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No more EA support for Wii U!


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So, this likely means that there will be no Star Wars games on the Wii U.


It's a EA game so it well have micro transactions


All Nintendo Fans don't buy EA products untill they make Wii U games Agian if they do

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Nintendo...are going to listen...


Alololololol, no.



Tbh(and this is a thread I'll probably make in general) - I've just checked a large portion of my 'this gen'(that's pswii360U) games to see if I actually have anything from EA - the only games are Burnout+n4sMWU. There's boom blox somewhere too, but I lost that ages ago.


Then it makes me wonder. Does EA's lack of support for Nintendo really matter at all, do their games and Nintendo really line up? Anyhow, I'll save that for elsewhere.



Re: all of this. Fair enough to EA. They've got to develop/publish and front costs associated, if they feel the Wii U isn't viable then that's just fine - I wouldn't exactly disagree. Of course, porting PS360 games to Wii U months after they've been on the established platforms with large install bases - no doubt at all they won't fly off the shelves. Nintendo aren't to blame per se for this, but they are largely to blame for barely supporting their own console - doing so could establish its place in the market and thus maybe spur on the sales of other games.


However, it's still a relatively new to market console - penetration takes time('insert' joke here) and so you shouldn't be comparing games to an existing gen - it's pointless, it's so skewed it's ridiculous and meaningless. It's stating the obvious. NO port from PS360 will do better on the Wii U - not now, not for a few years at least if ever.


I will be most interested to see how PS720 will fare when competing directly with its predecessors in a number of games; the consoles combined will achieve a much better/faster market penetration than Wii U has - but I can't say they'll do well enough individually.




As for me and EA - Fuck 'em. I own nearly none of their games, I don't even care about this. It makes almost no difference to me(though I'll admit I'm terribly in love with burnout and that makes me sad a little).

Edited by Rummy
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Personally, I think the PS4 and Xbox 3 are going to sell just fine. Talking to gamers I know, everyone's waiting for them. As long as they're not too far north of £300, they'll sell.


The problem with the Wii U is that Nintendo never asked themselves why people would want one. None of the main aspects - power, controller, games, price - matches up with the others to make a winning strategy.


For example, if it had been £300 with a GameCube pad, it could have been extremely close to what the PS4 will offer. I'm talking about £300's worth of processing power, minus the cost of the GameCube pad (Nintendo's best-ever controller, in my opinion). You may say that wouldn't have worked, but gamers would have to have taken notice of that. It still wouldn't have sold with just New Super Mario Bros and various ports, but of course that's another area where the strategy was wrong - software.


Nintendo misunderstood the type of software (and processing power) they needed to sell an expensive piece of hardware. They also misunderstood how excited and eager anyone would be for NSMB and Nintendo Land. That sort of thing can sell, but only if the price is right. The Wii was a trend. Wii Sports was a trend. There is not an audience waiting to enjoy any "innovation" Nintendo can come up with. There is an audience, however, eager to see how they can develop their better franchises, especially if the overall package is correct (ie. hardware and controller).


I still think Wii U can be a good console just with Nintendo's own games, but darn, they've got an uphill struggle.

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Totally agree. My finger in the air of what people want is that most are happy with their PS3 / 360 and that if a game could be made for the platform that they already own then they'd prefer it. Nobody is going to want to fork out £400-500 for a new system at the moment.


I'll be looking out for the companies going down the pan like they did at the beginning of this generation because they have ridiculous expectations of their games' sales and have to sell 5m units to break even.

With all these big cross-platform games this winter, it's not going to be pretty.


I know many who don't see the allure of the PS4. It has pretty graphics, but they aren't as much of a jump as previous generations. Plus, it'll have launch title woes, as all consoles do which people seem to forget with each launch

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I know many who don't see the allure of the PS4. It has pretty graphics, but they aren't as much of a jump as previous generations.


People said that last generation, too. Didn't make a difference.

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Personally, I think the PS4 and Xbox 3 are going to sell just fine. Talking to gamers I know, everyone's waiting for them. As long as they're not too far north of £300, they'll sell.


The problem with the Wii U is that Nintendo never asked themselves why people would want one. None of the main aspects - power, controller, games, price - matches up with the others to make a winning strategy.

For example, if it had been £300 with a GameCube pad, it could have been extremely close to what the PS4 will offer. I'm talking about £300's worth of processing power, minus the cost of the GameCube pad (Nintendo's best-ever controller, in my opinion). You may say that wouldn't have worked, but gamers would have to have taken notice of that. It still wouldn't have sold with just New Super Mario Bros and various ports, but of course that's another area where the strategy was wrong - software.


