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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Proves my 'Link' point. .. he is you, you the link to the game. Not Master/Mr. Link 15th generation dungeon explorer hero! :)


Miyamoto created Link, I'll take his description of him over Aonuma's interpretation.


Not that he is you directly, just that he is an avatar through which you experience the gameworld... thus he remains Link, remains as he always had.

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The Gametrailers crew sit down and discuss the Zelda Wii U trailer and the game from 23.15mins in...




Really enjoyable watch.


Damiani is hilarious :D So passionate about the series.


'Clearly this is a futuristic Link sent back in time to erase everything wrong with the timeline'... lol.


I actually like the idea that maybe Link and Ganondorfs descendants are friends in this or something it's set so far in the future, and they don't actually know who they are. Maybe things unravel as the past of Hyrule is revealed and they learn things, but equally maybe the descendant of Ganondorf is just purely good throughout, that's just who he is now, this Links best mate. And I do hope for an actual villain that isn't Ganondorf.

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You know, in Wind Waker, Link lived his whole life in a sunny island, and he didn't look any more tanned than anybody else. As long as they say he's adopted, he can still have been raised by the Gerudo.


Dammit, King V, you put the notion in my head, and now I want it to happen :(

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I wonder if there will be any ties to Hyrule in this game or if Aonuma might pull another 'Majora's Mask' on us.


After Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess and the reveal of the timeline, I'm ready for Link venturing into new lands instead of having things tied to Hyrule again.

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Figure I would just drop this in here.



I personally found it hilarious ( love his Megaman one as well ) and he makes a few valid points.


Holy crap! He actually finished it?


Maybe Game Grumps will actually go back and give Link To The Past another go now.


EDIT: He pretty much has the same major gripe I have with OOT. The waiting. Oh, the amount of waiting! It really does slow down the game a bunch.


Really!? The spikes being off screen - despite their full and complete circular pattern being THE VERY FIRST THING YOU SEE WHEN YOU ENTER THE ROOM!!


I think it's more a case of not being able to react in time when something suddenly appears from off-screen. So what if you saw it earlier? You can't possibly know where it is all the time in OoT where in LttP, it's easier to keep track of these things.


The idea that Z Targetting complicates combat and seperates the world of exploration from the world of exploration!? what utter bollocks! Z Targetting actively simplifies combat and allows for accuracy in 3D space!


OK, you definitely missed the point here. He said it makes it more complex. It adds a lot more to the combat then LttP could ever hope for.


I've always preferred LttP and I enjoyed this video.

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Figure I would just drop this in here.



I personally found it hilarious ( love his Megaman one as well ) and he makes a few valid points.


Yeah I saw this the other day...


He makes some valid points (specifically about the emphasis on waiting in OOT and the way that they changed how the boss battles worked - to being more about elaborate puzzles that you solve than being about a pure test of reflexes and skill)...


But he gets so much wrong that it's hard to take what he says seriously. Really!? The spikes being off screen - despite their full and complete circular pattern being THE VERY FIRST THING YOU SEE WHEN YOU ENTER THE ROOM!! - the bats being more challenging to hit, that's a problem!? (Hell it also actively encourages you to make use of your non-sword items, something that ALTTP never did), the idea that Z Targetting complicates combat and seperates the world of exploration from the world of exploration!? what utter bollocks! Z Targetting actively simplifies combat and allows for accuracy in 3D space!


It goes on and on... Now he did have something of a point about how ALTTP offered you more freedom in how you could explore the world and how it felt more cohesive, but then he gets bogged down in how OOT actively blocks your progress and fails to mention how ALTTP actually does the same thing with how certain parts of the map aren't accessible until you've already done certain things in the game. The only difference here is that OOT makes more use of NPCs who block your path (and even then, it only happens twice in the whole game IIRC) and scripted events, while ALTTP purely takes the Metroid route of having areas blocked off until you have certain items.


And his quib about how the items in each dungeon are used against their respective bosses can also apply to ALTTP (as well as every other Zelda game not called Majora's Mask). Every Zelda follows that rule (and while I'm at it, they also all have bosses that subvert this rule too - ALTTP has the Turtle Rock boss, while OOT has Bongo Bongo, which doesn't require the use of the Hover Boots at all).


His videos on Megaman/Megaman X and CV1/SCV4 were much better than this... :nono: Hell I actually prefer ALTTP over OOT myself and I still can't side with him on this video...

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I wonder if there will be any ties to Hyrule in this game or if Aonuma might pull another 'Majora's Mask' on us.


After Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess and the reveal of the timeline, I'm ready for Link venturing into new lands instead of having things tied to Hyrule again.


Its got to be Hyrule. You can see Death Mountain and a pretty big lake in the reveal.

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I think it's more a case of not being able to react in time when something suddenly appears from off-screen. So what if you saw it earlier? You can't possibly know where it is all the time in OoT where in LttP, it's easier to keep track of these things.


