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Things that people do that wind you up


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Winds me up when two people walking side by side on a pavement don't walk single file so you can pass, meaning you have to step into the road. Especially when they don't thank you.



This is a million times worse in shopping centers, where invariably its groups of women with push chairs walking like a rolling road block just so they can chat, and look at you like a piece of shit if you don't get out of there way! they have this whole "i'm a mother i'm privileged air about them" god damn have some bloody courtesy you ignorant woman you are no better off than anyone else :nono:


People with no manners (no pleases and "thankyous" in everyday situations)


as for Cyclists...the fact a lot of them think the highway code doesn't apply to them (or in Leeds/North/West Yorkshire anyway), every day on my commute i'll see 9 or 10 cyclists and out of those i'll see 1 who will stop at red lights, the rest sail through or do a creep and peep through.*

Then i get the ones who travel along ring roads and then switch lanes to turn right and only glance back halfway through lane changing, after cutting someone up!

As for country sides....

66:You should


never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends

Every time i visit my Aunt near skipton, i will come round a bend on a national speed limit road to find a group of cyclists three or four abreast and they refuse to move until they have to, and give you a dirty look for not wanting to wait behind them at 15mph - FUCK OFF TWATS YOU ARE NOT PROFESSIONALS LIKE BRADLEY WIGGINS! IN THE TOUR D' FRANCE...


*I work in a highways department where we have to know all the damn rules of the road since we will set them, yet we have three cyclists, who all advocate this as its safer to not stop, as your feet are strapped or clipped to the pedals so its difficult to stop. The argument that this in itself is dangerous as they are wearing the wrong equipment for road use falls on death ears.


Why do some cyclists feel the need to dress and act like they are professional cyclists and just do as they please?! I certainly understand some people's hatred for cyclists, if i didn't ride a bike myself from time to time i'm sure i'd end up in that catagory

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The whole world is really a teeming, angry flood of people, isn't it? Everyone is pissed of about everything. Everyone else is doing shitty things.


I can't stand going to town simply because of the vibe of people. I hear that average walking speed of people in cities has gone up loads in the last 100 years. Nobody wants to be there. Surrounded by people and they don't want to be. TEEMING. EVERYWHERE. PEOPLE WITH LIVES AND THOUGHTS AND PASSIONS AND EMOTIONS AND ANGER.



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as for Cyclists...the fact a lot of them think the highway code doesn't apply to them (or in Leeds/North/West Yorkshire anyway), every day on my commute i'll see 9 or 10 cyclists and out of those i'll see 1 who will stop at red lights, the rest sail through or do a creep and peep through.


I absolutely hate this. Wasn't there a protest in London last year when the government said they'd clamp down on it?


It's red for a reason, fuckwits. the reason being that cars that weigh ten times more than you are crossing your path.

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This is a million times worse in shopping centers, where invariably its groups of women with push chairs walking like a rolling road block just so they can chat, and look at you like a piece of shit if you don't get out of there way! they have this whole "i'm a mother i'm privileged air about them" god damn have some bloody courtesy you ignorant woman you are no better off than anyone else :nono:


I was walking along the street recently and a group of women had formed a V formation and took over the whole street. Someone approaching from the other direction just pushed one aside and said something like "watch where you're walking". They were mortified, and it was rude, but damn if it wasn't satisfying to see!


as for Cyclists...the fact a lot of them think the highway code doesn't apply to them (or in Leeds/North/West Yorkshire anyway), every day on my commute i'll see 9 or 10 cyclists and out of those i'll see 1 who will stop at red lights, the rest sail through or do a creep and peep through.*


I can understand why some people do at certain junctions (e.g. if you're turning at a junction) as you can quite easily end up trapped between two lanes of traffic with some angry cars behind you desperate to go. But I do stop at reds, in part because I know my luck is awful and I'd get caught if not :heh:


But then I have a general "I'm in no rush" kind of approach to cycling most of the time. A lot of people (all forms of transport) seem to act as if an extra thirty seconds will be the end of them.


Why do some cyclists feel the need to dress and act like they are professional cyclists


Who doesn't feel sexy in lycra?

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Not sure if it's been posted already, but Hashtags. Hate them. Especially seeing people use them on forums or facebook. Actually, anywhere.


Actually I think they can be used well. It's a good way to essentially 'tag' something that doesn't naturally fit into the sentence itself but helps to provide context.




Although badly used hashtags (in advertising) is awful. At my last job they kept making up ridiculous ones that nobody would use. The coffee cups at my current job says "This coffee is so good it's trending' and then has a hashtag....which nobody has ever used. Not even the uni itself!

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What about on Twitter and Google+, where they are used for something?


Still not a huge fan, but I can live with it then. Seeing them used all the time, especially on facebook and forums just annoys me, seems needless for the majority of the time.


Another thing: People who "like" their own status or posts on facebook. It's the same as voting for yourself in a competition, very lame.

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Ok so I'm frustrated because of facebook events.


Essentially, people think "oh I've got an invitation! I'll look at this, then just not say whether I'm going or not because lots of people have an invite and they won't notice if I say nothing at all."


Typically if it's a night out it's all done via texts, which people kinda feel they HAVE to respond to because tehy KNOW that I know they've got the fucking invite. On facebook people can just pretend they haven't seen the invite yet -- even though they're sitting on the chat list with their little green circles.


I just find it really rude. I've created an event to play pool on the weekend as I have a friend who can get us two free tables at the local pool hall - however he needs to know rough numbers. So there's 30 people invited, of which at least 12 are just courtesy invites to people I've not seen in a while, or people who aren't strictly part of teh 'core' group of friends who are going, who have their own social main group and will be too scared to come hang with us without their security blankets. But still, as a gesture they'll get an invite and the opportunity to turn me down.