Nintendo misunderstood the type of software (and processing power) they needed to sell an expensive piece of hardware. They also misunderstood how excited and eager anyone would be for NSMB and Nintendo Land. That sort of thing can sell, but only if the price is right. The Wii was a trend. Wii Sports was a trend. There is not an audience waiting to enjoy any "innovation" Nintendo can come up with. There is an audience, however, eager to see how they can develop their better franchises, especially if the overall package is correct (ie. hardware and controller).


I still think Wii U can be a good console just with Nintendo's own games, but darn, they've got an uphill struggle.


I agree with most of what you have said there, and I have a feeling the new consoles will actually start off with a bigger boom than Wii U before having an inevitable wobble. However the part I have bolded...Nintendo did exactly that tactic with the GameCube pad and power equal to the other consoles with...the GameCube, and that was their lowest ever selling console, so I can see why they would be reluctant to go down that path and probably never will again!

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With all these big cross-platform games this winter, it's not going to be pretty.


I know many who don't see the allure of the PS4. It has pretty graphics, but they aren't as much of a jump as previous generations. Plus, it'll have launch title woes, as all consoles do which people seem to forget with each launch


If the PS4 will be anything like the PS3 it won't just have pretty graphics - it'll have a lot of original and inventive titles that the Wii U won't see.

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Totally agree. My finger in the air of what people want is that most are happy with their PS3 / 360 and that if a game could be made for the platform that they already own then they'd prefer it. Nobody is going to want to fork out £400-500 for a new system at the moment.


I'll be looking out for the companies going down the pan like they did at the beginning of this generation because they have ridiculous expectations of their games' sales and have to sell 5m units to break even.


I agree with that but current gen HW wont keep getting support. There will be a time when those big franchises are next gen only and people will have to move to the hardware.

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I wasn't really in 'the loop' for the launch period of Wii and GameCube, so I don't know if this is just typical teething problems, but as far as I can tell, this really seems like one of the worst console starts I've seen.


So much early doom and gloom, maybe moreso than the 3DS. I just hope Nintendo can pull it off themselves, they managed to make the N64 work with little third party support (and saying that, did EA produce games for it? If they did, I can't remember any!) so hopefully the same will happen with Wii U!

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I wasn't really in 'the loop' for the launch period of Wii and GameCube, so I don't know if this is just typical teething problems, but as far as I can tell, this really seems like one of the worst console starts I've seen.


So much early doom and gloom, maybe moreso than the 3DS. I just hope Nintendo can pull it off themselves, they managed to make the N64 work with little third party support (and saying that, did EA produce games for it? If they did, I can't remember any!) so hopefully the same will happen with Wii U!


its worse than the gamecube and the Cube never recovered.

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I wasn't really in 'the loop' for the launch period of Wii and GameCube, so I don't know if this is just typical teething problems, but as far as I can tell, this really seems like one of the worst console starts I've seen.


So much early doom and gloom, maybe moreso than the 3DS. I just hope Nintendo can pull it off themselves, they managed to make the N64 work with little third party support (and saying that, did EA produce games for it? If they did, I can't remember any!) so hopefully the same will happen with Wii U!


Off the top of my head there were 3 Fifa games and World Cup '98 by EA on the N64, I'm sure there was at least 1 Madden and PGA Tour game too. Can't think of anything that wasn't a sports game tho.


I am slightly worried for future Nintendo consoles at this point tho, if Nintendo can't turn the Wii U's fortunes around then I know it won't kill them as a company but I have a feeling they could wind up leaving the home console market and focus solely on handheld hardware. Hopefully my feeling is completely wrong on this tho!

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Oh boy. Not good. The internet is in rage mode.


The guy has since deleted his tweets. He said something stupid when he has a family to support. If he loses a job because of this...sigh.


This "this console is better/rubbish" stuff is getting worse than it ever has been before. Looking at the thread for this on GAF just makes me sad


Well you can look at it also like this. Stupid remarks from him can jeopardize the jobs of thousands of other people. I hope he gets what he deserves.

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Oh boy. Not good. The internet is in rage mode.


The guy has since deleted his tweets. He said something stupid when he has a family to support. If he loses a job because of this...sigh.


This "this console is better/rubbish" stuff is getting worse than it ever has been before. Looking at the thread for this on GAF just makes me sad


Should have attended his multimedia and social network briefing at work. Careful what you put out on the internet about the workplace, might come back to bite your ass.

