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Sonic Lost World (Wii U/3DS)


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The screenshots looks surprisingly good for this - And I thought a Zelda themed Sonic level would never work :P I'm not gonna bother watching the video and instead enjoy it for myself tomorrow when it's on eShop!

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Having just realised there was a separate trailer below the gameplay video and having watched it... I can't help thinking that 5min gameplay video just showed everything there is to the DLC...

Unfortunately you are correct. Can't believe they did that


Still, it's good fun :)

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Unfortunately you are correct. Can't believe they did that


Still, it's good fun :)

Yeah annoyingly during that gameplay video the guy says something like 'we're not showing you everything' and 'Link appears throughout the adventure'... umm, no you've pretty much just shown it all :p


Still, at least there's two different paths to take through the dungeon.

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Come on guys! Its a free, never-before-done, special Zelda-Sonic cameo - whats there to be negative about? :/
No nothing!... it's just if you happened to watch that IGN gameplay they ruined the whole thing for you, which was just idiotic on the part of IGN/SEGA.
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally got this game last week (@Hero\-of\-Time posted the deal on here. icon14.gif Was the Deadly Six Edition too, which I wasn't expecting. :awesome:


Anyway, I finished it last night and let's just say I'm really glad I waited to buy it at a reduced price.

This game is all over the shop! One minute it's awesome, and the next it's horrendous. :shakehead I know Sonic games have never been renowned for consistency, but man... this one takes the piss. :laughing:


It's a shame too, as the foundations were in place here to make a truly great Sonic game. :hmm:


My biggest issue with Lost World, is the controls/gameplay mechanics are presented to the player in such an obscure way. :nono: I reckon the only people that will really understand how to properly play this game are the developers themselves!

Those ? symbols that briefly appear on screen to describe actions, feel like a total afterthought.


Another thing I dislike (never been a fan of this though) are the automated sections during gameplay. You know, the ones where you get to watch as Sonic goes really fast and does cool shit while you do nothing at all. :zzz:

The amount of time it takes for Sonic to spin and bounce off springs during these sections is particularly annoying.


And what's with the way Sonic dies!? It's so dull! There's like a really muted sound effect and then he's suddenly just lying on the floor. A split second later the message "Try Again" appears.

Terrible! icon13.gif


At least when this happens:



It's got some impact to it (no pun intended) not to mention comedy value. :D

In fact, that GIF pretty much summarizes everything that is good about Sonic Lost World, as it's also from one of the best stages in the game, which funnily enough also has the best music:


Broadcast Yourself

Excellent tune. :yay:


But hey, the Nintendo themed DLC is interesting (not to mention surreal) and despite all of those criticisms I did kind of enjoy the game. It just could've been so much more.


The Sonic Cycle continues... :heh:

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Hmm looking back perhaps I was blinded a bit by how 'good' the game was in comparison to past recent offerings, I think the trouble is because I've played near enough every Sonic game in existence I've been through it all at the series greatest dizzying heights to it's downright shoddy lows. :indeed:


At the time Sonic Lost World felt to me like a revelation at least from Sonic's perspective but perhaps I was a little bit overzealous? :wtf: What I'm trying to say is that the score that I gave the game still represented the amount of enjoyment that I got out of it but I can easily understand why it would get a lower score elsewhere now and while it's certainly not 'everything' I still feel that it didn't deserve to get scores as low as '4' so I'll still stand by that as even at it's worst it's a borderline '7' but at it's heights surely a solid '8' when the game really gets it right. : peace:


In any case I'll try and be a bit more balanced in my reviews from now on, I'm not saying that I regret every score that I've given a game on here plus it is just a number after all - on reflection I'd have to agree with @Ashley in that I'd actually love to abolish scores if we could - but I'm not meaning to turn this into a huge off-topic debate it's just... games like Sonic in particular always divide opinions but I think most of us can agree that there's at least the partial makings of a solid title in there somewhere, let's just hope that when Sonic Team get another chance to prove themselves that they start with a 'physics first' approach - old MD style not 'Havok' or whatever - and then sparingly add any extras later on or not at all. :heh:


A basic Sonic game would be better for everyone, keep it simple and things have less chance of going wrong... right? :blank:


Yeah, we'll see anyway. :p

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I really thought Sonic was back on form after Colours. Colours was looooovely. Such a shame this doesn't seem to be a patch on it. Even at the reduced prices, I'm not tempted by it.


