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Nintendo Ditching This Years E3 Presser


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Taking my Reggie Blinkers off, it isn't a good PR move not to have the big press conference and all the excitement that comes with that, especially when it's a good one, its always exciting to see what announcements there could be etc.


However, it's abit like the New Super Mario Bros argument for me. People moan about them but as yesterday's sales figures showed they sell a HUGE amount, it's a banker for Nintendo so why wouldn't they keep making them.

Obviously you can't go out and buy e3(or can you?), so Nintendo will be looking to see what reactions they have got from their last conferences. The feedback has been poor, people said they have not been good enough or whatever, so why wouldn't they change it up this year, do something different, instead of getting slated after wards for not announcing the second coming of Christ.


I do agree with @dazzybee though, unless what they do turns out to be brilliant, they should/will probably be back with a big event next year.

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Yeah, you're completely correct. And considering E3 has always been incredibly flashy and floods of journalists are invited who are almost obliged to write something about it on all of their respective websites. Nintendo Direct does do the same job, but the problem is in the name, it's direct. It relies on the very well informed segment of the fan base to tune in online and watch and reduces any impact to journalists because it's not actually live and in their faces.


The one thing I'm really disappointed about? We're not going to have the energy for the new Smash Bros reveal, unlike the last two. Part of the hype was all those fucking cheers, screams and laughs coming from the crowd accompanying the trailer.


And how about Zelda? I'm not a fan of the series, but man, I love the energy the crowd gives off. They've been waiting to see it, they're incredibly happy to see it and you can hear their reactions and feel their excitement. It's that one time you forget about how much competition there is in the industry, because you're just as giddy as a school kid waiting for a new toy. This is why when Nintendo have a good conference, it's usually the best conference of the event.


And to think they want to get rid of that..

Well Nintendo are doing several press/retailer-only presentations at E3, so I wouldn't say they'd get nothing

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Ah, you must mean E3 2010. That was an epic.


Amen to that brother! 2010 was exactly how to pull off an E3.


Not in the eyes of the media and the general public. THAT's the issue here.


I don't see this ending well for them. They're basically publically bowing out of the mainstream industry narrative completely and sticking to their own little bubble they've created.


Spot on. They're doing this at exactly the time when Nintendo need to be right in the middle of the mainstream being seen by everyone.


Nintendo are rapidly disappearing up their own arse!


Yes, totally agree, never said I didn't.


That's better :heh:


This is a retarded decision and history will prove it so. Nintendo will be back with a big conference next year.


And what's with this no win no win. Nintendo don't have to show sales and such. Why can't they see their conference as the software showcase they're planning on doing and show sales in a smaller to someone else.


They are proving everyone right by making themselves irrelevant, as marketing goes it's a disaster. Ultimately it may not effect long term sales too much, but Nintendo is surrounded by negativity, wii u launch has been a disaster, they need a big positive blow out. And I believe a conference showcasing mario, mario kart, retros game smash brothers etc would take attention away from ps4 and 720. They're just scuffling off into a corner and preaching to the converted, which is proven to be smaller than Nintendo realised.


You sum it up perfectly my friend!

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For comparison sake: not being at E3 doesn't seem to affect Rockstar...


I love the Nintendo Directs. I can sit and take them in over and over and they are created with care, personalisation and with a focus on the games. You get some good insights and they will have a ton of them created for E3. They will then be distributed all over the web and directly to your machines. It's not like we'll miss out. It's just different.

Then there will be reports and feedback from those who have played the games. Journalists will actively seek out Nintendo. They aren't gonna suddenly stop reporting on them because they didn't invite them into a hall for a seminar. Journalists will play the games on the show floor. They don't just go for the main meal, they want the dessert.


But this news does have an air of sadness about it...end of an era no doubt.


I will miss seeing marketing cads on stage hitting us with buzz words every five seconds before attempting to humour the audience with dire jokes and memes. I'll also miss uncomfortable looking foreigners facing off against other designers with only a translator between them and total embarrassment. Then there's the American reactions and rounds of rapturous applause.


