphics on a par with the PS4 or the XBO. There isn't room for a third console doing exactly the same thing. Nintendo aren't going to pull in the COD and Battlefield crowds.


Nintendo's console shouldn't have been $399 launch like the PS4, it shouldn't have been even $299. $250 would have been a sweet spot, maybe even less. If it would have retailed at £199 over here that would have been about right.


They should have released the Wii U as it is, minus Gamepad and gone with Wii Remote Plus as the standard. They should have bundled a digital copy of Wii Sports HD but as a fully fleshed out game with extra events. Coupled that with NSMBU as a launch title and it would have had a couple of very good hooks and a bundled bit of software. Throw in all the old games and accessories working, free online and Miiverse (minus the drawings) and it would have been an easy sell.


They should have furthered what they did with the Wii. Built an affordable and accessible system targeted at the people who love Nintendo then advertised it like mad. It would have been the perfect alternative too the PS4 and XBO and priced just right to make them look expensive - just like the Wii was.


All of this and don't call it Wii U. :D

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The whole point is that you want the Wii U to attract third party developers and multiplatform games. It already has and always will have first party support, obviously, regardless of the system specs it has. It would probably be difficult for one developer to fully sustain a console so that enough people thought it was amazing. When the Wii motion hype died down, the Wii was left in exactly the same situation.


The Wii U is not a sexy console, let's be honest. If you're a developer you're going to take your business where the excitement is; where the purported 'next gen' processing and graphic capabilities lie. The Wii U being left in the dust in this regard as well as having outdated beliefs (namely online play / infrastructure) are at the heart of what's wrong with it. It has a toxic image.

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Why can't Nintendo do what the other makers do? It's technically possible for them to be on a par with them and match them in terms of online, power and advertising, etc. What isn't possible though is for the competition is to have Nintendo's legacy and franchises. The thing is in a lot of respects Nintendo haven't really tried to match them never mind trying to beat them.

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Why can't Nintendo do what the other makers do? It's technically possible for them to be on a par with them and match them in terms of online, power and advertising, etc. What isn't possible though is for the competition is to have Nintendo's legacy and franchises. The thing is in a lot of respects Nintendo haven't really tried to match them never mind trying to beat them.

Easy. They can't take a loss for a prolonged period of time. 3DS, after a few months of extremely middling sales, was sold at a loss and took off and was a major factor in Nintendo reporting their first ever annual loss and this continued into the following financial year. They're just starting to recover.


Microsoft and Sony last generation, for years, reported significant losses but were luckily propped up by other departments. These losses still haven't been regained by Microsoft, and Sony destroyed any money they made on the PS2 and are just starting to return. Even now, the division is posting less profit than Nintendo in their annual financials. The difference is, they were playing the really long game and this generation, Sony is to make a mint and Microsoft...well know knows. As this could be plotted out, other departments could hold the company up from dying.


Nintendo can do it for a year or two, but any more than that and they'd be toast. If they were to take say PS3 level losses, it would kill them within 4 years.

Edited by Serebii
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If like the Wii, Nintendo position the WiiU as everyones affordable 2nd console then it should do quite well. Whether that means removing the gamepad or not then so be it but right now I wouldn't be able to afford multiple consoles next gen and would rather not miss out on 3rd party titles.


The only way I would personally expect Nintendo to have parity when it comes to online would be if they charged a subscription.

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PS3 was a sinkhole. It had custom parts like I believe the cell chip which despite its huge initial investment was and maybe still will recoup its colossal costs. It's meant to be used for all sorts of products or I think that was the intention. As was mentioned earlier, generic, off the shelf parts can be used. Sony's model this generation it seems is much more frugal and a quite a bit ahead of Wii U in power. PS4 costs half of what PS3 cost and is almost breaking even in terms of development. Sony couldn't afford another repeat of that mess. It's only $50 more than what Wii U launched at and produces a lot more bang for the buck.

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The Wii U is not a sexy console, let's be honest. If you're a developer you're going to take your business where the excitement is; where the purported 'next gen' processing and graphic capabilities lie. The Wii U being left in the dust in this regard as well as having outdated beliefs (namely online play / infrastructure) are at the heart of what's wrong with it. It has a toxic image.


