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Official E3 Nintendo Direct Discussion - 11th June @ 3pm


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So much "meh".


Super Mario 3D World - Pretty meh. I'm not saying it doesn't look good, it just has no Galaxy style wow factory. For the first flagship HD Mario title, it's not bringing the goods.


Donkey Kong Country Returns 2 - Meh as fuck. Every change looks marginal, it's not a noticeable upgrade in any department and therefore has no wow factor. If this is Retro's work, then whoops, bad project allocation Nintendo.


Smash Brothers - Lol. It looks like it's an HD Brawl. Nothing else. Yay, Megaman. Whatever. The issue with Brawl is it didn't feel very fresh post-Melee. This feels like the same mistake. 3DS version...well, I guess Japan will like having that.


Mario Kart 8 - Oh hey, the one game that caught my interest. Antigravity stuff looks great. Visually actually looks like more than just an HD version of a Wii game. Nice job. Now let's see if the gameplay is terrible or not.


Everything else: Wind Waker is a visual mess (the bloom is disgusting); X, Bayonetta & Wonderful 101 are nice but we knew about them ages ago; The drawing stuff is a nice idea but not particularly special; Wii ware games look decent enough and I'm glad it's getting Abe & Ducktales but nothing blew me away; Pokemon info was known already and the caring stuff is pretty gimmicky.


I'm a bit worried for Nintendo. They just don't seem to get it. If we don't see examples of fresh thinking and bold decisions, there's nothing to energise the fanbase and spur a resurgence of interest in Wii U.


They may have condemned themselves in the console market today, unless there's more to come than this.

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Even as a casual Nintendo fan I found that a bit underwhelming - I'm sure glad I haven't bought a Wii U, that release list is looking a bit sparse. Would have been pretty devastated if I had spent £300+ buying one 7 months ago.


However, I recently sold my 3DS and...well I'm starting to regret it a bit now. I thought I might be able to resist Pokemon but it really does look nice, and Smash Bros just seems like such a perfect fit for the console. That along with recent releases such as Fire Emblem/Animal Crossing, the upcoming new Zelda....gah. I want one again. Might have to make room for it :heh:


The conference was a bit of a disappointment but I'm not totally convinced they've messed the Wii U up completely yet - I mean they turned the 3DS around after all.

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Abysmal. Totally abysmal.


Not one of these games will increase sales of the console - and that's Nintendo's biggest problem right now. Are they oblivious to this fact, are they confusing pollen particles for unit sales? Nintendo, just to clarify something - console sales are through the floor. They couldn't get any worse unless retailers started to return product. Oh, wait - they are.


Mario Kart 8 looks great, its a huge shame its a 2014 game - that's the one game which Nintendo needed this winter. Mario 3D World just looks awkward; its certainly not ambitious and lacks any epic feel - and can anyone now explain why Mario 3D Land lacks any multiplayer, since Nintendo now seemingly feel that format does work for multiplayer?


It all feels rather cheap - "what can we knock out quickly" and all the same faces: no creativity, no innovation. Do I really have to buy a PS4 for the creativity I loved from Nintendo? Nintendo used to be to go-to place for creativity but now endlessly churns out bullshit staring some member of the Mario universe.


Its great to see "X" - but Christ get rid of that HUD (they do know the GamePad has a screen, right?). Donkey Kong was a nice surprise, but if it is developed by Retro - what a disappointment (if Nintendo can't give them some ambitious projects, I suggest they complete the Rare comparision by selling them).


Hopefully there's more to come - there better be because so far Nintendo have convinced me of one thing: Wii U is a total failure.

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It's very clear Nintendo released the Wii U far too early. They are still struggling to get their games on the system within the first fucking year it's out.


Good for them for not rushing the games, bad on them for rushing the console out.

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well that was underwhelming i knew it would be, on the way home i just thought its going to be shit compared to sony isnt


and it was!



it was by no means bad, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3d World and Wind Waker looked good, but one is a upscale of a 3DS game and the other is an upscale of a gamecube game


X looked uh-ma-zing, as did Bayonetta


but where were the megatons? Retro have done Donkey Kong? chirst why not a new metroid? give us halo 4 a new Prime, we've already seen it done


if they'd ended it with one more thing and Zelda pops up in an open world (e3's favorite phrase this year) then i'm sure this would have been great, its just it was full of good and great things, just no megatons like everyone was expecting

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Initial reaction.... dissappointed :(


Mario 3D World looks good but doesn't feel like the right way to follow up on the 2 Galaxy games.

3D World feels too much like they were planning a sequel on the 3DS to 3D Land and have at the last minute switched it to the Wii U to have a Mario platformer out on it for Xmas.


