Oxigen_Waste Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Pretty much self-explanatory, right? Here we go: Wine - I keep trying it over and over with an open mind just to see if it eventually clicks, but it's been 10 years since I started trying to enjoy it and it just doesn't make sense to me. It tastes horrible and that's pretty much the only thing I can get from it, no matter how good or acclaimed the brand is. I don't understand it. Jazz - I listen to Jazz alot. I enjoy it very much as background music and it's particularly useful when studying or working because it keep my mind entertained without letting it get involved, however... I don't "get" it. I can't actively listen to it. It does nothing. I can get into some older and simpler Jazz stuff that actually has melody or something, but Free or Avant-Garde Jazz like Coltrane or Mingus just goes completely over my head. It's just random to me, even though I enjoy it as background music. The weird thing is it's pretty much the only musical genre I don't get... I can get into everything from Noise to Krautrock, but just not Jazz, for some reason. Tea - Much like wine, I keep trying to get into it, but it just doesn't make sense to me. I can't appreciate it, it just tastes like fruity water to me. I don't get it. =/ Dancing - Does not compute. I get that the whole "release" factor of it is awesome, and I do like the occasional slam dancing as a vent for that pent up male aggression, but the way most people seem to enjoy dancing is something that just flies over my head. I do not comprehend. And it's not that I didn't try... it just does nothing for me. It's such a dumb thing... oO Also, I absolutely hate people who try to get me to dance. If you do this, you are the worst person in the world. Yes, on 5% of people it might be because they're shy or whatever, but most of us don't dance because we don't like it, not because we're ashamed of you. Social Sim Games - Stuff like Animal Crossing and the social sim elements of Persona games. What the fuck is the purpose of this? oO It's not fun or rewarding, for me. I don't get it. At all. This might be the thing I get the least in the world. Concerts - I used to go to alot (like... ALOT) of concerts. Because that's what you do. One day I realized I just didn't enjoy it. I waste money to hear a band I like play their songs... the kicker being it's almost never as good live. And even when it is, what then? The "experience" never got to me. I just stood there nodding and eventually got tired of it 60% of the way through. Every single time. I always just wanted it to end already. Not for me. Gymns - I have nothing against the people who go to gyms to work on their muscles (although I do have a problem with that mentality), but those fucking drones just wasting away on the aerobics machines like the threadmills or bikes make me depressed. There's a fucking world out here ready for you to go running and cycling it across it, and yet you choose to do so in an oppressively sterile and shallow environment with crappy music blasting at full volume... I just... what the fuck is wrong with people??? The other day I invited a couple of friends to go on the boardwalk near the beach and they look at me like I'm an alien or something and just tell me I should go run with them in the gymn. For fuck's sake people, get your fucking priorities straight! So... What don't you understand, fellow N-Ers?
James Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 If that's how you do your beans on toast your doing it wrong.
Charlie Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Oxigen_Waste said: Concerts - I used to go to alot (like... ALOT) of concerts. Because that's what you do. One day I realized I just didn't enjoy it. I waste money to hear a band I like play their songs... the kicker being it's almost never as good live. And even when it is, what then? The "experience" never got to me. I just stood there nodding and eventually got tired of it 60% of the way through. Every single time. I always just wanted it to end already. Not for me. The 'experience' is the whole point of seeing a band play live. There's no point and going to watch a band play exactly like the CD because what would be the point? You want the energy of the front man, the crowd getting involved and having a great time. On-stage antics. Watch that and be converted.
Murr Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Oxigen_Waste said: Concerts - I used to go to alot (like... ALOT) of concerts. Because that's what you do. One day I realized I just didn't enjoy it. I waste money to hear a band I like play their songs... the kicker being it's almost never as good live. And even when it is, what then? The "experience" never got to me. I just stood there nodding and eventually got tired of it 60% of the way through. Every single time. I always just wanted it to end already. Not for me. I honestly thought this was just me getting older :p From the age of 15 to 23 I also went to alot of gigs / festivals and such. And would love it, Love being in the crowd, love trying to get close to the band, enjoy being involved in the mosh pits (99.9% of the gigs i've been to have been heavy / rock / metal etc). But now... I dunno I just get annoyed with gigs now. I Hate the wait before the warm up act, I hate being in the crowd, I hate being to far back as you can't see, I hate when the warm up act is finished you have to wait 30 mins + for either the next warm up, or potentially 45mins + for the headliner, I hate that when the headliner starts your position you've been stood in for the previous 90 minutes is lost to people behind you crowding and pushing forward. I just don't get it, I used to love seeing my favorite bands live. But now, I just dont bother with gigs at academies and such. Festivals I can still tolerate because I don't have to be that close, the stages are that big with massive screens either side I can be away from the crowd, Sat down with some beers on the grass and watch without the crush of the crowd. But like Ozzfest 2002, Download 2003... Fuck I lost trainers, Glasses, Mobile phones etc just from wanting to be in the crowd. As for other things... I Can't understand how people can cause harm to animals... Seriously, People on my facebook share pictures and such, and they share these campaigns of "Stop animal cruelty" and such, and the pictures of what people can do to cats & dogs.. I just cannot understand how anyone can seriously harm something as adorable as a kitten or puppy. Something fucked in the head of those people I just don't get it. I'm sure there's more... but I can't remember right now.
