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Things you don't understand.


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Oh god that is the most irritating thing ever! supposedly removing the sticker devalues them....because you need a shiny sticker saying authentic on a Lakers hat don't you...

I get that argument too, why does the value matter? I can guarantee they will not be selling that at a car boot sale any time soon. In fact I doubt they'll be selling them at all.


One mate has a nice Captain America one. It's all pure blue apart from the wings and some other stuff, which is then spoiled by a giant gold circle on the brim. The fuck?!

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This evening after work I knew I was probably going to go with my friends into central London to G-A-Y and even though it's CHEAP/free entry, it's ALWAYS better to enter a club already drunk, or somewhat on your way. It clouds the harsh truths. So I bought a £5, 13% alcohol bottle of white wine. It's not pretty but it gets the job done. xx



I go to way less now but they are always people I love. I am THAT person who won't look away from the stage in case I miss something. Never look at my phone. NEVER leave early. We were front row of cheap standing for Madonna, but still FAAAAAAAR away and I was TRANSFIXED. Chairdriver were in Hyde Park for approx 8 hours, 4 at least standing. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT. I am more savvy now, I don't go to EVERYONE, just cause I kinda like them like I used to. x



I am going to join a gym soon cause I want muscles and to look sexy. I'm put off/scared/intimidated by groups of people at the weights bit but I will get back with a truer opinion soon enough. xxxxxxxxxo



I can barely make tea/coffee, that's how little I drink it. I do find myself liking a latte from starbucks/coasta if I have work early though. Just cause. But I drink loads of diet coke so I'm immune to caffeine. xoxoxoxoxx



Clubbing has the potential to be awful, but some of us just can't stay away. I hate straight clubs and feel for you all. Gay people/clubs are just way CLEARER. There's VERY few dickheads ready to beat people up (HATE) and they're generally more jokes and inclusive. Drag Queens couldnt go to an average OCEANA and feel safe, right? When really clubs are about coming together and letting go and blah.

I like going gay clubbing and imagining who's looking at me/people act funny in clubs/they're kinda animalistic. Plus you hear songs loud and bassy.

Everyone gets over it if you kiss someone, a stranger of friend. It's all jokes.

This is all if you're drunk/high enough though. Sober, horrible realities come to light.

I'd hate to be UGLY and go clubbing. I remember I used to ((be larger)) and sometimes hate it. Now I'm slimmer and every night out I get hit on by men and women so I'm just rolling in the deep.




I hate people who take unnecessary risks. People who stand over the yellow line whilst waiting for a train.

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I'll never understand how I became to be so god damn good looking. Sometimes I feel depressed but then I look in the mirror and it's like *pow*. I don't like going out much and I genuinly suspect I'm denying other people a genuine pleasure. I'm not interested in having kids and yet but there's a part of me that sincerely believes I need to breed with somebody as a service to wider humanity.

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The Big Bang Theory


(I mean the TV show)


How can anybody with a triple digit IQ find that crap funny?


The entirety of my time spent watching that show has me thinking 'Oh. I see what they did there. Ha'. It's full of jokes which are just so...obvious, I guess? Also, Sheldon is the shittest character ever.

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The Big Bang Theory


(I mean the TV show)


How can anybody with a triple digit IQ find that crap funny?






The thing I don't understand is the Keep Calm 'brand'. Obviously it's "Keep Calm and Carry On" but in shops, I always see alternatives. It's just getting beyond a joke now. I didn't mind the gaming one, which was okay, but now there seems to be more and more and it's just getting old, repetitive and annoying. "Keep Calm and Drink Tea", "Keep Calm and Play Videogames", "Keep Calm and Blah Blah"...how about "Keep Calm and Shove This Fucking Brand Up Your Fat Arse and Never Speak About It Again!"

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I always get the impression with the big bang theory, that its written by people of low/average intelligence about how they perceive intelligent people are, or would act in amusing situations.

