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Animal Crossing: New Leaf: Friend Codes and Meetups thread!

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Banner courtesy of the awesome RedShell


So, it's almost time to turn over a New Leaf in the Animal Crossing chapter, with its latest and to some possibly greatest online features. The ever wise owl @Kaepora_Gaebora suggested a thread for facilitating such things amongst N-Europers, as we're aware many will be picking up the game and eager to have fun with others from the community.


So! Please post your 3DS friend codes/name in here if you have or are getting the game and would like to link up with folks. I'll attempt to keep the list up to date over time, and the thread can also be used for arranging town visits trades etc with people once we're all up and running. If of course you add a new 3DS friend, please give them an @Mention or PM to let them know to add you back!


Folks' 3DS codes:



Persona - 1821-9660-7745

isaymoo - 1762-3144-9115 - Oranges



Eightbit - 4124-5147-4235 - Mayor Daniel of Rapture - Pears

Tiny Meows - 5069-4017-5238 - Mayor Smashy of Sparkle - Peaches (DC: 6200 2226 9338)

bluey - 1075-2124-0980 - Mayor bluey - Apples



LinkOfAllTrades - 0447-5974-7822 - Mayor Reynna of Durotar, Apples

M_Rock - 3179-6120-9444 - Mayor Miguel of Pendule, Cherries

Nicktendo - 0189-8990-5879

lostmario - 1375-7248-0507 - Mayor Adam of Tibithia, Oranges

DahmerStu - 2621-2663-5041 - Mayor GoreGuin


Kaepora_Gaebora - 0430-8902-1497 (JBS) - Mayor Jonathan of Bodicote, Peaches

Agent Gibbs - 3780-9004-3382

Aneres11 - 1864-8594-8334 -Eternia

Annedroid - 0344-9468-5282, Peaches

Blade - 5455-9377-8534 - Bramall, Pears

Calv - 2191-7625-1977 - Mayor Calv of Portbelo, Apples

Cube - 5198-2395-9664 - Llaneron, Oranges

daftada - 2793-0578-5004 - Hobbston, Cherries

david.dakota - 0301-9769-1079 - Peaches

-Dem0- - 0903-2725-1475

Dog-amoto - 3222-5669-5729 - Khatru, Pears

dr4hkon - 1977-0147-1525 - Mayor Radi of Raytown, Pears

dazzybee - 0516-7253-4308

Eenuh - 5069-4067-0054

Esequiel - 1950-8307-3105

Evearae - 3325-2180-7234 - Bruno

Flameboy - 4227-1148-7188 - Mayor Adam of Pompey, Pears

FUSED KING - 3523-2023-2902 - Mayor Fused of Fusion, Cherries

gmac - 4554-1195-1795 - Gotham, Oranges

gekko - 3093-7454-9762 - Cherries

Grazza - 0774-4233-0253

Haden - 3781-0054-7888

Hamishmash - 1246-8706-1531

Happenstance - 2079-6601-4955

Ike - 2750-1083-4951 - Major Chris of Alefgard, Apples

Iun - 1805-2551-1752 - Cherries

Jimbob - 2105-9325-5930 - Mayor Darius of Windhelm, Peaches

Katie - 4167-4501-1400 - Cherries

Kaytee - 3050-7566-2483 - Mayor Katie of Violet, Apples

lindsey - 0387-8767-5076

Londragon - 1332-7777-2327 - Mayor Londrgon of Talon IV, Apples

LukeLee - 4210-3972-0216

martinist - 0946-2254-8006

ClowKin - 2964-8611-0527 - Mike

Marcamillian - 3024-5747-4260 - Mayor Marco of Royston, Apples

mr-paul - 5284-1547-7294 - Mayor Paul of Highbury, Cherries

Nintendo Fan - 4596-9442-3587

R3ap3rG - 2964-9784-3295, Pears

RedShell - 3780-9005-3112 - Mayor Manolito of Saltopia, Cherries

Ronnie - 3222-5578-6509 - Daybreak, Apples

Rummy - 0705-2844-8568 - Mayor Rummy of RoseHall, Peaches

Sexual Chocolate - 4613-7110-5391 - Pears

Sheikah - 3523-2023-5626 - Treno, Peaches

Spookydux - 0731-4869-5666 - Mayor Spooky of Parotice, Apples

Tales - 1289-8199-8324

Taomi - 0920-0357-1402

Tapedeck - 4468-0991-0391 - Oranges

Ville - 4725-9249-9838

welsh_gamer - 1504-5680-5028

yesteryeargames - 3093-7054-2044 - Mayor Chris of Penzance, Oranges




Edited by lostmario
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Good call on the thread guys. icon14.gif

Not long to go now!!!! :bouncy:


My 3DS code: 3780-9005-3112

As long as they haven't changed the character limits for ACNL, my town will be called: Saltopia as it has been in every other AC game.

And my in-game name will be: Manolito. :hehe:


: peace:


I'll get this all updated into first post this evening, already copying+pasting at work and don't wanna accidentally post this stuff in patient records! @Happenstance, your code appears to have a dropped digit somewhere?

  Rummy said:
I'll get this all updated into first post this evening, already copying+pasting at work and don't wanna accidentally post this stuff in patient records! @Happenstance, your code appears to have a dropped digit somewhere?


Ah thanks, fixed now


Excellent idea indeed


My 3DS code (for those who need it for New Leaf is 2105-9325-5930. Havn't decided on town name, but i will be under the name "Darius". My first online for this will be at the Cardiff Streetpass event on the Saturday after launch.


Hope to see many of you lovely gamers online.


Cool, let the hype commence, 3DS FC is 1332-7777-2327 for anyone who has not added me. My town will either be named after my hometown (Neath or the Welsh equivalent Castell Nedd) or my current location Jung-Li City?? We'll see. I'll be Londragon as per usual.


Brilliant thread! Really excited about this game!!


My friend code is:




If anyone hasn't added me and wants to or if you've previously added me and I haven't added back (my bad) then just let me know and I'll get on it!


I'm gonna go and add people now so will head over to the 3ds code thread!


Here's my code: 3523-2023-5626


By the way would it be ok for those who haven't already to put their forum name somewhere in their Mii name? Even if it's just in brackets after their name. Sometimes I forget who some of you are!

Posted (edited)
  Sheikah said:
I've had you added for a while Kaepora, I just kinda forgot because your character name is JBS. :p


Oh yeah I've had you added for quite a time @Sheikah, some of your letterbox drawings have been spectacular! :)

But yes I do somewhat slip under the radar due to having three different usernames in the Nintendosphere, I imagined that earlier post was aimed somewhat at me :D I think perhaps I need a new sig that makes it clear JBS is my main calling card!


Also just going to drop this in here, for me this song IS Animal Crossing, Wild World was just incredible, and I used to leave it on the title screen sometimes just to listen to this tune :)


Edited by Kaepora_Gaebora

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