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Official E3 Nintendo Direct Discussion - 11th June @ 3pm


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I feel conflicted regarding Mario World. The game seems to be a lot of fun and looks quite good. My problem is that it feels too obviously built from tiles. The areas are square, with sharp 90 degree edges. And of course, to me, top down cameras essentially kill off the immersion. I don't know, those two factors together reminds me of Sonic 3D Blast:


Yes, I see what you mean. Sonic Blast is isometric and, coincidentally, I've just read an article describing Super Mario 3D World as "largely isometric":


Super Mario 3D Worlds does look fun, but the largely isometric graphics make it appear worryingly like a HD 3DS title. The game will have a four-player co-operative option, featuring the line-up from Super Mario Bros. 2: Mario, Luigi, Toad (who can run faster), and Princess Peach (who can briefly hover).



Edited by Grazza
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Glad he brought up 3rd parties!!! Reggie was pretty honest basically accepting that sales are the reason why 3rd parties have bailed.


I did find it funny where he talked about the other conferences and letting the consumer know what there getting. E3 2011 & 2012 says hello Reggie.

Edited by liger05
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Personally I thought it was a really great E3 from Nintendo, the best one for years. Once the disappointment about Retro's game and 3D World subsides, I think people are going to look back at Nintendo's showing and appreciate it a lot more.


I can't understand people who are complaining that Nintendo didn't 'bring the games'.

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Personally I thought it was a really great E3 from Nintendo, the best one for years. Once the disappointment about Retro's game and 3D World subsides, I think people are going to look back at Nintendo's showing and appreciate it a lot more.


I can't understand people who are complaining that Nintendo didn't 'bring the games'.


people want games in 2013!

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Personally I thought it was a really great E3 from Nintendo, the best one for years. Once the disappointment about Retro's game and 3D World subsides, I think people are going to look back at Nintendo's showing and appreciate it a lot more.


I can't understand people who are complaining that Nintendo didn't 'bring the games'.

Once people watch the HD Mario World stuff, and the Developer Direct, they really begin to appreciate it

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people want games in 2013!


You mean like Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Super Luigi U, Wind Waker, Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong, Sonic Lost World.... + all the eshop and 3DS games


That's surely enough for the next 6 months. Next year isn't looking too shabby already either.

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UPDATE: Few updates from Mark Rubin on GameSpot live stream on Wii U: They don’t want to talk about it yet because they “want to be mysterious” and PR won’t let him; probably not launching November 5th. Will launch when next-gen versions launch.




And has anyone got the New Nintendo mii yet from Spotpass on your 3DS?

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Yep, the next interesting Wii U game (Arkham Origins) is coming out on October 25th. That's 4 months away...




Pikmin, the Wonderful 101 and Rayman (to name a few) are out before then. All are very interesting. In fact, I want all of those before Arkham.

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Now I've had time to digest the decision to drop the E3 conference I wanted to share some thoughts.


I understand the need to change things up; their press conferences are usually, at best, awkward and this year Nintendo was up against two new pieces of hardware. The odds were against them and in a way i feel their choice of format was pre-preemptive damage control. Since the Direct - which was nothing short of a disaster - Nintendo have updated us with trailers and developer interviews which as, at least, eased the disappointment. There's some great comments and views coming out of the Developer Directs and it makes me wonder if that's a better way of doing things - Nintendo should serve up Directs covering just one game - with developers rather than Iwata. These have done a far better job at kindling some kind of interest in titles than Iwata in his Nintendo Direct.


Nintendo just aren't very good at E3, perhaps they just need to stop embarrassing themselves and find a new outlet for their promotion?

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yeah i'm with you on that! the developer directs have done more for me than the direct, in a way the direct seem unfocused and too concerned with getting snippets of info out, it would have been better amalgamated into one coherant direct where the developer direct bits were a part of the main direct, rather than the tiny trailers



initial disappointment gone, i'd say that was actually a pretty awesome nintendo direct

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What are these developer directs ye keep mentioning did they hsppen last night? Are they on youtube?


