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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Personally, I don't believe that video (Game Awards 2014) was dishonest. The reason for the delay given this year, however... that's a different matter.


Even so, I would rather developers showed us what they were up to more often, even if it ends up delayed, because that video was one of the most interesting things I've seen from Nintendo.

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Does it really matter? Some of you guys are too hung up on something you cannot change. The same thing has happened for me with my favourite franchise, Persona. Up until a couple of weeks ago the release date for the next title in that series was later this year, now it's delayed to Summer 2016. They held back releasing the truth about the delay for longer than was believably necessary.


However, what's happened has happened. They will have had their reasons, people internally will have continued to promise it was possible until the last minute. Every industry has its red tape.


With Persona 5, I continue to look forward to the game and believe that it will be better as result of the delay :) Chin up, get excited instead!

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Well said Shorty! :D


Too much time is often spent dwelling on the inevitable while we should be more optimistic and grateful for all the things we still have to look forward to, I have no doubts that the new Zelda will be utterly fantastic when it's finally released but I'm also aware that we have plenty of other titles to look forward to between now and then whenever it may be including another portable multiplayer Zelda title which looks fantastic! :)


I'm sure that an open world Zelda title created in Nintendo's unique style will turn out to be amazing in ways that we can't even possibly imagine at this point but by the time of E3 2016 we'll all surely be blown away.


Personally I don't expect it to be comparable to any other recent open-world game either such as The Witcher III which I have yet to experience all the way through but am looking forward to doing so, I'm sure I won't be comparing the two either because while there seem to be a lot of things which certain open-world games get right there's always things which I think to myself... "this is nice but... it doesn't quite feel right" whereas with Zelda I expect to feel like... "this feels amazing! Not quite how I imagined it but excellent all the same" as it really looks like it's shaping up to be something special indeed. : peace:


While there are certain areas in which I feel Zelda could definitely take a bit of inspiration, there are other elements featured in other "open world" titles which I don't want to see; also lest we forget that almost all 3D videogames of today take inspiration from Zelda: Ocarina of Time in some small way. ;)


Let's just let the innovators do what they do best and in the mean time appreciate what we have as in the time between now and the release of this game which will surely be monumental I intend to sample the innovation within other titles on other platforms which all have something worthwhile to offer; even if it's not quite Zelda. :heh:

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I don't see any problem with the delay. Except that of course I'd personally like to play the game NOW. Because I'ma Zelda fan.

But I think it's great that Nintendo seem to go for the ultimate Zelda game, rather than just pushing a yearly iteration out the door. If Nintendo deliver on their original promises, this could be the best Zelda of all time

What I don't understand is that it's A YEAR since Zelda was last shown. We're a month away from its original release date and we don't know the game's title. We have a very vague 2016 date and no new screenshots, footage, concept art or anything.

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But it was their plan. With that logic, no developer should say anything until it's secure. Lots of games go through delays, not just Nintendo titles. It's part of the industry.

I can live with that. It'd stop a lot of hopes from being raised before being raped into oblivion.


Did we actually get an excuse? Other than the standard "we're taking a little* extra time to make it the best game it can be" bollocks?



*a fuckload

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I can live with that. It'd stop a lot of hopes from being raised before being raped into oblivion.


Did we actually get an excuse? Other than the standard "we're taking a little* extra time to make it the best game it can be" bollocks?



*a fuckload


Truth was said here.


Of course, Im not dying in anticipation (Im actually probably losing more interest as time goes by) - I just think there is no need to state a "next year" just do what Square-Enix do and say 'coming soon'. I don't mind the wait.


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In hindsight, the Game Awards footage looked seriously rough and that was probably why they didn't show a direct video feed. I imagine the scope and development time required to make a modern openworld game caught them a little off guard. I wouldn't be surprised if the next time we see the game it will look and feel very different, which may explain why they didn't show it at E3, it's gone in a new-ish direction.

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If a developer only revealed things that are secure, all we'd be left with would be "We are announcing this game, aaaand it's out tomorrow" :heh:


I'm with Grazza when he says he wishes Nintendo should show more "rough" footage. Even if Twilight Princess was the reason they don't do that anymore, I actually liked seeing that sort of thing, it's how we saw stuff like Mario 128, which is pretty interesting.

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I'm with Grazza when he says he wishes Nintendo should show more "rough" footage. Even if Twilight Princess was the reason they don't do that anymore, I actually liked seeing that sort of thing, it's how we saw stuff like Mario 128, which is pretty interesting.


Plus, it's not like they ever show us wireframe models or bare polygons. Whatever anyone says, Zelda Wii U has only ever been shown in a fairly polished state. It was an ambitious game, yes, but when you look at the lighting, shading and animation on the horses, it couldn't possibly be considered rough or primitive.



Sigh. That's a great video, but it's sort of sad to be reminded of TP's development process. It's interesting to see that the development team were so pumped up by the positive reaction to the amazing 2004 trailer (food for thought, especially for those who think a live E3 show isn't important); but then you see how they thought up the wolf, then got keen on the idea of motion controls (supposedly inspired by PH's touch controls), all the way through to having Link's Crossbow Training instead of a Majora's Mask-type spin-off. The Wii era was such a deflating time for me. It was so wrong-headed.

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That TP video reinforces the idea I had that TP was a game with lot of ideas but no proper direction. "Using OoT as a base" is hardly a direction.


Also, Miyamoto needs some reins. No harm in making a shooting game if that's the idea you have, but making an entire team work on a game they didn't want to? It's a stark contrast to comments from 2nd Parties, who claim to have quality checks and little else (likely because Miyamoto doesn't work directly with them, apparently).