I'm sure we'll all miss the E3 idiosyncrasies, but at the end of the day the games will be what makes E3.


Nintendo: they are all about the games...

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Pffft, games are announced all through the year, E3 is about making great social memories. The industry would be a much poorer place without those moments of MASSIVE DAMAGE, Kinect-tastrophies like the Star Wars demo and Miyamoto brandishing a sword and shield on stage. If Nintendo don't get that, that's really quite worrying - so much for the hardcore. I reckon they'll be back next year.


Honestly, Microsoft's awkwarder-than-grandma executives are a highlight.

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This is a good idea - think of the accumulative hours of sales graphs and other investor masturbatary materials we had to sit through before anything interesting came up. Throw it on Youtube, I'm not getting E3 tickets any time soon.

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I've set up a Roundtable thread in General Gaming Disscussion, if anyone wants to give their thoughts to be put into a feature for the mainsite.



Please use that thread just to post your own thoughts/opinions in a single post/paragraph and use this thread here for the full discussion and replies, etc (if that makes sense?)

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Some people are taking this as "not at E3 at all". I'm pretty sure the demo units and new games will be on the show floor.


All they have to do is have Reggie turn up on the show, here's 20 games, now fuck off and play them and tell the world how good they are. See you next year.


Job done, and it would work if the games were good enough.

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All they have to do is have Reggie turn up on the show, here's 20 games, now fuck off and play them and tell the world how good they are. See you next year.


Job done, and it would work if the games were good enough.


So much this.

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Nintendo Direct seems to be the future. Please Nintendo, have Reggie do these for our fix.


It's not a bad idea, but i will miss seeing the conference. They've won the past 2 years.


Won the last 2 years?


The last 2 years Nintendo @ E3 sucked. Last year was shambolic!!

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Won the last 2 years?


The last 2 years Nintendo @ E3 sucked. Last year was shambolic!!


Even so, Microsoft's and Sony's Conferences were definitely worse. Last year it was Ubisoft that "won" E3! Their conference was definitely the best!

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Won the last 2 years?


The last 2 years Nintendo @ E3 sucked. Last year was shambolic!!


TBH, the last 2 years have sucked for all of the big 3 console makers.


Ubisoft were the real winners last year. That's kinda sad :laughing:

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Even so, Microsoft's and Sony's Conferences were definitely worse. Last year it was Ubisoft that "won" E3! Their conference was definitely the best!


Sony came up with The Last of Us and Beyond (plus Puppeteer, which I know quite a few of us are looking forward to). That was definitely a good showing.

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Sony came up with The Last of Us and Beyond (plus Puppeteer, which I know quite a few of us are looking forward to). That was definitely a good showing.


The only negatives against Sony's show were that it was perhaps a little long and they gave way too much focus to Wonderbook otherwise they had a decent showing last year and comfortably beat out MS and Nintendo even if Ubisoft were the real star.


Got to say, I'm a little gutted. The Nintendo Directs are ok and all, but there is no sense of occasion. There will never be a Nintendo Direct that features an orchestra playing a medly of Zelda songs. Much like they can't send out a whole beevy of ladies carrying 3DSs so that everyone in the audience gets to sample the goods there and then instead of waiting for E3 to officially begin. Getting to hear the audience reaction almost pulls you into the conference room itself. The hush that falls over the crowd as the lights go dim, and you steady and silence yourself as well careful not to move an inch incase you miss something. You're about to be hit with a trailer for a game you're totally unaware of and you know the whole gaming world is watching along in awe - I loved that initial unveil of Other M, and Zelda TP, for just that. You don't really get any of that with the ND presentations. I find the almost clinical nature of the ND less inviting. E3 feels like an invitation into the world of Nintendo whereas ND feels like them talking bits out of their world and trying to drop it into mine - and given my world sucks, I cheerish that escapism that only E3 delivers.


