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Mario Kart 8


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Yeah exactly. It's a piece of piss in comparison to the earlier games (especially Super Circuit, where you had to collect at last 100 coins IIRC and you weren't allowed to use items at all if you wanted that illustrious triple star rank! :o )


Shame that there's no more advanced form of ranking in single player GP, but I suppose that's what time trials are for!

"piece of piss"? Try 150cc, it will not let you do it. I just got pummelled by more green shells then I ever have done in a Mario Kart game

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"piece of piss"? Try 150cc, it will not let you do it. I just got pummelled by more green shells then I ever have done in a Mario Kart game


Yeah, I'm constantly getting screwed over in it. I constantly get coins, get hit with green shells that may as well be red and get showered with lightning bolts ALWAYS when I'm in mid air.


I'll probably finish off 150cc but I'm not gonna bother 3 starring Mirror Mode, especially now that I know you get sod all for it.

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After a bit of testing, despite using Toad since MK64, it turns out I can actually do better with heavier characters.


I also noticed that the speakers on the Badwagon move in time to the music.

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Yeah, I'm constantly getting screwed over in it. I constantly get coins, get hit with green shells that may as well be red and get showered with lightning bolts ALWAYS when I'm in mid air.


I'll probably finish off 150cc but I'm not gonna bother 3 starring Mirror Mode, especially now that I know you get sod all for it.


Can you really live without having all those star icons on the GP screen and leaving it incomplete though? You know that your OCD will get the better of you eventually ;)

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@RedShell @dazzybee @Jimbob

It does indeed load your friends after a wait. This time is for the Mario Stadium track.


I left it for ages and the on,y time that pops up is jimbob... The mode is utter wank, they've destroyed yet another mode (though I don't mind the new battle mode)... This is easily patchable though, so hopefully they will, but they never added friend score sharing on the 3DS.... I really do wonder why games journalists don't quiz Nintendo more on their bizarre/idiotic decisions.

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Only one I have ever 3 starred was the 3DS one. I'm used to not having 3 stars. :D


Lol! Good answer :laughing:


The only ones I didn't so myself were Wii (too lazy - and it's my least favourite MK game anyway) and 7 (I left it at 2 stars on purpose just to be That Guy :p - seriously! Everyone had 3 stars in that game, at least a 2 star person was different ;) )

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Yeah, I'm constantly getting screwed over in it. I constantly get coins, get hit with green shells that may as well be red and get showered with lightning bolts ALWAYS when I'm in mid air.


I'll probably finish off 150cc but I'm not gonna bother 3 starring Mirror Mode, especially now that I know you get sod all for it.


the coin item is useless, there are coins littered all over the track anyway, they should have just left it out or replaced it with the feather or something. Plus do we really need a mushroom, triple mushroom and gold mushroom?

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Where has the mini-map gone when you're racing? Highly annoying, you can't see how far ahead you are.


Play with the pro controller, put the gamepad on the stand and set it to just show the map. Sorted.


Completed Mirror mode this morning. Did anyone else find it incredibly easy compared to 150cc?


3 stars on all modes.


Doing the time trials to get the stamps is boring me a bit but needs to be done before I start playing online properly.

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the coin item is useless, there are coins littered all over the track anyway, they should have just left it out or replaced it with the feather or something. Plus do we really need a mushroom, triple mushroom and gold mushroom?


Yeah I agree, the coin item is kinda completely rubbish most of the time. I love the new triple mushrooms though, love how you can steal them off the other players if they don't use them in time :laughing:


Also, getting rid of the whole hold-one-item-while-grabbing-another was the best thing that they've ever done in regards to the item system! Love it! No more having someone in 1st place being untouchable with 6 bananas in tow! :yay: Goes a long way towards making races closer and more exciting in general :)

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the coin item is useless, there are coins littered all over the track anyway, they should have just left it out or replaced it with the feather or something. Plus do we really need a mushroom, triple mushroom and gold mushroom?


Yeah, I simply don't understand why they brought the coin back. It's a hindrance more than anything.

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My mate and I pretty much got gold on all cups (including mirror). Only need 2 more.


I think this game is incredibly random. Sometimes it was easy as piss to win, sometimes it was literally impossible...shell- and lightning-hits all over the place. We could race like gods but get fucked up over and over again. :indeed:


I'd say: "Unlucky", but when the destruction happens in 60%-70% of all races it gets really annoying.



Well, still a solid game, but I have to retract my statement that "I appreciate Nintendo's ability to still make good games."

Once again they disappointed me more than they made me like them.



Yayayaya, "buzzkill"; "you just suck at playing the game"; "it's perfect". :p

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That's Mario Kart for you drakhon! Always been like it!


It is annoying when you keep getting coins when you're in first place, but at least you get a little boost when you pick one up.


Haven't had much time on it yet but have completed everything on 50cc. Gonna give the online a go today :D

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My mate and I pretty much got gold on all cups (including mirror). Only need 2 more.