While it's true to say that you don't know where the spike would be at all times, it's not right to say that it comes out of nowhere. Upon entering the room, you know where the spike is, how it moves and how fast it completes its movement pattern. The game is challenging you to make it through the room, without you having full view of the spike at all times, making the player tap into their skills of special awareness. It's completely fair because you are given the full set of information that you need when you first walk in, before you even get to attempt moving past it. It's not inherently a bad thing to not be able to see every obsticle at all times, so long as you are given a chance to study your surroundings and obstructing obsticals in full view before they're thrown at you. It's a different form of gameplay that takes advantage of what 3D space can offer, but not inherintly "bad design" as Arin wants to make it out to be...


OK, you definitely missed the point here. He said it makes it more complex. It adds a lot more to the combat then LttP could ever hope for


It does, but he goes onto to say how Z Targetting in of itself makes combat more complicated than it would be without it. That's pure rubbish! Can you imagine how convoluted Zelda combat would be without it? How difficult it would be to hit anything airborne or not brain dead stupid!? (Good luck trying to hit the bats without it!)


And going back to the whole "disconnect" thing with Z Targetting... He also doesn't mention that you don't have to use it and that many enemies are just as easily dispatched without it (Tektites, ChuChus, Deku Scrubs, normal Stalfos etc). Z Targetting is only really required against the more complex enemies that you typically do fight one on one, or on airborne enemies (which can also be dispatched using 1st person too). And with the enemies that you do fight one on one that like to sit around and wait, there is almost always a quick way to kill them (the only exception that comes to mind are the Gerudo Guards and the Iron Knuckles) - he also elongates the fights shown in the videos by either holding out the Hookshot, or standing too close to them (both of which encourage them to act defensively).

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While Arin makes some good points here and there, it feels more like he is criticizing Skyward Sword than Ocarina of Time. Hell, most of the things he says against Ocarina are better applied to other games in the series (TP is the biggest perpetrator of "Use item on boss").


(Also, he can be quite overbearing with the way that he speaks and presents this show, but I get that's his style of comedy. At least he's not bashing every game under the sun like Yahtzee does)


His previous videos made better points, and were more focused on a general theme, as opposed to this rant (which had a lot of nitpicks). This video would make more sense if it was titled "The Zelda series as a whole", too.


There's also something that bothered me: this is a video series about game design, and he utterly failed to see the point of the eye/crystal switches. They're there to make the player understand that his surroundings are important, to drive the point of looking around more often. This was one of their first forays into 3D, and considering Link doesn't jump, how are you going to know that things other than ground level can be important, if you don't gain the awareness to look at the ceiling from time to time?

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While Arin makes some good points here and there, it feels more like he is criticizing Skyward Sword than Ocarina of Time. Hell, most of the things he says against Ocarina are better applied to other games in the series (TP is the biggest perpetrator of "Use item on boss").


He really does hate Skyward Sword, huh?

I kinda like Skyward Sword. Yeah, it's incredibly hand-holdy. But I love the combat. I'll miss that. So very much.

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JUST REMEMBER FOLKS - If there are strong links between Link and the Gerudo/If Link is raised in Gerudo Valley etc...




Wouldn't that mean that Rauru is full of shit when he revealed that Link was actually Hylian?


I agree with you about the gauntlets. The ones from Ocarina were also from the Gerudo.

The ones which Link didn't acquire but was kitted out with after his 7 year nap?

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He really does hate Skyward Sword, huh?

I kinda like Skyward Sword. Yeah, it's incredibly hand-holdy. But I love the combat. I'll miss that. So very much.


Whenever I think of the combat in Skyword Sword, I think of...




And that's a good thing

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Wouldn't that mean that Rauru is full of shit when he revealed that Link was actually Hylian?


OoT!Link is Hylian (but raised by Kokiri), so Rauru is correct, because he was only talking about him.


This!Link could be Gerudo, or could even be a Hylian raised by the Gerudo. We don't really know.


The ones which Link didn't acquire but was kitted out with after his 7 year nap?


No, the Silver ones he found in the Spirit Temple.

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I'm sorry for putting more Zelda comparisons on this, but...



I feel like this is a pretty well thought-out comparison. (The guy who did this does mostly fantastic critiques) It's definitely worth a look.


(This was before Link Between Worlds, so keep that in mind.)


EDIT: There we go! I always forget to take the first part of the address out.

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I'm sorry for putting more Zelda comparisons on this, but...



I feel like this is a pretty well thought-out comparison. (The guy who did this does mostly fantastic critiques) It's definitely worth a look.


(This was before Link Between Worlds, so keep that in mind.)


EDIT: There we go! I always forget to take the first part of the address out.


Yeah, Matthew Matosis does some fantastic critiques in general. I'd recommend his whole channel (even if I disagree with much of his Skyward Sword review - I do agree with pretty much all of his other ones in general and he offers some really detailed and balanced insights into each game he critiques :D)

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Wouldn't that mean that Rauru is full of shit when he revealed that Link was actually Hylian?



The ones which Link didn't acquire but was kitted out with after his 7 year nap?


Just like Jonnas said. Link is always a Hylian/Hyrulian, being raised by... Zoras, still wouldn't make him biologically Zora.


As for the gauntlets, a few pages back I showed a comparison between G-man and new Links sleeve design to show an uncanny Gerudo pattern.





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