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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I'm not sure they'd do such a contrast as to have a 'realistic' main Zelda and a cartoon four swords multiplayer... or do you reckon they might make a more realistic four swords too?


I think both aspects of the game will have the same graphics.

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This was a new thread started today though with no real news to go on. ;)


Both threads were started today. :p


It's a bit of a shame that there isn't more of a discussion around this. It has the potential to be something quite radical. An open-world Zelda? Yes, please! Although, of course we need more information. It should be fun to speculate.


Only thing that concerns me is the narrative. So poorly handled in Skyward Sword that it may as well have not had a story. If this is going to be fairly open-world/or heavy open world, this raises even more questions about its story-telling.

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Both threads were started today. :p


It's a bit of a shame that there isn't more of a discussion around this. It has the potential to be something quite radical. An open-world Zelda? Yes, please! Although, of course we need more information. It should be fun to speculate.


Only thing that concerns me is the narrative. So poorly handled in Skyward Sword that it may as well have not had a story. If this is going to be fairly open-world/or heavy open world, this raises even more questions about its story-telling.


I hope they actually do something radical. The formula has gotten stale and they need to bring in something truly fresh.

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Legend of Zelda WiiU thread: Just about on 2 pages.


Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD: 4 pages.


Who says that HD-ports/remakes are not needed? :p


I suspect by the time these two games launch, this thread will be five times the size of the Wind Waker HD one will be at launch.

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It's a bit of a shame that there isn't more of a discussion around this. It has the potential to be something quite radical. An open-world Zelda? Yes, please! Although, of course we need more information. It should be fun to speculate.


Well, the thing is, Aonuma and others promised us some of these same things for Skyward Sword which they're now promising again. The only difference is that they acknowledge that, with Skyward Sword, they couldn't do enough to truly change the formula.


I'm not sure what to believe anymore, I'll make my jugdement when I see a trailer with openworldness.

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I hope they actually do something radical. The formula has gotten stale and they need to bring in something truly fresh.


It needs to be fresh, but not just in terms of the gameplay/the formula, it shouldn't come at the expense of the story-telling. In fact, if anything needs revamping, it needs to be that.


I actually think the majority of the gameplay itself was good in Skyward Sword. Controls were great, how you interacted with the enemies and the puzzles was fantastic. The downsides came from the overworld/layout itself, rather than how you interacted with it.


The music wasn't particularly great either. It didn't make the game memorable. There's not enough standout cut-scenes or moments that you will remember in 10 or 15 years time. A shame as there were moments of promise.


I suspect by the time these two games launch, this thread will be five times the size of the Wind Waker HD one will be at launch.


Could well be. But also, it would be nice to see/hear more of people's ideas for the future of this series. It could very well be heading into a completely different direction. :hmm:

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Only thing that concerns me is the narrative. So poorly handled in Skyward Sword that it may as well have not had a story. If this is going to be fairly open-world/or heavy open world, this raises even more questions about its story-telling.


Thing is SS had the potential to hace a great narrative. I thought the story was told good at the beginning then it seemed the developers forgot about the story as the game progressed.


I want a large but filled overworld. I also want exploration. Having saying that if you think about it SS did have exploration. You cant deny not knowing every inch and cranny in the three different areas. I thought it was quite novel reusing them and every visit you made there was another set of unsolved puzzles. I also enjoyed which i feel the other Zeldas do not do very well is utilise the items. In SS you do use the items you obtain in the dungeons outside them.

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Thing is SS had the potential to hace a great narrative. I thought the story was told good at the beginning then it seemed the developers forgot about the story as the game progressed.


I want a large but filled overworld. I also want exploration. Having saying that if you think about it SS did have exploration. You cant deny not knowing every inch and cranny in the three different areas. I thought it was quite novel reusing them and every visit you made there was another set of unsolved puzzles. I also enjoyed which i feel the other Zeldas do not do very well is utilise the items. In SS you do use the items you obtain in the dungeons outside them.


The trouble with Skyward Sword was, yes the areas had a fair amount to do in them (although still somehow feeling a little dead and barren), but the fact that they were all closed off from each other made the whole thing quite artificial-feeling. Like the sky was a glorified (and equally dead) level select screen.


The closest a 3D Zelda has come to the original Zelda overworld of open-ended exploration was Wind Waker.