Mario Kart 8 looked AWESOME, guess we'll prolly never see another F-Zero as it seems they are trying to "F-Zero-up" MK but the release date of Spring 2014 is a let down. If there was one game they needed out this year to push sales for Xmas it was MK8


Donkey Kong was a nice surprise but I then felt a bit upset when I realised that this was Retro's top secret game :(

What happened to teh Starfox rurmors? Or more importantly my hope for a middle finger to Dyack with ED2 :heh:


DK is great, but I was hoping for something new and different and more epic from Retro...maybe after DK :(



On the plus sides Bayonetta 2 and X both looked AMAZING... but we already knew about those games.


Smash Bros also looked awesome, loved the cel shaded look of the 3DS version and WOOT for Megaman (was hoping for Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia but I'll take Megaman...for now :D)

But again, we knew Smash Bros would be shown... where were the surprises? the new announcements? The dropping of bombs :(


Not even a mention of the Wii U's Summer Update and any potential new features (if any), no mention of if we'd get E3 demos on the eShop.

No mention of price drops in prep for the PS4's launch to stay competitive.


And the only 3rd Party games shown were ones we already know about.

Was really hoping for some surprise NEW 3rd Party games to be announced to counter the current doom and gloom of "all 3rd parties are ignoring the WiiU" air that surrounds the Wii U...but NOTHING.


Nintendo WHY YOU MAKE ME CRY :cry:

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Some people are never satisfied... ::shrug:



... even I'll admit that there were a few things extra that I wanted to see and that just didn't appear but even so I thought it was a pretty solid showing. :)



All Nintendo need to do now (and I really hate reiterating these points) is the following...


Get more Wii U bundles into stores

Keep up the momentum of game releases

Mario Galaxy 3 or Universe by mid-2014

Metroid Prime 4 by end of 2014

New ip? Or another revived one by next year

Unify the accounts

VC releases... give us more please

Zelda... the 'next' proper home console game by 2015



Aside from that, I'm reasonably happy for now. ;)

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Some people are never satisfied... ::shrug:



... even I'll admit that there were a few things extra that I wanted to see and that just didn't appear but even so I thought it was a pretty solid showing. :)



All Nintendo need to do now (and I really hate reiterating these points) is the following...


Get more Wii U bundles into stores

Keep up the momentum of game releases

Mario Galaxy 3 or Universe by mid-2014

Metroid Prime 4 by end of 2014

New ip? Or another revived one by next year

Unify the accounts

VC releases... give us more please

Zelda... the 'next' proper home console game by 2015



Aside from that, I'm reasonably happy for now. ;)


I doubt the general public will be satisfied by whats coming out for thr console.

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All Nintendo need to do now (and I really hate reiterating these points) is the following...


Get more Wii U bundles into stores

Keep up the momentum of game releases

Mario Galaxy 3 or Universe by mid-2014

Metroid Prime 4 by end of 2014

New ip? Or another revived one by next year

Unify the accounts

VC releases... give us more please

Zelda... the 'next' proper home console game by 2015


The problem for me (and I might be completely wrong) is that this Nintendo Direct made me think those games might never exist, at least in the way we once thought they would.

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It's very clear Nintendo released the Wii U far too early. They are still struggling to get their games on the system within the first fucking year it's out.


Good for them for not rushing the games, bad on them for rushing the console out.


Nintendo definitely needed to invest a Getting To Grips With HD Game Development, Lynda.com video course.

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what more info is coming out over e3 then in regards to nintendo? we surely will get a 3DS showcase, could they announce summer updates? price drops? virtual console things?


still if i had to rank the console makers this year it would be



Sony 10/10 excellent showing, megatons launched


Nintendo 6/10 good/great showing, lacking expected megatons








MS -$499/10 (if not for that price i'd have given them second place with a 7/10)

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I'm sitting here bemoaning Nintendo' poor Nintendo Direct an guess what? The TV's on in the background and the TV3 news in Ireland is on and they're talking about E3. They say 2 gaming giants are going head-to-head at E3, showing footage of both the Sony and Microsoft conferences. Not even a mention about Nintendo. Good idea to cancel your conference Nintendo. Add that to your long list of great ideas.


Near the end they're now talking about what's trending on Twitter, right at the top Sony and Microsoft at E3. Again no mention of Nintendo.

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Some people are never satisfied... ::shrug:



... even I'll admit that there were a few things extra that I wanted to see and that just didn't appear but even so I thought it was a pretty solid showing. :)



All Nintendo need to do now (and I really hate reiterating these points) is the following...


Get more Wii U bundles into stores

Keep up the momentum of game releases

Mario Galaxy 3 or Universe by mid-2014

Metroid Prime 4 by end of 2014

New ip? Or another revived one by next year

Unify the accounts

VC releases... give us more please

Zelda... the 'next' proper home console game by 2015



Aside from that, I'm reasonably happy for now. ;)


The problem for me (and I might be completely wrong) is that this Nintendo Direct made me think those games might never exist, at least in the way we once thought they would.


