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Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)


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No unfortunately this game is real. ;) We'll have to wait a while longer before we get a proper Mario title.


Define proper Mario title? This will no doubt get rave reviews and be fantastic fun to play, which is the whole point of games.


They're getting an audience who wouldn't go near a Galaxy-style game used to 3D Mario with this bridge title, before dropping a Galaxy game on us down the line. 3D World will be better at raising the Wii U install base, which is pretty vital at the moment.

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I'd pick 3D World over Galaxy 3 any day. This is a full 3D Mario with 4 player co-op and a sufficient leap forward. Galaxy 3 would be more Galaxy, which isn't a bad thing... but unnecessary. Galaxy and Galaxy 2 were perfect.


I find it hilarious people claim this isn't a proper Mario title when 3D World is more in-line with the 'classic' Mario games than the Galaxy series ever was.

Edited by Guy
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Define proper Mario title? This will no doubt get rave reviews and be fantastic fun to play, which is the whole point of games.


They're getting an audience who wouldn't go near a Galaxy-style game used to 3D Mario with this bridge title, before dropping a Galaxy game on us down the line. 3D World will be better at raising the Wii U install base, which is pretty vital at the moment.


^^^ This.


As long as I have fun playing this, I don't care. I have enjoyed all the 3D home console Mario games. Although I think they're all pretty different.


I'll admit, I'm not as excited for this as I was Galaxy and Galaxy 2, but it's still Mario and I can't judge it until I've played it.


The only bummer for me is the lack of online. There's no point having multi-player these days without online.

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They're getting an audience who wouldn't go near a Galaxy-style game used to 3D Mario with this bridge title, before dropping a Galaxy game on us down the line. 3D World will be better at raising the Wii U install base, which is pretty vital at the moment.


You've pretty much said the same thing - that this is a "bridge" to the Wii U's main Mario game.

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You've pretty much said the same thing - that this is a "bridge" to the Wii U's main Mario game.


Well, the issue is that this hasn't been officially confirmed. It's speculation that Nintendo did this to easily fill a slot in the release schedule. This may be all we're getting for years and years.


While I might buy this, I don't want this, nor do I want another Galaxy. Galaxy was way to linear, which killed any desire to replay any mission. And this game has the issue that you have the top-down view, which kills all immersion. Plus that the levels are too obviously made from tiles.


Don't get me wrong, I'll probably get it and play it a lot. But it's not what I'm expecting. It's not an evolution from Mario 64, in terms of gameplay I think it's ten steps back.

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I'm not a fan of the isometric view. I think the cat suits to put it politely look naff. This is another title to try and appeal to the mass market because of Galaxies sales compared to the NSMB series. They feel like it's a happy medium. I make no apologies for preferring Galaxies style than this. I'll reserve my final judgement until the game arrives but can't say I'm a fan so far. Again this is another title that looks like a copy and paste game because Nintendo have hit the panic stations to get games out.

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All of these levels could be lifted from a Galaxy game, minus the gravity mechanic.


Look at the ground. It's completely flat. Hence 2,5D.

Not to mention the zoomed-out camera and isometric view. This was okay in Mario Galaxy, because there was only one analogue stick, but now it's time to go back to Mario 64.

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Look at the ground. It's completely flat. Hence 2,5D.

Not to mention the zoomed-out camera and isometric view. This was okay in Mario Galaxy, because there was only one analogue stick, but now it's time to go back to Mario 64.

Camera is only "stuck" and isometric when you're playing multiplayer. You have complete control with it with the second analogue stick and the gyroscope in the controller


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That's a really good article, definitely worth a read (if a bit too much pointless waffle).


The game is looking and sounding glorious. I love the idea of interactive landscapes and trapping up to 5 Goombas in the pipe made me chuckle:




After reading this article it does help put the game in a better light.


Not jumping to conclusions, being biased and having a closed mind, also helps.

Edited by Ronnie
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25 things you may not know about Super Mario 3D World




After reading this article it does help put the game in a better light.


Great read, thanks! Although one part still makes me very said:


The question on everyone's lips is, who will be waiting for Mario at the end of World 8? The revival of Super Mario Bros 2's four-character gang has lead some to speculate about a potential Wart return, but the demo suggests otherwise. When Mario descends via chairlift to fight the boss of World 5, a Bowser face is clearly seen in the opening area.

Should you have the misfortune to die in the demo - er, we did it deliberately to test the game fully (that's our story and we're sticking to it) - the familiar outline of the lizard's face fills the screen. It wouldn't be Mario without him, but we do hope he's learned some new tricks: if we have to drop him off a bridge one more time we'll throw ourselves off a bridge.


We already "knew" this, but still :cry:

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Can't go wrong with a 3D Mario game.


Tight controls, colourful colour, and mustachiod mustaches :D


Still didn't expect it to look like this though, and the name is rather ridiculous




22. Music To Our Ears


A huge part of Galaxy 1 and 2's appeal lay in the bombastic scores and the way every note urged you to have as much fun as possible. Legendary composer, Koji Kondo, was on hand to protect Mario's core themes and contribute some new ones, while EAD Tokyo's own Mahito Yokota fed the lot through a honking great orchestra. The duo is reconvening for 3D World and already the five demo stages are sounding great (even over the hustle and bustle of a busy demo event). Leaning towards the sunny, synth-y side of Galaxy (more Toytime Galaxy than Gusty Garden) is a great fit for the 'gamier' World, and the new takes on old favourites are delightful. Hearing Rainbow Ride played on a real harmonica made us giddy. Paaaa-paaaaa-pa-pa-pa-pa...


Fuck yes!

Edited by Fused King
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