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If the PS4 will be anything like the PS3 it won't just have pretty graphics - it'll have a lot of original and inventive titles that the Wii U won't see.


I hope so, but at launch? Hell no. Look at the stuff they've shown. Aside from Knack, it's just the same old stuff just with better graphics. Especially as many games are cross generation.

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Off the top of my head there were 3 Fifa games and World Cup '98 by EA on the N64, I'm sure there was at least 1 Madden and PGA Tour game too. Can't think of anything that wasn't a sports game tho.


You forgot about the glorious Beetle Adventure Racing, a game I'd love to see a sequel for!

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I don't have a Twitter account but I'm creating one now to reply to this @#&*!!!


A bit off topic, but apparently that swearword at the end of Wii's post counts as my name and i got a notification accordingly....

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I hope so, but at launch? Hell no. Look at the stuff they've shown. Aside from Knack, it's just the same old stuff just with better graphics. Especially as many games are cross generation.


By better graphics, do mean better graphics/physics/AI/social features/general implementation and a whole plethora of other things?


It's never just graphics. Don't be so facile.


Sony showed 8 games. Two of those, Knack and The Witness, quite clearly wasn't the same old stuff.

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By better graphics, do mean better graphics/physics/AI/social features/general implementation and a whole plethora of other things?


It's never just graphics. Don't be so facile.


Sony showed 8 games. Two of those, Knack and The Witness, quite clearly wasn't the same old stuff.


Not gonna lie... part of me wants a PS4 but aside from Infamous Second Son none of the other games appealed to me, it's great that they have so much power to play with but they've got to actually have interesting games to back it up if they want people to spend a substantial amount of money on the machine.


Currently there's more that will be coming out on the Wii U within the next few months that I want than is on any other machine, I do hope that it gets some EA games though, even though I won't be buying I'm sure they'll make a difference to a few Wii U owners.

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Not gonna lie... part of me wants a PS4 but aside from Infamous Second Son none of the other games appealed to me, it's great that they have so much power to play with but they've got to actually have interesting games to back it up if they want people to spend a substantial amount of money on the machine.


Currently there's more that will be coming out on the Wii U within the next few months that I want than is on any other machine, I do hope that it gets some EA games though, even though I won't be buying I'm sure they'll make a difference to a few Wii U owners.


Yeah, that's cool. We barely know anything about the games they have shown and there we'll get new games announced at E3.


I'm just getting real tired of this 'just better graphics' line that keeps getting pulled out. It's such a simple argument.

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Yeah, that's cool. We barely know anything about the games they have shown and there we'll get new games announced at E3.


I'm just getting real tired of this 'just better graphics' line that keeps getting pulled out. It's such a simple argument.


It's ridiculous. The idea that the ps4 and 720 won't offer anything new other than better graphics is laughable. Do people really think developers are that shallow that the best they can come up with on next gen hardware is nice graphics.

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The saddest thing about this whole situation is that the likes of EA hold a lot of sway and they have the power to force the home console business into a 1-system, pre-packaged, annualised sequel approach.

If EA drop Nintendo forever, they are another step closer to such approach. One I believe they want.


As it stands, the SONY and MS systems may as well be turning into clones with a few similar titles to separate them. And where their own IP's exist, even that's getting a bit boring to me. For every Halo there's a Killzone. For Every Gran Tourismo, a Forza. It just becomes somewhat tit-for-tat. Indies are key here and SONY, MS and a few third parties did step up with unique experiences, but those excursions usually end up being fleeting not becoming a normality in the industry. At least Knack on the PS4 looks interesting but it's the exception, not the norm.


So from a creative point, the industry requires the SEGA's and Nintendo's as they offer a unique, individual experience inside a wholly unique setup. I miss the SEGA consoles as much as their games and I get the love for the Gamecube controller but is that SNES controller blueprint all this industry affords in control?


I've said it before but comparing the 90's football games scene to today shows how far this industry has gone backwards in some areas. All we really have now for consoles are yearly FIFA and PES games. And to a lot of people, PES is dead. Developers such as EA are seemingly more bothered about authenticity.

Is that healthy? I don't believe so. But the likes of EA have created this and now have a monopoly as they strive fore more and more authenticity across all their genres.


But I still think that EA ditching Nintendo to go after 'Gen 4’ is a loss for both parties. It will weaken both the EA and Wii U brands. :hmm:

Edited by tapedeck
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