bob Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Oxigen_Waste said: Pretty much self-explanatory, right? Here we go: Wine - I keep trying it over and over with an open mind just to see if it eventually clicks, but it's been 10 years since I started trying to enjoy it and it just doesn't make sense to me. It tastes horrible and that's pretty much the only thing I can get from it, no matter how good or acclaimed the brand is. I don't understand it. I agree with you 100%, and to a lesser extent for me, with beer. It all tastes disagreeable to me, i don't understand why people would drink it for pleasure and not just to get drunk. Red wine is the absolute nastiness. I keep thinking that suddenly everyone is going to confess that it's all been an elaborate ruse on me, and they've all been hating it all these years too. Quote Tea - Much like wine, I keep trying to get into it, but it just doesn't make sense to me. I can't appreciate it, it just tastes like fruity water to me. I don't get it. =/ Yeah i agree with this too, tea never feels particularly refreshing to me. It always leaves a sort of 'Nyang nyang' taste in my mouth that makes me want to swill my mouth with something else. Quote Dancing - Does not compute. I get that the whole "release" factor of it is awesome, and I do like the occasional slam dancing as a vent for that pent up male aggression, but the way most people seem to enjoy dancing is something that just flies over my head. I do not comprehend. And it's not that I didn't try... it just does nothing for me. It's such a dumb thing... oO Also, I absolutely hate people who try to get me to dance. If you do this, you are the worst person in the world. Yes, on 5% of people it might be because they're shy or whatever, but most of us don't dance because we don't like it, not because we're ashamed of you. Concerts - I used to go to alot (like... ALOT) of concerts. Because that's what you do. One day I realized I just didn't enjoy it. I waste money to hear a band I like play their songs... the kicker being it's almost never as good live. And even when it is, what then? The "experience" never got to me. I just stood there nodding and eventually got tired of it 60% of the way through. Every single time. I always just wanted it to end already. Not for me. I think these might be related... I'm not a massive music fan, but out of all the gigs i've been to, the best ones are those that everyone is jumping around, dancing to the music and rocking out. The lamest ones are the ones where everyone just stands, listening, and nodding their heads. I don't think the point is the quality of the music, as it will inevitably be worse than the CD. But as Charlie said, it's about participation etc. I would add Italian Restaurants I don't mean Italian food, although i'm not a huge fan myself, but i can see how people would like the food. What i don't understand is why people are happy to go to a restaurant and order a small bowl of pasta with a dollop of sauce on it and pay £12 (15 Euros) for it. Italian food is the easiest cuisine to recreate at home i think, and the most overpriced when you eat out. It also seems to go hand-in-hand with the rudest waiters, but that's just my experience.