Generations was better than Colours, too.


I felt like the controls were great in this, but they could be refined further. The level design was all over the place, but I'd give it a 7/10 overall, but a higher 7 than I gave the 3DS version.

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At least when this happens:



It's got some impact to it (no pun intended) not to mention comedy value. :D


Yeah true. That splat animation and sound had me and my friend in stitches (we just ended up doing it on purpose again and again for about 5 mins or so afterwards :laughing: )


Overall I pretty much agree with you, but outside of that one crippling flaw (the lack of context and explanation of anything), I thought it was a really solid game. I feel that its other flaws are really overblown and that the actual gameplay (once you finally figure it out, no matter how hard the game tries to hide it) is really fun.


The automated sections never really bothered me that much as they were pretty short (and no doubt also conveniently hide loading times - much like the launch stars in Mario Galaxy). They also actually gave you much more control over the rail sections as well - something that always annoyed me in previous Sonic games, where they always felt mostly pointless as they just took control away from you (I cracked a smile as soon as I discovered that you could freely jump and skip across two rails whenever you wanted :) )


Also you're spot on about the soundtrack, it kicks arse! :D

Edited by Dcubed
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  • 8 months later...

I got this well before Christmas, and finally decided to open it...


Bear in mind I'm playing Ver 4.0...


But I really, really enjoyed it! I mean it's a really solid game. It looks amazing, the controls are brilliant (for the most part) and I barely had any of the problems that most reviewers cited.


It's far from faultless, the biggest problems are:


1) Explaining things; the game never explains things properly. You get the option of tapping the screen for an optional tutorial. That's it. It's not like Mario or a Nintendo title where you get a new item or power and you get to test it in a safe environment then they slowly increase the complexity of its use until you are proficient enough to test it out in taxing situations. The game doesn't give you a clue, not even with basic attacks which makes it very frustrating as I didn't even know there was a kick attack until half way through the game.


Bear in mind - when you know all the attacks and the moves the game flows beautifully (for the most part). But when you don't it makes the game a stop-start affair.


2) Difficulty spikes; some levels are amazing, the flow, provide a good challenge and you're having great fun - then BOOM, you are hit with the most unfair difficultly spike ever and literally all your lives are taken on one small portion of the game! There was one Donkey Kong Mine Cart style stage that was amazing, until one section made it almost impossible.


Overall, I enjoyed this far more than I thought it would and the positives far outweigh the negatives. To the point I would say it is the best 3D Sonic to date.


The level design is inventive, the graphics superb, the idea of a button to run is wonderful as you can choose your speed giving you more control and the fact that Sonic can run up walls and climb makes things far less frustrating. What's more the levels move from 3D to 2D like Mario Galaxy making sure things never get boring.


It's such a shame the game was handed to a team like Retro for 3 months, if it had a little more input toward the end and a few tweaks it would have been a masterpiece!

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I got this well before Christmas, and finally decided to open it...


Bear in mind I'm playing Ver 4.0...


But I really, really enjoyed it! I mean it's a really solid game. It looks amazing, the controls are brilliant (for the most part) and I barely had any of the problems that most reviewers cited.


It's far from faultless, the biggest problems are:


1) Explaining things; the game never explains things properly. You get the option of tapping the screen for an optional tutorial. That's it. It's not like Mario or a Nintendo title where you get a new item or power and you get to test it in a safe environment then they slowly increase the complexity of its use until you are proficient enough to test it out in taxing situations. The game doesn't give you a clue, not even with basic attacks which makes it very frustrating as I didn't even know there was a kick attack until half way through the game.


Bear in mind - when you know all the attacks and the moves the game flows beautifully (for the most part). But when you don't it makes the game a stop-start affair.


2) Difficulty spikes; some levels are amazing, the flow, provide a good challenge and you're having great fun - then BOOM, you are hit with the most unfair difficultly spike ever and literally all your lives are taken on one small portion of the game! There was one Donkey Kong Mine Cart style stage that was amazing, until one section made it almost impossible.