Developers take their games where the money is. The PSV is a 'sexy console' according to some, but developers shun it, even when its processing capabilities are far greater than that of the competition.


If you honestly believe its the Wii U's specs that have killed it, you really aren't looking at the big picture.


Also to say Nintendo has a 'toxic image' would be laughable - but you actually mean it. MS had around a 50% failure rate on the early models of the 360, yet they don't have a toxic image. Sony got hacked, lost all the details of their PSN users and no one could play online for months, yet they don't have a toxic image.


Console manufacturers get it wrong at times. MS got it wrong with the early 360 failure rate, Sony got it wrong with the PSPgo and the PS3 launch. MS got it wrong with DRM and created an internet shit storm with their policies on Kinect, always needing an internet connection, issues over resolution and their machine being less powerful but costing a hundred dollars more!


Nintendo got it wrong with the Wii U. The gamepad was the wrong move, it was too expensive for the user base they attract. They didn't advertise it well and the name was awful. But that doesn't make them 'toxic'. It's not like they've been selling kiddie porn or eating live puppies!


If Nintendo had released a $399 console that was exactly the same spec-wise as the the PS4 just with Nintendo games I don't think they would be any better off. The GC was more powerful than PS2, had amazing games and killer 3rd party exclusives like Resident Evil Remake, Zero and 4 and still got hammered.

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Developers take their games where the money is.


Which is where the people are. Who are there because of the sexy processing/graphics/online package to play their multiformat games. Most people would rather have a good online infrastructure along with better graphics to play the same multiformat games - no sense picking the watered down option. It's a positive feedback loop where more developers come in, because more people are there, etc etc.



Also to say Nintendo has a 'toxic image' would be laughable - but you actually mean it. MS had around a 50% failure rate on the early models of the 360, yet they don't have a toxic image. Sony got hacked, lost all the details of their PSN users and no one could play online for months, yet they don't have a toxic image.


None of that stuff matters; it may as well have been entirely forgotten. It's the Wii U that has an incredibly toxic image - not to us guys, obviously. To developers and to Joe Public.


It's certainly not an issue with price point or gamepad costs. The thing is priced reasonably now but still sells like dog turd.

Edited by Sheikah
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Developers take their games where the money is. The PSV is a 'sexy console' according to some, but developers shun it, even when its processing capabilities are far greater than that of the competition.


If you honestly believe its the Wii U's specs that have killed it, you really aren't looking at the big picture.


Also to say Nintendo has a 'toxic image' would be laughable - but you actually mean it. MS had around a 50% failure rate on the early models of the 360, yet they don't have a toxic image. Sony got hacked, lost all the details of their PSN users and no one could play online for months, yet they don't have a toxic image.


Console manufacturers get it wrong at times. MS got it wrong with the early 360 failure rate, Sony got it wrong with the PSPgo and the PS3 launch. MS got it wrong with DRM and created an internet shit storm with their policies on Kinect, always needing an internet connection, issues over resolution and their machine being less powerful but costing a hundred dollars more!


Nintendo got it wrong with the Wii U. The gamepad was the wrong move, it was too expensive for the user base they attract. They didn't advertise it well and the name was awful. But that doesn't make them 'toxic'. It's not like they've been selling kiddie porn or eating live puppies!


If Nintendo had released a $399 console that was exactly the same spec-wise as the the PS4 just with Nintendo games I don't think they would be any better off. The GC was more powerful than PS2, had amazing games and killer 3rd party exclusives like Resident Evil Remake, Zero and 4 and still got hammered.


Of course publishers will generally go where the money is but its no surprise that Sony talked to developers getting input of what they would like to see in the PS4. They are the people that make the games so it makes sense to talk to them. Nintendo make hardware for there own studios and dont really take others into account. That needs to change!!


Developers have been working with the PS3/360 for 8 years. Did they really want another console this late in the day which was similar?


