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Wii U VC


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Honestly speaking though... Every single GBA game currently up on the store is a must have (except for Mr Driller 2, which doesn't really offer much new if you have Mr Driller on another console like Drill Spirits on DS or Drill Land on GCN - but it's not a bad rendition if you're a fan of the series anyway...)


At some point, you really should own them all!

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Honestly speaking though... Every single GBA game currently up on the store is a must have


They're certainly must-have portable games.


I was quite impressed by the notification system on the Wii U telling me that it had downloaded and installed Brain Training, with one press to open the game directly.


Although I'm hoping that Nintendo release a patch giving you the option to swap the screens around. Having to hold the GamePad upside-down is annoying.

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My thoughts on the GBA games...


Wario Land 4 - I don't really have a valid opinion on this one as, for some reason, Wario games irritate me! I've only played the beginning and couldn't be bothered with it after that. If you like Wario, however, this is probably a good choice (after all, it was your first instinct, right?)


Advance Wars - Not played (turn-based strategy is not for me).


Gra, you have issues. :p


WL4 is a top wee game!


Turn-based strategy is not for you?! What have we been talking about all these years in relation to DQ and EO? The mind boggles. :blank:

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Top tier GBA games so far:


Advance Wars

Golden Sun

Mario & Luigi

Mario Land 4

Metroid Fusion

Minish Cap


Can't really go wrong with game though, except maybe Yoshi's Island. Wario Land 4 and Wario Ware are a bit short (but sweet).

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Gra, you have issues. :p


WL4 is a top wee game!


Indeed it is.


I haven't played it since it was released on the GBA. That being the case I snapped it up on the Wii U VC last night.


I've been on and off it all day and although it's easy it's still a great game. I've just this minute got 100% and finished the game ( see Miiverse ). Man, the last boss has some well freaky faces! :as


I still think the best Wario game was Wario: Shake Dimension on the Wii. The art style on that game still blows me away to this day. Lovely game.


I was gonna crack on with Minish Cap but I think next on my VC hit list will be Metroid Fusion. I've never really played it back in the day ( only dabbled for 20 mins or so ) and with it being quite linear I may actually enjoy it.


To be fair, turn-based games do suck.


I agree. Pokemon does suck. :heh:

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Gra, you have issues. :p


WL4 is a top wee game!


Turn-based strategy is not for you?! What have we been talking about all these years in relation to DQ and EO? The mind boggles. :blank:


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! ("That's English for 'Stop a horse'".)


I adore turn-based combat in RPGs and will defend it to the end. What I'm less fond of are turn-based strategy games. When I play Etrian Odyssey or Dragon Quest, the combat is very smooth and I can go to bed without it haunting my dreams. Something like Advance Wars, though, I go to sleep thinking "This unit trumps that one. This one can move three spaces; the other one two." and it plagues my dreams all bloomin' night. Same reason I don't play puzzle games like Tetris.


PS - You're right about the issues though. :heh:

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To be fair, turn-based games do suck.


I guess so many years of devoting yourself to Pokémon can take its toll. ::shrug:


Indeed it is.


I haven't played it since it was released on the GBA. That being the case I snapped it up on the Wii U VC last night.


I've been on and off it all day and although it's easy it's still a great game. I've just this minute got 100% and finished the game ( see Miiverse ). Man, the last boss has some well freaky faces! :as


I still think the best Wario game was Wario: Shake Dimension on the Wii. The art style on that game still blows me away to this day. Lovely game.


Can't remember the final boss as its been many-a year since I played WL4 (since it came out on the non-backlit GBA!) but I made sure to get everything in it - the mark of a great game. Don't forget it spawned Warioware as you'll notice they recycled, or maybe we could say they just plain stole, so many assets from WL4.


Shake Dimension is great too. I mean to get back to it to mop up some of the extras some day.


I was gonna crack on with Minish Cap but I think next on my VC hit list will be Metroid Fusion. I've never really played it back in the day ( only dabbled for 20 mins or so ) and with it being quite linear I may actually enjoy it.


I've never loved MC as much as everyone else. It looks great and it plays great but the kinstones drops were just too random.


Fusion on the other hand, imo, is the best Metroid. I replayed it last year actually and it still holds up. It leads you through from event to event nicely and you can deviate from the beaten path in 'classic Metroid style.' (Areas will get locked off and you will be unable to go back for optional stuff now and again but... who cares, its nothing vital.) There's even plenty of instances where it wants you to find pathways that aren't on your map and when you succeed in sneaking round places you think the game doesn't know about, you feel like the bees knees. :cool:


Then there's the SA-X.


Play this, H-o-T. If I like it, you'll love it.


I agree. Pokemon does suck. :heh:


It's all gonna kick off!


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! ("That's English for 'Stop a horse'".)


I adore turn-based combat in RPGs and will defend it to the end. What I'm less fond of are turn-based strategy games. When I play Etrian Odyssey or Dragon Quest, the combat is very smooth and I can go to bed without it haunting my dreams. Something like Advance Wars, though, I go to sleep thinking "This unit trumps that one. This one can move three spaces; the other one two." and it plagues my dreams all bloomin' night. Same reason I don't play puzzle games like Tetris.


PS - You're right about the issues though. :heh:


So you never stayed awake wondering how best to grow your characters in EO or DQ games? Shame on you.


