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Nintendo 3DS Direct - 14/02/13 - 3pm CET / 2pm GMT

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Posted (edited)
  Captain Falcon said:
Unless they announce platform agnostic purchases via an account system, or at least the ability to buy discounted versions if you already own one, like with the Wii/Wii U, then frankly, no, not really. Especially with GBA games going to the Wii U. They need to sort out the basics before I'm parting with my cash.


Also will the SNES's different resolution modes not impact games on the 3DS? I know games never relied on the high res mode for gameplay but some did for their menus and text. Since I'm guessing they aren't vector sprites/images, won't fiddling around with them just make them a mess?


Outside of the high-res mode (which only around 5 games ever used - the only real notable examples being Secret of Mana's status menu, Seiken Densetsu 3's character select screen and RPM Racing's gameplay), the SNES' vertical resolution is identical to the 3DS', so games will look perfect on the 3DS screen :)


The 3DS' resolution is enough for every pre-Dreamcast console (outside of the rare few outlying games that used high res modes)

Edited by Dcubed
  Dcubed said:
Outside of the high-res mode (which only around 5 games ever used - the only real notable examples being Secret of Mana's status menu, Seiken Densetsu 3's character select screen and RPM Racing's gameplay), the SNES' vertical resolution is identical to the 3DS', so games will look perfect on the 3DS screen :)


The 3DS' resolution is enough for every pre-Dreamcast console (outside of the rare few outlying games that used high res modes)


It was thinking of SoM that made me bring it up - I wasn't sure how many others actually used it mind.

  Captain Falcon said:
It was thinking of SoM that made me bring it up - I wasn't sure how many others actually used it mind.


I wonder if they might include an option to just have it stretch across the two screens when high-res mode is active in the emulator... The left and right sides would be cut off slightly, but there would be enough vertical resolution to fully display the image at least!


Otherwise, they'd just have to squash it. Not a big deal really since it's only used in extremely rare circumstances. 99% of games would display perfectly.

  Dcubed said:
I wonder if they might include an option to just have it stretch across the two screens when high-res mode is active in the emulator... The left and right sides would be cut off slightly, but there would be enough vertical resolution to fully display the image at least!


Otherwise, they'd just have to squash it. Not a big deal really since it's only used in extremely rare circumstances. 99% of games would display perfectly.


Given it's apparent rarity, I think they'd just not appear full stop like Super FX games on the Wii VC. Stretching it across both screens would look a bit messy and very anti Nintendo in design. Plus, the VC menu screen is always active on the bottom screen and then they'd have to do a work around for that too. Sounds like more effort than it's worth to me if they can't easily squash it.


Still, it's not like us over here were ever going to get to play SD3 anyway (legitimately and in English... which does remind me...) so no real harm done.

  Dcubed said:
No kidding! Shibata must be reading my posts on here :laughing:


Well, we did call him "da man"! ;)


  Dcubed said:
Otherwise, they'd just have to squash it. Not a big deal really since it's only used in extremely rare circumstances. 99% of games would display perfectly.


And, as you say, Virtual Console games are individually emulated, so the few games using this high-res mode could be adjusted. Would be well worth it to have SNES games on there.


Anyway, here's what I'm hoping to see:


1) Localisations for Dragon Quest VII, Etrian Odyssey IV and Bravely Default: Flying Fairy.


2) Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (a video or more screenshots).


3) Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons and the full range of 1st-party SNES and GBA games on the Virtual Console.


4) Another eShop game by WayForward. :)


5) Majora's Mask 3D.


6) A 2D Metroid (Metroid V).


7) Zelda 3DS. (Is Nintendo at GDC next month? If they're not, we might well see Zelda, although obviously I won't put my hopes on it.)




I've kept it modest for now. Will keep the really big lists for E3.


We must be getting the Euro release date for Animal Crossing tomorrow, right?! :hmm:

I bloody well hope so anyway.


Fixed date for HarmoKnight would be cool too. Or better yet the old "surprise, you can download it right now!" thing. :D

  RedShell said:
We must be getting the Euro release date for Animal Crossing tomorrow, right?! :hmm:


Or how about Luigi's Mansion? As that's supposedly out next month.

  Cube said:
Or how about Luigi's Mansion? As that's supposedly out next month.

I have both games pre-ordered (Luigi's Mansion & Animal Crossing), but am waaaaaaay more excited for AC. ;)

  RedShell said:
We must be getting the Euro release date for Animal Crossing tomorrow, right?! :hmm:

I bloody well hope so anyway.


Fixed date for HarmoKnight would be cool too. Or better yet the old "surprise, you can download it right now!" thing. :D


Looks like Fantasy Life will be announced.

  Mokong X-C said:
Unless they announce 3DS Miiverse or something else "Big" then I don't see the point.... where's the Wii U ND that would show off what 3rd parties have in store so we can all stop worrying about the apparent lack of games being made :heh:

You know there's no 3rd party Wii U games right?! :-)


Just give us the Animal Crossing release date, Nintendo, and I'll be happy (although your suggestion of a purple 3DS would be nice too - I'd make the upgrade to XL for that!) Hopefully we'll get a nice demo of something after the event too.

  yesteryeargames said:
Think I will boycott animal crossing if we don't get a release date .


Would you really be able to hold your resolve once its out though, and everyone's talking about it? I am so looking forward to popping round folk's towns on here!

  yesteryeargames said:
Think I will boycott animal crossing if we don't get a release date .


Your loss then, it looks great.


  Lens of Truth said:
So some pics have leaked from Nintendo's youtube channel (vids that were set to private but now removed) and the games shown were:

Luigi's Mansion

Fire Emblem

Lego City Undercover

Animal Crossing



There may be more, but perhaps best not get too hopeful ;)


Sounds good to me *thumbs up*.

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