You are right, to call Nintendo a toxic brand is silly talk. Its far from toxic and Nintendo wont be the last company to misread the market and release the wrong product. Still if they dont learn from this then thats where the trouble starts.


The GC didnt help itself with the smaller discs and purple colour. Spec was it was fine but 18-35 year old males dont want a console that looks like something Barny the dinosaur would use.

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I don't think you're getting it.


Nintendo didn't need a more powerful console. It didn't need to put out graphics on a par with the PS4 or the XBO. There isn't room for a third console doing exactly the same thing. Nintendo aren't going to pull in the COD and Battlefield crowds.


Nintendo's console shouldn't have been $399 launch like the PS4, it shouldn't have been even $299. $250 would have been a sweet spot, maybe even less. If it would have retailed at £199 over here that would have been about right.


They should have released the Wii U as it is, minus Gamepad and gone with Wii Remote Plus as the standard. They should have bundled a digital copy of Wii Sports HD but as a fully fleshed out game with extra events. Coupled that with NSMBU as a launch title and it would have had a couple of very good hooks and a bundled bit of software. Throw in all the old games and accessories working, free online and Miiverse (minus the drawings) and it would have been an easy sell.


They should have furthered what they did with the Wii. Built an affordable and accessible system targeted at the people who love Nintendo then advertised it like mad. It would have been the perfect alternative too the PS4 and XBO and priced just right to make them look expensive - just like the Wii was.


100% agree, but add that ; it should have been called anything other than "Wii U".

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Just turned on my Wii U to be greeted by a message saying a new system update had downloaded, just needed to press "ok" to install it which look like 20seconds and it was done.


Firmware now at version 4.0.2E


Seems to be just a minor update,



System stability improvements and other adjustments

Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user's experience.


Anyone notice anything different? Load speeds maybe?

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Just the most fun you'll ever have. And your missing out.


Reviews scores and something about filesizes.


I should have realised that. :heh:


Man, trying to stay spoiler-free for a game these days is bloody hard work. :D


Just turned on my Wii U to be greeted by a message saying a new system update had downloaded, just needed to press "ok" to install it which look like 20seconds and it was done.


Firmware now at version 4.0.2E


Seems to be just a minor update,




Anyone notice anything different? Load speeds maybe?

Yeah, I turned on my Wii U for my daily Wii Fit U session, and noticed a delay when pressing the home button. But then I saw that the download icon was flashing and discovered it was downloading a system update. :hehe:

Not noticed anything different though. :hmm:


The funny thing was, after restarting the system, the delay was still there. :confused: And the download icon was on the move again.

It was auto-downloading Wii Karaoke U.


I should probably disable automatic downloads (thought I did actually, so will have to look into that again :blank:) seeing as I don't leave my Wii U on standby.

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I was just talking to one of my brothers this morning about the Cube launch.


He's very cool and all, but I don't see how it's relevant to this thread, practically retro.


Yeah, let's look at it objectively




Also when it comes to worth of price - it's as simple as this. If it's worth the price, it will sell through the gate. PS4 will for its own price, it is worth that. Wii U doesn't? It isn't worth that in the grand scheme to the consumer. To you, or he, or she, or we, or u, but to the general consumer market - it is not of enough value to make all the sales.




What I'll put out as an amusing consideration - XBone has had a fucking terrible run of publicity and criticism and uturns and all sorts since its announcement and subsequent reveals and all of that jazz.


BUT. It will still beat Wii U numbers. By February/March it will have, time for time, beaten Wii U numbers by a noticeable amount. I'm almost genuinely willing to take 1:1 bets on it.


Why can't Nintendo do what the other makers do? It's technically possible for them to be on a par with them and match them in terms of online, power and advertising, etc. What isn't possible though is for the competition is to have Nintendo's legacy and franchises. The thing is in a lot of respects Nintendo haven't really tried to match them never mind trying to beat them.


Damn fine question. Definitely got enough profits in the coffers to try. Greed succeeds though.



100% agree, but add that ; it should have been called anything other than "Wii U".


Wii 2. Simple and easy. Too basic, but honestly right now I wish they would have. Hell, I half think they still should.

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