I think this game is incredibly random. Sometimes it was easy as piss to win, sometimes it was literally impossible...shell- and lightning-hits all over the place. We could race like gods but get fucked up over and over again. :indeed:


I'd say: "Unlucky", but when the destruction happens in 60%-70% of all races it gets really annoying.



Well, still a solid game, but I have to retract my statement that "I appreciate Nintendo's ability to still make good games."

Once again they disappointed me more than they made me like them.



Yayayaya, "buzzkill"; "you just suck at playing the game"; "it's perfect". :p


Tbh right now, all these negative comments are really helping me out while I wait for Yodel to actually deliver the game. Still no digital copy... still no physical copy. I'm pretty tempted right now just to cancel my order, let yodel take it back to Nintendo and order it from shopto.. I'll probably get it quicker that way.


It is annoying when you keep getting coins when you're in first place, but at least you get a little boost when you pick one up.


In the original smk I seem to remember you could keep picking up coins, there was no 10 coin limit, you just got no added boost beyond 10 coins. At least there the coin item gave you a buffer, you could protect your 10 coin speed. In the current version, once you have 10 coins are pointless (unless you can pick the ones off the track to deprive oponents of that source of coins). With the 10 coin limit they should either prevent the coin item appearing when you have 10 coins, or give them some purpose.. like make them anti coins you can place down on the track to detract from opponents coin tally... A bit like a less powerful banana.

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That's Mario Kart for you drakhon! Always been like it!


I've played almost every Mario Kart and it has never been like this.


Rubberbanding, yeah. But the ultimate destruction is much more present in the current installment.

Again, I would really like to say: "tough luck, happens sometimes" but it's so frequent that it is dampening the experience and positive impression I had :(


Tbh right now, all these negative comments


Don't get me wrong. I didn't want to bash the game. Objectively it is a solid installment of the series and I can see why people enjoy it so much.


My experience, however, hasn't been great. Not even good. Which is sad, because I hoped it would change my opinion of the Wii U and Nintendo itself :(


like make them anti coins you can place down on the track to detract from opponents coin tally... A bit like a less powerful banana.


My mate and I had the same idea. As you said: like a less powerful banana. Make them rotate in the opposing direction (to give others a chance to spot them) and there you go: Non-useless-item.

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The coin is handy if you get hit, you can get your coin count back up quickly. Obviously a weapon to block would be better.


Had this happen to me yesterday in an online game.


Thought the Redshell had passed or was going for someone else but it turned around and got me! I had a banana which obviously I can't use to defend from the front!


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Don't get me wrong. I didn't want to bash the game.


I will get you wrong until/unless the game turns up :D


5 hours since it left the service centre. Would have been nice, as I didn't get the digital offer, to have received the second part apparently offered in those emails, of the physical copy by midday. meh.

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Why isn't this in the game? It's a square, it was perfect 20 years ago and without a doubt my all time favourite battle mode track. I hope it's brought back as DLC along with the feather.




Something so simple brought hours and hours of fun. Only 2 things are holding this game back from a truly great game to being perfect, in game voicechat and battle mode. We've been over voicechat so I'll leave that alone. I've been avoiding some of the spoilers in the lead up to the games release but I'm now starting to pay attention. I watched IGN's live feed the other day and everything looked perfect except this mode. I'm trying to remember their summation ver batim, "It's there, it's crap and we don't like it". Well something along those lines and watching videos it does look terrible. I can only guess they ran out of time and just reused the tracks for Battle Mode.


Patch in those 2 things and it'll be near perfect and maybe the map that others are talking about. It's a bank holiday here this weekend so I'm going to be out, at a festival and pissed most of the time so I'll get the game early next week. No panic, I should be ready by Thursday. The league starts this Thursday right? Not making any long term commitments as I'm out of practice and I'll see how the first night goes.


Once last time, look at that picture, it's so simple, a friggin square but it was brilliant. Each quadrant had it's own colour and it was quick to get around. It was mayhem in there with green shells ricochetting between the walls of the lanes and using the feather to jump between lanes and escape carnage. I remember jumping outside the track, don't think you lost a balloon for doing that, could be wrong. Anyway that track was one of my abiding memories of the SNES. Up there with ALTTP, Super Metroid, Secret Of Mana and SF2.

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Why isn't this in the game? It's a square, it was perfect 20 years ago and without a doubt my all time favourite battle mode track. I hope it's brought back as DLC along with the feather.




Would be awesome.





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Looks like it's just us two still waiting for the game!


No, I'm still waiting, too. And, will be after you 2 get yours! :shakehead


But, that's the choice of living in another country.


Is it possible to play local multiplayer with player 1 on the gamepad screen and player 2 on the TV screen? Like how it works in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed>


No, the split screen on the TV is duplicated on the Gamepad???? Why????


And, just finished a Lego Batman 2 session with the little one, and 18 friends online, 16 playing MK8, so jealous!!!

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God-damn 150cc Bullshit, when you get item raped on the last lap and end up 6th it's highly annoying, but when you pull off a last second race win steal it's all the more satisfying.



^The relief I felt when i crossed the line there. The adrenaline rush man. Something I failed to feel with Mario Kart 7.

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