Some of the "intelligent" jokes seem like someones gone through a thesaurus and picked the most fancy words and phrases, then gone to wikipedia to get a general knowledge on the subject matter then forced it into what they think is something highly amusing

Isn't it a Chuck Lore production the guy who did two and a half men? it would explain a lot

maybe a better way to say it is its trying to be high brow when really it seems more low brow?


i know what i mean


Maybe i'm too harsh on it, having only seen the pilot and the first 2 or three episodes following recommendations from people at work, but i just found it so forced and only mildly amusing, the way some people go on about it you'd think it was written by Oscar winning screen writers with PHD's in comedy


that post also seems terribly condescending when its not meant to be

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As someone who is doing a PhD in Physics/Engineering, the first season of Big Bang was actually funny and pretty clever. They tended to have some simple jokes with a smattering of ones that you would only get if you knew a fair bit about 'science' etc.


But as the show went on, and the audience got bigger, presumably they had to cater to a lower common denominator and as such it has been getting less clever and more rubbish.


The middle seasons were still funny (i think), albeit with less academical in-jokes. The later seasons are just terrible.

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Oh god that is the most irritating thing ever! supposedly removing the sticker devalues them....because you need a shiny sticker saying authentic on a Lakers hat don't you...

I just want to go up and rip them off hats, which i must confess i do if i see them on shelves in stores, i remove the labels. i'm saving one douchebag from himself at a time.


uhhhh yes, how can someone who is famous for her dead father's money, a sex tape, and generally being white trash with money be considered famous and deserving of our respect, when they quite clearly don't respect themselves. I bet their father is spinning in his grave so much he could generate enough electricity to run LA


YES to both of your points here. So many people have those stupid sticker ridden hats and its dump as hell. I bought a Toronto Maple Leafs hat and tore that shit straight off I don't need people to know it's authentic.



Yes for the heir people. I used Kim Kardassian as my example. My girlfriend is like oh she's such an amazing person, such a great role model, she's had a hard life. Like whatever. She's only displaying a very public image of herself via these dumb reality shows that's not the real her I'm sure. As for being a role model? Of what how to become famous from absolutely nothing? To which she replies "yeah but she has her own shops and stuff" that effectively never have to make money to stay open.....that's not role model material to me. Finally hard life....please there are people who have it much harder that deserve peoples pity.



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No, I dislike it because its typical Chuck Lorre garbage. The comedy is forced, the characters stifled and the development non-existent. And that's before we get to the very troubling representation that is Sheldon.

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@Ashley @MoogleViper


I actually really enjoy the Big Bang Theory. Also, Sheldon is real. I have met people like that in real life so many times - I've even been accused of having character traits in common with him (honestly, my old therapist thought I tended towards Asperger's). I can really, really relate to his obsessive compulsive tendencies - bathroom regularity, which day for which food, germ phobia. I laugh at him and think "Christ, that's me... oh shit".


For example, we had a particular routine when I was at home for food:


Monday - Pasta and bacon. Either Carbonara or tomato pesto.


Tuesday - Lamb with green vegetables and mashed potato.


Wednesday - Sausages in one form or another.


Thursday - Chicken, usually casserole sometimes chasseur.


Friday - Jacket potatoes and baked beans.


Deviation from that drove me nuts.


I poop every day at 1pm and then at 6:30pm. I cannot start a book at bedtime: I have to start it at least an hour before bed otherwise I feel too stimulated by the new environment.


So you don't get it? Fair enough? But don't fucking insult people who do, because it makes you a supercillious, pretentious cunt. I don't "get" all these mafia games people play on the board, but I respect the fact that there are those people who get a kick out of them.


In fact, that's my thing I don't understand: People have different preferences and tastes. Respect that. Don't mock them. Remember, video gamers (as the majority of us are) are generally thought of unhygienic and socially inept by people who don't share our hobby.

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@Ashley @MoogleViper


I actually really enjoy the Big Bang Theory. Also, Sheldon is real. I have met people like that in real life so many times - I've even been accused of having character traits in common with him (honestly, my old therapist thought I tended towards Asperger's). I can really, really relate to his obsessive compulsive tendencies - bathroom regularity, which day for which food, germ phobia. I laugh at him and think "Christ, that's me... oh shit".


It's not that I don't feel that type of character is real, but rather we are being encouraged to laugh at him, get annoyed with him or outright hate him. In fact, in a recent taping Leonard slapped him off camera and the audience loved it (source).