Beast Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 I don't understand... Bitches- It just really confuses me. What confuses me more is that they think it's funny to be a nasty bitch. It's about as funny as getting an STD to me. Facebook- I get Facebook but I don't get everybody's love over it, I guess, and I don't get people who typecertain things. Facebook traits are people who act so bad that even Jeremy Kyle doesn't want them. You have several: -The 'Virtual Plastics' Users I call them the Virtual Plastics because, for some reason, these people remind me of the Plastics from Mean Girls but virtually. You see the ones who type "Well, unlike some people, blah blah blah" or "Some people really need to shut up before I punch them" or something. Not only is the fact that the status is about one person most likely and they put some people (actually meaning that it's not just one person but other people agree with said person so jokes on them ) but it's irritating because I'd rather say it to their face instead of dragging the Internet along. YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US! :p -The 'Proud Parents' Users Don't get me wrong, I don't mind people who post pictures of their baby but when it's EVERY SINGLE POST YOU EVER MAKE, it kind of gets annoying. It's kind of annoying, too, when people say things like "Little Joe Bloggs went to the toilet, isn't he clever?!". -The 'Food Scoffer' Users These ones just post non-stop pictures of their food. This is just annoying because I'm on a diet and the last thing I want to see is A FUCKING BIG-ASS PIZZA WITH CHIPS! -The 'Attention Queen' Users You all know these ones, they're everywhere. The ones who say "OH MY GAWD, I'M SO FUCKING MAD!" and then you ask "What's wrong?" and they say "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!"....then why the fuck did you say you're mad for, knowing that people will ask you? I don't mind if they said "OH MY GAWD, I'M SO FUCKING MAD!" and then you ask "What's wrong?" and then they actually tell you but 9/10, they don't. -The 'Lovey Lovey' Users These ones are awfully common as well. It's the ones that say "I love you" nonstop to their significant other and they say it back and rinse and repeat. At first, it's like "Aww, that's sweet" but pretty soon, it's like you're having too much chocolate and you're left with that sickly feeling that you wish would go away. I don't mind it every now and again but EVERY DAY?! Those are all I can think of at the moment but this is why I can't be arsed for Facebook anyway. :p That's all I can think of for now, if I think of anymore, I'll write them down.
Charlie Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Animal said: -The 'Proud Parents' Users Don't get me wrong, I don't mind people who post pictures of their baby but when it's EVERY SINGLE POST YOU EVER MAKE, it kind of gets annoying. It's kind of annoying, too, when people say things like "Little Joe Bloggs went to the toilet, isn't he clever?!". I can go one worse here. I have a girl on my friends list who posts pictures of her nephew every fucking day. She got hidden a long time ago. It's not even her child!
Fierce_LiNk Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Oxigen_Waste said: Pretty much self-explanatory, right? Here we go: Wine - I keep trying it over and over with an open mind just to see if it eventually clicks, but it's been 10 years since I started trying to enjoy it and it just doesn't make sense to me. It tastes horrible and that's pretty much the only thing I can get from it, no matter how good or acclaimed the brand is. I don't understand it. Tea - Much like wine, I keep trying to get into it, but it just doesn't make sense to me. I can't appreciate it, it just tastes like fruity water to me. I don't get it. =/ Concerts - I used to go to alot (like... ALOT) of concerts. Because that's what you do. One day I realized I just didn't enjoy it. I waste money to hear a band I like play their songs... the kicker being it's almost never as good live. And even when it is, what then? The "experience" never got to me. I just stood there nodding and eventually got tired of it 60% of the way through. Every single time. I always just wanted it to end already. Not for me. I agree with you on wine. The stuff tastes disgusting. Tea: You mention fruity tea. From my experience, any tea that I've ever had outside of the UK has been baaaad. They don't seem to do PG Tips, or Tetley abroad. Tea bag, milk, sweetener. Do it the proper way, or don't bother at all, dude. As for concerts, I do understand what you mean, but I disagree. I think I've found that I prefer concerts where they're part of a festival, so you can move around between and go and experience other things. Pukkelpop in Belgium was brilliant when I went there and is my favourite musical experience so far, along with seeing the Manic Street Preachers in Cardiff. To enjoy it more, you need some sort of "connection" with either that band or the place you're seeing it. Seeing the Manics was almost spiritual, as they were the band I grew up with and I saw them in Cardiff, the heart of Wales. That experience will never ever be replicated. Seeing Mumford & Sons in the Marquee tent was brilliant. I much preferred the Marquee compared to the main stage. It's where you get the hardcore fans, all under one tent. I saw Jonsi and the Flaming Lips there too and they were both magnificent. So, that's what I think. Festivals > Individual Concerts, and usually Tent/Marquee/special stages > main stages. arab_freak said: Beans on toast. I mean, seriously? Beans on toast is Godly. Your picture is a very pool example. Add scrambled eggs to the mixture and you are on a high. What I don't understand: Smokers I don't see the appeal, especially with