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NINTENDO @ E3: Towards Hype and Hyperboles

Fused King

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I am so excited for the Nintendo Direct today! No game got me really excited at Sony's show. Is there a transcript available of the chat room when Tretton blanket bombed Microsoft? The chat must have imploded?




Agreed I'd love to have seen the reaction of NE Chat during the Tretton bombing.

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I watched all the conferences yesterday, and although I will be forced into buy a ps4 (due to the sheer amount of games wii uw on't get) it made it clear as day that Nintendo are the company for my gaming needs. How mnay times were the words "open world" uttered - every game seems to be moving into the open world, and I hate open world games, how many games involved guns, and violence, and gritty realism? Itjust doesn't appeal to me at all, occassionaly there'll be a classic but I just don't care; the indie section in the ps4 conference was the only bit that excited me about playing games. I know that whatever NIntendo short cominsg are - their creativity in visual and level design is unrivalled and taps exactly into my sensibility. I'll look at the new mario and have no doubt it will feel me with joy, and next to Destiny, or Assassins Creed, or whatever it will have so much more life to it.


Nintendo should come out with game announcement after game announcement. I don;t think they will; we kind of know what they'll show, and MAYBE retros game; which will feel like a huge disappointment. I wish Nintendo could/would compete with sony and ms, but it's like theydon't want to.. oh well. Just give us classic entries in the games we love and we'll still be here!

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I watched all the conferences yesterday, and although I will be forced into buy a ps4 (due to the sheer amount of games wii uw on't get) it made it clear as day that Nintendo are the company for my gaming needs. How mnay times were the words "open world" uttered - every game seems to be moving into the open world, and I hate open world games, how many games involved guns, and violence, and gritty realism? Itjust doesn't appeal to me at all, occassionaly there'll be a classic but I just don't care; the indie section in the ps4 conference was the only bit that excited me about playing games. I know that whatever NIntendo short cominsg are - their creativity in visual and level design is unrivalled and taps exactly into my sensibility. I'll look at the new mario and have no doubt it will feel me with joy, and next to Destiny, or Assassins Creed, or whatever it will have so much more life to it.


Nintendo should come out with game announcement after game announcement. I don;t think they will; we kind of know what they'll show, and MAYBE retros game; which will feel like a huge disappointment. I wish Nintendo could/would compete with sony and ms, but it's like theydon't want to.. oh well. Just give us classic entries in the games we love and we'll still be here!


I am with you on this one.


Indie gaming + NINTENDO gaming = awesome gaming.


Although I am quite fond of the occasional Open World game.

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I am with you on this one.


Indie gaming + NINTENDO gaming = awesome gaming.


Although I am quite fond of the occasional Open World game.


Batman I absolutely loved, easily my favourite. Actually quite liked Bully too! But GTA, Red Dead, Assassins Creed, even Lego City (but I've only played for 2 hours) etc etc Just bored me in the end, I like focussed gaming experiences i think.

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Man, I am SO excited for this guys! The games we've seen so far for the other machines might look great but man, I swear they were all the same?! Where's the creativity? Where's the fun? I'm actually a bit bummed out by these new consoles at this point; here's hoping Nintendo show something that reminds me why I love gaming.

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Surely a few suprises will be launched and megatons dropped to remind us all why we still frequent n-europe! Also I guess we wont be getting and demos to play, but I hope 3DS and Wii U has some videos uploaded immediately for us to scour through, or has been suggested some eshop goodies to get our hands on!

I have mentioned it before, but I still can't believe I haven't seen a channel/app for e3 ND on my Wii U or 3DS.. FORCE IT DOWN OUR THROATS! :)

2 hours...

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I watched all the conferences yesterday, and although I will be forced into buy a ps4 (due to the sheer amount of games wii uw on't get) it made it clear as day that Nintendo are the company for my gaming needs. How mnay times were the words "open world" uttered - every game seems to be moving into the open world, and I hate open world games, how many games involved guns, and violence, and gritty realism? Itjust doesn't appeal to me at all, occassionaly there'll be a classic but I just don't care; the indie section in the ps4 conference was the only bit that excited me about playing games. I know that whatever NIntendo short cominsg are - their creativity in visual and level design is unrivalled and taps exactly into my sensibility. I'll look at the new mario and have no doubt it will feel me with joy, and next to Destiny, or Assassins Creed, or whatever it will have so much more life to it.