If they truly are swapping the big show for a bunch of smaller ones like their 3DS showcase last year, then really they might as well not bother at all as that was just as woeful as the main event.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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@Hero\-of\-Time , hang on, I thought it was a no-brainer Nintendo were 'going to bring it' at E3 this year! *crosses out date in diary* ;)


Look, only time will tell if this is a good move, or bad.. No?


They let any vagabond into E3 with a sweaty backwater website and call themselves 'a journalist'.


"Hey, Nintendo, is your console under-powered? Is the CPU crap?".


"Hey, Nintendo, you fucked the launch, now what?".


"Hey, Nintendo, no UE4 for Wii U?".


Great publicity for the Wii U there then! High five.


They haven't got enough time to turn Wii U woes around to stand confidently and be counted by the time E3 arrives (weeks) - compounded by the very large slice of the spotlight PS4 and X720 will command.


It's not like they haven't booked their presence there, and maybe they will have a good E3 when all is said and done.


But remember boys and girls: don't.put.stock.in.to.E3!!! It's for the best.

Edited by madeinbeats
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It begins


Especially with this bit

But Nintendo is clearly struggling to save its business model of selling game consoles and software, as more people are flocking to their smartphones for a more casual gaming experience.


NOA press release because of this


As you’ve already seen, a lot of news about Nintendo games and services that traditionally would be held until E3 is being delivered this year through Nintendo Directs, and various press events. This approach will continue between now and E3. No matter where you are in the world, you’ll be fully informed. We look forward to continuing to provide you with Nintendo news and content in ways you haven’t before experienced. Beyond the news that will be communicated through Nintendo Direct videos in the run up to E3, at the show itself we’re hosting two smaller events on Tuesday morning before the LACC opens instead of just our traditional one event. A media event and a partner presentation will both occur that morning. While the audiences will be different between the two events, both will occur on the Tuesday morning of E3 (June 11) which is the date and time period the public has come to expect for Nintendo to deliver E3 news.


At the Nokia theater we’ll meet with business partners (retailers, publishers, analysts, etc.) from the NOA territory and discuss our plans for driving the business and providing tailored information that this group finds useful to their operations. Nintendo has done these same type of business meetings at past E3 shows, but has not in the past few years. This year we are returning to that business partner meeting format. New this year at our booth in the LACC, prior to the show opening, we’ll invite a small group of media to play our games. We will have a strong line-up of beloved franchise experiences available for immediate hands-on play. We are continuing to consider exciting new ways to bring the news of our games and information directly to the players at home during the E3 timeframe, and will have more to say about that at a later date.”


See...not bad at all

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So your home console is struggling and you have the biggest gaming expo coming up in a couple of months, what do you do:


A) Put on an amazing 1 hour long press conference that showcases all the great games that will be released to gain the attention of the gaming world.


B) Don't bother with your yearly 1 hour long press conference and instead hold multiple low key events to showcase your games with most of them behind closed doors.


I thought this would be the E3 that they knocked it out of the park, major game shown one after another. Going to be a very interesting couple of months, thats for sure.

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NOA press release because of this


I wasn't the only person to call this.


So your home console is struggling and you have the biggest gaming expo coming up in a couple of months, what do you do:


A) Put on an amazing 1 hour long press conference that showcases all the great games that will be released to gain the attention of the gaming world.


B) Don't bother with your yearly 1 hour long press conference and instead hold multiple low key events to showcase your games with most of them behind closed doors.


I thought this would be the E3 that they knocked it out of the park, major game shown one after another. Going to be a very interesting couple of months, thats for sure.


Gamers need to stop putting expectation pressure on themselves for E3 to be this big Cirque du Soleil event for the benefit of gamers, then get depressed when it doesn't happen. E3 just isn't that show anymore and hasn't been for a few years. Even more so now NDs are here.


Yes, that sucks, but that's all there is to it isn't it? :hmm:

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