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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Is it bickering? It looks very much like discussion... on a discussion forum. Or is price and worth too trivial an issue for debate? No one is really trying to persuade/dissuade others into/out of purchases but it should be clear to most that this HD remix has cost relatively little to produce yet is being sold at a standard price.


You know, I agree. Everything has a price and people want to talk about it. OK, so it's not a 'positive' aspect of the game we're discussing, but does it really matter? We're not so insecure that people commenting negatively about an aspect of a game we like will ruin our own enjoyment, surely?

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You know, I agree. Everything has a price and people want to talk about it. OK, so it's not a 'positive' aspect of the game we're discussing, but does it really matter? We're not so insecure that people commenting negatively about an aspect of a game we like will ruin our own enjoyment, surely?


I wasn't saying "oh it's a negetive discussion, lets only talk positive",


When reading the last two pages and the main topic of discussion was the price going back and forth between "here's why it's over-priced" and "no, this is where the extra value comes from" etc, rinse and repeat more times than is necessary


if it was a few posts and ended then fine, but it seemed to be on the way to becoming one of the endless back and forths where someone on both sides seems to want the last word, that are becoming common these days and just makes the thread look unappealing.



If you want to continue a discussion on the pricing of the game I do remember there was a thread here about the price of Nintendo games where that discussion would be more at "home"

Edited by Mokong
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It won't ruin anyone's enjoyment but it's just that its been discussed to death now, the game is out in less than two days so can we please leave it at that?


I'm not wanting to silence anyone, both sides have debated the price thoroughly, the consensus seems to be that it isn't an 'ideal' price but it is one that many people are prepared to pay, other's aren't willing to buy it for that price and that's fine.


The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is a fantastic game regardless of price or resolution, now people have more choice on how they can play it, ultimately this is a very good thing.


Personally I am looking forward to playing it again as to me it feels like the HD remake really does the game justice making it a more playable prospect for those who have played it before and wish to experience it again plus it's expanding the target audience for the game to those who might not have gotten the chance to play it the first time around.


Having more Zelda titles in the world - remake or original - can only be a good thing, there is no downside. : peace:

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Is it bickering? It looks very much like discussion... on a discussion forum. Or is price and worth too trivial an issue for debate? No one is really trying to persuade/dissuade others into/out of purchases but it should be clear to most that this HD remix has cost relatively little to produce yet is being sold at a standard price.


This isn't too much of an argument, but still, we've had this "discussion" many times, and along with all the actually bickering that happens in other threads, it all adds up I think. For me personally, I want to get excited about games, yeah debate too, but there's seems to be more debating, pretty much every single game threads turns to it, sometimes I just wanna cream my pants at a Link selfie in front of a pig and declare how incredible it looks and friday can't come soon enough blah blah blah

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Gutted. I was gunna get the game for my birthday on friday but due to unforeseen circumstances I wont be getting it now until payday which is on the 15th!


Ah man that sucks. Given the circumstances I think we need an N-E whip around to sort Blade out with a copy for Friday!! :grin:

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Gutted. I was gunna get the game for my birthday on friday but due to unforeseen circumstances I wont be getting it now until payday which is on the 15th!


How did the birthday fuck up? Only just realised you don't actually have any friends and are an orphan? :)

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Could we all stop bickering about the bickering about the price now, please :p?


WW advert on Pick TV. :) Good to see - these are the sort of dark autumn/winter nights for some Nintendo magic. The line up is looking good for both Wii U and 3DS.


Saw one on Dave last night too for the WWHD bundle, good to see.


I've never played WW. So I have no issues with the price. Really looking forward to it actually!


I ordered from ShopTo and looks like mine will be comin Friday - which is unusual for ShopTo!


You are the kind of person I'm most interested in. Once you've finished up I'd be delighted to hear your overall thoughts as a newcomer to an old game. Of course, it might be best discussed away from this thread just in case :p


Any other first-timers, let me know who you are!

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Ahh, so it's not just me who has to wait till Friday for Shopto's delivery...


I hope that this isn't the end of their early deliveries. No doubt that fiasco with Rockstar (and the rumblings of what happened when some stores sold Pokemon X&Y early) must've spooked them somewhat... (Come on guys! Not every game is GTA or Pokemon ;) )

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Someone was told Shopto were waiting for the keyrings to arrive which is what caused the delay in shipping the game.


Really? lol if true.


Mine has finally been shipped. I'm quite happy I'm not getting it early as I have still got 2 worlds left to do on Rayman Legends. I should hopefully get those done tonight...

