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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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The beautiful landscape screenshot basically summed up an aspect that made the original LOZ so exciting: exploration. So exciting to have Zelda on a console that can provide such a huge open world like that.


The animation looked so fluid I wonder if we'll get it in 60fps.


It's going to be a long wait!

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I just prey it is full exploration this time.


I remember how Twilight Princess initially appeared. We thought we'd be able to run up those hills, through woods and out the other side in that too.


Yes they've said 'you'll be able to go to that mountain you can see', but is it seemless, and can we climb it.

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I just prey it is full exploration this time.


I remember how Twilight Princess initially appeared. We thought we'd be able to run up those hills, through woods and out the other side in that too.


Yes they've said 'you'll be able to go to that mountain you can see', but is it seemless, and can we climb it.


They said you can approach places from any angle.

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Hmm... True.


But I think this is the first who can create such large explosions on open air, then.


I know, I was just being silly. Very poor attempt at humour by me. :heh: You're right though, the monster does look very sci-fi and machine-like. A mixture of nature and technology.


So pleased they've gone cel-shaded. This pic is what I've been trying to describe over the years:



Everything about this reveal tells me Nintendo has listened. The fact Aonuma sat in front of the gameworld for a while... They were just saying "This is what you want!"

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I'll remain sceptical when they say openworld. Didn't say something similar with SS too? We didn't really see how moving around the world works and how big it is, it seemed largely cinematic.


Cant help but feel this way a bit too... quiet a few things can go wrong, based on previous attempts:


a) Segmented Hyrule field locations which required loading (TP)

b) Very large world but lacking population (WW)

c) Both of the above.


I hope the world is basically a total advancement of OOT's Hyrule Field, sprawling with people, if not, then at least enemies... But this is really what they should have showed.

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Cant help but feel this way a bit too... quiet a few things can go wrong, based on previous attempts:


a) Segmented Hyrule field locations which required loading (TP)

b) Very large world but lacking population (WW)

c) Both of the above.


I hope the world is basically a total advancement of OOT's Hyrule Field, sprawling with people, if not, then at least enemies... But this is really what they should have showed.


The thing I'm most worried about is whether it switches to a different scale when you're in the overworld, like Ni No Kuni and many other RPGs. Well, not a different scale in this case, but zoomed-out. They deliberately showed Link riding seamlessly into the woods, but if you can only have normal gameplay in areas set aside from the overworld, that would be a concern. I don't want to control the tiny avatar of Link on a horse in some scenes, and then it zooming-in for others.


Doesn't change how much I like the look of it in general, but it's a potential issue.

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It looks gorgeous! I hope we'll find out more about the story in the coming days, but probably not?


Also am I the only one that is convinced link/ the main character is female? I mean look at the jawline and the breast area while he/she shoots the arrow. It's not right in the face, but I do believe it

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Obviously it's too early to pass judgement but this is looking good so far.


Though I'm fully expecting some people to say "well it's just Ocarina with prettier graphics", usually the same people that hated Majora's Mask, Windwaker, the DS games and Skyward Sword, and every other Zelda game that did anything different.


I have full faith that, as ever, this game will be a mix of familiar and new, quintessentially Zelda, and subsequently awesome. :)

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Looks lovely but considering this game was ready to be shown last year why are those three gifs the entirety of what we saw?


So with this myself. I won't deny, it does look absolutely fucking gorgeous, but that's one of the last things that makes a game for me. The fact that this is all that was shown of a game apparently ready to be last year - very worrying. Very worrying indeed.

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Woah! His sleeves (and under-garment) look very Gerudo... Raised as a thief in the desert!?


Please tell me someone can see this.


Yeah, definitely now you've pointed it out! In fact, it might even tie-in to this...


Also am I the only one that is convinced link/ the main character is female? I mean look at the jawline and the breast area while he/she shoots the arrow. It's not right in the face, but I do believe it


I think you're right. Let's look at this video:




0:25 - At this moment during the Digital Event, I actually thought "Link's female this time?" but soon forgot about it. My clue was the hair/pony tail. However, if you pause it on 0:25 exactly (which I did accidentally), you can clearly see the outline of a breast (feels wrong saying that about Link!)


0:38 - The character looks exceptionally slender, even for Link.


So, only two clues, but big ones. Definitely think Link is from the all-female Gerudo tribe this time!


EDIT - I think the videos are being taken down, but you get the idea. The moment where Link takes off his/her hood and the close-up a little bit afterwards.

Edited by Grazza
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