Playable straight from the eShop too! Large E3 banner at the top!


Those Developer Directs are amazing! This is going to be a good year for Nintendo fans, and next year, even better!

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Pikmin, the Wonderful 101 and Rayman (to name a few) are out before then. All are very interesting. In fact, I want all of those before Arkham.


Nah, I'll rather go with Saints Row 4 and Grand Theft Auto V instead. Pikmin 3 is sort of semi-interesting, but I fear it's just more of the same with minimal improvements (played through Pikmin 2).

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UPDATE: Few updates from Mark Rubin on GameSpot live stream on Wii U: They don’t want to talk about it yet because they “want to be mysterious” and PR won’t let him; probably not launching November 5th. Will launch when next-gen versions launch.




And has anyone got the New Nintendo mii yet from Spotpass on your 3DS?


Hmmm, I think they have basically left it very open ended. Wouldn't be surprised if COD didn't come out on Wii U at all...

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Just thought I'd share this, because it's an interesting topic that we've talked about in length about in other threads over the years.


Miyamoto on how he decides whether to build a new IP or try to innovate something new within one of Nintendo’s existing properties….


So this is actually a discussion that I think is tricky to balance, and certainly internally at Nintendo we have people on the teams who say, “Wouldn’t this be better if we created a new IP around it?” But to me, the question of new IP really isn’t whether or not [you have a new character]… I look at it from [the perspective of] what is the gameplay experience in the game you’re playing? For a lot of people, they would say if you take an old game and wrap a new character around it, that’s a new IP, but that game is still old, and the experience is still old. So what we’re doing is we’re always looking at what type of new gameplay experience can we create, and that’s the same for whether we’re playing with one of our existing IPs or we’re doing something new.


Pikmin 3 is a good example; the Pikmin characters were something that were born out of a new gameplay idea when we first came up with that game. We created the gameplay idea first and we decided that the best characters suited for that gameplay idea were Pikmin characters. That’s where the Pikmin IP came from. Similarly, if you look at our booth here, we’re showing it as a showcase of all of Nintendo’s great characters, but in each and every one of those games the gameplay experience is what’s new. So from my perspective, it’s not a question of just how can we create a new character and wrap it around an old game and put that out and call it a new IP. It’s always about starting with a new gameplay idea and a new experience that’s unique from an interactive standpoint and then finding a character that’s best suited with that. In some cases, it may be an existing character, and in some cases it may lead us to a new IP at some point in the future.

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Nah, I'll rather go with Saints Row 4 and Grand Theft Auto V instead. Pikmin 3 is sort of semi-interesting, but I fear it's just more of the same with minimal improvements (played through Pikmin 2).


Not a fan of either of those, but each to their own. I prefer the quirkiness of 101 or Pikmin over both of those.

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Just thought I'd share this, because it's an interesting topic that we've talked about in length about in other threads over the years.


He's right of course. Nintendo do always innovate within their existing IPs and even within the "safe" sequels that they put out. They have always developed gameplay concepts/prototypes completely separated from the games themselves and insert them into whatever IP best fits that concept/prototype.


The cat suit in SM3DW has probably been a prototype that they have had knocking around for years. They could've easily have developed a whole game around it with an original character (a Cat character even!), where it's all about climbing up walls/objects etc and other various cat-isms like scratching away at obstacles etc, but instead they incorporate that concept in a Mario game and explain it away with a handy dandy suit (the ever useful BS handwave excuse ;) )


Kid Icarus Uprising is another good example. It was a completely original concept and IP until Sakurai was offered the chance to use one of Nintendo's existing IPs to package the game in. He considered making it a Starfox game (and honestly, it could've easily have fit perfectly) but he chose Kid Icarus because he had a personal affinity for the game after making SSBB.


Meanwhile you have "original" IPs like The Last of Us, which could just as easily be an Uncharted game starring a different character for how original the gameplay is :indeed:

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