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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


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This...I disagree with. The comparison ReZ makes is against the 2D marios I presume, as that is what I compare DKC to(and always sort of have done). Re: Galaxy vs Sm64, that isn't this thread relevant per se - but I feel the latter is superior for being more accidentally open world, with a hub world and secrets in itself. If you genuinely play galaxy and find it more enjoyable, I cannot argue with that. I just do not myself.



My issue with this game, as I posed to you both - is I don't see what it is doing that's new? What's new and good about this that I should wish to purchase it, to play it?


Your problem is that you want everything to be a revolution. It doesn't work like that. DKC was revolutionary, whereas 2 and 3 were more of an evolution. It's the same with this. It's the evolution of the already fantastic formula, but just made even better.


It's a challenge. Although you might identify with some of the areas you recognise, the layouts are different, including how you get about place to place. The mechanics will be tighter, the enemies will be tougher. It's more about getting that balance right between offering a new entry of a series and a new game and experience. If you alter things too much, people can't identify with it because it differs too much to the original.


So, what's different this time? Being in HD is a start, as is the new angles which will change the experience. But, everything being tighter, having newer levels to traverse, seeing Dixie on screen. If you think of it in the same way as DKC2 is to the first, then that's more fair.

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What's new and good about this that I should wish to purchase it, to play it?


Erm, sorry to jump in but did you watch the trailer?


So we have a new character in Dixie being added to it which makes for different game play. 1 new thing.


New camera angles which makes for pretty awesome looking level design (as if it couldn't get more awesome). 2 new thing.


They shown a clip of an ice level which I don't remember seeing in DKCR - that's both a new aaannd a good thing. Also they shown underwater bits which again I don't remember seeing in DKCR (but not finished it yet!) - always a good thing, different way to play. 3 and 4 new / good thing.


Also, this is from the same people that brought us DKCR which frankly is an absolutely amazing game.

If you disliked that game, you probably wouldn't want to play this. But I can't see how anyone would dislike it. Building on a game that was one of the Wii's best titles is not a bad thing. I think that's reason enough to make people want to purchase / play it imo.

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Here's my opinion on this for what it's worth, pros and cons:


+ DKCR was amazing, one of the best games on the Wii and I loved it. Level design, graphics and music were all amazing. It was a real treat.

+ This looks awesome, the graphics look great.

+ DKC games sell really well and have a mass market appeal - it will no doubt do far better than any Metroid game in sales.

+ I will buy this, day one as it will be awesome - there's no doubting that.


- In the Wii U's short lifespan it already has NSMBU, NSLU and Rayman Legends - all AAA 2D platformers - does it need another this soon?

- The Wii U does lack an epic more mature Nintendo title that will push the system graphically and create beautiful HD worlds in a beloved Nintendo franchise, Retro are one of the few studios that could pull that off. It would have been good to showcase a game like that and played to a different audience as well as filling a gap in the Wii U's library that needs filling!

- IPs like StarFox, F-Zero, Kid Icarus or Battalion/Advance Wars are all great and underused (like many other Nintendo franchises). I for one would like to have seen something else be given the Retro re-birth magic just like Metroid and DKC were.


Overall, it's not terrible news. I will buy it, it will be great - but at the same time I do think something else may have been needed and would like to see other franchises be used more often.

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Erm, sorry to jump in but did you watch the trailer?


So we have a new character in Dixie being added to it which makes for different game play. 1 new thing.


New camera angles which makes for pretty awesome looking level design (as if it couldn't get more awesome). 2 new thing.


They shown a clip of an ice level which I don't remember seeing in DKCR - that's both a new aaannd a good thing. Also they shown underwater bits which again I don't remember seeing in DKCR (but not finished it yet!) - always a good thing, different way to play. 3 and 4 new / good thing.


Also, this is from the same people that brought us DKCR which frankly is an absolutely amazing game.

If you disliked that game, you probably wouldn't want to play this. But I can't see how anyone would dislike it. Building on a game that was one of the Wii's best titles is not a bad thing. I think that's reason enough to make people want to purchase / play it imo.


What is your classing of new? Dixie isn't new? She was in the SNES games!


Camera angles....I saw that, but do they really revolutionise gameplay?


DKCR - I played it briefly, was bored and underwhelmed - it felt just like old DKC games which I didnt really play as it was. My issues is, it feels like old games. What did DKCR do new compared to DKC etc? Or what does this do compared? Underwater afaik isn't knew to DKC series either.


Ice level? Revolutionary. I need a mixup in my gameplay! I can buy/play old games now due to various services - but I don't want my new games to basically be redone old games.



Did you play much of the older DKC games, @Aneres11?

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Definitely two separate issues here:


1) This does look good, simple as that really. We can argue Mario vs Donkey Kong, but it doesn't really matter (personally, I think New Super Mario Bros is a tad underrated, and Donkey Kong Country is a tad overrated due to the impact the SNES game's pre-rendered graphics had at the time).


2) Retro Studios. When this was announced I didn't know it was by Retro Studios and just enjoyed the trailer, but I can see people's point of view here. It's not that the Wii U needs a "mature" game, not at all. It's more that a Retro Studios game used to mean something else. Remember Metroid Prime, when you landed on Tallon IV, how there was a whole world to explore. How there was an amazing atmosphere and you could inspect things in tiny detail. How it used a game engine that was at the cutting edge of 3D graphics.


