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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I agree with the sentiment there. Nintendo need to close themselves off with Zelda and just make something they think is good. That's what they did with OoT, MM and Wind Waker. I'm not so sure with Twilight Princess onwards. Are they too caught up in fan reactions and trying to please everyone? They seem to take onboard all the criticisms and try to work against those while ignoring the things people are saying they loved, or just taking them for granted. Skyward Sword was an average game imo. It needed more puzzles and less linearity (is that a word? It's late). Will the next Zelda be nothing but puzzles and no exploration?

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For me the most brilliant thing about Zelda is the atmosphere, the music, the story, the immersion, the interaction with NPC's and surroundings, the feeling that everything and everybody in that world depends on you and only you to prevent darkness from consuming the world and all its inhabitants.


The graphics, the weapons, the fights are of secondary importance for me, but nonetheless important. It's just that all the things above can make it brilliant to me :bowdown:

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I personally hope they keep the art style the same as above!


It's a nice halfway between cartoon style and realism. No one could say it's hyper realistic, but equally it's not cel shading or like other art styles they've used before. Plus, that tech demo got a lot of positive response, so it wouldn't be a bad thing.


During a recent interview with Nintendo Life, Anouma said that when it comes to Zelda "we want everything to be unique, whether it's the graphical presentation or the gameplay. It has to be something you can't see anywhere else."


Nintendo isn't interested in creating a Zelda that looks "ultra-realistic because you can see that elsewhere." Anouma also stated that it won't have the "cartoony-realistic" art style of previous Zelda games either. Without giving away how the game will look, Anouma simply said that it "will be something new."


So it's not going to be cartoony or realistic. So I think it may well be like it is above.

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Oh, man. I'd kill* for a Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword HD boxset.




I personally hope they keep the art style the same as above!


I didn't care about HD until I saw this. I'd be happy for them to use this style as well but I'm always interested in seeing what style Nintendo comes up with next.



* You know, something small. Like a carrot.

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It says 'it won't be cartoony-realistic'... I imagine that only refers to Skyward Sword.


Which makes sense given it was the very last Zelda game.


He did indeed say that, but he also said it wouldn't be 'ultra-realistic' or like previous games... so bearing all that in mind, it's really going to have to be something new!

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This is the answer. Look no further.


Don't want another Spaceworld backlash. We have Wind Waker HD coming and that's enough. Go with this, it's gorgeous. I don't believe this was created for nothing, Nintendo always recycle even if it's not for this game. Though it's just a tech demo it's the best visuals Nintendo have shown so far on the Wii U.

Edited by Wii
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I really love the realistic style of Twilight Princess but that's my opinion(its my favorite Zelda), I like the Windwaker HD remake, but I was happier if they remake The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask like they did with OOT for the 3ds. And co-op? No I just want to play it by myself.

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I have no opinion on art style particularly because whatever Nintendo does with it, they will do well.


It's the design that I particularly want them to work on. Personally, I loved the mechanics of SS and TP by contrast was a little on the dull side gameplay wise.


Zelda, not unlike Metroid, is primarily about exploration/adventure and secondarily about combat. I hope that Nintendo find new ways for us to interact with and explore the beauty that is Hyrule, Kohlint, etc. How far they need to change it will depend on what ideas they come up with obviously but I would be more than happy for them to do things like totally abandon the concept of the bow and bombs as they are now. If I pick them up in a 3D game then I know how they are going to work, if I pick them up in a 3D game I know exactly how they are going to work and that predictability leads to much less stimulation.


I have a heard of ideas about what would make a great Zelda game but I think Nintendo just need to be a bit braver, like they were with OoT, MM, Windwaker.

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I really love the realistic style of Twilight Princess but that's my opinion(its my favorite Zelda), I like the Windwaker HD remake, but I was happier if they remake The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask like they did with OOT for the 3ds. And co-op? No I just want to play it by myself.


Yeah I'm really not too fussed on co-op. That said, I NEED another 'Four Swords' game; that's how Zelda multiplayer should be done!

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I was happier if they remake The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask like they did with OOT for the 3ds..


I've only ever played about half of Majora's Mask so I've been holding out for it to appear on 3DS.. but I'm starting to lose hope :hmm: The ability to put the game to sleep by closing the 3DS at any time would make it much more appealing for me!

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A bit of Zelda U talk...



Legendary Zelda director Eiji Aonuma has revealed in an interview with The LA Times that he’s sick of returning to the same traditional Zelda formula for each title and plans to revamp the whole style of gameplay for Zelda Wii U. Mr. Aonuma mentions about his goal in creating something that no other developer could think of and plans to revolutionize the Zelda series starting with Zelda Wii U.


Here’s what Mr. Aonuma had to say regarding comments about changing the Zelda formula:


“It’s not that anyone is telling me we have to change the formula. I want to change it. I’m kind of getting tired of it. If I’m getting tired of it, then I’m sure other people are getting tired of it. There is an essential ‘Zelda’ I feel we need to stay true to. We are still testing things, exploring our options. We haven’t landed anywhere at this point. We’re still seeing what we can do.


What I want to do, not specifically with Link but with the ‘Zelda’ franchise, I’m always striving to make something no one else can, something that is so distinctly ‘Zelda’ that it can only be done in a ‘Zelda’ game. There are times when I hit walls and I can’t come up with new ideas and I think maybe I should just give up and quit, but eventually a new idea comes along and I’m proud of myself. It breeds new life into the creative process.


I go through these phases, over and over again. I hope those high points keep on coming.”


It sounds like Mr. Aonuma is leading the Nintendo EAD team into creating a revolutionary Zelda title; unlike any other in the series. Mr. Aonuma sure sounds like he’s working hard to give the fans an all-new experience and hopefully the gameplay will be as enjoyable as the older titles.


Are you excited to hear that Mr. Aonuma wants to change the traditional Zelda formula? Do you hope that the dungeon-based format is overturned for something unique? Do you think the traditional formula for the Zelda series is growing old and used up? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!


Source: Nintendo Life

Must be a couple of years away then still.
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I still want a 'futuristic' Zelda, but still Hyrule... Maybe it's sacrilege but I think it'd be a real change in series direction people are looking for. I loved the time-shift crystal section in Skyward Sword, more of that kind of tech gong on...

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Iwata Hopes To Reveal Zelda Wii U In The Not-Too-Distant Future


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has stated that the company hopes to reveal the next iteration of the Zelda franchise on Wii U in the not-too-distant future. Iwata stressed that Nintendo is concentrating on developing and marketing The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD for Wii U. Presumably once that is it out-of-the-way then they will be ready and able to show off the new Zelda title for Wii U.


“It is true that Mr Aonuma’s team has been working on a new Zelda title for the Wii U. But the only announcement we have at this time of software which will soon become available is WindWaker HD. But they are actually working on an exclusive new Wii U title in the Zelda franchise and I hope in the not-too-distant future, we will be able to make the relevant announcement.”




When he says soon, I'd assume soon would mean this year. I can't see it being shown before WindWaker is released. It would make a nice Christmas present if it was revealed in a Nintendo Direct.

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I still want a 'futuristic' Zelda, but still Hyrule... Maybe it's sacrilege but I think it'd be a real change in series direction people are looking for. I loved the time-shift crystal section in Skyward Sword, more of that kind of tech gong on...


I second this, but I'm afraid we'll be shot down. I want a full space saga with Epona the spaceship, light saber master sword, etc.

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