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Wii U VC


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Why has @Fused King not been in here to comment on Advance Wars being released on the VC? :D


I was thinking about the GBA VC and when it comes to the first party games there aren't actually a lot of great titles and a few of them are just ports. I've had a look around and knocked up this list.


Advance Wars

Advance Wars 2

DK King of Swing

Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country 2

Donkey Kong Country 3

Drill Dozer

F-Zero Maximum Velocity

F-Zero Legend

Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones

Game & Watch Gallery 4

Golden Sun

Golden Sun 2

Kirby Amazing Mirror

Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland

Kurukuru Kururin

Mario Superstar Saga

Mario Golf

Mario Tennis

Mario Kart Super Circuit

Mario Party Advance

Mario Pinball Land

Mario Vs Donkey Kong

Metroid Zero Mission

Metroid Fusion

Pokemon Emerald/Sapphire/Ruby/Fire Red/Leaf Green/Pinball/Dungeon

Super Mario Advance

Super Mario Advance 2

Super Mario Advance 3

Super Mario Advance 4

Zelda: Link to the Past

Zelda: Minish Cap


WarioWare Twisted

Yoshi Topsy Turvy


You've got 8 ports in that list and the Pokemon games no doubt will remain off the list, at least the main games.


What time is it getting added? :/

I had a look, it's not there right now.... or I'm not looking well enough...


It's usually about 4-5pm, I think.

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Yes, two Advance Wars classics coming to the WiiU is awesome and it brings back quite the nostalgia when I used to play those games on emulators.


However, since Days of Ruins came out and I got some of my friends hooked on it, we've been waging war for a looooooooooooong time now, coming together ever so often to have fun with our crazy ass 'Advance Wars: Days of Ruin Community' lexicon.

Heck, I'd be surprised if we weren't the only people still playing this game in Europe.


The Weasel is our main symbol and along with it a whole bunch of other crazy words and references :laughing:

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That list is 1st party only and not even complete at that.


Come on HOT, you can do better than that... (Not even Rhythm Tengoku, or any of the Castlevanias, really?)


Hence me saying 1st party stuff and it was also games that just got a western release.


I was reluctant to add any 3rd party games because given that most if them have given the service a cold shoulder already it's probably safe to assume they will treat the GBA no different.

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Yeah, it's funny how Nintendo didn't make specific Mario platformers for handhelds between the Super Mario Land titles on the Game Boy and the New Super Mario Bros series from DS onwards. It's sort of ironic - I'm saying "not enough Mario!" :heh:


In all seriousness, the GBA was a great machine, but Nintendo handhelds have always been massively about 3rd-party too. The 3DS is probably the first time Nintendo have had to keep supporting one themselves and not been able to hand it over to 3rd-party developers after a few years.


It's still great to have GBA on Virtual Console, of course, just for 1st-party. I absolutely loved Minish Cap when I replayed it on 3DS, and in my opinion the two GBA Metroids are two of the best games Nintendo has ever produced!

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It's too fast and fluid. MAKE IT STOP :(




Ending races half a lap ahead of the competition. Feels good.


mario kart?

I just got a call from a mate, seeing if he can come round to play on it after work :D


I had forgotten how much I hated luigi and his invincibility, cutting out right in front of me, from nowhere, only to become invinicible and seemingly slam the breaks.

Did feel good on donut plains, final corner, sliding out wide, then using a mushroom to pip the git to the post :D


How does the special cup get unlocked?

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mario kart?

I just got a call from a mate, seeing if he can come round to play on it after work :D


I had forgotten how much I hated luigi and his invincibility, cutting out right in front of me, from nowhere, only to become invinicible and seemingly slam the breaks.

Did feel good on donut plains, final corner, sliding out wide, then using a mushroom to pip the git to the post :D


How does the special cup get unlocked?

Gold on each of the cups on 100cc


Man the rubberbanding on this game gets absolutely brutal

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Gold on each of the cups on 100cc


Man the rubberbanding on this game gets absolutely brutal


it's so necessary though, they'd have no chance otherwise!