Overall, I enjoyed this far more than I thought it would and the positives far outweigh the negatives. To the point I would say it is the best 3D Sonic to date.


The level design is inventive, the graphics superb, the idea of a button to run is wonderful as you can choose your speed giving you more control and the fact that Sonic can run up walls and climb makes things far less frustrating. What's more the levels move from 3D to 2D like Mario Galaxy making sure things never get boring.


It's such a shame the game was handed to a team like Retro for 3 months, if it had a little more input toward the end and a few tweaks it would have been a masterpiece!

Download the Yoshi and Zelda DLC :)

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I got this well before Christmas, and finally decided to open it...


Bear in mind I'm playing Ver 4.0...


But I really, really enjoyed it! I mean it's a really solid game. It looks amazing, the controls are brilliant (for the most part) and I barely had any of the problems that most reviewers cited.


It's far from faultless, the biggest problems are:


1) Explaining things; the game never explains things properly. You get the option of tapping the screen for an optional tutorial. That's it. It's not like Mario or a Nintendo title where you get a new item or power and you get to test it in a safe environment then they slowly increase the complexity of its use until you are proficient enough to test it out in taxing situations. The game doesn't give you a clue, not even with basic attacks which makes it very frustrating as I didn't even know there was a kick attack until half way through the game.


Bear in mind - when you know all the attacks and the moves the game flows beautifully (for the most part). But when you don't it makes the game a stop-start affair.


2) Difficulty spikes; some levels are amazing, the flow, provide a good challenge and you're having great fun - then BOOM, you are hit with the most unfair difficultly spike ever and literally all your lives are taken on one small portion of the game! There was one Donkey Kong Mine Cart style stage that was amazing, until one section made it almost impossible.


Overall, I enjoyed this far more than I thought it would and the positives far outweigh the negatives. To the point I would say it is the best 3D Sonic to date.


The level design is inventive, the graphics superb, the idea of a button to run is wonderful as you can choose your speed giving you more control and the fact that Sonic can run up walls and climb makes things far less frustrating. What's more the levels move from 3D to 2D like Mario Galaxy making sure things never get boring.


It's such a shame the game was handed to a team like Retro for 3 months, if it had a little more input toward the end and a few tweaks it would have been a masterpiece!


Pretty much exactly how I feel about it (I assume that you meant to say "it's a shame that it wasn't handed to a team like Retro for 3 months")


It's such a shame that it suffers from those issues because they really are quite easily fixable in the grand scheme of development. I think that the team did a great job but really needed a second set of eyes to look at the finished product objectively and just spend a few months ironing out the game's myriad of small problems.


It's definately one of the most tragically misunderstood games I've ever seen! There's gold to be found on that disc but the game really does its damnedest to hide it!

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Download the Yoshi and Zelda DLC :)


Ooooh, I forgot about that, will download it later when I get home!


Pretty much exactly how I feel about it (I assume that you meant to say "it's a shame that it wasn't handed to a team like Retro for 3 months")


It's such a shame that it suffers from those issues because they really are quite easily fixable in the grand scheme of development. I think that the team did a great job but really needed a second set of eyes to look at the finished product objectively and just spend a few months ironing out the game's myriad of small problems.


It's definately one of the most tragically misunderstood games I've ever seen! There's gold to be found on that disc but the game really does its damnedest to hide it!


That is what I meant! lol


The thing is, when you know all the moves and how to do everything it is great. I loved the mix of exploration, running and 2D platforming.


Such a shame no one gave it that love toward the end of the development cycle, could have been a real triumph.

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  • 1 month later...

Sonic Lost World Glitches (Wii U) - Son Of A Glitch - Episode 38




Glitches? In a Sonic game?! In this episode we take a look at a few of the gravity defying, sheep jumping, hedgehog flying glitches in Sonic Lost World (Wii U) ( Warning - This episode contains FLASHING IMAGES - if you're sensitive to flashing imagery, please use CAUTION! )


Don't want anybody to have a seizure at the other end. :p

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  • 7 months later...
1-up Mushroom

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