Well, since we knew how good Retro Studios were at creating explorable, 3D worlds, people's minds drifted towards other things - Zelda, Kid Icarus, more Metroid or even their own franchise, Raven Blade. It's not that people want them to revive every Nintendo franchise, just that there were some that seemed to suit them more than others. Personally, I didn't think Star Fox fitted that bill, but at least it could have had spectacular 3D space battles.


So personally, I will never get bored of a 2D (or 2.5D) platformer done well, but it's hard to deny the Wii U needs more in-depth, immersive games as well.

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Chandra Nair (ONM Editor):

"Michael Kelbaugh (Retro) says that it was hard to decide whether to go with Metroid or not but they felt they had unfinished business w/ dk"


No doubt they're making another superb game but I'll look at it this way.


They're saving the best for last!

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I'm not meaning to be actively against it, but I just feel apart from graphically...what is it doing better than the original SNES/GB DKCs - is it enough for 3/4 gens later? Admittedly I think gameplay is gameplay and that's what makes a game - but that's one of my issues; has the gameplay for these evolved enough in all that time?

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I like the new enemy designs :) Keep pushing the limits of the genre, Retro!


But the worst is that this is what Retro have been working on all this time.


Retro are gone.


Hyperbole much?


When Retro made sequels to Metroid Prime that didn't even come close to the original's quality, did anybody say "Retro are gone"?


I love what Flinky said. The rumours about Starfox and F-Zero were made out of thin air. Especially considering that Retro Studios have absolutely no history of making quality shooters or racers (Mario Kart 7 wasn't actually developed by them, you know). Even the Zelda rumour was wishful thinking more than anything (yes, they came up with a concept named Raven Blade...more than 10 years ago).


This is only a disappointment because the expectations were ridiculous in the first place.

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When Retro made sequels to Metroid Prime that didn't even come close to the original's quality, did anybody say "Retro are gone"?


No, because the reviews pretended the 3rd one was the best, and that motion controls were an improvement. :heh:

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I never expected them to be working on F-Zero or Starfox, I thought it would be Metroid or a New I.P.


Either of which would be a system seller, showing exactly why you need a Wii U in your life through unique, innovative use of the Gamepad and high end HD visuals.

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Great video game composer. We're talking about DKR quality over here!


EDIT: Looked him up and he's composed for the Donkey Kong Country games in the past which is probably why this is big news for them. I haven't played those games yet.

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Sorry, who is David Wise and why are we all excited?? Should I hang my head in shame for not knowing?




He's the dude who created the masterpiece that is the original DKC Trilogy soundtrack. He also did the equally awesome Diddy Kong Racing soundtrack.


Great video game composer. We're talking about DKR quality over here!


EDIT: Looked him up and he's composed for the Donkey Kong Country games in the past which is probably why this is big news for them. I haven't played those games yet.


What kind of forum is this? :(

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Sorry, who is David Wise and why are we all excited?? Should I hang my head in shame for not knowing?


He did the SNES DK games and Diddy Kong Racing!!I hope he hasn't lost his the ability to create ear-tickling tunes - after all the bland recycled pap in NSMB we deserve something special! Very good news indeed :)

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Kenji Yamamoto will be collaborating with David Wise.

I was thrilled but admittedly surprised that Nintendo took stage time to announce that David Wise, beloved Donkey Kong Country composer, would be working on the newly-announced Wii U title, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. After hearing this great news, I wondered what the fate of Donkey Kong Country Returns composer Kenji Yamamoto was.


We were able to confirm at the Wii U software showcase this morning that David Wise will in fact be collaborating with Kenji Yamamoto, whose name has been associated with the Metroid series (including Super Metroid and the Prime trilogy) in the past. Retro Studios audio director Scott Petersen will also be joining the team, bringing together the best of both music worlds: DKC of old and Donkey Kong Country Returns.


DKC:TF will be music heaven. :)

Edited by Dante
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The main thing is doers it show off the Wii U? No. Will it be THAT different from reutnrs? Highly unlikely. Along with Mario and a 10 year old Zelda game, what is new the wii u is offering? Coupled with Nintendos continued practice of abandinig their controller "innovations: - what exactly about the wii u will make people want ti buy one in 2013?


Like I keep saying, this is Nintendo in HD for the first time, i think people were excited to see what they'd do - they launched with a 2d mario, a mini game compilation, they're bringing out a game blatantly moved over from the wii, another 2d platformed, another mini game compliation, a 10 year old game no one's quite sure even looks that much better and a mario game based on a handheld game.... This is not the big exciting HD era splash people expected and wanted from Nintendo. Will they all be great games, undoubtedly, will I have loads of fun, yup. But is it REALLy exciting? Not really. Does it feel like a new gaming generation? Not at all. Is it showing whats so amazing (which I think it is) about the gamepad? Nope. Is there anything to convince people to buy a wii U? Sales will show that as a big no (unless a HUGE price cut).


2014 looks amazing. It's going to be a rough ride, getting rougher before that!

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