Compare him to someone like Abed from Community (I know, I know) who does occasionally wind his friends up, but ultimately his friends love him and are understanding of his condition. Whereas in TBBT the characters all seem to at-best tolerate Sheldon, but quite often are found complaining about him. It's just...worrying. The tide seems to have shifted from siding with them to disliking them.

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It's almost like this thread is filled with people complaining about really stupid things.


I noticed that, it's not full of thing people don't understand (like why other people like wine, or not having push doors to toilets), but instead full of people just pointing out things that annoy them.


Surely you can understand why other people might like TBBT, or why people wear fashion that every else is wearing.

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and to a lesser extent for me, with beer. It all tastes disagreeable to me, i don't understand why people would drink it for pleasure and not just to get drunk. Red wine is the absolute nastiness.


Firstly, I agree with the red wine comment. I just don't 'get' it I guess.


But, beer. Beer is too general a term for this thread, see I don't particularly like the CAMRA-pleasing ales most pubs have, they're too bland. Same with a lot of IPA's just not my thing, but I love a good lambic, fruit sour, porter or etc. It's all classed as 'beer'. Some people like some styles and hate others.blah blah I don't really have a point. I just don't 'get' the word beer being used in this context.

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Compare him to someone like Abed from Community (I know, I know) who does occasionally wind his friends up, but ultimately his friends love him and are understanding of his condition. Whereas in TBBT the characters all seem to at-best tolerate Sheldon, but quite often are found complaining about him. It's just...worrying. The tide seems to have shifted from siding with them to disliking them.



But you see, I can COMPLETELY understand the relationship and why they need each other. And I cannot understand why you find the fictional relationships of fictional characters in an entertainment series worrying.

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Firstly, I agree with the red wine comment. I just don't 'get' it I guess.


But, beer. Beer is too general a term for this thread, see I don't particularly like the CAMRA-pleasing ales most pubs have, they're too bland. Same with a lot of IPA's just not my thing, but I love a good lambic, fruit sour, porter or etc. It's all classed as 'beer'. Some people like some styles and hate others.blah blah I don't really have a point. I just don't 'get' the word beer being used in this context.


Well I use a general term for beer because it literally all tastes the same to me. I couldn't tell the difference between a lager or a bitter, or a real ale or a IPA or a Weissbeer etc.


Since i can't tell the difference, i don't feel the need to differentiate between them. And similarly, i don't understand why anyone would drink any of them, they are foul to me.


I did read an article earlier this week that said they had discovered that finding coriander distasteful was genetic, i.e. some people think it tastes nice and citrus-ey, but some people literally think it tastes of soap and can't stand it. And this behaviour has nothing to do with what you were brought up with etc, it's stored in your genes. I wondered whether the same thing happened to me and beer/wine...

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Doors leading out of public toilets. I've just washed my hands and I'm exiting the room, but I have to grab the same door handle as the people who didn't bother washing their hands.


Why can't it be push to exit?


Wondered this for so many years. I think I concluded it's to avoid outside seeing inside, based on the very formal evidence of nothing at all. It's really rather quite nice when you find one that DOES open the other way though :D


Btw...wine is fine.


Well I use a general term for beer because it literally all tastes the same to me. I couldn't tell the difference between a lager or a bitter, or a real ale or a IPA or a Weissbeer etc.


Since i can't tell the difference, i don't feel the need to differentiate between them. And similarly, i don't understand why anyone would drink any of them, they are foul to me.


I did read an article earlier this week that said they had discovered that finding coriander distasteful was genetic, i.e. some people think it tastes nice and citrus-ey, but some people literally think it tastes of soap and can't stand it. And this behaviour has nothing to do with what you were brought up with etc, it's stored in your genes. I wondered whether the same thing happened to me and beer/wine...


I personally dislike coriander mostly BUT...I'm also brown? Surely it's in my genes to like it, no? I don't know a single other person in any of my family who doesn't like it! Interesting study though, will have to try and find it.


As for beer, I'm sort of with Twozzok on beer being too broad a term for something so varied. Lagers, ales, bitters, stouts, etcetc - definite difference. However, to stick the point of 'understanding' - I can understand how people don't understand beer - but that's exactly why it is what it is. It's a taste like no other, acquired(I did 'get' beer at 15/16, and swore I'd never drink it), appreciated. It's something that just nothing else is, I think. I guess a lot of alcoholic beverages are like that, actually.

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