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Things you don't understand.


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I sometimes find myself accepting technology too regularly. But the other day I had a surreal moment in my car.


'My foot is barely a foot off the floor, going 70mph in a metal box...'




Man technology is awesome, even when it breaks.

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I sometimes find myself accepting technology too regularly. But the other day I had a surreal moment in my car.


'My foot is barely a foot off the floor, going 70mph in a metal box...'




Man technology is awesome, even when it breaks.


I know we all complain about fuel bills, but it amazes me how little a car actually uses.


I can propel a 1.5 tonne vehicle, at 90mph, for over 20 miles, and it uses only 2 litres of fuel.


If I walked 20 miles I'd need more than 2 litres of water.

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I know we all complain about fuel bills, but it amazes me how little a car actually uses.


I can propel a 1.5 tonne vehicle, at 90mph, for over 20 miles, and it uses only 2 litres of fuel.


If I walked 20 miles I'd need more than 2 litres of water.


Haha, this is very true. I think I'd stop complaining if my pay related to how much I spent on fuel and how much companies over charge when they don't need to.


The actual consumption of a car isn't an issue, my little Betsy does rather well usually (240 mile round trip to my parents is just under a tank of petrol at 40quid). :D

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Seems to be a spate (i.e. 3 people) on my Twitter using some kind of automated "I walked x steps today, go me! [picture of graph]". I know its automated, and I'm sure it could be useful to you as an individual, but why should I care?


I know this is true of 99% of Twitter, but even so.

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I don't understand how some people can be passive or have no interest in music. I'm not really talking about taste, I'm talking about having no desire to listen to it or discover new music. It's almost the same as people who don't like watching films.


Genuine conversation with somebody at work:


"I'm off to the cinema tonight, can't wait, I'm seeing blah blah blah herpa derpa." (this is me)


"Oh, the cinema, I don't like it. I can't sit down for too long."


"Ok...do you prefer watching stuff at home then?"


"No, I don't really have time to watch films. I don't like sitting down and watching things, it's boring."




Why do I work with these people?

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I don't understand how some people can be passive or have no interest in music.




I'm a bit like this. If i had to give up one medium, it would probably be music, as i just don't care as much about it than others.


That's not to say i don't enjoy the odd song, but i am pretty passive about the whole thing.

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I really hate it when you try to have a conversation with somebody and they say "I don't know" when you ask them something about themselves! It frustrates me so much!


Genuine conversation with a potential date one time. We were talking on Skype and we were on cameras with one another but were typing. So we saw each other's profiles and added each other and she sounded pretty cool so I added her onto Skype. It's the shortest conversation I ever had:


Me: Hey

Her: Hello

Me: How are you?

Her: I don't know, really. You?

Me: I'm good. You been up to anything today?

Her: I don't know

Me: You had a lazy day?

Her: Yeah

Me: Ah cool...so you work as a volunteer in a charity shop, it's cool you do that, do you enjoy it?

Her: I don't know

Me: So you don't know if you enjoy doing something?

Her: Yeah, I can't really answer...

Me: Why, because sometimes you like it and sometimes you don't

Her: I don't know

Me: Ah, I see


*3 minute gap*


Me: So tell me a bit about yourself

Her: My name is [insert name here] and I'm 25

Me: ...anything else...

Her: I don't know

Me: Okay, what's your favourite movie?

Her: I don't know

Me: You must have one movie you absolutely love, one that you could watch again?

Her: Urm...I don't know

Me:...okay...anything you want to know about me?

Her: I don't know

Me: Okay, cool

Her: I have to go now, will you be back on to talk to me soon?

Me: I don't know


*Disconnected, blocked and deleted*


I have no time for people like that! -_-

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I'm a bit like this. If i had to give up one medium, it would probably be music, as i just don't care as much about it than others.


That's not to say i don't enjoy the odd song, but i am pretty passive about the whole thing.


Get Spotify and then thank me later.


There's a TON of new music you will discover just through that alone. Or do you just not get that emotional attachment with music?

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I use Spotify, but mainly just to listen to film scores and stuff, i find it hard to listen to stuff with lyrics while i'm working - it puts me off.


I realised the other day that for some reason i irrationally hate new bands....no idea why. If someone says 'oh yeah, have you heard this great new band, they're amazing', i will listen to it and go 'they're rubbish'. It's not until a few years later that i listen again and think, 'this is actually a good song'.


Maybe i just want to feel cool, like how some people say they dislike popular things like Harry Potter etc without any good reason to.


Anywho. Occasionally i will feel an emotional attachment to a song, but it's very rare, and it's normally because of some combination of notes rather than lyrics.

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I think you missed out on a hot night of action if you stuck it out.


She probably wouldn't know what to do with it. Imagine the foreplay! Holy shit! :p


I think that I don't know girl was clearly saying "Fuck off".


But then she added me on Skype. Why ask for your Skype and not talk?! She was weird.

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I use Spotify, but mainly just to listen to film scores and stuff, i find it hard to listen to stuff with lyrics while i'm working - it puts me off.


I realised the other day that for some reason i irrationally hate new bands....no idea why. If someone says 'oh yeah, have you heard this great new band, they're amazing', i will listen to it and go 'they're rubbish'. It's not until a few years later that i listen again and think, 'this is actually a good song'.


Maybe i just want to feel cool, like how some people say they dislike popular things like Harry Potter etc without any good reason to.


Anywho. Occasionally i will feel an emotional attachment to a song, but it's very rare, and it's normally because of some combination of notes rather than lyrics.


Harry Potter is shit though, so it's fine to dislike that. (trolololo)


Sounds like you like your instrumental stuff. I'm in love with Mogwai, and the majority of their stuff is instrumental. It varies too, some parts of it are so easy to listen to, and other songs get the blood pumping. I really, really recommend you give them a shot. If anything, some of their stuff makes excellent background music. They're not that widely known about, so you can get away with being cool and big them up, and others won't have a clue what you're on about.


Another one: Explosions in the Sky. Possibly Sigur Ros, too. Oh my. Musical erection right now.

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I know it understands stuff with code etc. How does it know what the code is to begin with!?


Now try to imagine how a brain, which evolved on its own, knows how to think and run every single process in your body and receiving signals from the bajillion sensors in the body.

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Now try to imagine how a brain, which evolved on its own, knows how to think and run every single process in your body and receiving signals from the bajillion sensors in the body.

That too.


Evolution as a whole. Single cell lifeforms suddenly thought "Let's double this shit up", and it goes crazy shit from there.

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