the drawbacks. It stinks, it's expensive, it's unattractive, the health risks, everything. A friend once got me to try a cigarette or two and I felt nothing. I don't understand how people can get addicted to it, because it's so bluddy boring and such a non-event in the first place. I am immediately put off by a girl who smokes. Packs in the Gym People who go to the gym in groups of 3 or 4, who spend an hour bench pressing, rendering it off bounds to others who want to use it. They follow this procedure. - Person 1 benches with low intensity for a few reps - They stop, and talk for 5 mins. - Person 2 gets under the bar. Spends 5 minutes under there talking before he even thinks about lifting. - They stop, and talk. - Person 3 does the same as person 2. - Person 4 gets in on the act. - Rinse and repeat for a full fucking hour. Also, the people that don't actually lift weights, they just occupy a bench and stare at others for the entire duration of them being there. Why bother going? It's going to take longer with the more people you take and you can just be sociable at home or at a pub. It slows down everybody else's workout, especially as equipment is limited. People who don't look after themselves This covers a lot of people. People who don't watch what they eat, don't exercise, don't do anything stimulating, you name it. We have a woman at work who is extremely obese, dangerously so. She cried last year when she saw how fat she was. I offered to help her out with losing weight. But, alas, the lack of willpower on her part meant she went back to stuffing her face and doing sod all. She has a chocolate tin at work... If you saw that you were huuuuge, wouldn't you at least try to do something about it? There are some exceptions, but the fast majority of people who get into this state have done so because they haven't exercised enough, they have a poor diet and lifestyle and they have terrible willpower. I just can't understand that mindset.
S.C.G Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Oxigen_Waste said: Pretty much self-explanatory, right? Here we go: Wine - I enjoy the odd glass of wine with a meal, I very rarely buy it myself but if it's 'there' then I will drink it but it's not something that I could consume a lot of. I don't really have a favourite as I find that there is very little difference in wine to me once you get to spending around £10 on a bottle. Jazz - Now, I hear you on this one... I do like Jazz but I've never really ever been able to understand it so I've just come to the conclusion that while Jazz is nice, it will only ever be background music for me. Tea - *sips cup of tea* this must just be one of those things that's down to culture, in England we seem to drink a lot of tea, now I do actually like tea myself - evidently - but I have to wonder... if I was born elsewhere in the world, would I actually be that 'into' tea? I suppose it helps that you can get a lot of good teas over here, if it's just a case of you've only ever tried 'cheap' tea then I could understand why you wouldn't like it, but if you're saying that you've tried a reasonable brand of tea - such as Twinings - and you still don't like it... then yes, I'd definitely just put it down to being one of those cultural things. Dancing - Yes... I've never quite 'got' dancing, I've tried it, I suppose it can be fun but at the same time I'm rather apathetic towards it. Social Sim Games - Games like 'The Sims' I can quite happily avoid like the plague but as someone who has just purchased the new Animal Crossing game on 3DS, I can honestly say that for that game alone it is most definitely 'the Nintendo difference' as when they make games, they always turn out 'better' regardless of what your preconception of that particular genre may be. Take Pikmin for example, I'd never really been 'into' RTS games - partially because I didn't 'get' them - and yet that game 'clicked' for me. So yes, I agree on 'sim' games, just not Animal Crossing... which reminds me, the shop should have opened in-game as it's gone 10am now. *loads up AC* Concerts - I've been to a few concerts/festivals, the best was probably Sonisphere when it was in its first year, it was a great experience as I got to see a lot of memorable bands but yet... not all of them were as good Live, would I go again? Probably not... it is a lot of money, but I'm glad that I've actually had the experience of going to a proper festival. Gyms - Again, I don't have a problem with people who want to work out... there's nothing wrong with that, but I do think it's bad when people try and push that kind of life-style on you, when you clearly don't want it. Them: 'Do you go to the gym?' Me: 'No' Them: 'why not?' Me: 'because I don't want to? I also just put it down to, I'll never understand some people. ------------------------------------- As for other things that I personally don't understand... Costa Coffee - Why would I actually choose to regularly spend £3.50 on one coffee when I'm on the way to work say... when I could just wait and have one on my break - or a nice cup of teat - for free? When you consider that you can buy a whole tin of decent coffee for less than £4 I just can't fathom why so many people will willingly spend up to £150+ a year on coffee when they are out - calculation based roughly on having one almost every day - when it's not even that great? Perhaps people just really like the customer service there or something... or enjoy being sat in a packed cafe as they have nothing better to do, I just don't understand it If it's every now and then, that I can accept but not all the time. :wink: *goes off to make a decent but reasonably priced coffee* Rubbish Films - I realise there is the issue of 'subjectivity' here but there are some films which are just