Nintendo should come out with game announcement after game announcement. I don;t think they will; we kind of know what they'll show, and MAYBE retros game; which will feel like a huge disappointment. I wish Nintendo could/would compete with sony and ms, but it's like theydon't want to.. oh well. Just give us classic entries in the games we love and we'll still be here!


Sorry you lost me there. Nintendo's level design and creativity are unrivalled yet you wish they'd compete with the godly two?.... Which is it bruv?

Do you think Nintendo have potential to be unrivalled? That. That, I'd agree with. But really, I'm not so sure now. They've probably lost their art.


Dont tickle me. Nintendo has games that use the the same ideas. Puzzles from one game would be adopted in another. Lack of originality.


You say how many open world or gritty realistic visuals or gun games is on the godly two, but equally, how many blocky side scrolling clones are there on the puny one? How many new super mario bros are there that, to me, lacks evolution and true creativity within the side scrolling genre? Oh, kirby's epic yarn and now yoshi's epic yarn. Donkey kong country returns and new super luigi u. It is all sincere bollocks. And the most.important thing: gameplay, to me, looks unispired and shite and lacks evolution/imagination/creativity from a tech perspective and gameplay perspective.... Effit, from an overall gaming art perspective in general.


Wii u will probably announce a new zelda, a new mario etc etc but it'll be lame wackness like skyward sword or galaxy that seemed like a brainstorm of desperate ideas squashed into some disc. Level designs were bollocks bro. The way you progress througj the game was not memorable. Nothing stands out to me like in older mario titles. I just remember generic ideas from a variety of nintendo games like luigis mansion, zelda, and old mario titles.


Nintendo hasn't a solid controller that proves SUCCESSFUL innovation. Graphics and visuals are yet again miles off though not to extreme extents... I think. And the online infrastructure doesnt seem to be upto scratch. So it'll miss out on many of these awesome third party treasures .


Fuck exclusives, what is available on PS4 is Watch Dogs, Destiny, Knack, both the Final Fanatsies, Fifa 14, Kill Zone Shadow Falls, Mad Max, Battle Field 4, Assasins Creed Black Flag, Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, Deep Down, Kingdom Hearts 3, Odd World: Abe's Oddesy - New 'n' Tasty, Need For Speed Rivals, Mirrors Edge, The Division and a couplw more that caught my eye.


A variety of games there, high quality, imagimation in story and concepts and gameplay. Level designs and engaging, convincing, compelling and a lot of things artistic. Each game looked genuinely different.

Fair enough they dont specialise in party games and nintendo dont specialise in those type of games. It would be cool if nintendo put efforr into their many games to make.them super unique and super awesome and demonstrates the different colours of nintendo, in addition to having OPTIONS of some of.them cool third party games.

Fuck, the godly two has clan friendly features and other features to make multiplayer more FUN.


Not being a joy killee or a pessimist, i want nintendo to unleash what they are capable of - Godly levels of art. Wont see it if forever passive in fanboyism and buy every shite with popular titles slapped on the tin somewhere. Constructive critiscm is tough love.


But.... I hope Reggie-man checks some boxes that'd sex my crotches. :D

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I have that Nintendo don't pay attention to this DRM/playing pre-owned games nonsense that MS and Sony are fighting about. I'd love it if it were just a simple ND with tons of games and plans for the future.


My dream scenario would be:


A Metroid for either the 3DS or WiiU

More footage and info on X: Xenoblade sequel

An F Zero or ExciteTruck/Bike game/Some racer that ISN'T Mario Kart

A new IP or two


Metroid is the main one. Give eet to meee.

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Edit - with myself though, once i go nintendo - i wiimain as their hoe.

Controllers are very important to me and nintendo has me captivated with the motion motes and even the screen on the gamepad. Just needs a little refining on mainly the motes and possibly collaborate the two if possible.

When i see games on ps4 and one i am forever thinking how such good games will be let down due to such pathetic controls. So i cant play any games. Now you hopefully understand the genesis of the venom that i have to spit at nintendo. :F

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@Beverage When I said compete, I mean technologically; and service wise (particularly online).