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If a developer only revealed things that are secure, all we'd be left with would be "We are announcing this game, aaaand it's out tomorrow" :heh:



Well obviously not that unrealistic/unreasonable.


The reason why its a bit hard to swallow with Zelda U is because it is due and we have little information about it. At least back in the day with OOT and MM, I remember getting obscure images of Link's dream and the 3-day clock interface - those little updates are enough to prolong the hype - something Im sure a game like FF7 Remake will do, even though its probably 3 years for its release.


Can't really defend this situation.


Like they have done before, I'm willing to bet that this is simply a business tactic for a multiplatform release rather than the 'holding it back to make it the greatest game it can be' blurb.


And though they have said its Wii U only, how much faith can you really have in their words these days?

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They haven't said it's Wii U only, they've said it's coming out on Wii U.


Yup! when it was announced it as coming to WiiU and back then the NX was unknown. Now the NX is on the immediate Horizon they've kept saying Coming to WiiU 2016 not exclusive to


This is surely a Twilight Princess situation and i'm okay with that - if the NX looks like it will be worth having i'll get it and Zelda, if i'm holding off i'll get it for the WiiU


I miss games magazines, when OOT and MM were coming magazines got the odd photo for teaser articles, now the internet is king, nintendo are much more secretive and we aren't getting a drip or drop

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I'm with Grazza when he says he wishes Nintendo should show more "rough" footage. Even if Twilight Princess was the reason they don't do that anymore, I actually liked seeing that sort of thing, it's how we saw stuff like Mario 128, which is pretty interesting.

I would've thought Wind Waker would be a prime example of how they took expectation and then shat upon it. Plus with that giant spider battle on Wii U. They haven't learned either way.



But don't worry, Triforce Heroes coming out, the game we all really wanted, will tide us over ¬_¬




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Well obviously not that unrealistic/unreasonable.


The reason why its a bit hard to swallow with Zelda U is because it is due and we have little information about it. At least back in the day with OOT and MM, I remember getting obscure images of Link's dream and the 3-day clock interface - those little updates are enough to prolong the hype - something Im sure a game like FF7 Remake will do, even though its probably 3 years for its release.


Can't really defend this situation.


This situation is more comparable to TP than OoT or MM. With Twilight Princess, we got a ton of info that turned out to be false ("Each dungeon is designed around a specific animal!" "The camera is 3rd person for fights and action sequences, and top-down for puzzles!"), and now we know this is because the development featured a lot of different ideas being thrown around.


From a quality perspective, it's disappointing, we hear about all of these neat ideas and features that turn out to not be there in the final game (Grazza still laments the lack of shield control, for example. I lament that the camera thingy I said above turned out to not be true). However, in terms of interest and hype, I'd say it worked pretty well, and certainly boosted sales and their image.


To me, a good middle ground is the demo they showed a while back, with Epona and the parachute. I'm confident most of that (if not all) will be in the final game, since it's core gameplay and little else. Showing more concrete stuff than that is unnecessary, I think.


Whatever the case... I just hope Link is still a Gerudo :heh:


(Also, call me a pessimist, but I think even a FF7 remake would suffer from hype backlash, with 3 years of constant information and no actual game)


Like they have done before, I'm willing to bet that this is simply a business tactic for a multiplatform release rather than the 'holding it back to make it the greatest game it can be' blurb.


And though they have said its Wii U only, how much faith can you really have in their words these days?


The same as always. Like I said, the situation is reminiscent of TP, and whether that's a good thing depends on how much you enjoyed that game.


I would've thought Wind Waker would be a prime example of how they took expectation and then shat upon it. Plus with that giant spider battle on Wii U. They haven't learned either way.


Wind Waker was badly received as an announcement, but praised to hell and back once released. That's the opposite of hype backlash :heh:




Yeah :( What the hell, Camelot?

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If they improve the animation in the game (I'm going off the Game Awards video still) then this will be one of the most beautiful games to have ever been made. It looks lovely!


They should've given us a full trailer though.

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I love GameXplain; they always find things I'm way too unobservant to notice. So I plugged in my headphones and...



...No description! :laughing:


The horse's mane looks good though, the way it falls with gravity, and is it me or is Link looking more masculine than the last footage?

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I was just watching a video that compares the new Tomb Raider on the Xbox One to the Xbox 360 version and I had a thought about Zelda Wii U. Do you think it's possible at all that, if the game is to have a dual release, that the NX version would have improved visuals/frame rates? I know there wasn't much difference between Twilight Princess on GC and Wii, but this time around I think Nintendo would have made the decision to release on both platforms much earlier than with Twilight Princess and the game still has another 11 - 12 months in development, so there is plenty of time to allow for such alterations.


Obviously in the case of Tomb Raider the game was developed first and foremost for the Xbox One, with the 360 version developed later in the process by another studio, so Nintendo might not want to spread their resources in order to create the different versions. They could outsource the work on tweaking the game for NX hardware to a company like Grezzo, but it's unlikely that Nintendo would trust a brand new Zelda game to them, even if the work wouldn't involve any serious game design decisions.


What do you guys think? I think we're all expecting the game to be released on both formats, so do you think there will be any significant differences between the two?

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Now while I personally still think that it wont happen (I don't think that the NX console is coming out till at least November 2017 - no way they sit on the game for that long), if they did, I would suspect that it would just be a resolution bump and that's about it. (maybe something else, depending on what new features the NX brings to the table, but I wouldn't know what that is until we see something of the console of course!)

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