universally shit, you can argue to the death that they aren't if you want but this still doesn't change the fact that they are awful in some way. Yet people still buy them? I'll try not to give too many examples so as to avoid de-railing the thread but recently... Battleship surely this is a film that most of us can agree on that is just rubbish, I still saw quite a few people buying it for full price at retail; personally I don't understand it... perhaps the film has some redeeming feature that I'm not aware of or maybe, it's just shit. Even so though I still can't understand why anyone would want to see that one film when there are so many 'better' films available. It's going to happen again when 'After Earth' gets released on blu-ray/dvd, I just know it, but I'll leave it there as I'm not here to argue. Drinking - I'll never understand why people actively want to drink themselves to death... sure I've been drunk a few times but not to the extent where my life is in danger, so yeah... I will basically never understand why people feel that they absolutely 'have to' drink to excess, especially if you have a problem, but a relatively small one and then just use that as an excuse. The only time when I might be able to comprehend it a little is if something really catastrophic has happened that changes your life but even then, there are other ways... ones less self-destructive. There are plenty more things that I don't understand but I'll just leave it there before I accidentally 'backspace' this post and then I'll be like... 'I don't understand why I didn't copy this to the clipboard'
MoogleViper Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 S.C.G said: when I could just wait and have one on my break - or a nice cup of teat - for free? Where do you work and how do I get a job?
Beast Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Charlie said: I can go one worse here. I have a girl on my friends list who posts pictures of her nephew every fucking day. She got hidden a long time ago. It's not even her child! That's definitely more annoying! That should be added to the Burn Book! :p
bob Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 MoogleViper said: Where do you work and how do I get a job? I think it's fairly obvious that he works in a brothel.
Jon Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Have to agree with Flink on the Tea front. Haven't sampled every countries attempt outside our borders but of those I have, they've been all rank. Gyms My hatred is a mix of what's been posted above. I hate groups who hog benches and racks and proceed to spend hours working one muscle. I absolutely cannot understand people who spend endless hours running on a treadmill instead of outside. It's scientifically proven fact how much better it is for your body running in nature than the unnatural movement of running against a belt. Although not as strongly, I also dislike runners in groups. If you're carrying off whole conversations, you aren't working hard enough. Clothes/Fashion There's many I could post here but the two that annoy most are people who wear their trousers half way down their arse, it's not cool and it's not clever, you can show off your arse in your own time. People who wear baseball caps tipped up or diagonally across. I like wearing them the normal way or on backwards but it defeats the purpose of a hat to only have it covering half your head. Manners Goods manners cost nothing. I absolutely despise people who don't say please and thank you and don't make an effort to hold a door open for you if you're going through immediately after them. Also, close your mouth when you're eating, it's disgusting.
S.C.G Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 MoogleViper said: Where do you work and how do I get a job? bob said: I think it's fairly obvious that he works in a brothel. I just work at my local Supermarket... They're quite good at looking after their staff though, you can get a 'standard' cup of tea or coffee for free in the staff room from the drinks machine, there are more 'specialist' coffee's available but they're something like 40p? - subsidised rates - which is much more reasonable than £3... I tend to just bring my own teabags though which still work out at less than 5p for a cup of decent tea.
ipaul Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Hmmm... Shit telly Similar to the rubbish films one mentioned earlier. The sheer amount of rubbish television that some people watch just baffles me. So many talent shows , competitions, puff pieces on celebrities. The odd guilty pleasure TV show is fine but people seem to watch way too much shit at a time when there's genuinely great television that's easily accessible. Strip Clubs Just...why? People who spend too much time making the front garden look nice Stop showing off, you're not gonna be spending any time there. Basics/Value Vodka (usually for pre drinks) It's like an extra £2/3 for something that tastes and feels almost immeasurably better, you'd probably spend that on the night out at some point anyway so just get a half decent spirit. People who generally don't listen to music But music is wonderful... Maybe I'll think of some more later.
MoogleViper Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 S.C.G said: I just work at my local Supermarket... They're quite good at looking after their staff though, you can get a 'standard' cup of tea or coffee for free in the staff room from the drinks machine, there are more 'specialist' coffee's available but they're something like 40p? - subsidised rates - which is much more reasonable than £3... I tend to just bring my own teabags though which still work out at less than 5p for a cup of decent tea. And what about the teats? Do you bring in your own?