Find it weird that you talk about Nintendo having stale gameplay ideas when pretty much every game you listed for the PS4 is pretty much the same game weve seen a hundred times on the ps3/360, the division and knack are probably the only original games there, and a few are even coming to the wii u. You slag off Donkey kong Country Returns when it's one of the greatest 2d platformers going; then have the cheek to say PS4 is getting FIFA 14, the most churned out game in existence (one which I buy every year may I add) - you have such a hypocritical view it's unreal. If you said the best 5 2d platformers of the past 5 years they'd all be on a nintendo console!! Yoshi may steal the graphic style from Kirby but we have no idea how it will play, actually, the mechanics of each game are so different to each other I imagine very different. Weird you complain about this when how many games really do look like this?! Yet you have no complaints over all the gritty, brown, realistic FPS' which come out in their droves.


You don't like Nintendo and are excited for PS4? Fine. But your arguments are just weird.


I want Mario to continue to redefine the 3d platformer, and/or be so bat shit insane!!


Mario Kart - I want this http://nintendoreview.co.uk/2013/04/dear-developer-mario-kart-wii-u/


I want Smahs Brothers to just be classic smash but with a crazy single player adventure and loads more characters, weapons, custimastion and modes. I want a theatre mode. I want online leagues and tournaments that i can create and manage!


Ultimately I want surprises. I want Retros game there and out this year. I want a sizzle reel with Fzero, Starfox, Waverace. I want Wii Sports U. I want FIFA 14 and more 3rd party support. I want accounts and big shop/VC announcements. I want nintendo to realise they're in trouble and go utterly insane!! It maybe spoil potential surprises over the next year, but I want Nintendo to worry about that another day and get people talking about THEM!

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@Beverage When I said compete, I mean technologically; and service wise (particularly online).


Find it weird that you talk about Nintendo having stale gameplay ideas when pretty much every game you listed for the PS4 is pretty much the same game weve seen a hundred times on the ps3/360, the division and knack are probably the only original games there, and a few are even coming to the wii u. You slag off Donkey kong Country Returns when it's one of the greatest 2d platformers going; then have the cheek to say PS4 is getting FIFA 14, the most churned out game in existence (one which I buy every year may I add) - you have such a hypocritical view it's unreal. If you said the best 5 2d platformers of the past 5 years they'd all be on a nintendo console!! Yoshi may steal the graphic style from Kirby but we have no idea how it will play, actually, the mechanics of each game are so different to each other I imagine very different. Weird you complain about this when how many games really do look like this?! Yet you have no complaints over all the gritty, brown, realistic FPS' which come out in their droves.


You don't like Nintendo and are excited for PS4? Fine. But your arguments are just weird.


I want Mario to continue to redefine the 3d platformer, and/or be so bat shit insane!!


Mario Kart - I want this http://nintendoreview.co.uk/2013/04/dear-developer-mario-kart-wii-u/


I want Smahs Brothers to just be classic smash but with a crazy single player adventure and loads more characters, weapons, custimastion and modes. I want a theatre mode. I want online leagues and tournaments that i can create and manage!


Ultimately I want surprises. I want Retros game there and out this year. I want a sizzle reel with Fzero, Starfox, Waverace. I want Wii Sports U. I want FIFA 14 and more 3rd party support. I want accounts and big shop/VC announcements. I want nintendo to realise they're in trouble and go utterly insane!! It maybe spoil potential surprises over the next year, but I want Nintendo to worry about that another day and get people talking about THEM!


Alright I am sorry. I.am as fickle as the weather and dont really know what i am on about. I have been out of gaming for fucking donkeys.and.i am on despo for my fix. I dunno, i should not have slagged of my dude dk when i havent even played tye shit. The same with all those shits that i listed that you said has been churned out (thats why my arguments are plain weirdo :laughing: ).

But fuck, i just dont feel like any of those games do it for me. Not because i am growing out of games. No, it is definitely not that. I just feel like the industry is more focused on the business side of things... Well... That's obvious... But like not making money from genuine art. Do i make sense?

I just feel abandoned by nintendo dude :weep:

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