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Mario Kart 8


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after 18 straight defeats I finally broke my duck against @RedShell.


Are bikes faster? I have noticed that the majority of players with high rankings online seem to use bikes. Also had a bunch of races with @Zechs & @Blade they both had the same bike set up and i could not get near them most of the time.


I don't think it's because they're faster, it might just be because of the inside drifting some of them have.

You can take some insanely sharp corners with practice.

Don't underestimate coins either, they make quite the difference.

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Are bikes faster? I have noticed that the majority of players with high rankings online seem to use bikes. Also had a bunch of races with @Zechs & @Blade they both had the same bike set up and i could not get near them most of the time.


They are slightly faster but karts are better at handling corners going by the number of times I've overtaken them on corners.


I always use a kart, not used a bike yet.

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In the MK Nintendo Direct they showed us a comparison video between karts and bikes, trying to determine which was faster. It the end the point was Karts were marginally (as in 1 or 2 seconds per race) on some surfaces, bikes marginally faster on other surfaces. So neither is faster generally it just depends if you're on a circuit or a beach for example.

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after 18 straight defeats I finally broke my duck against @RedShell.


Are bikes faster? I have noticed that the majority of players with high rankings online seem to use bikes. Also had a bunch of races with @Zechs & @Blade they both had the same bike set up and i could not get near them most of the time.


Karts tend to have a higher top speed and bikes have higher acceleration so if you use a light character pick a kart and if you use a heavy character pick a bike. Also some bikes have tighter drifting where instead of sliding around turns they just turn really tight, however it's difficult to take wide drifts and charge up a red mini turbo.

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I'm not sure if it has been expressed already, but can I just say I love the Pirahna plant item in this game. It's so devastating when around a pack. It is sad though when it vanishes just as you're about to catch someone. It does make corners slightly harder to turn due to the varying speed but I guess that balances it a bit.


On the other hand I really don't like the boomerang. Maybe if it was lower and heavier I'd prefer it. It's far more difficult to aim than a shell and isn't really fun to use, although maybe I'm missing the complexities of boomerang tactics or something.

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It would be nice if there was a button configuration option. I'm happy with the gamepad and the pro controller but I tried out the remote and nunchuk today and it's awful. I want to switch C for B and vice versa but because I can't I won't ever be using that control method again.

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I'm not sure if it has been expressed already, but can I just say I love the Pirahna plant item in this game. It's so devastating when around a pack. It is sad though when it vanishes just as you're about to catch someone. It does make corners slightly harder to turn due to the varying speed but I guess that balances it a bit.


On the other hand I really don't like the boomerang. Maybe if it was lower and heavier I'd prefer it. It's far more difficult to aim than a shell and isn't really fun to use, although maybe I'm missing the complexities of boomerang tactics or something.


Oh yeah, the plant is great when you have it, the damage it causes!!


Extremely frustrating when on the receiving end of it though.

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Is it just me, or has the online got less active on this all of a sudden? :blank:

Couldn't seem to find any games with more than 4 or 5 players today. icon13.gif


Gave up and decided to do some vs CPU Spiny Shell training instead: :grin:


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But yeah, perhaps it's about time Nintendo released that crappy car DLC, or got the Amiibo stuff on the scene...

You know, as part this "keep the momentum going" plan of theirs. :indeed:

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I played this game for a while now.

The graphics are impressive, it's too bad Nintendo deleted or changed so many nice features from past MK games and added useless stuff in return.

At least bikes aren't as overused as they were in Mario Kart Wii now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pretty sure everyone here is well aware of the league by now, but perhaps not the theme nights (which start this week) so...




You'll never get to experience this kind of insanity with just local/random online multiplayer, so I urge anyone that has the game to take part.

It be hella fun. ;)

: peace:

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