Beast Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 Gyms- Similar to my Facebook hates, I also have names for some of these: -The 'Selfies' pack: These are the ones who take CONSTANT pictures of themselves lifting weights. The real kicker is that they lift a heavy weight, take a picture and never use the weight again. -The 'Poser' pack: These guys just LOVE to watch themselves exercise. For some reason, they get a kick out of it. These are also the ones who exercise with their tops off. Why don't girls do this? -The 'Sweaty Betty' pack: All you gym people will KNOW these ones. These are the ones who sweat all over the machines and don't clean up the sweat after themselves and jump on another machine. It's like "Have some damn consideration!" -The 'Chatty' pack: These ones don't even exercise, they just go into the gym and have a right gossip about shit. What is your point of being there if you ain't gonna exercise?!
Agent Gibbs Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 (edited) Man there are some good ones in here Wine Never understood it at all, its 99% of the time sour/bitter and just generally a chore to drink. I'm told its like this to be refreshing.......i suppose thats in the same way chewing some garlic would be refreshing and wine tasting/smelling i really don't get that at all Drinking I'm with @S\.C\.G on this, i don't understand the drinking to excess culture, my ex was like that and i couldn't understand the desire to be so drunk you acted like a buffoon, did things you'd regret and wake up the next day feeling like death - if you can't have a good time without being blind drunk, then you are doing something wrong. Alcoholics anonymous a bit of background; Two of my cousin's are/were alcoholics, one was a secret one for years and her marriage broke down, so all my family vilified her husband for it (when i was a kid) and then when it came out they'd burnt bridges, but she's thankfully recovering. My other one, after my uncle died he fell into depression and drank more than he did (always a big drinker but not an alcoholic) now he is practically killing himself. I don't understand AA at all! alcoholics have a lack of self control and can't stop themselves, the answer is to get them to learn some self control, but yet AA then sets them up on this precipice where they have to never ever ever touch a drop of alcohol, and take up religion on a big way, to substitute one addiction for another. Its just mad, people with eating disorders aren't asked to never eat, people who are shop-o-holics aren't told to not shop. To completely cut something out of their lives, when everyone else still drinks, or every social event has drink, and drink is everywhere, its just setting them up for an almost impossible task. It works for some because it teaches them restraint, but they can't put this to use and have the occasional drink like a normal person, because this is uber wrong and they are back to square 1! so they are left with this polarised situation of never drink, or if you've had one you might as well go back to 100 cans a day or whatever. It didn't work for my still alcoholic cousin, he had a drink and then thought oh i'm fucked may aswell drink and restart AA in X months, when if they'd been trained in moderation, he'd have thought "oh i've had a glass of wine, thats it for this week" and been fine like an average joe, and now he can't bring himself to never have any again so isn't going back to AA, and will probably die since his liver is failing My other cousin didn't get on with AA, and my Aunt simply enforced moderation and restraint, and she has chosen to not drink, but now she has socially had a drink, and not reverted to full blown alcohol, she's just been normal with it. And society as a whole seems to be okay with the AA set up, i just don't understand Moderation not abstinence is the answer Facebook uhhh everything @Animal said was so spot on! the parents one, reminds me of this Edited June 14, 2013 by Agent Gibbs
Grazza Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 I mean, obviously there are illegal things I hate, but there are two legal things I really don't understand: Horror/violence in films - Really don't get it, especially when people freak out over sex/nudity. Cruelty - Like playing pranks etc. I like having a laugh, but I don't understand anything nasty.
James Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 People who drink tea or coffee in the morning and simply cannot function unless they have one, get a grip, it's a drink. People who ask me the question 'What do you drink in the morning if you don't drink tea or coffee?'