Edited by Ronnie
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Cant wait to see something about this New zelda game, they have to go all out with this one, it has to be so good that my eyes pop out lol.


i'm expecting alot from the next zelda game, a bigger and darker storymode, i want Dark link in the game to kick his ass,

(i always wanted to play as sheik) so maybe they can do something with that too, i want the sheikah tribe in the zelda game, where u can learn new moves, participate in matches and stuff, i want a lot of sidequests which u can do, to do stuff for the people in town, i want the bosses to be more tougher to kill, also epona has to return, i love the horseback riding to travel faster, or maybe the option to fly on rauru the owl.


and something else i want link to have more powers, like u could do in ocarina of time, Dins fire attack , or farores wind, nayrus love, etc etc those attacks made link ''look'' invinsible,


and for the bosses, i want every boss to give us the feeling that whe are fighting the final boss, and make the last boss almost invinsible lol haha, i want more drama in the story, like for evil creatures to plunder villages and they try to kidnap the woman and the man are trying to hold them off, then link enters the fight and save the woman, or someone close to link being killed, and link wants revenge and try's to find the one who coused all this, then how deeper he goes in, the darker the story gets..

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One problem with the story telling is the fact we all know what the story is. Oh look, it's Zelda! Oh no, something bad has taken/happened to her! Link to save the day!


I loved WW for what it did with the whole Tetra/Zelda thing, didn't quite see it coming too soon. They need to mix up the story a bit really, not just tell it better. I got excited in SS because I thought you'd get to adventure with Zelda for a while.

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I loved WW for what it did with the whole Tetra/Zelda thing, didn't quite see it coming too soon. They need to mix up the story a bit really, not just tell it better. I got excited in SS because I thought you'd get to adventure with Zelda for a while.

OMG they should have totally made the stuff they showed for Zelda during the credits as a playable unlockable chapter for completing the game!


Was a bit disappointing there was still no Sheikah tribe in Skyward Sword, as an origins story there should have been, and makes you question whether Nintendo have just written the 'tribe' out of it?


When you first see the Sheikah in Skyward Sword I thought it was more than one helping Zelda and got quite excited, but nope turned out to just be Impa on her lonesome again! Still waiting on that Nintendo, so get it done!

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What TP forgot imo was the exploration. They made a huge world, but didn't fill it up, just thinning it out instead. Market town/whatever it was, was dead - not enough NPC characters or good minigames. The items in TP were fantastic, but the fell flat fast because they didn't have enough good usage elsewhere; it was a sadly linear experience in some ways. They should made some really good overworld puzzle/explory bits to make use of some of the items!


I like TP; its heart was in the right place. At least it had big fields to gallop across, gorgeous sunsets and good versions of Lake Hylia, Kakariko Village and Gerudo Desert.


What I felt was missing were very specific things like NPC routines, Fire Arrows, Power Gauntlets, shield control and the Mirror Shield. I know for a fact that shield control was taken out. I can't say the same about the Mirror Shield, although I always thought the Spinner was suspicious...


The four things from Skyward Sword I most want them to avoid are these:


1) Obstacle course overworlds. Really disliked Lanaryu Desert and Eldin Volcano. With all the narrow paths, it was so hard to get anywhere.


2) Motion controls.


3) Linearity. I don't want Zelda HD to be as difficult as the NES original, but Skyward Sword felt like "Go here, go there, Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3" to me.


4) Trials. These were just terrible.


That's all for now. The only other thing I'll say is that they should go back to what they were thinking with Wind Waker, and improve the series in accordance with what they were planning at the time. Whether it's your favourite game or not, Wind Waker was the last time the series made a generational jump successfully. Now they have the opportunity to do it again...

Edited by Grazza
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In Twilight Princess I was quite excited when I found the resistance as I thought at some point you'd fight along side them. So when I saw them during the final stages of the game I assumed that was the time we would fight some bad guys together. Man was I disapointed that you didnt get to fight with the.


I'd like maybe some kind of AI companions that fight along side you. I'm not talking about the entire game but it would be nice to have some one else walking around with you tackle the bad guys and stuff on a few missions maybe even side missions. It'd make a welcome change.

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I'd like maybe some kind of AI companions that fight along side you. I'm not talking about the entire game but it would be nice to have some one else walking around with you tackle the bad guys and stuff on a few missions maybe even side missions. It'd make a welcome change.