Is your main competitor fixed entirely based on your own character? I played as koopa, got luigi, play as toad and I get princess....

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Glad to see you're enjoying Mario Kart @Serebii. It's my favourite version alongside Double Dash and the DS game; tight track design, shortish tracks and winning is all about how good you are at cornering. I'm not really a fan of MK:Wii and the N64 version...the levels are just too open and I get bored of just holding down the accelerate button and waiting for the next corner. Super Mario Kart actually felt like a karting game, which is hugely impressive given the hardware it's on. It managed to make racing feel amazingly rewarding, as you push and slide round each corner in search of a tenth of a second...


Screw it. I'm buying it right now.

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I've just got 2 cups to go but will leave them until tomorrow.


I've had fun and it's actually not as hard as I thought it would be. I remember really struggling with it on the Wii VC but I'm doing much better on this one.


The controls took some getting used to again. It handles completely different to the newer versions and it always throws me off a little. Once I got to grips with it again I was power sliding around corners like a mad man.


It was interesting reading Miiverse comments earlier. There were a lot of people like myself who grew up with this game but had to adjust to how it plays. Looks like its not just me then.


I've also read a fair few comments about the AI jumping over shells/bananas etc. and having unlimited special moves. It was always going to happen. At least there's no blue shell!


I completely forgot that hitting 2 of the mushrooms Peach throws at you reverts you back to normal size. It happened earlier and it was an "oh yeah!" moment.

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I'm loving this game!!


It's rock solid though! How does your rival suddenly appear behind you all the time when he has been shelled etc!!? Hmmm. Also power slide is difficult to master and i'm finding it difficult to control in general. Doesn't help that I keep pressing ZR to do it rather than R! Very annoying. Also what is it pressing B to accelerate!?


Only bad thing is the shitty graphics. MY EYES!!

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I'm loving this game!!


It's rock solid though! How does your rival suddenly appear behind you all the time when he has been shelled etc!!? Hmmm. Also power slide is difficult to master and i'm finding it difficult to control in general. Doesn't help that I keep pressing ZR to do it rather than R! Very annoying. Also what is it pressing B to accelerate!?


Only bad thing is the shitty graphics. MY EYES!!


You do know you can change the button mapping on any Wii U VC game, don't you?

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Doesn't help that I keep pressing ZR to do it rather than R! Very annoying.


I did that too, so remapped those buttons to also be regular shoulder buttons. Just means I have to tap the touch screen instead to reset the console etc.


The UI is a bit antiquated, and the graphics are terrible, but the game play is amazing. The music is giving me a nostalgia overload.


I found getting my wiimotes sorted for multiplayer was overly complicated...having to press 2 to allow them to be used just seems dumb, surely they can give a prompt simply saying they aren't recommended?

Having said that, I guess an alternative controller for the second player is sort of necessary, the controls are terrible on the wiimote!

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Stepping away from Mario Kart for a second


The second F-Zero GBA game, F-Zero: GP Legend, has just been rated in Australia :)


Nice! Never played GP Legend before (I hear that it's not very good, but I'm still keen to give it a try)


Hopefully we'll get Climax as well (don't see why we wouldn't. AFAIK there's almost no important Japanese text in that game anyway and it's not like we haven't gotten similarly import friendly games released on the VC before...)

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I'm loving this game!!


It's rock solid though! How does your rival suddenly appear behind you all the time when he has been shelled etc!!? Hmmm. Also power slide is difficult to master and i'm finding it difficult to control in general. Doesn't help that I keep pressing ZR to do it rather than R! Very annoying. Also what is it pressing B to accelerate!?


Only bad thing is the shitty graphics. MY EYES!!


Yeah, I kept doing this aswell, so I just remapped the buttons so to suit me. As for your rivals showing up....Dat rubber banding. :D I found that if you knock them out early then they tend to stay back. Of course this doesn't really help as your second rival just takes over. :)

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