So I've texted everyone whose number I have to ask them again, and immediately I get 5 responses -- a mixture of yeses and noses.


I hate how facebook really trivialises or overblows social interactions. It's a weird system of communication and I don't like teh non-committal nature of it.


I also hate how 'facebook official' is a legit thing now; an actual milestone to charter by. It has legitimately complicated my situation by placing a blue-boxed, white lower-cased lettered cloud above me. That bit makes little sense, BUT I KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

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I don't respond to most Facebook event invites I receive.


But that's because the majority are people who have just selected the "invite all" button. If the event was relevant to me (such as in my area), or I know they'll expect a response from me, then I will respond. But in most cases it's some stupid thing that has no relevance to me. They've clearly put no effort into inviting people, so I put no effort into responding.

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Old people who think they can be rude because they're older than you. There was an old woman in Subway who was incredibly rude to this woman who was overweight and I just felt so sorry for her. The old woman said "I have a friend who's really fat like you and she cut down on all of the junk food. If she can do it, you can as well" and then walked away from her after being served. Another woman stopped her and said that she was out of line to her and the old woman turned to her and said "Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Respect your elders!" and the woman replied "I will when they respect others". She just looked stunned and walked off. I've experienced a few elderly people being awfully rude but nothing like that. I was completely shocked.

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I don't respond to most Facebook event invites I receive.


But that's because the majority are people who have just selected the "invite all" button. If the event was relevant to me (such as in my area), or I know they'll expect a response from me, then I will respond. But in most cases it's some stupid thing that has no relevance to me. They've clearly put no effort into inviting people, so I put no effort into responding.

I know what you mean. I used to have friends to invite me to their shows kinda to make their gig look more important or whatever. But I just either deleted them or asked them to stop as I'd never be available.


I think people are assuming that I'm doing a similar thing - inviting them but not caring about hearing back. But I do. I have a mental list of people who don't ever respond and they just stop getting invited. Then they can assume that they were right all along, where actually it was their inactivity and reclusive nature that has crossed them off.


I hate people who complain about never doing anything or being invited anywhere, when they never invite anyone to anything or organise anything.


(this sounds like I'm having a go at you -- I'm not I'm just channelling rage)

Old people who think they can be rude because they're older than you. There was an old woman in Subway who was incredibly rude to this woman who was overweight and I just felt so sorry for her. The old woman said "I have a friend who's really fat like you and she cut down on all of the junk food. If she can do it, you can as well" and then walked away from her after being served. Another woman stopped her and said that she was out of line to her and the old woman turned to her and said "Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Respect your elders!" and the woman replied "I will when they respect others". She just looked stunned and walked off. I've experienced a few elderly people being awfully rude but nothing like that. I was completely shocked.


I have almost daily instances of this. There are a few bottlenecks down the highstreet where invariably there's someone pushing a pram, a bloke on crutches, an obese person on a scooter thing and a kid with a dog all walking at 1mph.


I have been up the park standing on the path waiting for a friend and an old person, who has seen me standing there for the 5 mins they took to walk my way, walks right up to me and says "ecuse me!" as if I was in his way, when the entire other half of the path was there, free for him to detour.


I'm just frustrated at everyone.

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Old people who think they can be rude because they're older than you. There was an old woman in Subway who was incredibly rude to this woman who was overweight and I just felt so sorry for her. The old woman said "I have a friend who's really fat like you and she cut down on all of the junk food. If she can do it, you can as well" and then walked away from her after being served. Another woman stopped her and said that she was out of line to her and the old woman turned to her and said "Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Respect your elders!" and the woman replied "I will when they respect others". She just looked stunned and walked off. I've experienced a few elderly people being awfully rude but nothing like that. I was completely shocked.


This is why I hate old people! They just get me sooooo mad, even worse when they think its ok to walk dead slow in front of you and won't let you pass. :mad:

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I also hate how 'facebook official' is a legit thing now; an actual milestone to charter by. It has legitimately complicated my situation by placing a blue-boxed, white lower-cased lettered cloud above me. That bit makes little sense, BUT I KNOW WHAT I MEAN.


Quite apt. I rarely organise stuff via facebook events now(we've got a running message thread amongst a friend group it seems, which sort of works similar to texts which I usually use anyway), but when I get invites to huge events I tend not to RSVP(or I maybe) - then I'll get a followup text about it anyway. I feel phone's still a very valid media, facebook is being relied on too much! Then again sometimes when I organise stuff, it's usually an open plan and I'll be there as long as at least one other person is, so I guess it's not quite the same.


What exactly is 'facebook official'? Or was it all just not-making-much-sense-y? The annoying alternative to the lack of facebook response is begging RSVPs, but even then people don't pay much attention and think you're a bit weird begging them!


Old people who think they can be rude because they're older than you. There was an old woman in Subway who was incredibly rude to this woman who was overweight and I just felt so sorry for her. The old woman said "I have a friend who's really fat like you and she cut down on all of the junk food. If she can do it, you can as well" and then walked away from her after being served. Another woman stopped her and said that she was out of line to her and the old woman turned to her and said "Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Respect your elders!" and the woman replied "I will when they respect others". She just looked stunned and walked off. I've experienced a few elderly people being awfully rude but nothing like that. I was completely shocked.


Good for the lady who told her off. I'm all for respecting your elders and whatnot, but it isn't blind unconditional respect, if they're gonna be rude then their respect goes out the window. Respect starts with yourself imo.

Edited by Rummy
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