That's a brilliant idea. It'd be great to have an A.I. companion getting into position and helping you with Mirror Shield puzzles etc.

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Wind Waker tackled co-op play like that pretty well with Medlii and Makar, although it was pretty basic implementation.


I don't agree that TP needed 'fire arrows and power gauntlets' to be improved. In more general terms what Zelda badly needs to bring back is a magic metre, and things like the wonderful Deku Leaf from Wind Waker. The series has sorely missed magic lately, literally and figuratively.

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I really am in the minority of loving Skyward Sword!


(I still want all these changes for the series, have for some time, but I still loved the game we got)


I loved Skyward Sword too.. thought it was awesome :grin: I'd also love to see the series change, though..

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Burn Skyward Sword from the memory, more bad than good overall bar the motion controls. Twilight Princess is the perfect template. It just needs to be fleshed out some more in regards NPC's and things to do in the overworld(like the spinner and ball & chain needed more use, outside of their respective dungeons, hardly used, implement them in side quests more), Skyward Sword controls, HD and a little less brown. Job done. Perfect.

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Twilight Princess is so boringly, predictably Zelda though, Ocarina of Time v2. For that reason it is not a template to follow... well for me at least.


Zelda needs to be something new now for me to buy it... and a Wii U.


I enjoyed Twilight Princess when I got it alone with my Wii at launch but I don't look back on it with any great affection and trying to go back to it now doesn't give me an awful lot of satisfaction..

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Wind Waker tackled co-op play like that pretty well with Medlii and Makar, although it was pretty basic implementation.


Yeah, but I think it'd be better if they were CPU-controlled.


In more general terms what Zelda badly needs to bring back is a magic metre, and things like the wonderful Deku Leaf from Wind Waker. The series has sorely missed magic lately, literally and figuratively.


Very true. I'd love to be up one mountain, and to have views of other ones in the distance, but also to be able to glide down to parts of the overworld with my Deku Leaf.

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I like TP; its heart was in the right place. At least it had big fields to gallop across, gorgeous sunsets and good versions of Lake Hylia, Kakariko Village and Gerudo Desert.


What I felt was missing were very specific things like NPC routines, Fire Arrows, Power Gauntlets, shield control and the Mirror Shield. I know for a fact that shield control was taken out. I can't say the same about the Mirror Shield, although I always thought the Spinner was suspicious...


The four things from Skyward Sword I most want them to avoid are these:


1) Obstacle course overworlds. Really disliked Lanaryu Desert and Eldin Volcano. With all the narrow paths, it was so hard to get anywhere.


2) Motion controls.


3) Linearity. I don't want Zelda HD to be as difficult as the NES original, but Skyward Sword felt like "Go here, go there, Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3" to me.


4) Trials. These were just terrible.


That's all for now. The only other thing I'll say is that they should go back to what they were thinking with Wind Waker, and improve the series in accordance with what they were planning at the time. Whether it's your favourite game or not, Wind Waker was the last time the series made a generational jump successfully. Now they have the opportunity to do it again...


It doesn't matter for shit if its heart was in the right place, you could argue close to that for anything. It needs mind, body AND soul, it needs to be a complete package. Sure, it can TRY to be the complete package but if you fail/are shit at it then you don't count for jack. If anything, it's even worse, you're a half-life, almost what you should be, but not quite. A ghost of a memory - all the more frustrating to those who want/expect the real thing. It ain't nothing on you, but I dislike half ass, weak ass, pathetic justifications or reasonings to explain a zelda. 'well it was almost there'; almost? I don't care for almost! Almost just isn't fucking good enough! Zelda SHOULD be all there. We've come to expect nothing less, and it shouldn't be so!


As for the SS criticisms; well, they were trying to make a good zelda. They thought maybe mixing it up would be what would help. Making the overworld a dungeon/puzzle(and tbh it wasn't a terrible thing), motion controls(again, not terrible but yes not needed), linearity isn't a problem as long as there's some possible deviations/returns to the path(ie good exploration), Trials...well...actually I got nothing on those. I just disagree, I quite liked them! Felt they were quite Zelda-esque, actually.


However, as a whole it wasn't good enough. Of course, it's easy for us to criticise, and we'll all have different ideas of what will make it good etc. And, most of all, if it was as easy as this then they'd have made a perfect addition already, so...I dunno, I lost my point.

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