I'd agree with Grazza on Mario, maybe Prime but not Zelda. They always said Wind Waker HD was like a stepping stone to wet our appetites for the next new home console Zelda. It'll come but I'm not expecting to hear or see that till Wind Waker HD is closer to release and/or released.


On Mario, I have a feeling this Mario 3D World may very well be what we thought would be called Supe Mario Universe :( Which is why I feel it was such an odd follow up to Galaxy 2 to then show this "3D World" as the next home console Mario.


Even the name SCREAMS "I WAS MADE FOR THE 3DS", "3D" has no place in a title of home console Mario Platformer unless they want to go go back to the time of the N64 and rename Mario 64, Mario 3D


Metriod Prime 4... well I'm gonna take this as refering to Retro in general. I wanted to see them do something new, the rumors that they would be working on Star Fox excited me and I would have taken that as my first choice project from them (if not a new IP all together). MP4 I would have been happy with if it happened as I love the Prime Trilogy but would have still been a bit disappointed that they weren't working on something new. But a 2nd DK game from Retro... just feels like Nintendo are bottling up their talent and refusing to let them out.


One DK game from Retro was a godsend and a great match but I'd much rather they be working on something else. Let Monster (they did the 3DS remake of DKCR right?) handle DK.


Alas twas not to be :(





OH and another thing they didn't mention (thanks for reminding me Sam)...the Unified Accounts.... if they had announced that one thing that would have changed my reaction to the ND totally but they couldn't even give us that or even a mention of a summer update :(

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This Nintendos forst foray into HD, it should be a spectacular occassion, but every game just looks like stuff we've played very recently. It's telling that a lot of people online through 3D world was a 3DS game! It's a 3D mario game in HD, the first one, and people thought it was a 3DS game. Retro, some of the greatest artists and architects in gaming; their first HD game!??!?!!? A fucking cartoony side scrolling platformer...


I've been a huge fan of Iwata; but the wii U was an absolute disaster, and continues to be. Just ridiculous, ridiculous decisions! Nothing new or exciting, just the same old shit!


shit = best games going; but it's still stale! Nintendo are supposed to offer new experiences, this is why I love them. But today just showed me new versions of old games, and handheld games.

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I'd agree with Grazza on Mario, maybe Prime but not Zelda. They always said Wind Waker HD was like a stepping stone to wet our appetites for the next new home console Zelda. It'll come but I'm not expecting to hear or see that till Wind Waker HD is closer to release and/or released.


I hope you're right, and I do remember them saying they thought the Wind Waker style was the best to translate into HD (with it presumably being a template for the Wii U Zelda). So far so good. It's just that mention of going "back to basics" and it possibly being multiplayer makes me shudder somewhat, like they might be worried about people not being able to play it. Now I've seen Mario 3D World, my fears have taken greater clarity!


As for Metroid, I just don't think Nintendo will be happy to release another Metroid Prime, I'm afraid. You need too much skill in a 3D environment.


This Nintendos forst foray into HD, it should be a spectacular occassion, but every game just looks like stuff we've played very recently. It's telling that a lot of people online through 3D world was a 3DS game! It's a 3D mario game in HD, the first one, and people thought it was a 3DS game. Retro, some of the greatest artists and architects in gaming; their first HD game!??!?!!? A fucking cartoony side scrolling platformer...


I lost my stream, came back in and thought "Oh, a new Mario Party game? No, looks more like a new 3DS platformer. Actually, the resolutions and textures look a bit too good for 3DS... Oh no, please tell me this isn't what I think it is!!!"

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I thought Mario 3D World looked awesome. Sure, it isn't the Mario Universe I wanted, but meh. It just needs a decent amount of levels, and PROPER power-up use. 3D Land totally mucked this up as far as I'm concerned. There should have been more power-ups, and more uses for them. It looks like the "3D" is its own series now like the "NEW", and they've got the costume power-ups. It's a system seller to ME, and since I don't own a Wii U, that's a new sale!


Mario Kart looked okay. Probably not going to buy. I used to be a big Mario Kart fan but haven't had anyone of a similar skill level to play since the SNES version, and anyone to have a regular game with since the N64 version. Thus never bothered with the GBA/DS versions. Got some use of the GC version, played a few stages on Wii one and just gave it to my niece. 3DS has a bit more play but that doesn't even have much of anything unlocked.


The only E3 stuff I'm looking forward to is Mario 3D World, Pokemon X/Y, Final Fantasy Versus. I'll buy plenty of other games, but these 3 are the stars to me.

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