In fact, the way you talk about Primevil I'm actually certain you've put plenty of thought into your EO builds. :heh:

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So you never stayed awake wondering how best to grow your characters in EO or DQ games? Shame on you.


Those two have definitely caused me to stay up too late, but I don't dream about the gameplay in the same way.


In fact, the way you talk about Primevil I'm actually certain you've put plenty of thought into your EO builds. :heh:


Don't remind of that bugger. :heh: (Goes back to strengthening Shield, making him the toughest Protector in the land.)


I'll get you, Primevil!!!

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Fusion on the other hand, imo, is the best Metroid. I replayed it last year actually and it still holds up. It leads you through from event to event nicely and you can deviate from the beaten path in 'classic Metroid style.' (Areas will get locked off and you will be unable to go back for optional stuff now and again but... who cares, its nothing vital.) There's even plenty of instances where it wants you to find pathways that aren't on your map and when you succeed in sneaking round places you think the game doesn't know about, you feel like the bees knees. :cool:


Then there's the SA-X.


Play this, H-o-T. If I like it, you'll love it.


I started playing it today and have just finished it. Absolutely loved it.


I've never been a big fan of the series but I loved Other M due to how linear it was. It was hard to get list and the map was nicely marked with any goodies you come across. Fusion is very much like that and it's the way I like it.


The game never frustrated me and I never really got lost. The way the AI directs you to your next area is really helpful but you still have to do all the leg work to get there.


I loved the SA-X sections as you really feel helpless against it. I tried running past it at one point and got decimated. Another section I had to peg it and it was hot on my heels. I felt like I had The Terminator chasing after me.


Brilliant game and up there with Other M as my favourite Metroid games. This game truely is the SA-X. :D

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I started playing it today and have just finished it.


:o Today? I know it only takes a few hours but still...! Both times I played through Fusion it took me weeks as, despite liking it as I've told you, I still couldn't cope with playing a Metroid game more than 15-20 mins at a time. :heh:

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:o Today? I know it only takes a few hours but still...! Both times I played through Fusion it took me weeks as, despite liking it as I've told you, I still couldn't cope with playing a Metroid game more than 15-20 mins at a time. :heh:


It just really pulled me in. The size of the maps, the little hints, the length of the game, everything just felt right and made it very easy to just sit and play through it in a couple of sittings.

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:o Today? I know it only takes a few hours but still...!


If you really know what you're doing, you can 100% it in 90 minutes. I'm trying to do that at the moment, although I normally fall a bit short with speed runs.


Both times I played through Fusion it took me weeks as, despite liking it as I've told you, I still couldn't cope with playing a Metroid game more than 15-20 mins at a time. :heh:


Ah, I'm the complete opposite. All my Metroids have long play sessions, as I just love to explore and explore.

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If you really know what you're doing, you can 100% it in 90 minutes. I'm trying to do that at the moment, although I normally fall a bit short with speed runs.


Ah, I'm the complete opposite. All my Metroids have long play sessions, as I just love to explore and explore.


I don't really have the patience (or the ability to memorise all those item placements!) to do 100% in 90mins, but I was pretty proud of this one at least...





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It just really pulled me in. The size of the maps, the little hints, the length of the game, everything just felt right and made it very easy to just sit and play through it in a couple of sittings.


It probably is completable just by playing it during the gaps between World Cup matches. Still can't fathom how you'd have the drive to do that but kudos must go to you anyway. You can tick Fusion off the list. :heh:


Have you ever tried playing something like Link to the Past in one go? I reckon its doable in about five hours, y'know. (Without being an expert at it I mean.)


If you really know what you're doing, you can 100% it in 90 minutes. I'm trying to do that at the moment, although I normally fall a bit short with speed runs.


Ah, I'm the complete opposite. All my Metroids have long play sessions, as I just love to explore and explore.


Have you nothing better to play? :heh: I know I like Fusion but c'mon now.


I can explore an RPG dungeon for yonks, checking out every nook and cranny, every dead end just to be thorough but when it comes to Metroid, if I can get through a couple of rooms, shoot down the baddies, bomb the wall squares just in case and find there's a save point nearby, I'm happy to get myself outta there again. Just haven't got the stamina for it...

...which is me putting it nicely that I find it boring. :)


I don't really have the patience (or the ability to memorise all those item placements!) to do 100% in 90mins, but I was pretty proud of this one.



Dude that's a top effort. : peace:


None of this pansy boy maxing out your health and rockets like @Grazza. ;)

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It probably is completable just by playing it during the gaps between World Cup matches. Still can't fathom how you'd have the drive to do that but kudos must go to you anyway. You can tick Fusion off the list. :heh:


Have you ever tried playing something like Link to the Past in one go? I reckon its doable in about five hours, y'know. (Without being an expert at it I mean.)


Yeah, I've actually done it in a day before. When it was released on the GBA I blitzed it in one sitting. It helps that it's one of my favourite and most played games though. :D


Started and finished both Castlevaina and Megaman today. NES games are really short when you can save at any point. :)

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Fantastic game! The lack of multiplayer does take a big chunk away from it's appeal, but it's still a great game :)


Miiverse will be great for sharing those high scores on the training minigames :)

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I'm loving playing through A Link to the Past for the first time.


Just going through the 3rd dungeon and realised that Link has pink hair. What the fuck is all that about?


Not every Link has to look the same. Pink hair Link happens to be one of my favourites!

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