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I haven't really been as involved in the Wii U as I was with previous Nintendo consoles, but I did love Wind Waker back on the Gamecube. So there are some gaps in my knowledge in regards to features, visuals etc. for both the hardware and software. Would this be a good time to get the Wii U WWHD bundle? I can get it for the equivalent of 250 Pounds here, which is actually almost what the basic white version costs. It does seems like a lot for just one game at the moment, so some convincing would be appreciated!

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Is it bickering? It looks very much like discussion... on a discussion forum. Or is price and worth too trivial an issue for debate? No one is really trying to persuade/dissuade others into/out of purchases but it should be clear to most that this HD remix has cost relatively little to produce yet is being sold at a standard price.


True. I suppose people's real arguement is a game which is virtually the same is re-released 10 years later for a similar price as it was on the GC.


Anyway, enough about the price debate thing. Got my copy pre-ordered, picking it up tomorrow. Nice long weekend to re-play the game and admire the stunning HD visuals for myself. Maybe for old times sake, i might plug the Wii in and look at the GC version for a real comparison. Got a text from a certain gaming establishment saying it's in stock, so just counting down the hours until work finishes.


And @Aneres11, i too would be interested in hearing how you find Wind Waker. I found it such a delight to play 10 years ago.

Edited by Jimbob
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You are the kind of person I'm most interested in. Once you've finished up I'd be delighted to hear your overall thoughts as a newcomer to an old game. Of course, it might be best discussed away from this thread just in case :p


Any other first-timers, let me know who you are!


Oh I'll be sure to post.


However, I am a bit strange when it comes to Zelda. (Prepare yourselves for this...)

Basically I much much preferred the 2 DS games to any home console Zelda I've ever played. (Gets ready for backlash...)

I just never complete home console Zelda's. Dunno what it is. I often get stuck. Which results in me having to wander around for half an hour which then gets me bored which then makes me search the internet for the answer. Not how I wanna play my games. And I often find that the way to proceed from my sticking point is something I would never have done, rather than an obvious thing I kick myself for after...


Sooo, kinda don't hold out too much hope!! I found the DS games both a joy to play, challenging but rewarding and the difficulty wasn't too much in terms of puzzles / dungeons.


Hopefully this one will get finished!

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Oh I'll be sure to post.


However, I am a bit strange when it comes to Zelda. (Prepare yourselves for this...)

Basically I much much preferred the 2 DS games to any home console Zelda I've ever played. (Gets ready for backlash...)

I just never complete home console Zelda's. Dunno what it is. I often get stuck. Which results in me having to wander around for half an hour which then gets me bored which then makes me search the internet for the answer. Not how I wanna play my games. And I often find that the way to proceed from my sticking point is something I would never have done, rather than an obvious thing I kick myself for after...


Sooo, kinda don't hold out too much hope!! I found the DS games both a joy to play, challenging but rewarding and the difficulty wasn't too much in terms of puzzles / dungeons.


Hopefully this one will get finished!


That's exactly the sort of thing I like to hear though, but it's difficult to say with a game like Zelda without getting the backlash! What's your general zelda timeline(as in order of games played/tried)?

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That's exactly the sort of thing I like to hear though, but it's difficult to say with a game like Zelda without getting the backlash! What's your general zelda timeline(as in order of games played/tried)?


My first Zelda experience was Twilight Princess. Got about 20 hours in, got stuck, didn't go back and finish it.


I then played the 2 DS games, absolutely loved both of them and completed them.


Theeeeen I played Skyward Sword - played for 10 hours, got very very tired of the motion controls and gave it up. Also prepared myself for that game by buying the official guide - only to hate having to glance through and try and find which bit I was upto when I needed it.


I then played OoT on 3ds - played for 15 hours, got stuck and bored of it and left it.


So as you can see... lol. I'm not great with Zelda. And I annoy myself really, as I do enjoy parts of the games, but I have resigned myself to the face that Zelda isn't really the series for me. I never get that Zelda hype that others get.


I know I have played no where near enough of the series to give a proper opinion, but what I have played has never made me fall in love with it. Minus them DS games. Which were great!


Every time we get a new Zelda release I think this is it!! This is the one that unlocks that thing within me that stops me loving it!! And it doesn't haha. Who knows though - Wind Waker could be just the ticket! :awesome:

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Hope you have bought OoT3D!!


Perfect handheld Zelda goodness that!


If only he'd given us some sort of crazy indication of what he played it on....;)


But on that note Aneres; whilst it's technically console it was handheld on that occasion - what got you so stumped? Did you never get stumped with PH and ST?

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