Agent Gibbs Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 (edited) Grazza said: Horror/violence in films - Really don't get it, especially when people freak out over sex/nudity now you see this is an odd one, people say that violence in movies etc desensitizes people the violence, but i'd argue that all though it certainly could, the way it was done in the previous decades (e.g the A-team firing machine guns wildly at people and nobody is hit and just get a punch down) has just as bad an effect as it can give people an unrealistic view of violence and its consequences. I know what i've seen of violence now is shocking and totally contrary to what i perceived would happen from my experience in 80's movies etc, and now i have a healthy respect for the consequences of actions If its justified for the plot etc then i really don't see a problem with it think Game of Thrones, if it wasn't as brutally realistic it would just be a cheesy fantasy, however some films etc just rely on violence like SAW needlessly I want to add one SWAG its the stuff burglars took nothing more, please society just stop with its forced alternate Edited June 14, 2013 by Agent Gibbs
Beast Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 JonSt said: @S\.C\.G on this, i don't understand the drinking to excess culture, my ex was like that and i couldn't understand the desire to be so drunk you acted like a buffoon, did things you'd regret and wake up the next day feeling like death - if you can't have a good time without being blind drunk, then you are doing something wrong. Alcoholics anonymous a bit of background; Two of my cousin's are/were alcoholics, one was a secret one for years and her marriage broke down, so all my family vilified her husband for it (when i was a kid) and then when it came out they'd burnt bridges, but she's thankfully recovering. My other one, after my uncle died he fell into depression and drank more than he did (always a big drinker but not an alcoholic) now he is practically killing himself. I don't understand AA at all! alcoholics have a lack of self control and can't stop themselves, the answer is to get them to learn some self control, but yet AA then sets them up on this precipice where they have to never ever ever touch a drop of alcohol, and take up religion on a big way, to substitute one addiction for another. Its just mad, people with eating disorders aren't asked to never eat, people who are shop-o-holics aren't told to not shop. To completely cut something out of their lives, when everyone else still drinks, or every social event has drink, and drink is everywhere, its just setting them up for an almost impossible task. It works for some because it teaches them restraint, but they can't put this to use and have the occasional drink like a normal person, because this is uber wrong and they are back to square 1! so they are left with this polarised situation of never drink, or if you've had one you might as well go back to 100 cans a day or whatever. It didn't work for my still alcoholic cousin, he had a drink and then thought oh i'm fucked may aswell drink and restart AA in X months, when if they'd been trained in moderation, he'd have thought "oh i've had a glass of wine, thats it for this week" and been fine like an average joe, and now he can't bring himself to never have any again so isn't going back to AA, and will probably die since his liver is failing My other cousin didn't get on with AA, and my Aunt simply enforced moderation and restraint, and she has chosen to not drink, but now she has socially had a drink, and not reverted to full blown alcohol, she's just been normal with it. And society as a whole seems to be okay with the AA set up, i just don't understand Moderation not abstinence is the answer Facebook uhhh everything @Animal said was so spot on! the parents one, reminds me of this I have more Facebook groups but first I want to update my video thread so bear with me! :p Fierce_LiNk said: People who don't look after themselves This covers a lot of people. People who don't watch what they eat, don't exercise, don't do anything stimulating, you name it. We have a woman at work who is extremely obese, dangerously so. She cried last year when she saw how fat she was. I offered to help her out with losing weight. But, alas, the lack of willpower on her part meant she went back to stuffing her face and doing sod all. She has a chocolate tin at work... If you saw that you were huuuuge, wouldn't you at least try to do something about it? There are some exceptions, but the fast majority of people who get into this state have done so because they haven't exercised enough, they have a poor diet and lifestyle and they have terrible willpower. I just can't understand that mindset. Okay, I totally get what you're saying and a lot of people will roll their eyes when I say this but sometimes, it seriously is hard, especially when you're younger. When I was 11 or 12, I was around 18st and I got bullied a lot and, as much as this sounds unreal and funny, I used to eat my emotions away. Whenever I was upset, I used to eat and it used to make me feel better. Of course, it didn't in the long run but it comforted me and I felt better. I was weak and stuck in such a vicious circle. Everybody tried to help me but it's something that I couldn't help. But when I went to seniors school, the bullying was almost unbearable so I lost some weight but they found something else to bully me with but instead of comfort eating, I put my energies into boxing, swimming and weightlifting. My bullies were my motivation. However, I met this girl, she played me like a total fool and I started to comfort eat again and since then, I've not been the same and this was years ago. I tried to lose weight again but it got to the point where I wouldn't lose anything. Two weeks ago, I was 18st and was so depressed that I almost cried even. So I decided to do something about it and now I'm losing weight and trying not to comfort-eat when I feel down and it's working. I'm doing awesome at the moment and I'm dedicated like I've never been before, which is weird. I've been ill for a couple of days and I'm itching to go back to the gym. I guess what I'm saying is don't be too harsh with her, there might be more to it than you know...
Daft Posted June 14, 2013 Posted June 14, 2013 There's nothing like a hot cup of tea to calm my nervs.
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